Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1974, p. 13

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F O R R t N T Town, 4 room apartment, jicludes heat, air cond., gas. |ove & refrigerator. Security •posit and Lease required. Hione 385 7502 after 6:00 P.M. 11-8 11-15 room furnished home, large |ving room with fireplace, rparate dining room, Wonder akc available Dec. 1st. $200.00 t>r month plus utilities. Call [fter 6:00 P M 459-0223. 11-8 11-13 Deluxe 2 bedroom condo, fully applianced kitchen, shag car­ peting, air conditioning, bal­ cony with plenty of trees. 459- 5820 or459-6700 qh-8 11-15 1600 sq. ft. lower level, zon­ ed business, truck door 6'9" high, good location. Center of McHenry. $165. Call (815) 385-1327 10-25 TF1-2 2 bedroom, 2 bath condomin­ ium in McHenry Fuhler Real Estate 385-3250 10-30 11-8 Two br. apt. heat furnished $215; carpet, range, ref. 1 yr. lease. Call weekends 12 to 5, no pets. 385-8042. U-l TF 1-2 McHenry, new 3 br. home, 2 car attached garage, references and security deposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925. • 11-1 TF 1-2 64 FERTILE ACRES $1,000, Immediate possession Hwy. 47 3/4 miles south of 176 312- 675-8188 10-30 11-15 HELP WANTED Real Estate Sales Associates. Join the fastest growing, pro­ fessional real estate sales or­ ganization in McHenry County. We have openings for aggress­ ive people in our McHenry, Woodstock, and Crystal Lake offices. We will train. Let's talk about it. Call Chris or Dave Byrnes. Brynes Bros., Inc. Realtors. 459-5400 11-8 TF1-2 r-focT-ooM-l HELPER I Heavy equipment manufac- | Iturer needs person to as- • sist in stock room handling | sist in stock room handling of parts. Must be over 19 • years old, have legible hand • writing, accurate memory, I capable of lifting at least J 80 lbs. weight. Apply in person between • 8:30am and noon MILLER FORMLESS CO. 1805 N. Dot McHenry, III. 11-8 11-13 I I I FOR RfN 2 bedroom Duplex in Harvard, basement and yard. $158.00. Call (815 ) 385-1327. 11-6 11-8 Immediate occupancy, 3 j>ed rooms, 2 baths, 2 car parage, new home. Sunrise tidge area, security deposit, no pels, references. $300.00 per month. T P. Mathews Realtors, 7314 Hancock Drive, Wonder ,ake. 815-653-2061 11-8 FURNISHED HOME, exc. residential area, rent includes itilities,^ security deposit Irequired. For information call 1:185-0342. 1 1 8 |2 Br. apt. in Richmond, new Ibldg. All electric, stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, air cond., patio $195 plus security deposit and lease. 815- 678-4115. 11-811-13 3 room furnished apartment, utilities included. Mature woman only 815-385-6566. 11-6-tf 1-2 OFFICE for Rent. Immediate occupancy at 4719 W. Rte 120, McHenry, Illinois, 385-4619 * ll-l TF1-2 Small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266. ll-l TF 1-2 Office space for rent, panel­ led, carpeted and air condit­ ioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31. $65.00 and up. 455- 0320 11-1 TF 1-2 2 BR. APARTMENT in McHenry, $185 includes wall to wall carpeting, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner. Plus security deposit. 385-1980. 11-6 tf 1-2 FURNISHED 2 Br. lakefront duplex, carpeted, heat furn­ ished, sorry no children or pets. Phone Saturday or Sun­ day 385-1080 H-6 11-13G FOUR-PLEX APARTMENT UNI I FOR RENT • MCHENRY i j 2 large bedrooms, car- . peted, 1/4 baths, refrig- J orQtnr croc ctnua air nnn • erator, gas stove, air con ditioning, laundry facilities J balcony. $210.00 per month ! J includes gas, heat and wat- J J er, $210.00 security de- J posit. References required J J One year lease. Married J « couples only, no children, I I no pets. Shown by appoint- I I ment only {LAWRENCE ACCORSI, owner j Call 385-8820 11-8 11-15 HELP WANTED S E C R E T A R I A L A N D CLERICAL POSITIONS- No Fees! Wells-Fargo Em­ ployment Agency. 1212 N. Seminary- Woodstock. 815-338- 6980. 11-1 TF 1-2 Sell Auto Insurance PartTime. 312-395-6648. 11-1 TF 1-2 Experienced Waitress and Bus Boy Weekends Apply in person GASTHAUS LORELEI Rts. 12 & 31 Richmond, Illinois -- 11-6 11-8 I TARN EXTRA Cash > For Christmas Part time, Evening Hours 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. or 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Call Gen. 385-0940 11-6 11-8 H E L P W A N T E D r ~ ~ 0 C C 0 F E E D S 1 = Are now accepting full and part time positions in this = = area. = = Tf you are looking for a sound financial future and en- = = joy meeting people, please call = LEE 0SB0RN, District Sales Manager at 815-629-2462 after 6pm 1 for further information n-s 11-15= miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..iiiriiifw SECURITY OFFICERS Have You Considered A Job In Security? Stanley Smith Security Inc. offers a variety of inter­ esting assignments in your area. Paid preassignments and on the job training. Uniforms, overtime, holiday pay, medicai, hospital and life insurance paid by the company. Full or Part Time, stable or varied shift assignments. Promotions according to ability and availability, Join the sharpest security force in town. Interviews conducted locally Call MR. THOMAS collect TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT (312) 626-4277 Stanley Smith Security Inc. an equal opportunity employer m/f 11-8 FOR RENT 3 Bedroom home $200 month, children allowed. Call after 6 pm 815-653-9944 11-6 11-8 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home. Experienced. West Shore Beach - References. 344- 1655. ll-l 11-13 Aluminum siding, garages, doors, gutters, General re­ pair, George M. Whiting, 815- 385-5786. 11-6 11-29 WILL CLEAN your home, all types of cleaning, hourly, own transportation. 385-3461 or 385- 2105. 11-8 11-13 Experienced plumber needs odd plumbing jobs, available anytime, reasonable. 385-1796 11-8 11-29 Gold rimmed eye glasses in McHenry, on October :>0, $5.00 reward Call (815) 385-1327 11-6 11-8 ANTIQUES CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op­ portunity to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and phone calls while I was confined to McHenry Hospital. A special thanks to the nurses and nurses iides, and all those fine CB ers. Thanks, Shirley Haberkamp 11-8 HELP WANTED AVON To buy or sell. Call our District Manager: Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 11-1 TFll-29 BARTENDER Part time Days and all Day Sunday Call in Person PATS SUPPER CLUB (6 miles north.of Fox Lake), U.S. Route 12 Solon Mills = •>; I i ZZ "•> 1 E ;X i $ I I WANTED GRILL MAN | Week-end nights | Fast & Sober | Mostly breakfast D0RKIES 4213 W. Rte. 120 g McHenry Apply in Person | 11-6 11-8 WIBODD«BQOttOOOO« BE UNIQUE GIVE AN ANTIQUE "Yesterday's Treasures" 1113 N. 4th St.-McHenry (behind Landmark School) Tuesday thru Saturday 11:00am to 5:00pm 815-3850309 or b\ chance or appointment oooooooooooooooooogo ^ 0FFERAW0N0ERFUL AflRAVOF ANTjpUES-. "Dobyns Antiques" 1202 \. Riverside Dr. (1 bl. so. of Rt. 120) McHenry] Thursday thru Saturday 10:00am thru 5:00pm 815-385-0263 REAL ESTATE THINKING OF MOVING?? Here's a nice 2 bedroom ranch (in a friendly near­ by Wise, town) You can be in before XMAS Also has Ig. attic, full bsmt., en­ closed porch, 1'4 baths, 2 car and Ig. workshop gar­ age. Nice Ig. lot, city S&W, will leave like new gold stove & refrig. Owner asking $28,500 But OPEN TO OFFERS. Would sell on contract w/ $6,000 down, pay bal. like rent CALL 414-248-8474 or 414-279-3893 -H 12-20 100000000000000000000 11-1 & 11-8 11-6 11-8 MALE HELP WANTED BARTENDER WANTED at 385-8883 11-6 TF 1-2 HANDY MAN WANTED for odd jobs inside and out. 385- 8411. 11-8 MAINTENANCE MAN With Experience |Full Company benefits Apply in person CHROMA CORP. Herbert & Scotland Rds (Lakemoor) 815-385-8100 11-6 11-8 Apply in person to Mrs. Jean Sherman * PAT'S SUPPER CLUB | (6 miles north of Fox Lake) * U.S. Route 12 { Solon Mills I 11-6 11-8' EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Part time Apply in Person DORKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 11-6 11-8 MALE HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE MAN 2nd Shift BRAKE PARTS COMPANY is currently interviewing for a qualified maintenance man. The ability to read machine schematics is imperative. The likely candidate will pos­ sess the knowledge to repair and service hydraulic cir­ culatory systems and mechanical equipment. This pos­ ition offers an excellent starting salary, above average fringe benefits and above average night shift premium. FOR AN INTERVIEW, APPLY IN PERSON OR TELEPHONE (815 ) 385-7000 BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL. An equal opportunity employer m /F ll-G ii-a REAL ESTATE V.A., F.H.A. or CONTRACT. We have 2-4 bedroom houses for sale. All immaculate in good neighborhoods. 815-344- 0880 10-23 11-15 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 4 BEDROOM, large liv» rm., fam. rm. with fireplace, lg. kitchen, lull panelled basmt. with 12 ft. wet bar, 2 car garage, many many extras. Edgebrook Heights $54,900.00. 385-8548 11-611 13G CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXTEND a sin­ cere "Thank You" to all our friends, relatives and neigh­ bors for their cards, memor­ ials and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. The Family of Mary Etten 11-8 Your kind expressions of sym­ pathy are gratefully acknow­ ledged and deeply appreciated by the wife of the late Eugene A. Kane. We realize, now, more then ever, just how much our friends mean to us. A special thanks to Father Petit, Baumhofer and Father Holdren of Crystal Lake. The Ameri­ can Legion Rifle Squad, Post 491 and the Auxiliary, past Commanders and the World War One Barracks No. 1315 McHenry Police Dept., Res­ cue Squad and Dr. Massarik Nurses and staff at McHenry Hospital and Nurses and staff at Crystal Pines Nursing Home. Mrs. Anna Kane 11-8 "Thank You" to Rev. Graef, Dr. Massarik all my friends and relatives, for the services prayers, get well wishes and gifts received during my ill­ ness. God Bless them all. Agnes Bienapfl 11-8 F E M A L E HELP WANTED Part time help in Cocktail Lounge. Must be over 25. Call after 5 p.m. 815-678-4379. 11-8 i WAITRESS ! [Evenings and Weekends! NOTICE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONS Have your Bake Sale Art Show ... or any special display or project at HORNSBYS We will furnish space, tables and complete provide you with thousands of our customers on any given weekend. We will support your event in our advertising at no cost to you. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MANAGER AT 4400 W. Elm, McHenry Daily 9-9; Sunday 9-6 R E A L E S T A T E Why pay rent! Turn your rent receipts into home equity. This deluxe 2 bedroom Condo is loaded. 459-5820 Gll-8 11-15 In Town. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room, family room, basement,'attached garage. 385-4637. 11-8 11-15G PAGE 13 • PLAINDKALER-FRIDAY, NOVI REAL ESTATE t. MM FOR SALE BY OWNER New 3 bedroom ranch, cen­ tral air. 2 ceramic baths wall to wall carpeting, full basement, finished garage, Large lot, McHenry area. Conventional mortgage or Sale on contract PW'WS laLL 815-385-6566 or 344-0748 11-1 TF 2 rflKMP' HBB® BHRB BBW BBBP RRRRI WANTED 'l I LAKEI AM) PARK, New home by builder, 3 bedroom, stone front, 2 full baths, 10% down Conventional financing $27, 500 (312) 426-2371 11-6 11-13G room duplex $1,000 down $89.73 mo. plus R E. (axes. 8 percent interest $12,500. 5 rm duplex $i,ooo down $108.74 month plus R E taxes. 8 percent interest $14,(MM). Will sell on contract - no carrying charges 815 :585-1079. 10-30 11-15 Whispering Oaks. By owner, 2 bedroom ranch, carpeted, all appliances from dishwasher to central air. top condition, lower :«)'s. Call 815-385-7876. Gll-8 11-15 Waterfront lot, Dutch Creek Woodlands, Johnsburg, 111. Area of fine homes, over % acre with 185' of waterfront. $18,000.00. Can finance 312- 497-3130 11-8 1 -15G NOTICE As of this date, November 5, 1974. I will be responsible for my debts only. John M. Bolton 11-8 11-15 Vacant acreage within 30 • mile radius of Richmond, • Illinois, we have cash buy-| j | ers for 10 acres - 20acresL 1100 acres. Call today for I prompt appraisal, j • I N Route 12 i Richmond. Illinois I PHONE 81547S-286j| 11-1 TF1-2 For Sale By Owner 3 br, 2 story farm house and 80'-2 level horse barn and other buildings plus 5 acres on Riverside Drive, Near Johnsburg Road $75,000.00 By appointment only. 385-8341 10-25 11-8 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. PHONE 385-0170 TO PtACE YOUR AD 11-6 11-15 NOTICE WANTED Bids or price estimates on Parking Lot snow removal FOR Hornsbys Family Center Contact Store Manager in Person HORNSBYS family centers - 44g0^J?T£iiJ20BiiMcHENRY HIGH ON A HILL Overlooking. Fox River . . . Nice pier ... two bedroom home. . . Very nice ... Priced to sell ... at $32,500.00 STEAL THIS HOME!!! NERVOUS OWNER . . . Job Transfer pending . . . Fi­ nancing available . . . three years old . . . Beautiful home . . . MOVE IN CONDITION . . . City sewer-city water - Walk to location. CANTT BE BEAT... Call for appointment . . . NOW . . . GLENN DRAPER i REAL ESTATE 8A0C North Front McHenry, Illinois [ 815-385-5661 RITA HAHN' VIRGIL POLLOCK GLENN DRAPER 11-8J REALv ESTATE PHONE: ARSA815/385-3030 OR 385-3031 HOMES FOR SALE OVER 1,000 Sq. Ft. of living in this 3-Bedroom Ranch Home. Built-in Oven & Range, Plus ample wood cabinets in its 13-4 x 11-6 Kitchen. This home was recently alum. side>d, Plus new gutters, and downspouts. Located on a wooded lot. A great buy at this low price. $27,500.00 LARGER COUNTRY HOME Boasts 4-Bedrooms I ft Baths 20 x 11 Dining area, All 8-Rooms are spacious. Ideal for the larger family. Located in choice area, Johnsburg School Dist. Immediate occupancy. A prudent buy at, $27,500.00 QUALITY 7-Room Brick Ranch, 2-3 Bedrooms, Notty pine Family Rm. with fireplace, \ft Baths, Partial bsmt. Elec. heat. att. Gar., hardwood floors, Plaster walls. On 1-acre site. Immediate occupancy. Johnsburg school Dist. An excellent buy at, $48,500.00 LIST WITH US "WE SELL EM" 11-8 R F A l E S T A T E NEAR McCULLOM LAKE m * This darling cottage is for year round living, in excellent shape, all newly carpeted and remodeled for owner's relative. 2 bedrooms, dining area, living room, porch, bathroom and kitchen. On a large wooded lot... $20,000.00 REALLY SHARP CONDOMINIUM This 2 bedroom is on the first flow and comes complete with all appliances, -arpeting, drapes, large closets and amenities such as pool and recreation club membership. Middle 20's. LAKE FRONT ACREAGE With Private Pond Over 3,400 sq. ft. of hillside ranch, two fireplaces, a huge tamily room with wet bar, and a lovely wooded 3ft acres. This home is situated on a large lake stocked with Bass and Bluegills. . - A •» tr-clV 2.. 459-9300 JOHN JUNG REAL ESTATE 460 Virginia St Crystal Lake III. IB RE AUOfi 10-30 TF 1-2 Member Multiple Listing .Service of McHenry County 39 Member Offices I H

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