PAGE .t - PLAIN DEALER-FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. COOROINATE FASHION SHOW - Above are ladies who are coordinating plans for a fashion show which will benefit the Viscount drum and bugle corps. It will be called Holly and Lollipops, to be held at the Legion home Dec. 5. From left are Suzanne Kauss Wenks, Jan Blank, Jackie Chadorowski, Kathy Harris and Barbara Schultz, along with some of the children involved. Three More From McHenn Area Join Delta Kappa Gamma Twelve women educators were ini t ia ted members of Alpha Theta chapter of the Del ta Kappa Gamma society, during the November luncheon meet ing at the Crystal Lake Country club. The new members include Ms. Elaine Schmaling, Eloise Leighty, Beverly Aweve from McHenry. The program was designed to a id the new ini t ia tes in becoming acquainted with the purposes and meaning of the Del ta Kappa Gamma society. A humorous ski t was presented to the group by members demonstrat ing the proper wearing of the soror i ty pin. The next meet ing wil l be a brunch at the McHenry Country c lub Dec. 7 a t 10 a .m. Members are asked to br ing recipes of their e thnic background or wear costumes of their nat ive countr ies . enrv ' at nJealer F s t r tb l i she t l 18 75 Phone 385 0170 McHenry I l l i no is 60050 ib l i shed Every Wednesday & Fr iday a t McHenry , I l l i no is Second Class Pos lac je Pa id a t McHenry , I l l i no is By McHbNRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Ade le Froeh l ich Ed i to ' 1 MEMBER NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Founded 111) f r e t P t e a A K e y m NNA SUSTAINING g MEMBER - 1974 1 Year I n McHem y County SUBSCRIPTION HATES $9.00 1 Year $12.50 n [ | L . i k i Outs ide McHenry and Lake County Audubon Group Plans Program For Year Ahead On Tuesday. Nov. 12 a t 8 p.m. the McHenry county chapter of the I l l inois Audubon society wil l meet to plan the program for the coming year . This is a most important meet ing and i t i s hoped that there wil l be a good turnout of members . All ideas and suggest ions for t r ips , evening programs and special events are needed In the chapter ' s twelve-year exis tence many outs tanding programs have been presented, SOCIAL EVENT St Clara Court , No. 659, Nat ional Cathol ic Society of Foresters , is planning i ts an nual Thanksgiving par ty Nov. 14 a t 8 p.m. in the Oak room of Montini Middle school . as wel l as exci t ing f ie ld t r ips to interest ing places . All of these events are the resul t of th is one planning meet ing each year . President Dave Frey and vice- president , Mrs. Herb Russel l , wil l conduct the meet ing, which wil l be held a t the home of Mrs. George Skinkle , 200 Ash s t reet ( the corner of Ash and McHenry avenue) in Crystal Lake TOWN AND COUNTRY GIFTS 1331 North Riverside Drive McHenry, I l l inois 60050 WYAWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS c^-fummzls ^l/Vatzrfozd an.cllja.gx T & !B run My Sincere Thanks go to all McHenrv County voters for the wonderful support you gave me in the General ilection Nov. 5th. C^uAxELj <zR. Republican Candidate * for McHenry County Treasurer Pol Adv. I 'd for by A.H. Walgenbaoh 144l7Wash iJj t i 4JVdstk. i MARC HOME DECORATING. NOT JUST A PAINT STORE OR A Carj)et Store, OR A Custom Drapery Shop, OR A Wallpaper Store, OR Your Local Picture- Framing Center, OR An Art & Crafts Supply Store j WE ARE A COMPLETE DECORATING CENTER! TO SUIT ABOUT EVERY TASTE. I; COME IN AND SHOP AROUND IF WE D0N"T HAVE WHAT" YOU NEED WE'LL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU FIND IT. AUTUMN LEAVES HAVE FALLEN ... AND SO HAVE PRICES AT MARC HOME DECORATING 1 WEEK ONLY! 1 MOV. 6 thru NOV. 13 10% EVERYTHING OFF IN STORE <M axe cM orris 4400 W. RTE. 120 Ĵ &aoxatincf McHENRY 385-7100 SANTA SHOULDN'T PLAY TRICKS Join our 1975 Christmas Club... get a free gift and interest! When you join our Christmas Club, you II also be able to buy a copy of the famous First Ladies Cook Book at a bargain price of just $4 00 This f ine hardback book has the favorite recipes of al l the Presidents of the United States (with a supplement coming on Gerald Ford) It retai ls for $9 95. and is a valuable addit ion to any kitchen collection (good Christmas gift too1) * NO G1MMICS You'll Earn Interest On All Money Deposited, Even If You Don't Complete The Entire Program! SAVERS HOURS 9 00 am to 4 30 p m Monday Tuesday 7 hinv lay and S. i t a - la , 9 00 a m to 8 00 p m r nday Dr ive- ln Window open Wednesday 9 00 a m to ? 00 p m MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HRS A DAY EVERY DAY 1 M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S l l l t l l If I I A M D L O A N A S S O C I A f I O N uuil i Mimmu NOVEMBER 25 McHenry Senior Ci t izens Club Meet ing -- 7 :30 p .m. -- East Campus Cafeter ia . NOVEMBER 30 St Margaret Chapter of NAI.M Cards -- Oak Room - St . Mary 's 7:30 p .m. PANCAKE DAY Sunday, Nov. 17, the Hun t ley Lions c lub wil l hold i ts annual Pancake day at the Huntley f i rebarn. The Pancake day is dedicated to re t i r ing the debt on the Medical center . Serving time is from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. with "al l you can eat" A $2.75 mil l ion Veterans adminis t ra t ion bui lding designed specif ical ly for out pat ient and ambulatory care was dedicated recent ly a t the VA hospi ta l in Durham, N.C. Shutter HOT WINDOW & WALL DECOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SHUTTERS WOVEN WOODS - WINDOW SHADES WALLPAPER - WALLCOVERINGS JEWEL CUSTOM PAINTS ICALL FOR SHOP AT HOME SERVICI DAILY 9:30-5:30 FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 CLOSED SUNDAY BankAmericaru RTE. 12 H. OF 120 V0L0, IILLINOIS (815) 344-1888 Join McHenry Savings' 1975 Christmas Club now and have the cash you need for next year's Christmas shopping. In addition, you'll get free a hand painted Christmas pin and5 ' /4% interest on your savings. Come in today while our pin selection is complete. NOVEMBER 20 Girl Scout Neighborhood Meet ing - St . Patr ick 's Hal l - 9:30 a .m. McHenry Senior Ci t izens Club Bus Trip to TV show - Bus leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot a t 8:15 a .m. NOVEMBER 21 Mc( 'ul lom Lake Con servat ion Club Meet ing -- 8 p .m. -- Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive NOVEMBER 22 23 Chris tmas Bazaar - SEDOM Center . Woodstock -Sponsored By SEDOM Friday, 10 a .m. to " p in Saturday, 10 a .m. to 5 p. in Club Meet ing -• 7 :30 p .m. - East Campus Cafeter ia . Lincoln Cloverleaves 4-H Awards Night -- Bush Elementary School - John- sburg - 7:30 p .m. NOVEMBER 12 Chamber of Commerce -- Annual Dinner Meet ing -- Longhorn Steak House -- Dinner 7 p m. Order of Eastern Star -- Stated Meet ing -- Elect ion of Off icers - Acacia Hal l - 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 13 McHenry Woman's Club Bus Trip to Ice Fol l ies - Benefi t of Pioneer Center For In formation Cal l 385-8795. McHenry Senior Ci t izens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Busses leave McHenry State Bank Parking Lot a t 8:45 a .m. McHenry Crams Club Charter No. 826 -- Meet For Luncheon McHenry Country Club I p .m. Annual Chicken Dinner and Chris t inas Bazaar Sponsored by Friendship Ouild, Ladies Aid Society of Zion Lutheran Church Bazaar Open 1 to 7 p .m. - Dinner Served From 5 to 7:30 p .m. NOVEMBER 14 Business and Professional Women's Club -- "Evening With The Stars" Irene Diamond, Astrologer V F W Hall -- 8 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club -- Ouest Day - Social Hour 12-1 - Meeting 1 p .m. "Appet izers and Cake Decorat ing". NOVEMBER 15 St . Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Regular Meet ing -- Oak Room - St . Mary 's - 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 11 Veteran 's Day - Sponsored Bv Veterans of World War I in V'F W. Hal l , 3002 W. Route 120. McHenry Senior Ci t izens NOVEMBER 16 The Carleton Trio -- Wood stock Opera House - Per forming Arts Ser ies - 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 18 - McHenry B.P.W. Dinner Meet ing -- Mer 's Hotel , 1 Wauconda -- 7 p in . NOVEMBER 23 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar - Sponsored by St . Paul ' s Episcopal Church -- K. of C. Hal l a .m. to 4 p .m. St . John 's Turkey Trot '74 Dance Sponsored By Buildings & Grounds Com mission Johnsburg Com munity Club - 9 p.m. to 1 a .m. Holiday Hil ls Women's Club - - Second Annual Art And Craf t Fair St Patr ick 's Church Hal l 9 a .m. t i l l 9 ' > Community !! o |> :! Calendar ;; NOVEMBER 8 Rummage-Bake Sale Sponsored By Parents of Physical ly Handicapped Children -- Audi tor ium of West School , Crystal Lake - 8 a .m. to 4 p.m. NOVEMBER 8&9 "The Sound of Music" - Townsquare Players , Inc. Woodstock Opera House - Curtain 8:30 p.m. -- Sunday, 6:30 p .m. Holiday Bazaar Sponsored by GALS. -- Fai th Presbyter ian Church (Across From Outdoor Theatre) -- Fr iday - 6 p .m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 9 a .m. to 5 p .m. - Luncheon At Noon. HONOR HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS -- J^Icllenry hospital honors the many volunteer men and women in the auxi l iary, saluting them at a dinner where those who have accumulated many hours of service are recognized. From left, front, are Alice O'Callaghan (3,750); Lillian Anderson. (2,040) and PatSzerecsen, (2,275); in back, Kathleen Mars, (2,500); Helen Spencer, (4,120); Stella Rortvet, (3,000); Jane Eeles, (2,255) and Jeanette Tomsa, (2,320). Missing are Mildred Hansen, (2.8H0), and Anna Levi, (2,430). (DON PEASLEYSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHY) NOVEMBER9 Firs t Annual Chris tmas Bazaar -- St . . John 's Par ish, Johnsburg - St John 's School - Saturday, 10 a .m. to 10 p .m. - Sunday, 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. -- Monday, 10 a .m. to 1 p .m. Harvest Moon Dance -- Sponsored By Beach Gals -- McCullom Lake Vil lage Hal l 7:30 to 12. Fr iendship Club Pot Luck Dinner and Meet ing -- 6 p .m. - F i rs t Uni ted Methodis t Church Annual Roast Beef Dinner , Bazaar - Ringwood Church - Dinner 5 to 7:30 p .m. Bazaar , 2 p .m. -- Advance Tickets Please. NOVEMBER 10 - Veteran 's Day Celebrat ion For Members of Legion Post and Auxil iary And Guests . KARENSMEDBERG SET WEDDING DATE « Karen Smedberg and Mark M. Stephenson have set a January, 1975, wedding date. The engagement of Miss Smedberg to Mr. Stephenson is announced by her mother, Mrs. Lorraine Smedberg of 2002 Flower street, McHenry. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Stephenson of 2305 W. Country. Miss Smedberg is a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school and is a nurse employed in Elgin. Her fiance is a 1969 graduate of MCHS, attended McHenry County college and Northern Illinois university. He is employed in the advertising department of a Long Grove insurance company.