Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1974, p. 5

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I'AGF. & - PLA1NDEALER- Holiday Hills Karen Kottke Nunda Township Library Available To Local Folks Many folks in this area are unaware that Nunda Township has a library. The library is located on Lily Lake Road, two miles north of River Road. A library card may be purchased for a small fee. The bearer is entit led to check out a large selection of reading matter and through the library's affil iation with the Northern Ill inois Library Systems many types of services are available. In recognition of National Book week (Nov. Ii-i7> there are "Books for all Readers" plus the added attraction of a book sale and an amnesty for overdue books. The library hours are as follows: Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday 2 p.m. until 6 p.m, Thursday from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. BROWNIES HALLOWEEN PARTY On Tuesday, Oct. 29. the girls in Brownie troop 409, staged a Halloween party. Among the clever costumed guests were three fairy princesses, two witches, an Indian Squaw, a butterfly, a gypsy, a panda bear, a majorette, Raggedy Ann, a farmer and a clown. Closer inspection uncovered the true identities of this group as Brownies Julie Bartkus, Cathy Bruser, Michelle Canady, Dawn Carlson, Roteanne Catanzaro, Rhonda Coburn, Maureen Connell , Lisa Quilico, Gina Tannert, Shelly Reid, and Jill Saunders. A prize was awarded Julie Bartkus for her most original costume as a butterfly. The girls also en­ joyed games of charades, goodies of cookies, popcorn, and pop, also they enjoyed the traditional apple bob. Many thanks to the troop leaders, Cheri Hoglund and Rosemary Canady for their help in making this a most enjoyable evening for all . They would also like to invite girls in the first through third grades to join the troop, there's room for many more. Anyone seeking further information may call Cheri at 385-3944. GET-WELL WISHES We wish to send a cheery get- well wish to a li t t le man in our community who has just waged a tremendous battle against an infection and will be spending a great deal of t ime recuperating. Richie Hamilton is presently confined at Presbyter ian-St. Luke's hospital for an indefinite period. Get well soon, Richie, and I hope all his friends will send him their best during his convalescence. BELATED BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Be it a li t t le late, here's hoping Mary Halcomb enjoyed her natal day, Oct. 28; and the best of the day to Mikie Halcomb who celebrates his birthdate today, Nov. 8. SCHOOL NEWS With Parent-Teacher con­ ferences concluded and the first grading period at a close, many parents are taking a look at their children's progress. McHenry Junior high this year is offering students a large selection of mini courses. Many of these courses are unusual. My son, Ricky, presented me with a basket he had fashioned in his Arts and Crafts course. One of the other projects completed was an artificial, or maybe I should say "mod" pizza. The pizza was made by arranging dried corn, peas (yellow and green), navy beans, pinto beans, l intels and barley on the cardboard from a frozen pizza. The edges were fluted with styrofoam beads. This lovely creation was the RESTAURANT 385V6981 WHERE THE BELLY BUSTER WAS BORN » BREAKFAST AM^day • LUNCHEON SPECIALS i DINNERS •PURE BEEF BURGER^ NO CHARGE FOR TAKE OUTS •FRIDAY SPECIALS SPAGHETTI & FISH DINNERS MON THRU THURS 6 TO 8 FRI THRU SUN "ROUND THE CLOCK" 4213 W. RTE. 120 Mc HENRY COFFEE 10c 6a.m. -8a .m. MON. thru FRI. with Meals. 385-6675 prized work of Cathy Hoglund These are just a couple of examples of the crafts the kids are being taught, which make school all the more interesting for them. WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS A l i t t le reminder to ; i l l the members and any of the ladies in the area tha t the monthly meet ing of the Hol iday Hi l l s Women 's Club wi l l be on Wednesday. Oct 13, a t the Mahon res idence , 1509 V\ Bi rch s t ree t F inal a r rangements for the Ar ts and Craf t Fa i r wi l l be d iscussed Don ' t forget the Fan- wi l l be he ld a t St Pa t r ick ' s church hal l on Saturday, Nov. 23 . f rom 9 a .m. unt i l ? The c lub has a hand craf ted dol l house to be offered . I t ' s a beaut i fu l and s turdy home any chi ld would cher ish The dol l house wi l l be on d isplay a t the Fai r Hope to see you there BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday greetings to Cassie Drew on her natal day, Nov. 10. ANNIVERSARY Checking my book. I f ind the only anniversary this week is my own. It 's rather strange wishing oneself a. happy anything, so I 'd like to thank my husband, Jim, for the happiest 1 2 years of my life on Nov. 13 Legal Notice IN THE C IRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Car l I ) Mar t inson Deceased, FILE NO 74 P 341 Not ice i s hereby given pursuant to Sect ion 194 of the Probate Act . of the death of the above named decedent and tha t le t te rs TESTAMENTARY were i ssued on October 28, 1974, to Harry C. Hal lowel l . 4 Pamela Road, Lake Zur ich , I l l inois , whose a t torney of record is S t inespr ing , St inespr ing & St inespr ing , One Fi rs t Nat ional P laza , Chicago. I l l inois . Cla ims may be t i led wi th in ( i months f rom the da te of i ssuance of Let ters and tha t any c la im not f i led wi th in tha t per iod is bar red as to the es ta te which is inventor ied wi th in tha t per iod . Cla ims agains t sa id es ta te should be f i led in the Probate off ice of the Clerk of sa id Cour t , Countv Cour t House . Wood­ s tock, I l l inois , and copies thereof mai led or de l ivered to sa id legal representa t ive and to sa id a t torney. MARGARET O NEIL Clerk of the Cour t i Pub. Nov. 1 , 8 & 15, 1974 ) PLAY IT SAFE.. MONEY AT. . . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 W. ELM ST. McHENRY ILLINOIS 60050 Invite Public To MCHS Instructional Meetings Throughout the school year, the board of education for District 156 schedules in structional meetings once a month. These meetings are primarily aimed at providing an in-depth discussion about different aspects of the district 's educational program These meetings are designed as an informative rather than a crit ical exchange As is the case with an board meetings, the public is invited. However, in the case of the instructional meetings, a special invitation is extended since many of the topics •nvered will be of particular interest to citizens and parents. The following is a list (with appropriate dates) of the topics to be discussed at this year 's District 156 instructional meetings. DECEMBER 3 West campus, Instructional Media: Its functions, problems and promises; instructional media staff JANUARY 7. East campus. Alternative Education: What is i t ' ' , MclIS staff; Art depart­ ment report, Art department. FEBRUARY 4: West cam­ pus, Student Discipline at McHenry High, Deans and £ pupil personnel staff of East and West campuses. MARCH 4: East campus. Health Education Report, Health Education department. APRIL 1: West campus, Our Supportive Staff: The Often Overlooked, Always Necessary People, Representatives of the non-certified staff(secretaries, custodians, aides, cooks, etc.) . MAY (>: East campus, High School Physical Education, Physical Education depart­ ment JUNE 3: West campus, Principals ' Report, Ad­ ministrative teams from each campus. Village of Sunnyside Evelyn Sandell 385-2696 Nearly 141,000 Vietnam-era veterans are treated yearly as bed patients in Veterans ad ministration hospitals. Scribe Again Pleads For Village News Believe it or not I 'm really trying to keep our village in the news, but I need your help Please, if any one has a bir­ thday, anniversary, or goes any place, call me up TROPHY Our trophy is now on display at the Sunnyside store Look for it along with some pictures that were taken at the outing. NEW DAUGHTER We have a new lit t le girl in our village, born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nelson yesterday morning. Her li t t le brother is waiting at home to welcome her. NEWS BITS Zelda and I are stil l taking advantage of the beautiful fall weather we are having. We're getting our fresh air and exercise as often as we can I just want to let the people know, in case they are not aware of it each sign in the FRIDAY. NOV" village cost ap, $9.45 each and sin; I noticed some of our i been sprayed paint. It's a shame they I be destroyed by prankster and yet ev« wonders why it is mor# „ every year to run a village. I'm sure if the parents of the p«r- sons who destroyed our sign* w ould be asked to pay for one of them, they would check it out td see that their children would not be running around wltfchl spray cans. It's one thing to, have fun and another to bt' destroying property. I'm sure the children don't realize how much it is costing their parent*. Thanks to all the othef'* children we had a very peaceful Halloween this year. Well now t have spoken my piece, please' send me something else to put '| in the news. HeMol I'm Hq>py To Serve You My Name Is CINDY BUCHER, I 'm here to assist you with your Jew- er|y purchases. We now have a targe selection of Top Name Brand Watches such as Timex, Helbros , waitham, and many more, plus a large selection of top quality ron- tume jewerly. Stop fc 2nd fee Me! Prices Effective Nov. 8, 9 & Prices effective while < We reserve the right to limit quantities. !G Fri., Sat., g $un. Prices effective while quantities last. HORNSBYS family center Brach's Milk Chocolate. 12 ounce package. Made of Brach's fines', pure milk chocolate. A great way to treat your family. A Handy Rocket Sealing Iapg_ Our mM M • Reg. Mm m 56c Great for mailing Christmas packages I Extra strong. Bands seals, and rein­ forces. 7*"x60 yds. r> Beautiful, Warm Receiving Blankets s 47' Assorted adorable prints and solids in sizes 30"x40" or 36"x36". If perfect, they would sell for much more. A great buyl ,r Barn Roof Bird Feeder 076 Lovely Christmas OmameqLKjiSy Values J ^ * $3 " Beautiful, lovely Christmas ornaments to adorn your tree this year! Easy to make; ell materials included. beautiful colors. All styles in Hornsby's Multiple Viiamin^bljpn. s 7o« 100 tablets of dally multiple vitamins with Iron. Great for the whole family to take. Quality assured. WAIT IM3NEYS KWQDOM Terry Christmas "Moppet" Towels s 77* Choose Christmas cheer in a choice of several delightful Holiday prints. For kitchen or bath. So cute, you'll want several for the Holidays. Sturdy Flat Top Tool Box The Gatsby Traveler Purse „u, 197 R.g. 4 A1 A purse that organizes your pocket ac­ cessories: checkbook, credit cards, bills, change and even your passport. A great gift. Mattel "Electric Hog' Stunt Bike 9x13x10 Our Reg. $5.76 Holds 5 lbs. of seed, loads thru chimney. Simple to install in tree on pole or plattorm. Save $L'.U0 Rust r»» l«tont. Bokad-on rod onomol over pho»photliad itaal. HoncU* with luggogo latch with padlock hoip. Full tlia tot* tray Intlda. Our Reg. $9.17 Big 10" long. You con tand It at top ipaad for ovtr 700 foot! Staar It right, loft, or itralght ohoad. Qulot oloctrlc motor; 6 volt battery not Includod. HIT Walt Disney Gifts from Dep My.. 3 7 5 3.64 Magic Kingdom's delightful Walt Disney figures I Choose from shampoo, powder, and lotion combinations In popular Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto containers. Kenner's Power Toothbrush Afs't, Your R#g Choice 7.7* Your cholco of Kannar t Snoopy, Mlckay Mouta, and now Fllntttonoi bottory poworod tooHthru«ha«. I*ch •ot ho» 2 kid tlto toothbru«ho» and 2 adaptor* far mora loch utai 2 "0" battarlai nat Included Shop Hornsby's where .vM * $ you can save > more. ^ , 0 ftv/f-tVM fit)* I 4400 Market Place Shopping Center McHenfy, Illinois | fOKHSBfS family centers rpasier cnat<F Rt. 47 & Country Club Road Woodstock,Illinois

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