PAGE 33-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1974 He'll love it... WHETHER IT BE individ ual bott les of cologne and after shave, a travel set or miniature one-half ounce Christmas stocking stuffers, there is a Brit ish Sterl ing gift suggestion for every man. For the discriminating man, the popular "classic" fra grance is also available in the Limited Edit ion "Welling ton" Decanter, a 14-ounce glass decanter that is import ed from France exclusively for Brit ish Sterl ing. Several gif t assortments are also of fered to the increasing num ber of shoppers who are turning to men's cologne and after shave for their holiday season gifts . SOME GUV WANTS TO KMOW IF WE'LL TAKE EIGHT REINDEER AS A TRADE-IN ON A NEW SNOWMOBILE SCORPION POLARIS JOHN DEERE 2103 RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-0430 MR. DON 1 HR. CLEANERS I Drive-In Window | We Are Open ^ At 6:45 a.m. For ^ar'y Birds and We Operate All Day Saturday ^ For Your Weekend f|J Needs. a* 10% SAVINGS Visit our modern plant and see how our customers save fcl 2 10% on their dry- £5 ^ cleaning costs. A W E F E A T U R E C O M P L E T E | C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E S s 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 cleaning.- Take Do*" 1. Professional dry cleaning & pressing 2. Bulk Cleaning 3. Shirt Service 4. Alterations and reweaving 5. Suede and leather cleaning 6. Hats cleaned and blocked 7. Draperies § 8. Knits--carefully restored to original size and style 9. Dyeing 10. Pillows--cleaned, fluffed, sanitized, deodorized and new ticking too. 11. Free storage with minimum 12. Furs-cleaned, glazed and cold storage .13. Furs--restyled and repaired U 1207 N. vH&stasri "WEST OF NATIONAL FOOD STORE IN THE HEART OF McHENRY^ from Frigidairê [SlBfol .Give her this Frigidoire Mobile Dishwasher and make her life easier all year long. Only *239 95 DW-CDM Limited Quantity Harvest Gold Only Scrubs your dirty dishes Clean, thanks to Super-Surge Washing Ac tion that attacks soil from 4 levels. And it saves hot water, detergent and energy with once-a-day capacity ... up to a day's worth ot dishes tor an average family of four. For versatility, 5 cycles and 1 option, including Rinse 4 Hold cycle Shop early and Save with Gift Ideas from Frigidaire at Electric 1005 N. Front ( South Rte. 31 ) McHeniy, III. 385 0882