% REAL ESTATE Owner: 2 bedroom condo, 1 Yi baths, fully carpeted, all appliances, beautifully decor-' ated $22,500.00 385-4870 Gil -27 12-4 2 Bedroom home, city sewer and water. Will sell on con tract or assume mortgage at 6-3/4% $23,500 nn hrrtktr i 385-1457 !ci1-29 12-6 New 4 bedrooms, l 'v baths, 2 car attached, House in Sun nyside, $3,500.00 down, $222.00 month principal and interest 312-262-8880. 11-29 12-4 R E A L E S T A T E JUST KKDUCED, By Owner, 5 br. brick home, plastered walls, In kitchen w-sliding doors to Ig. deck; living rm w- Irplc. , dining rm, 2 baths. Ig. family rm w-bar, fireplace & sliding doors leading to roofed patio, finished rec. room, large lot $46,500. Call for appt. after 5:00 or weekends. 815-65:1-4276. NO BROKERS 11-15 If 1-2 FIND JuSt™ RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. ************** LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB? CHECK THE PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES. M•••••••••• 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, almost ready to move into. You pick the carpet, tile and appliance colors. Double oven, dishwasher and disposal included. Financing Available, No Closing Costs. •47,000.00 PHONE: 385-8830 0' evenings for appointment 385-7433 11-29 12-6 "WowtadA >iX mm PETCtMR 60TA Fqr yoO - GIVEAWAY December, 1974 I»A(iE 11 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, Itl4 Finding Security 4 kittens, 2 calicos, 2 black, 3 months old, l i t ter trained. 815-344-1914 12-4 Blonde Cocker Spaniel, female, A.K.I, registered, well trained, 5 years old. Owners moving to Spain. 344-1148 12-4 Just in t ime for Xmas. 4 darling 8 weeks old black Persian kittens, housebrokcn. 385-0838 12-4 1 male black and silver Schnauzer, 385-0892. 12-4 Male dog, 1 yr. old, loves children, owner moving. 385-8458 12-4 4 silver grey and 1 t iger kitten, 3 months old. 385-9528 12-4 Hail To December! say they all . It Gave To Earth Our Christ , the Lord! -J.K. Hovt. DecemU'r. the last month of 1974, comes with happy an ticipations of Christmas homecomings and the wonders and tingle of winter and celebration. The children's wondrous world of Santa Claus, and, more important than anything else, observance of the anniversary of the birth of -Jesus arrive in December. 1 here is December 7th--tlie anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Hartx>r in 1911. Martin Van Buren, 8th President, was born at Kinderhook, New York, on the 5th in 17H2. Delaware Day falls on the 7th, as does Library Day in West Virginia. Wyoming Day is on the 10th and Indiana Day on the 11th. Washington died on the 14th in 1799. On the 15th in 1791 the Hill of Rights became a partof the United States ̂ Consti- tution. The Boston Tea Party was staged on the 16th in^ 1773. On the 17th in 1903, man made his first flight in an airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. On the 19th, in 1777, Washington encamped his 11,000-man army at Valley In Retirement "GOOD WORD from the tfible O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his stead fast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble. -- Psalms 1 07:1,2 Forge, Pennsylvania, after the British had occupied the capital, Philadelphia. The nation acquired the Louisiana Purchase on the 20th in 1803, Washington won the Battle of Trenton, N.J., on the 26th in 1776, the turning point of the Revolution, and Wood- row Wilson, 28th President and one of the great Presidents in the minds of many, was torn at Staunton, Virginia, on the 28th in 1856. Andrew Johnson, 17th President, was -- born at Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 29th in 1808. Navy blue is usually con sidered a spring color but many beautiful garments in this color are being shown for fall and winter. Fabrics used are Qiana, crepe, chif fon, etc. These are for after noon or evening wear. Social Security Before social security paymentf i i can start, an application must b« | filed When you are nearing 6Sj i , or if you become disabled, get * in touch with your social securl1 . tv office. It is important for you to inquire at your social security [ office 2 or 3 months before you reach 65 -- not only for retire ment purposes but Medicare ai well, which are available whether you retire or not Thus it is al ways to your advantage to apply ! before you reach ti5, even if yofl • don't plan to retire. If you have; high earnings vhich would in crease the amount of your benefit in the year you are 65 or later, your benefit amount will be re- figured You will always be sure of receiving benefits at the high est possible rate. When a person who has worked under li .e social security law dies, some member of his family should get in touch with the social securty office Long delay in filing an application can cause some loss of benefits, since back payments for monthly cash benefits can be made for no more than 12 months. An appli cation for a lump sum death pay ment must usually be made with in two years of the worker's1 death Pajamas for entertaining at home are soft, flowing and come in beautiful colors. Mandarin jackets lend a festive note for holiday wear. from HISTORY'S SCRAPB00K DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS December 6, 1957--AFL CIO members split from the In ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters on charges of corruption. December 7, 1941--Japan attacked Pearl Harbor plus other Pacific places like Wake and Guam. The I'.S. is officially involved in World War II. December 8, 1949--Headquarters of the Chinese National ist Government are switched from the mainland to Taipei Formosa. BE A UJIflTGR liMinER! th!$̂ On iMii Brand 999 New 74 (35) (3) 74 DEMO'S Elite Hardtop LTD 2 Dr. Hardtop Ford 9 Pass. Wagon 20% OFF FORDS To Choose From ALL MODELS As Low As *2695 NO PAYMENTS UNTIL LATE JANUARY We Need Your Used Car -- We Will Buy Or Trade! WILL YOUR CAR START ? THESE CARS WILL! '74 LTD--SQUIRE WAGON Fully equipped including Factory Air Conditioning, Radio, Heater, White- walls, Luggage Rack, etc. Low mileage beauty. $3997 73 BUICK-LE SABRE 4 DR. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Vinyl Roof, Factory Air Conditioning. See and Drive to appreciate. S2497 73THUNDERBIRD-FULL POWER AM/FM Stereo, Cruise Control, Elec tric Defroster, Tilt Wheel. Loaded. Like new! Local, 1 owner. $4497 72 LTD-BROUGHAM 4 DOOR V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission , Power Steering and Brakes, 6 Way power Seat, Factory Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof, Rear Defogger. New Tires. New Brakes, New Shocks. 1 owner. 27,000 miles like new condition. $2397 71 PINTO SEDAN-4 SPEED Radio, Heater. Plenty of good miles $897 74 MERCURY-MARQUIS BROUGHAM Full Power, Factory Air Conditioning, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control..Many other luxuryfeatures. 13,000 miles, like new condition. Over $7500 new! NOW $4997 73 BR0NC0-WAG0N 4 Wheel Drive - V8 Engine, Standard Shift, Power Steering, Auxiliary Fuel Tank, Rear Seat, 6 Ply Mud and Snow Tires. 1 owner, low mileage. $3397 73 GRAN TOR I NO-HARDTOP 2 Door - V8 Engine, Automatic 1 rans- mission, Factory Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof. 1 owner. Extra nice. $2697 71 THUNDERBIRD-FULL POWER Factory Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof, AM/FM Stereo, Tilt Wheel, Rear Defroster. Many other luxury features. Local, 1 owner. 3242Z 70 P0NTIAC TEMPEST-4 DOOR 6 Cylinder, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, Power Brakes. $997 74 LTD-2 DR. HARDTOP Vinyl Roof, V8 Engine, Automatic Trans mission. Power Steerina and Brakes, Factory Air Conditioning. Sharp, 1 owner. $3497 73 COUGAR XR7-HARDT0P Power Steering, Power Brakes, Factory Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof, Bucket Seats. 1 owner, like new. $3497 '72 BUICK--SKYLARK WAGON V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering and Brakes, Factory Air, AM/FM, Tilted Wheel, Luggage Rack. See and drive to appreciate. $1997 71 GALAXIE 500-4 DOOR V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Factory Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof, Radio, Heater, Whitewall Tires. $997 70 MAVERICK--6 CYLINDER Standard Shift, Radio, Heater, White- walls. $897 No Payments Until Late January ~ WOODWARD FORD-MERCURY ROUTE 47 S. AT RT. 14 - WOODSTOCK, ILL. - 815-338-6680 4'/i Acres New & Used Cars & Trucks - Most Modern Service Facilities )