SECTION 2-PAGE1 - PL AINDEA LER - WED., DEC., 4, 1974 Sm off Repairs Make Difference In Wlntir, Driving "Why handicap yourself on hazardous winter roads? You add to the danger of driving by putting off small mechanical repairs," says George Young, University of Illinois Extension adviser in McHenry county. "A worn windshield wiper blade does not clear your windshield. You have to see to avoid collisions. So replace worn wiper blades. It just doesn't make sense to risk your life and expensive automobile to save a few dollars," insists Young. And Young adds, "Make certain your defroster works. Fogging and ice on your wind shield means driving blind. A snow brush and scraper in the car - plus anti freeze solution in the windshield washer - help dear your view." According to Young, brakes should be equalized to avoid skids. Equal pull on all wheels is vital for driving control. He explains that tires should be kept at recommended pressures in cold weather. And he warns that bald tires are always a danger. Regular tires should have a deep tread for the best traction. Snow tires are a big help in snow, but not on ice - - unless they have studs. Because low temperatures drain power from your battery, Young suggests having your battery tested often. | SERVICE NEWS } The data will be used in determining the placement of additional hydrophone§x®i various underwater locations for the Barking Sands Un derwater Range Expanision project. The project involves tracking and locating objects on the exercise range, on and under water. The Tawakoni is homeported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. MARK N. WEGNER Airman Mark N. Wegner, son of Mrs. Mildred E. Wegner of 113 Kohl avenue, Spring Grove, has been assigned to Lowry AFB, Colo., after completing Air Force basic training. During his six weeks at the Air Training command's Lackland AFB, Tex., he studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human relations. The airman has been assigned to the Technical Training Center at Lowry for specialized training in the armament systems field. JOSEPH MXaFLAMME Navyman Joseph M. LaFlamme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. LaFlamme of 1005 W. Grass Lake road, Spring Grove, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes. He is scheduled to report to Electrician's Mate A school, Great Lakes. The training included in struction in seamanship, military regulations, fire fighting, close order drill, first aid and Navy history. Navy Engineman Second Class Darrol D. Thornton, whose wife, Barbara, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Whetherhult of 5122 Willow drive, Wonder Lake, recently participated in an electronic data collecting project while serving aboard the fleet tug USS Tawakoni. He assisted civilian representatives in gathering signal information at various ocean depths, distances and frequencies off the coast of the island of Kauai, Hawaii. MAGNU8 AHLSTROMER, III Airman Magnus J. Ahlstromer III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus J. Ahlstromer Sr. of 125 Lake Shore drive, Spring Grove, has been assigned to Chanute AFB, 111., after completing Air Force basic training. During his six weeks at the Air Training command's Lackland AFB, Tex., he studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human relations. - The airman has been assigned to the Technical Training center at Chaunute for sepcialized training in the armament systems field. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Lillian C. Pehan Deceased, FILE NO. 74-P-366 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on November 18, 1974, to Harriet L. Hammer, 5025 W. Flanders Road, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Helmut A. Fydrych, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Nov. 26, Dec. 4 & 11,1974) Long Road In 1895 there were 300 auto mobiles registered in the United States. Then most people con sidered the car a useless toy. Ten years later 77,988 autos were registered. POETS CORNER REQUIEM It is cold, drab November The beauty of Summer is gone And in place of tall, stately trees Luxurious with heavy green There are gaunt skeletons Towering, gloomily Above a dull, ugly landscape Whose face is scarred With the brown, dead growth Of weeds and grass All that is left Of the glory of Summer Skeletons whose branches Seem as giant arms Reaching, grotesquely Far into the uncertain light of dusk Groping, mayhap, for lost souls Astray from the tomb The wind, whistling shrilly Disturbs not the dead And the almost dead But seems only to add to their lifelessness Summoning forth ghosts To frolic eerily In the murky dimness Of November twilight By Harry Breen Pay iffore "We Sell Far Less" IMPORTED CHEQUER'S SCOTCH CHEQUERS SCOTLAND 4 98 FIFTH FVCC • 1- MINIATURE BTL. OF JACK DANIELS BLACK WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF CHEQUERS SCOTCH IMPORTED WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKEY 3 89 FIFTH IANTIQUE • 6 YEAR OLD ANTIQUE WHISKEY 7 99 lk GALLON *A ' 4 Cr.„,n SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN WHISKEY CALIFORNIA GUILD BRANDY 7 79 Vi GALLON Guild BFLANPy 9 39 '/, GALLON iVEW YORK STATES F11%EST! LAKE NIAGARA ( SEMI-DRY WHITE) LAKE R0SELLE J \ fim EXTRA DRY CHARNYA VODKA EXTRA DRY PIKEMANS GIN YOUR CHOICE 939 9W QUART 3/10 00 ( SEMI-DRY PINK ) I 49 BTL. QUALITY WINES AT LOW PRICES TO COMPLEMENT YOUR TABLE M4*1 I ^ if ORANGE CRUSH DR. PEPPER CARLING'S BLACK LABEL « BLATZ 12 PK. CANS I 99 BREWED BY FALSTAFF HANLEY LASER BEER 24 12 OZ. BTTLS. STROHS BEER Sale For Dec. 4 ME RESERVE THE RIGHT thru Dec. 10 TO UMTT QUANTITIES BEU. LIQUORS PK. 16 OZ. BTLS. 4«0 W. RTE 120 McHENRY, ILL PSook 385-3200 © HAJVLLY •ZV"- 12 OZ. NRS. x-.y