If I. A FNDF AI .FR-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1974 HOUDAV IPIWDOmS Alice In Wonderland Babes In Toyland Songs Of Christmas MCHENRY L A f N D E A L E R FORMAL WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS sSusyi ....tit ibubiiMA 1214 N. Green St., McHenry FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL BEAMY SALON GOLDEN TRE HALRSTYLING SALON CORDIALLY WISHES YOU "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" PRECISION * DISTINCTIVE * PERSONALIZED CUTS WAVES HAIRSTYLING HOURS: 9 to 5 ANY EVENING BY A PPT. TRY OUR X-MAS BONUS THIS COUPON- WORTH moo BEFORE * DEC. 25, 1974 'HOLIDAY HOLY" BODY-WAVE •1500 tOMP. (REG- t22 '™ Make Your Holiday Appt. Early! 385-8567 3325 W. Elm (Rte. 120) McHENRY Craft Show Sponsored By- Local Students AWOL, a group of students from East and West campuses, will hold a craft show Sunday, Dec. 15, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Hornsby store in the Market Place. Proceeds will be used for a summer trip planned by the young people. Offered for sale will be pottery, candles, decoupage, plants and plaques. Darrick Rosinski will present folk music and there will be a portrait artist available. Artists from the area will have paintngs and sketches on display. " ARE YOU ;> I N N E E D O F . . . I I ' ' • Kitchen Cabinets 'Range!! Hoods & Medicine Cabinets < , ' ' * Bathroom Fixtures • Fi- , | J berglass Showerstalla { ( • Vanities and Tops • Gas i , & Oil Furnaces * Air Con- ( ) { ditioning, Central and Win- { {* dow • Hot Water Boilera ' > and Base Radiation * Sump • Pumps * Water Softerners ? ' ' SEE OUR DO-IT-YOUR-' f <>SELF HOME IMPROVE-0 < > MENT DEPARTMENT ' > !! THE BATH SHOP u 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHenry j[ 1 ) 385-0048 ( i between March 5 and 23. Reservations should be made promptly in order to make it possible to secure the desired number of tickets. The sign-up should be with Louise Giel. There were 219 members in attendance at the meeting. The annual club Christmas dinner and party will be the only meeting of the club in the month of December. George Binder, nominating chairman, made a plea for members who are interested in becoming officers or serving on committees to sign up as the nominating committee is working hard on preparing a slate of nominees to be presented at the Jan. 13 meeting. Installation of officers-elect will be Jan. 27. American Legion Auxiliary News McHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper After the advancement of the flags, the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" and the pledge of allegiance, the November meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Roy (Lauretta) Homo. Mrs. Homo and Chaplain Reba Owen draped the charter for departed member, Mary Etten. Foreign Relations chairman, Mrs. George (Ruth) Mrachek, gave a short talk on West Java, Indonisia, and told of the need for seventy school, 140 classrooms, that will be the project of the 'Care' box that is passed at each meeting. Communications chairman, Mrs. Jack (Pearl) Cooper, reminded all chairmen to contact her for publicity on their chairmenship programs and also asked all members to save her the clippings from the local newspapers, cutting out the name of the paper, article and date. Past President Parley chairman, Mrs. Lloyd (Midge) Scharf, told of the Past Presidents meeting that was held at her home with co- hostess Lydi^ Fenner. Four teen past^presidents attended and collected and cut nylons, which will be sent to the Veterans' Cfaft exchange. Children and Youth chair man, Mrs. Dennis (Grace) Latimer, asked all members to bring canned goods to the December meeting for the Christmas baskets. Rehabilitation chairman, Mrs. Victor (Marie) Howe, asked the members not to forget the Elgin and Downey veteran patients at Christmas. She asked for combs, stationery, toothpaste, soap, 'T' shirts, deodorant, shaving cream, cologne, nylons, sox, white ties, ditty bags, fresh fruit and candy. She also requested material for the women patients at Downey hospital. Mrs. Howe announced that the Elgin veterans will be the guests of the McHenry auxiliary at a dinner in May. Donations were sent to the 7 Point program; Canteen Books for the Downey Veterans; gifts to the hospitalized war veterans; the Hines hospital Dancers Give Program n > * For Senior Citizens A slightly different format was used at the McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting Monday evening, Nov. 25, as the program was the first item on the agenda. It consisted of a performance by»members from the Mar-Ray ^ance studio, depicting modern dances, acrobatics, andjtap dancing. Mrs. Marge Olszewski an nounced the various numbers and gave some pertinent facts regarding the performers and their terms of study. From the talent displayed, club members felt there are some potential award winners in the field of dance, acrobatics and gym nastics. During the business segment, following the entertainment, the various committee chairpersons gave reports. Frank Giel reported how proud he is of his bowlers and suggested that new members wishing to bowl should contact him regarding joining the Friday afternoon group. Eight new members were welcomed into the club. Members were reminded to mail their dues in to P.O. Box 201, McHenry, which makes it much easier for Mrs. Dora Usedom, membership chairlady, at the meetings. Eligibility for membership in the active McHenry Senior Citizens club is to be a resident within School Districts of 15 and 156, and be 50 years old or older. Members in arrears for a period of three months are automatically dropped from the membership list. There are just a couple of reservations left on the two buses going to the Chicago Loop Wednesday, Dec. 11. Interested persons should contact Mrs. Louise Giel at once. Buses will leave the McHenry State bank parking lot at 8:45 a.m. The bus for Milwaukee, Wis., Wednesday, Dec. 4, will leave the same lot at 8:45 a.m. Mrs. Alice Chermak, program chairlady, reported the program for the Dec. 9 Christmas dinner party will be an exhibition by square dan cers. Social Chairlady Helen Strandquist reminded mem bers that Monday, Dec. 2, was the absolute deadline for making reservations for the club an nual Christmas dinner party Monday, Dec. 9. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.®. Those who cannot attend the dinner should be sure to come to the meeting and program at 7:30. Reservations are limited. George Binder, tour co- chairman, reported a bus- dinner trip is scheduled Wednesday, Dec. 18, at a Chicago casino. Further particulars as to price and time will be available by contacting George Binder or Mrs. Louise Giel. Prompt action is necessary for reservations. George Binder also men tioned that plans are in the making for a bus trip to the Shrine circus at Medinah Temple in Chicago sometime Present "Shadowy World Of Electronic Snooping" Is anyone eavesdropping on your private conversations? How can you find out? What are your legal safeguards against having your phone tapped? Just how much wiretapping - legal or illegal - is going on, anyway? These and other questions will be discussed by Illinois Bell speaker, Don Jurgens, in his presentation of, "The Shadowy World of Electronic Snooping." The talk will be presented during the Friday, Dec. 6 general meeting of Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, at the American Legion home, Woodstock and Oak streets, Oystal Lake. The meeting will begin at 8:30 p.m. "There are many misgivings about personal privacy these days, and this talk will help put the situation in perspective," Jurgens said. "We'll discuss what's feasible and what's legal in electronic surveillance, and the telephone company's efforts to assure your privacy of communications." Jurgens joined Illinois Bell twenty-five years ago as a Plant department employee in Chicago and worked in a variety of jobs before tran sferring to the Traffic department as assistant traffic manager. He was transferred to Springfield in 1960 and moved to Joliet in 1967 as staff supervisor. He is married, has four children and is a graduate of Northwestern university. Newcomers orientation will begin at 8 p.m. for all those attending PWP for the first time. SUBSCRIPTION RATES f Year $9.00 1 Year $12.50 Im McHenry and L.iki Outside McHenry and County Lake County McHenry C Christmas Choral Club Program SIGHTS THE AND SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS TICKETS: >1.00 From Members *1.50 At The Door (Tickets available at Main Paint store prior to concert y--. until all auditorium seats are sold. The number of ; tickets to be sold at the door will only accommodate ;/;j" additional seating allowed for overflow crowd. Tickets good only for night designated.) WEST CAMPUS AUDITORIUM SATURDAY and SUNDAY DECEMBER 7-8, 1974 8:15 P.M. a MR. AND MRS. PETER M. SCHAEFER WED 63 YEARS-Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer celebrated their sixty-third wedding anniversary quietly Nov. 30 at their home, 1602 N. Court street, McHenry. Martha Mertes and Peter M. Schaefer were married Nov. 30, Thanksgiving day, 1911, in St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg. They have one daughter, Mrs. Charles (Laura) Martin of McHenry and five sons, John, Leo, Clarence, Walter and Alvin, all of McHenry. «• Sweet Adeline Quartet First In Audience Reaction A late" November weekend found thirteen members of the McHenry Sweet Adelines at tending the fall meeting of Region 3, International Organization of Sweet Adelines, in Springfield. Singing in hallways and lobbies of hotels is quite a normal thing at convention time. Caught up in the ex citement were "The Happy Times Four" quartet. Much to their surprise, they were overheard by the manager of a Springfield inn and were asked to sing in one of the hotel restaurants. In the elegant dining room looking down thirty floors of the glass en closed structure on to the lights of the city they sang a medley of "It's a Small World" and "Love Makes the World Go Round". , The highlight of the weekend was Saturday night's "anything goes" quartet competition. After being wished good luck by the McHenry members with a presentation of yellow roses, the "Happy Times Four" brought the house down with their antics to a song called "I'm All Alone". Their comedy won first place in the category of audience reaction and Region 3 Sweet Adelines will remember the name of McHenry for some time. McHenry's quartet can be heard on WIVS radio Dec. 9 at 10 a.m. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR Over $5,500 will be added to the building fund for Crystal Lake's future hospital as a result of the recent Hospital Holly day bazaar reports Mrs. Lois Arnold, treasurer of the Crystal Lake branch of the Sherman hospital auxiliary. In spite of pouring rain the public from throughout the area came to the bazaar and made it a financial success. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL WIECZOREK BRIDAL COUPLE - Miss Madelynn Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lewis of 3002 Miller drive, McHenry, and Michael Wieczorek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wieczorek of 557 Second street, Winona, Minn., were married Oct. 5. The 3 o'clock afternoon Mass was offered in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. The bride is a 1970 graduate of Regina Dominican high school, Wilmette, and a 1974 graduate of St. Mary's college, Winona, Minn. Her husband is a graduate of Cotter high school in Winona and served with the U.S. Marines for four years. The newlvweds are residing at 1902 River Terrace drive, McHenry. coffee program; the depart ment President's special project, which this year is the Auxiliary Loan, Education and Scholarship fund for students who plan to teach the han dicapped and the mentally retarded; also to the Chapel of the Four Chaplains; the Auxiliary Emergency fund; the Department President's project; Easter Seals; the local A.F.S. chapter; McHenry Historical society; Cystic Fibrosis and the DuPage- McHenry County Lung association. Mrs. Ed (Maria) Guettler, Music chairman, led the group in the singing of Thanksgiving songs. As Blood chairman, reminded the members of the Blood Bank to be held at the Legion Post home Dec. 1, 1974. Membership chairman, Mrs. David (Doris) Henken, an nounced that 310 members have paid their dues to date and we are still short sixty-three members for quota. She requested all members who have not paid their dues to please send them to the post home or to members of the membership team. The annual membership dinner will be held Feb. 22,1975, and special guests will be the 11th district president and her secretary and the McHenry County council president, her secretary and their husbands. Legislative chairman, Martha Dignan, requested all members to write to Congressman Robert McClory, to return Veterans' day nation wide to Nov. 11. Eleanore Reid, co-chairman with Janet Tomal, of the Junior auxiliary, announced that the Juniors had a meeting and made eighty-five tray favors for the hospitalized veterans. The Junior meeting is held the first Saturday of each month and in December they will have a Christmas party. Each Junior is requested to bring a $1 grab bag gift, marking the age of the Junior for whom it is intended. The party will start at 1:30 p.m. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Frances Matchen, Florence McCann, Phyllis Grosenraud and Laura Weber and "Happy Anniversary" to Mary Pat Cunningham. Anna Cuda was not present to receive the attendance award. Special prizes were won by Ceil Violett and Doris Henken. There were thirty members present, with Ruth Mrachek and her committee in charge of the refreshments. The December meeting will be a pot-luck. All members were asked to bring a dish to pass. All members are requested to bring 'white elephants' instead of a Christmas gift for games that will follow the dinner. Ad mission will be the canned goods for the Christmas baskets. The dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. and Dec. 16 is the date. McHenry Girl In Presentation At Fall Institute Susan Blenner of McHenry, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, was one of two dietetics majors selected to make a presentation on nutrition education for employees of the State of Wisconsin Division on Aging during a recent training in stitute in Wisconsin Dells. Miss Blenner and Suzanne Krueger of Appleton, Wis., led a panel discussion on "Who Should, Does, Could Teach Nutrition Sessions?" A 1971 graduate of Marian Central high school, Miss Blenner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Blenner, 2312 Orchard Beach, McHenry. LYNN FOLLIARD ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT-Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Folliard of 5010 Hilltop drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lynn, to William Harvey of McCullom Lake. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey of San Diego, Calif., formerly of McHenry. A June 21,1975, wedding is planned at Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake. Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385 0170 McHenry Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich Editor NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION fenuta ilii~ fre.PreMfc] UNA SUSTAINING m MEMBER - 1974 MOTORISTS ROBBED BY GAS THIEF Motorists are being robbed by a sly thief who steals gas while they drive. The culprit is a dirty carbur etor, which wastes pre cious fuel and causes poor engine performance. Now you can restore efficiency thanks to WYNN'S Carbur etor Cleaner."This special spray formula works with out dismantling to instantly remove gum and varnish, curb rough idling and stal ling, as it increases mite- age. So for happier motor ing, get WYNN'S Carbur etor Cleaner today. 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 47 & Country Club Rd., Woodstock. Illinois PAGE 2 zPI at njeah ealer BENEFIT STYLE SHOW - The Viscount drum and bugle corps will benefit from Holly and Lollipops, a fashion show to be presented at the American Legion clubhouse at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. Annette Nagele from Senior Citizens and Grandmothers club, and Betty Blenner of the Grandmothers club, are shown in two of the ensembles that will be modeled. Children's fashions also will be shown. Coffee and dessert will be served. Presenting the show are the Fashion Shoppe and Toddler Shop. Reservations may be made by calling 385-0988. ^The Happy Times Four", pictured above from left to right, are (tottie Kaufman, Darlene Navaroli, Mary Jane Boelens and Vonnie Wynveen. The other girls who were in Springfield were the director of McHenry chapter, Pat Gattone, council members, Barb /Hour, Pam Ryden, Jane Umbarger, Harriet Bell, Maria ettler, Grace Cook, Beth Ryden and Barb Halthen. % Become a Free Spirit.. free-swinging hairdos that jail into place . . . naturally! *%AA 4/ma N. Green St. >Th*JV7 Ok. 8 McHenry * HOURS• Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Thurs. & Fri. Eve. By App. Sat. 8-4