On The SM'mes With Dick Rabbltt The McHenry High School Warriors really went on a rampage BrS TrJ" ,'he Ki"g K"rn T"urn<* held «" Sy«TS accomplfshment ourney records in itself is qW an junior center set a record with 16 baskets. The team total of 43 baskets and the 102 pts against Belvidere set trophy' re The Warn°rS W0Und "P wdh the third place Coach John Mcpougal's West Aurora Blackhawks won the tourney for the 5th time in a row. They were not a great team, but big, physical, and a well coached club You can bet that they will win their share of games this season. Ir) talking with some West Aurora fans, they claim that this is the year for West to get back on top in the Upstate 8 conference. They urf u 1? 'S theyear *°beat Elgin and their old rival East Aurora. With both of those teams hurt by graduation, and if early season games have anything to do with it, the fans from West Aurora may know what they are talking about this season. F or you wrestling fans, Coach Marty Sobzcak has the makings of a fine team. It is a pleasure to watch Coach Marty and his Tine staff at a meet. They offer the boys words of encouragement, take care of the minor injuries, and give the boys a [>at on the back win or lose. Now if we can get Marty's chief aid Bob Ludwigsen to untie himself from the impossible positions he can get himself in during a match, all may survive throughout the season. The swimmers of Mike Shanahan and Bill Noyes although few in numbers are proving themselves worthy contenders. As one who hates water it seemed impossible that a boy could swim 440 yards. Think about that, a quarter of a mile in the water. And our track men complain because they have to run a quarter. They should be so lucky Well maybe Walt Scott will add another event this spring. Called upon some old friends Dave and Laurie Mihevc to make some predictions about the coming North Suburban Conference basketball season. As you may recall last year the Mihevc s with their Ouija Boaro had some excellent predictions. They picked the ZeeBees to win, but didn't give Dundee a chance (they were co-champs). They picked the Warriors right on the button with 8 wins and 5 losses. The one they really missed was Crown They picked Crown to finish third, but the Vikes were last in the league. So the other night they went back to the board and came up with the following predictions for the coming season. The ZeeBees again were tops on their list with a record of 12 and 1, with the possibility of going undefeated if they could get past the Warriors Eriday night. They picked our Warriors for 4th place with a record of 8 wins, with the possibility of 9 if they could get past the ZeeBees on Friday night. On the loss side of the column it would either be 4 or 5 losses. They picked Grant to win the State Regional tournament which probably will be held in Antioch in March. Dave went on to tell me that the Ouija Board would not pick a State winner at this time. We will be keeping tabs on their picks this year, and one thing you can be sure of, the Mihevcs will be at all home Warrior games. They are real good fans. Toney Roskie Named To Hall Of Fame At Lake Forest Swimmers Submerge Woodstock 104-60 By Dick Babbitt Coach Mike Shanahan's McHenry high swimming team evened their record at 1 and 1 by defeating Woodstock Tuesday al the local pool by the score of 104 to 00 Bill Noyes J.V.'s also evened their record to 1 and 1 by defeating the Woodstock J.V.s 77 to 59. On Tuesday I he locals travel to Wheeling for a meet, and on Thursday Dec 12 at 4:30 p.m. they host Elgin Larkin at the West campus pool VARSITY McHenry 104 vs. Woodstock 60 200 Med. Relay Woodstock, 1:53, Ellis, Bohn, Dunham, McCopsel. 200 F.S. Time 2:00.0 - Roth <McH) Gall <McH) Dunham <W ) Eder (W) 200 Ind Medley 2:22 - Fetzer <McH) McConnell <W) Murray <McH) Linanne (McH) 50 yd. F.S. 25.3 - Nelson ( McH ) Zietz < McH ) Tymec < W) Dodge (McH) Diving - 178.0 - Kively (McH) Stack (W) Garn <McH) 100 Butterfly 1:00 Dunham <W) Roth (McH) .Jackson (McH) Matton (McH) 100 F.S. 56.1 - Gall (McH) N e l s o n ( M c H ) E d e r ( W ) Tymec <W) <W) | Gretpplers Host Weekend Matches 500 F .S 5:40.0 McConnel l i W > Fetzer < McH) Cahi l < McH) 100 Backs t roke 1 :05 - E l l i s <W) Linanne < McH) Zie tz 'McH) Alford (McH) 100 Breas t s t roke 1 :115 Bohn IWI Boaer <W) Murray (McH) Jackson < McH> 400 F .S . Relay McHenry , 3 :45 .3 Roth , Gal l , Fe tzer , Nelson J V McHenry 77 vs . Woodstock 59 200 Med Relay , McHenry , 2 :19 .1 , Darr , Dass Opfer , Ames 200 F .S . Time2:22.5 Moore <W) Mal l (McH) Berg <W) Ames ' McH > 200 Ind Medley , 2 :56 .0 Myers (McH) Bel l (W) 50yd F.S . 32 .4 P iquet te <W) Jackson (McH) McCarren (McH) Thompson (W) Diving 121.9 Scr izan (McH) 100 F .S 1:04.1 Moore (W) T Dass (McH) Kie ladan <W) Folz (McH) 500 F .S . 8 :19 .3 - Opfer <McH) Bel l <W) Hal l (McH) 100 Backs t roke 1:18 Masidve (W) T Dass (McH) Berg (W) Folz (McH) 100 Breas ts t roke 1:24 4 - Darr (McH) Shard (McH) Redmon (W) 400 F .S . Relay 4:49 9 - Woodstock, Moore , Kie l lander , Berg , Redmon The McHenry high "Rassling Warriors" will compete in matches at home this weekend. Tonight they host the always dangerous ZeeBees from Zion in a match at West Campus starting at 6:45 p.m. Tomorrow they host a double Anthony Roskie of Wood stock, has become a charter member of the Lake Forest College Athletic Hall of Fame. He was among 19 of the school's greatest athletes recognized for their achievements at the first annual awards dinner held d u r i n g H o m e c o m i n g ceremonies this fall. Charter members were selected for their outstanding contributions to sports at LFC as player, coach, or athletic director. Raskie, a 1929 graduate of Lake Forest, was recognized for his accomplishments in football, basketball and baseball. A four-letter man in three sports while at LFC, he then went on to become an outstanding coach at the Todd School in Woodstock. He also was coach and athletic director at Woodstock high school. * * * * Money should not be the end sought in life. IS ON THE WAY.... «.JaHnsan 1974 GOLDEN GHOST The quick and quiet snowmobile • Two-cylindar - 30 h.p. engine! • Super-Torque transmission) • MagFlash ™ CD ignition! • Electric starting! • Wide-Trac design! • Reverse! • Neutral! k TEST RIDE # O N E T O D A Y A T . . . SClllfil: NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE BEST VALUES! 'Ife !'!M. "1m 4019 E. LAKE SHORE DR. TRI MARINE WONDER LAKE (815)653-3000 HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers - OPEN DAILY 9 til 9 SUNDAY 10 til 6 McHENRY MARKET PLACE, 4400 W. Rt*> 120 ft SANTA $ SATURDAY, DEC. 7 1:00 to 5:00 SUNDAY, DEC. 8 1:00 to 5:00 Santa makes his offical entrance to McHeniy this week-end and has stocked our store full for" boys and girls of all ages. We have the largest and most complete selection of toys in the McHenry land area. Robert Hilsen Bowling King Of McHenry County PAGE 7 - PLAIN DEALER-FRIDAY. OECEMBER 6. 1V74 Rober t l l i l sen bowl ing a t the McHenry Recrea t ion on Nov 17, won the t i t le of Bowling King lor the year 1974-75 Bowling agains t the h igh four teen men represent ing most of the leagues in the county . p lus las t year ' s Bowling King. Ralph . Jus ten , McHenry , Hi lsen won the ro l l of f wi th 645. These bowlers qual i f ied for the ro l l -of f wi th scores bowled ear l ie r in league p lay The four f ina l i s t s were : Rober t Hi lsen , Johnsburg , 645; Gary Spengel , McHenry . 641: Tom Warren , Metro Bowl , 618: Ar t Jackson, McHenry , 579. Santa's Schedule (in city park) Saturday and Sunday, December 7-8 1:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, December 14-15 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, December 16-20 5:00-8:30 p.m Monday, December 23 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m Tuesday, December 24 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Mi 4* ? 2% 'MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COURTHOUSE" dual meet at 1 p.m. at both East and West campuses. Competing will be Rockford Jefferson last year's winner, Geneva, Round Lake and the Warriors. The frosh-soph matches will be at the East Campus gym, while the varsity ( 1RCUIT COURT Associa te Circui t Judge Leonard Brody Michael L . Zawis towski , 5507 Kenosha , Richmond, gui l ty of res is t ing a peace off icer , f ined $50 and cos ts Another charge of aggravated assaul t was nol le prossed Michael T Berent , 1400 Clearview. McHenry , gui l ty of purchase or acceptance of a lcohol ic l iquor by a person of non-age Fined $75 and cos ts . Kenneth Hansen, 10815 Main . Richmond, gui l ty of v io la t ion of junk vehic le ord inance , f ined $200 and cos ts . Associa te Circui t matches wi l l be he ld a t West Campus . I f you want to see high school wres t l ing a t i t s bes t I sugges t you a t tend these matches tomorrow a t 1 p .m. Judge Thomas Baker Samuel L. Denocolo, 205 Broadway, McHenry , bound over to the Grand jury on a charge of possess ion of con t ro l led subs tances . Thomas C. Leahy, 3108 Idyl l Del l , McHenry , bound over to the Grand jury on charges of burglary , c r iminal damage to proper ty over $150, possess ion of burglary tools and armed vio lence . COMPLAINTS Sgt Dan Kinnerk charges tha t on Nov. 15, Kei th Weidemil ler of 5113 W. Westwood dr ive , McHenry , commit ted the of fense of thef t over $150 in tha t he d id knowingly obta in unauthor ized cont ro l over four tires which were on a 1973 Camero in the parking lo t of Mi tchel l Buick a t 903 N. Front s t ree t , McHenry . Bond se t a t $500, court date Dec. 19. Sgt . Dan Kinnerk charges tha t on Nov. 15 . BKadley P McClel lan of 5117 W VvU's t wood dr ive , McHenry , commit ted the of fense of thef t over$ |5( ) in tha t he d id knowKf^ly obta in unauthor ized yfmtrol over four t i res which Avere on a 1973 Camero in the parking lo t of Mi tchel l Buick a t 903 N Front s t ree t . McHenry . Bond se t a t $500, cour t da te Dec 19. Off icer Rober t Winters charges tha t on Dec. 2 , John F Kehl of ( . )248 S Centra l , Oak Lawn, commit ted the of fense of res is t ing or obs t ruc t ing a pol ice of f icer Bond se t a t $1 ,000, cour t da te Dec 11) Sgt . Dan Kinnerk charges tha t on Dec. 2 . John Kehl of 9248 S . Cent ra l , Oak Lawn, com mit ted the of fense of escape in tha t he d id in tent ional ly escape f rom cus tody whi le wai t ing to be p icked up by another depar tment on a fe lony warrant whi le in the cus tody f rom the McHenry Pol ice depar tment . Off icer Kar l E . Fr i tz of the Woodstock Pol ice depar tment charges tha t Thomas Char les Leahy of 3108 Idyl l Del l road , McHenry , commit ted the of- McHEMRY McHENRY 385-0144 . fenses of burglary , unlawful use of weapons , c r iminal damage to property over $150, possession of burglary tools and armed vio lence in tha t he was involved with another in enter ing the Farm and Flee t store. Woodstock, and had in his possess ion a 38 cal iber revolver Bond for a l l the charges was set at $18,500. ssasmaj I S tar t i Fr i Ok 6 tor 1 Mnk i t 7 08 Only ! They bank. they took the (WARAfl mOGftAMi HARVARD WIT" | Start ! Fn D*c t tor 1 Watk M f rOO Double Feature SPECIAL (Hut BONUS r * S/* 0 SHOWPLACE Xvt::/ 1 & 2 ON ROU'E 14 JUSI WtS t O f ROUTE 31 CRYSTAL LAKE 8U 4S5 100S 1. HELD OVER! Fri.-1:00-9:50 - Sat.-Sun.-1:00,3:45,7:00,9:50 Wkdy 7:30 The Trial of PG Billv Jack 2. Fri.-7:15-9:15-11:00 Sat.-Sun. 5:15,7:15,9:15,11:00 - .. mPIH Wkdv 7:00-9:00 An all NEW film... SATURDAY-SUNDAY Childrens Mat. 1:15 "The Daring Dobermans" G •Sat. & Sun. BARGAIN MATINEES All Seats $1.25 til 5 P.M. STARTS TONIGHT ! Fri.-Sat.-Sun. 7:00 - 9:00 Wkdys 7:30 HE HAS EXACTLY SEVEN MINUTES TO GET RICH QUICK! CLINT EASTWOOD 'THUNDERBOLT and UGHTFQQT" SAT.-SUN. MAT. 1:30 ALL SEATS $1.00 "THE DARING DOBERMANS" G GOOD/YEAR SERVICE "STORES T1|C Mijsic" PLAYS RECORDS 8 TRACK TAPES AM/FM/ FM STEREO RADIO T Complete 5-Piece GE Stereo Component Set 221-0726 5-Piece Tri-Mode Stereo Component Set $159 221-0744 'Equ ipped fo r two add i t i ona l speake rs f o r quad raphon i c sound ! • FM/AM/FM-Stereo r a d i o t u n e r • 8 - T r a c k t a p e p l a y e r • 3 - S p e e d a u t o m a t i c r e c o r d c h a n g e r • T w o \ 7 " x l l " x 5 1 w o o d s p e a k e r s • H a n d y r o l l - a - b o u t s t a n d • T i n t e d d u s t c o v e r • 4 5 R P M a d a p t e r • L i g h t e d i n d i c a t o r d i a l s f o r e a s y t u n i n g • Record Player with dust cover • Continuous or manual 8-Track Tape Player • Two large closed Speakers • FM/AM/FM Stereo Radio • Headphone Set • Record Storage Rack • Wood and Metal Roll-about Stand Deluxe Stereo Component Music System $29995 • T u n e r / R e c e i v e r / A m p l i f i e r U n i t • T w o 3 - w a y a i r s u s p e n s i o n e n c l o s u r e s • D e l u x e 3 - s p e e d r e c o r d c h a n g e r • P r o t e c t i v e t i n t e d d u s t c o v e r • C u e i n g c o n t r o l f o r p r e c i s e t o n e a r m p l a c e m e n t • T u n i n g m e t e r f o r p e a k F M / A M r e c e p t i o n • S t e r e o s i g n a l i n d i c a t o r l i g h t "Adap ts t o "QuadraF i " 4 -channe l sound w i th add i t i on o f 2 op t i ona l speake rs ! 221-0745 _ _ _ * O u r O w n C u s t o m e r C r e d i t P l a n • M a s t e r C h a r g e • B a n k A r n c m a 6 WAYS TO PAY AT GOODYEAH • American Express Money Card • Carle Blanche • Dine rs ( ' ub HOLIDAY HOURS MON., THURS.. FRI., HAM to 9PM - TUES., WED., «/ nuui/AT nvuKo SPECIAL HOURS NOW THRU DEC. 25th AM to 6PM-SAT. SAM to ">PM 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL OOODWYCAR SERVICE STORE PHONE: 815 385-7300