FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, lt74 - • J Tlbsp. flour \ l\cup soft breai 1 cup millt^^J 1 [cup cooked tui 1 \lbs{Viikf)pp€ 2 eggsoeaten i E y E i A B M s m r " Andre's (?ae6t4il4 Turkey, an, excellent source of proten, iron thiamen, riboflavin and niacin, is available in record quantities this year announces Pat Frank, University of Illinois Extension adviser in Home Economics. Prices for turkey have declined CHURCH PRESENTATION - A very successful chancel play, . "The Faith Hawker," was presented at both Sunday morning Masses at St. Paul's Episcopal church this past week. In top photo are members of the cast: front row, from left, Cathy Byers, Mark Wyatt, Jodi Heldt and Liz Lang; in back, Cathy Boak. In lower photo Santa greets Allison Johnson at a party held at St. Paul's recreation room, the same evening. FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL BEAUTY SALON NEW for the last nine months and are expected to continue below last year for the remainder of the year. Frozen turkey should be thawed, whole in the original wrapper, in the refrigerator, recommends Miss Frank. The only exception is the com mercially frozen stuffed turkey; it should not be thawed prior to cooking. You should allow two to three days to thaw an 18 pound bird, one to two days for a smaller one. Do not thaw at room temperature. You may quicken the thawing process by placing the turkey in a watertight wrapper under cold running water for four to six hours. Never use warm water for quick thawing since it may induce spoilage. Turkey should be almost completely thawed (at least pliable) before cooking. Once turkey is thawed, it should never be refrozen raw. Defrosted turkey may be safely kept up to 24 hours at 38 F (normal refrigerator tem perature) provided it is properly wrapped in foil or moisture-proof paper. However, it is still best to cook the bird immediately, reminds Miss Frank. Before cooking, wash the turkey inside and out and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Salt inside of turkey and fill cavity loosely with stuffing; place in roasting pan and rub with fat. Cover with foil "tent" or thin cloth moistened with fat. Cook it immediately. DO NOT STUFF poultry, then refrigerate it. you are in creasing the possibility of food poisoning. If you use a low oven tem perature (325 F) for roasting turkey, there will be less shrinkage and the flesh will retain its juiciness and flavor. The turkey will be done when a meat thermometer placed in the center of the inside thigh muscle, registers 185 F. If the bird is stuffed, check the "temperature in the center of the stuffing. It should register at least 165 F. Don't spare the heat! Bacteria in the stuffing may stay alive and will grow later, out of the oven, while the bird is waiting for the knife. Turkey- the second time around. You can turn those turkey left-overs into delicious planned-overs for the next day, the following week and even months later. Immediately after serving the whole turkey, remove the stuffing. Cover and cool the meat and stuffing separately in your refrigerator. After the turkey is well chilled, remove meat from the bone if desired. Plan vto use the refrigerated cooked turkey, stuffing and The Fir«t National Bank of McHenry offers a license plate service effective December 2, 1974. You must nave your pre* printed form from the State of Illinois in order to purchase your 1975 license plates. (Service Charge $1.00) BTHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 West Elm Street • McHenry, Illinois 60050 3317 W. ELM McHENRY, ILL. FOR WOMEN: *SHAGS * NATURALS *LAYER CUTS You CAN Tell The Difference..- JANE'S Styling For Men By Appointment 385-7771 [ American Legion Post 491T -RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY- | FISH FRY EVERY I I FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) j • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE » OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ! ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE • FRI & SAT | ( BARGAIN BASEMENT j FOR RESERVATIONS DIAL 678-7766 11106 US. 12 NORTH HAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOWfl I RICHMOND, ILL. For Fun And Good Times ... Spend The Holidays With Us. D0RKIES RESTAURANT 4213 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-6981 FOR FREE GIFTS Free Dollars Given To Children 2 to 12 Years Of Age When Accompanied With An Adult. OPEN NEW TEARS DAY . . . 12-9 pm LOOK KIDS SAVE "D0RKIE DOLLARS" TOISW SANDWlC ALL TASTES. TO SATISFY Let's Talk Turkey: Hints On Making Most O f Bird THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALBR Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60060 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry.-E^. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER itMimm r*M i* M SUSTAINING MEMBER - 1974 F f M f t * i t k m SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $9.00 l Year $12.50 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County ^ OPEN NEW YEARS EVE ... 4 pm Till ? Music - Party Favors Plus Special Menu Deborah Ann Blake Receives First Holy Communion Deborah Ann Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Blake, received her first Holy Communion Dec. 15 at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, at the 9 o'clock Mass with Rev. Leo Bartel officiating. Following the church service dinner was served at the Blake home. Quests included the grandparents, Harold • M; Justen, Mrs. Viola Justen, and Mrs. Anton Blake; the great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thennes; the god parents, Raymond Blake and Mrs. William Henderson; Mrs. Raymond Blakevand daughter, Tina, William Hpnderson and daughters,, Patricia and Denise; and Deborah's brothers, Mathew and David. COSTS OF PHARMACEUTICALS DOWN Consumer Price Index • # all items prescriptions 1%0 1962 1964 19M> 19W5 1970 (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1967=100) Washington, D.C.-According to the Consumer Price Index put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average cost of pharmaceutical products has^shown a decline of 0.4 percent since 1973 and 12.8 percent since 1960, while the average cost of all items has risen 50 percent and the average cost of health care 74 percent in the last 14 years. left-over turkey ; suggests Frank. TURKEY APPETIZER BALL cup ground cooked turkey Tblsp. bacon-flavored n bits cup creamy Roquefort dressing cup finely chopped pecans In\a small bowl, combine turkey, bacon-flavored bits and salad dressing, well and shape mixture a ball. Then roll the turkey 1 in the chopped nuts. Serve "H wilh crackers. Makes 1 cup. MUSHROOM SAUCE >2 cup sliced mushrooms 1 Tlbsp. butter or other fat 3 Tlbsp. flour McHenry County college was the scene of an unusual Christmas party recently. Foreign-born students of English As A Second Language program, in the college's Adult and Continuing Education division, held their annual Christmas party. The motif of the party was Christmas in Latin America. Santa Claus was on hand to entertain the children of adult students in two languages. After a dinner of exotic dishes from all over the world, the younger children participated in the Mexican custom of the pinata. About sixty-five students and their guests enjoyed the festivities of the evening. Use frozen plain turkey and stuffing within one month Turkey that has been frozen in broth or gravy may be stored for up to six months. To use large pieces of frozen turkey, thaw the wrapped meat in the refrigerator before using. Try the following receipes for new and different ways to use YESf another year has gone by, and FRAN thanks everyone for their patronage; making her FIRST year in business a success. She is looking forward to another year, with everyone, rendering her professional beauty services . . . JUST FOR YOU 344-1019 1212 N. Green St (0fc8)McHeniy FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TURKEY-MUSHROOM SCALLOP cup chopped mushrooms •4 cup butter bs r " llcup cooked turkey, chopped 1 H^lbsp^jcbtfppefl parsley 2 >4 tsp. salt tsp. pepper •H tsp. onion juice 1 recipe mushroom sauce Brown mushrooms lightly in fat. Stir flour into mushroom mixture. Add breadcrumbs Add milk slowly, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat 5 minutes. Add turkey, parsley, eggs, and seasonings to mushroom mixture. Pour into baking dish. Set in a pan of hot water. Bake 40 minutes or until firm. Cut into triangles. Serve hot mushroom sauce over each serving. i Christmas Party gravy within For a hearty soup, leave a little turkey meat clinging to the bones. Then simmer the meaty turkey frame with your favorite seasonings in a large kettle or dutch oven until you have a rich broth. Remove the meat from the bones, discard the bones, then add a com bination of your favorite vegetables to the meat and broth. Freeze cooked turkey, that will not be used in three or four days, to extend its storage time. Wrap the turkey meat and stuffing separately in* mositure-vaporproof »wrap or containers. For your con venience later, wrap whole slices, chunks, and small bits and pieces of meat separately in meal-sized portions. When freezing turkey in its broth or gravy, pack in rigid containers, allowing one-inch head-space per quart. Freeze at zero degrees or less. AUTO LICENSE PLATES CHURCH RITES At Zion Lutheran chur(|h, there will be a New Year's eve service at 7:30 with Holy Communion, on the theme, "Herod, the Bad Old King". On New Year's day at 10:30 a.m. the service will be based on "Simeon -an Old Man With New Peace". - >4 tsp. salt 112 cups milk Melt fat over low heat, brown . mushrooms in fat. Blend flour and salt. Heat and stir until bubbly. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened.