PAO.F. 4 - AAINDEALE WE U\ESDA\, JANUARY 8, 1975 West Shore Beach Connie Schmidt Our Association Extends Welcome To New Residents Wc> all know this is a New Yi'ar for the Wesj^Shore Beach Property Owner's Association to make our community a better place to live. The meetings?have always been the second Saturday of each month and signs are posted for a reminder. A, welcome is extended to each individual member of our community to a t t e n d t h e s e m e e t i n g s a n d 385-7841 become an involved and active participant. More people must take action in order for this year to be a total success. Let's- try folks! FLORIDA VACATION When the snows began before Christmas the Jabureks of Euclid drive, boarded a flight to sunny Florida for a little rest and relaxation. Dolores, Dawn and Darin visited the famous Kapok Tree Inn in Clearwater for 'dinner and toured the exquisite shops and gardens surrounding the plush interior. Dolores's father who lives in Crystal Beach was delighted to go fishing with them and en joyed everyone's company. It was a short week and next time the group plans to .stay a little longer! - • • , CAUTION SNOW . ENTHUSIASTS It was a tragic day when a resident of our subdivision had to damage his car on a nearby tree to avoid walkers oh the icy roadway. Many have expressed their concern about walkers -and sledders on our subdivision roads who do not stand clear for cars. Our roads become un bearable especially on the Alton and Highland hills. Caution your children and always walk far enough off the road when a car is passing. Your courtesy to drivers could prevent further accidents and make it easier for our motorists. - ICE SKATING'S HEJtE! Let's make use of those new ice skates and dig out the old ones! Pat and Bill Mohlman took the time to help clear a small area on our beach front for the community's outdoor people. The Latimer girls were down there, too, shoveling off more newly fallen snow for clear skating. We appreciate your efforts and those of any other persons who can make it just a little nicer for somS good fun! r REMEMBER TO RECYCLE Every third Saturday of the month there is a recycling drive at the McHenry Market Place by specific groups in our area. They collect washed bottles and crushed tin cans from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. please bundle magazines and newspapers separately and please cooperate by not throwing unnecessary garbage in with your drop-offs. t This is an environmental project in which every individual and family can- participate with a small amount of effort at home. Most important it doesn't cost anything to cooperate! Nc HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS The Schmidts had a merry thristmas with Connie's sister, fancy Dittmer, and her husband, Tom,' from _ Mt. Prospect. Nieces and nephews, Gregory, Philip, and Renee, had a fun day, too, along with * Grandpa Helwig from Zion, Grandma and Grandpa Ritter of Lakeland Park, Great- Grandpa Ritte)\o^Chicago, and Earl, Ann and Lisa Ritter also of Chicago. ' - Joe and Esther Finiello spent Christmas at the home of Esther's daughter, Beverly DiModica, and her husband, Nace, of Niles. Sa^a Claus arrived with loads of presents for Grandchildren Chris, Julie, Jeannine, Antoinette, and niece, Rebecca. Other relatives who also enjoyed the day were Esther's sister,, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill of Lake Zurich, Mrs. Ruth Bowling of Chicago and Mrs. Carol Benson of Niles. New Year's celebrations were enjoyed in their homes by Larry and Char Nowak and Joe and Esther Finiello with guests Dolores and Darin Jaburek. In addition Ken ahd Jan Wahl BankAmericaro master cha/ge HORHSBYS family centers - V SCORES OF MARKDOWNS THRU-OUT THE STORE Save *c i \\\\^ 117 J \Y\\ I A protein Protein 21 Hair Spray Mfgrs. 2.25 size OB Our Res. 1.76 13 oz. Reg^ or X-Hold to save your hair-do. baby Johnson's 7 02. Baby Shampoo H Colgate 100 Mouthwash V Our Reg. 1.32 No more tears! New plastic bottle. Our Reg. 1.08 12 oz. Mfgrs. Pleasant tasting. 1.29 size. Cutex Lemon Polish Remover Ate Our Reg. 56c Has cuticle conditioner. New V lemon scented formula. | Sylvan ia 0 Flash Cubes Bluedot Our Reg. 1.17 * Box of 3 for all standard flash cube cameras. or 6 PAK Asst. Duo-Tang Portfolios Our Reg. 73c 5 Handy portfolios - for school, home, office. .0 •V'Mh 50-9 Oz. Foam Cups Our Reg. 62c Insulated styrofoam cups in large 9 ounce size. Resuable, disposable. Great for family get togethers. Save 36% On Handy Tidee Spong Mop « 64 Our Reg. 2.57 Features large cleaning surface area. Spring hinged V squeeze plate - rust resist- ant ^ Desert Puzzle By Milton Bradley Our Reg. 1.13 Perfect lor the cold evenings ahead. C hoose from a w^de varity of scenic pictures. Pals' Vitamins Sk 158 60 count, animal shaped sup plemental vitamins. 6 animal JL shapes, 6 fruit flavors. Easy-On Spray Starch Our Reg. 83c Easy to use just spray on! Guaranteed not to clog, stic or scorch. W 22 ounce size. Table-Top Humidifier By Westbend Our Reg. 25.76 | 1 1787 Portable for use in any room. Model No. 4009 A Protein 29 Hair Groom For Men r Q Qe 1.28 # Made for todays hair styles. VVifl not leave your hair stiff or sticky. Men's Thermal Socks Pkg. of 2 Pair l08 Our Reg. 1.64 Insulated all over, cushioned lining, retains body heat, keeps cold out. made Christmas visits to Mrs. Fred Wahl and Mr. and Mrs. Goran Engstrom of McHenry and enjoyed a happy new year out together. Hope everyone had a good time! . PERSONALS Lots of birthday wishes to Ellen Kidd from her husband Bud and the whole Enarson family! Have a nice day, Ellen! Dawn Jaburek will celebrate her fifteenth birthday on Jan. 8 with a lovely dinner out with the family. May you have a perfect time! Hi to Richard Basile who returned to Germany after a fine holiday at home. A phone call to the Finiellos from some former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Swanson of Phoenix, Ariz., brought holiday cheer and a very happy and healthy new year .to all the residents of West Shore Beach. We all wish you the same folks! Whispering Oaks (Whispers from the "Oaks") Marilynn Hamilton 385-6962 Discuss Water As Potpourri Series Are Resumed The Whispering Oaks Pot pourri Series for the new year will start again in January. The first meeting will be concerned with "Watei'." Last summer the City Fathers asked the residents to curtail the sprinkling of lawns except at specific times. Now a new well has been completed so that we have an ample supply of water but funds are limited for in stalling water mains and associated equipment. Alderman George Harker will explain the status of our water problem at the first meeting to be held on Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. at the Whispering Oaks- Com munity Center. A good and ample water supply is so im portant that everyone should attend this meeting. CHRISTMAS VISITORS Mrs. Helen Stokes (Phil's sister) visited Phil and Marilynn Hamilton at their Oakwood Drive home over the Christmas holidays. It was a most enjoyable visit as it was the first in five years for Mrs. Stokes who is Director of Women in Community Service in Denver, Colo. Christmas Day, John Hamilton and his family of Carpentersville and daughters, Susan Hamilton of Fox River Grove and Lesley Turner of Chicago gathered around the big Christmas tree for an exchange of gifts followed by a traditional English Christmas dinner. FIRST GRANDDAUGHTER Hugo and Kathryn Manfredi of Wiltshire Drive hit the jack pot! After seven grandsons they have a lovely little g r a n d d a u g h t e r . T h e i r daughter, Barbara, is the proud mother of little Bridgid Anne Hermrick. The happy family y lives in Bloomingdale. -j TRAVELERS John and Bernice Fitzgerald of Essex Court recently returned from a visit to Las Vegas where they saw the shows and enjoyed "people watching and ali that goes with it." Mrs. Robert St. John of Palm Springs, Calif., Ber- nice's sister, drove to Las. Vegas and met them to drive them back to her home for a visit. After an enjoyable visit in Palm Springs, the Fitzgeralds continued on to San Francisco tp visit her brother, Jim Bannon. Just home long enough to change luggage and then off to drive to Miami, Fla., stop ping along the way to visit friends. Bernice and John were joined by their daughter, Pat, and her little son, Jerry, for a happy time. \ GOOD NEWS is learning that Mrs. Hazel Bauer (Mrs. Alvin) of Front Royal Drive is recovering nicely from a heart "scare" and will be home soon from McHenry hospital. Mrs. Mary Holtz is home again from McHenry hospital and feeling well enough to do even a little shopping. Melvin Pond of Front Royal Drive is now out of intensive care ^nd gaining his strength eapfrday. Mel is in Room 223-2 at McHenry hospital and cards are always a "day brightener." Glad to report that our very popular Alderman, George Harker, is now home from McHenry hospital after his very serious auto accident. Cast and all; George proves that nothing will keep a good man down. LUCKY GRANDPARENTS C h r i s t m a s v a c a t i o n s sometimes mean that little girls get to visit lucky grand parents and little Elanor Mason from St. Charles, is visiting Grandma and Grandpa Mil and John Albrecht of Front Royal Court. There is nothing like sled pulling and cookie baking to make grandparents feel needed! SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy goes belatedly to Charlotte Herrig of Oakwood Drive on the passing of her husband, Jack, on Sept. 27. Jack and Charlotte became Whispering Oaks residents in November of 1972 upon retirement. Jack Herrig had been a very busy man all his life. He was employed by the Lill Coal and Oil Co. in Chicago. He was a man of many interests, being active in Kiwanis, Elks Club, Lions Club, the Chicago Real Estate Board and the Chicago Coal Merchants Association. He was interested in Lawrence Hall, a home for boys from broken homes. Jack's and Charlotte's joy was serving as foster parents. Charlotte has two sons, both living in the Chicago area. Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 20th, A.D. 1974, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as^IK 'N' NIK, located at 29 Ayer Street, Harvard, Illinois 60033. Dated this 20th day of December, A.D. 1974. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk. (Pub. Jan. 8, 15, 22, 1975) TURN ONS WHY ARE JUERE MORE GOSSIPS IN A SM.ALL TOt/VN? ITS MORE: FUN WATCHING THE GAME WHEN you KNO/J THE PLAYERS / AWARD WINNERS - Standing in back of guests at the recent Viscount drum and bugle corps award banquet is Hal Harris, left, who made squad-of-the-year presentations to Kathy Kost, Steve Strudeman and Dave Messer. UWADVERTISEP BARGAINS! ! !