FIGHTS BLAZE ~ Lonely is the task of this fireman as he plays his hose on a house fire in Holiday Hills Tuesday afternoon. Firemen from Companies I and III in McHenry were joined by a tanker crew from Nunda township in bringing the flames under control. Mrs. Karen B. Marasof 1503 W. Hickory, Holiday Hills, and her nine children were left homeless. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Holiday Hills Karen Kottke 385-6675 Douglas Children Learn True Spirit Of Christmas With true Christmas spirit the Douglas children, Cheryl, Rick, and Dawn, spent many hours knocking on doors to collect funds for the Neediest Christmas Fund created by Wally Phillips of WGN radio. The youngsters collected over $40 for the fund. On Dec. 24, Cheryl Douglas called the Wally Phillips show and was congratulated by Mr. Phillips during his program. Thanks to these children's thoughtfulness Christmas was a happier season this year. We think the Douglas children may have had one of the best Christmases yet as they discovered the self-satisfaction one feels when doing a good turn for others. VANDALISM AND THEFT REPORTED One always likes to think of PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites tHfe public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. < Olir only request is that the writers give - signature, full ad dress and phone number. We ask too. that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectional taste.) THE JOHNSBURGJOURNAL "Dear Editor, "In response to Mr. Kem- mer's letter in the Dec. 27 issue of the Plaindealer, it 's im portant to clear up some misinformation he has about the Johnsburg Journal, student newspaper at Johnsburg Junior high school. "Board members and ad ministrators do not control the content of the Johnsburg Journal. Control of the newspaper's content rests with the student editorial board. "The staff can responsibly praise or criticize the school without any fear of censorship. "The nespaper has not yet taken an editorial stand on whether or not Johnsburg should have its own high school. Therefore, the staff doesn't understand how Mr. Kemmer feels that we are promoting a new high school. In the future maybe the staff will promote a high school on the editorial page If that happens it will be a student decision and not a board member or ad ministrator decision. "Staff members went to the administrators for stories concerning the possibilities of a new hiph school. The ad ministrators did not tell the staff to print any stories. "The school board has given the Journal $350for operational purposes. The Journal has already paid back the board more than $300 and by the end of the year the Journal projects it will end up in a slight profit and will not cost the taxpayers one penny. "Scott Dixon "Editor-in-chief "The Johnsburg Journal" CluiiK-0-£afee» TRAVEL SERVICE Amtrak AIRUNl maid INDIVIDUAL Ctouf CHlilSES & TOUK 140) W tun MfHINftV 385-7500 kDEPENDA6lE TBAVIt SINCf _19^ ^P"•mm his community as a warm, friendlv place that remains a sanctuary from the trqubles of the outside world. In most instances we have this warmth present in our own area. Recently we have been plagued with intrusions to this tranquil state of being. It is unfortunate for me to have to report such happenings, but the vandalism and thefts are on the rise here, as elsewhere. Small incidents, such as snowmen, carefully constructed by our neigh borhood children, being destroyed shortly after their completion, and mailboxes removed from their resting posts, were the first signs of vandalism to surface. Next came reports of several wind shields on cars broken as the cars were parked on the street or in driveways. We now have word that Linda Pratt, who resides with her parents on Hyde Park, had her car broken into and the gear shift knob and her radio speakers removed. Last week Mrs. Lillian Pratt reported the theft of Christmas decorations from their adorn ment of their front yard. It appears as if our Christ mas bandits were not satisfied with their haul from the Pratt household, they again struck at the Kessler home. It seems that the Kesslers' gorgeous array of Christmas lighting blanketing the bushes surrounding their home has been defiled. The culprits removed all the bulbs from the strings of lights, for what purpose one can only imagine. As Mr. Kessler stated, "At least they waited till after Christmas." That's one way to reflect on one's loss, but such happenings are completely senseless. We do not know who is responsible for these incidents, or how to prevent their reoc currence. Why does anyone rip off their neighbors? These are the folks who spend every day in your company. They are the ones who offer a helping hand when the need arises. So why would anyone want to hurt their helping hands? MARAS HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE On Tuesday, Jan. 7, the Maras home, located on the corner of Tower drive and Hickory street was partially destroyed by fire. The source of the blaze was determined as the Christmas tree igniting. We are all thankful that no one was SERVICE NEWS Navy Chief Aviation An tisubmarine Warfare Operator Robert W Miller, husband of the former Miss Laverne J. injured in the blaze. The living room and kitchen areas of the home were completely destroyed, while the remainder of the house suffered extensive smoke damage. It has not yet been determined to what extent the loss will be. We hope at this time that friends and neighbors will be mindful of this disaster which has left the Maras family temporarily homeless. Meyer of Spring "Grove, reenlisted in the Navy for six years during ceremonies with Air Antisubmarine Squadron 30 at the Naval Air Station Cecil field, Jacksonville. Patrick K Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of 2602 S. Holiday, McHenry, enlisted at the Navy Recruiting station in Milwaukee, Wis. lie will begin basic military training at the Recruit Training center at Orlando, Fla. High Calories Food is most likely high in cal ories when thick, oily, or greasy; slick smooth or gooey; sweet or sticky; compact or concentrated; alcoholic. S THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER S i Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 3850170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 8i Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Editor Larry E. Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION f,U,i 1111 NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER --1975 SUBSCRIPTION RATES B 1 Year $9.00 l Year $12.50 S Sin McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and I County ^ Lake County 3317 W, ELM McHENRY, ILL FOR WOMEN: * SHAGS * NATURALS *LAYER CUTS You CAN Tell The Difference. JANE'S Styling For Men By Appointment 385-7771 JANUARY "RED DOT' SPECIAL SALE Otitf A£f All Shower Curtains l\jb I/IT <- And Window Drapes • I® DOT SPE0AIS HMF PRICE I JOfcjOff MM All Floral Printed Towels, Rugs, Tank Sets • Example Now-Less 30% Bath Toad 3.25 2.07 Guett Towel 1.55 1.08 Wash Cloth .95 .67 SPECIAL-DISCONTINUED RN6BR TIP TOWELS g/tjoo Assorted Colors KITCHEN TOWELS \ Disk Cloth Pot Holders Reg. .65 .65 2.50 1.39 Now .45 .50 1.65 .95 VISIT OUR BARGAIN ROOM FOR OTHER SAVINGS 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy, III. 385-0048 Police Tickets Frank, Borski, 2255 Lorel, Chicago, failure to yield right of way. Kevin Lavin, 1523 Garden, Palatine, speeding 55 in a 40 mph zone. * William C. Hansen, 4309 W . C r e s t w o o d , M c H e n r y , disobeyed traffic signal. Charles W. Lindwall, 3425 W Pearl, McHenry. driving while intoxicated. Diane K. Taylor, 331 W. Northlake, McHenry, no valid driver's license (expired more than six months). Scott A. Moore, 2923 Shorewood, McHenry. reckless driving. Edwin G. Bell, 1924 Hilltop, McHenry, speeding 56 in a 40 mph zone. Nancy Robinett, 212 S. Tryon, Woodstock, speeding 55 in a 40 mph zone. Celia Fernandez, 5305 Or chard, McHenry, speeding 55 in a 40 mph zone. David Dulberg, 4606 Hayden, McHenry, passing a school bus unloading children. Robert J. Duchane, 3620 McCullom • Lake road, McHenry, disobeyed stop sign. Dennis Somers, 154 Des Plaines;,. Forest ) Park, disobeyed stop sign. Rufus DeWitt, 8511 Acorn Path, Wonder Lake, two tickets for disobeying traffic signal when light turned red. Bob J. Allen, 902 Hayden, McHenry, speeding 44 in a 30 mph zone. David G. Borcovan, 1300 N. E a s t w o o d , M c H e n r y , disobeyed traffic signal when light turned red. Thomas Selzer. 1900 S e m i n a r y , W o o d s t o c k , speeding 57 in a 40 mph zone. Colleen A Hart, 4002 White, Solon Mills, speeding 53 in a 40 mph zone. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JANUARY 10,1975 16th District Nurses To Hear IN A Administrator K The Sixteenth district, Illinois Nurses association, will meet Monday, Jan. 13,- at the Cabriolet restaurant. 1765, N. Milwaukee avenue, Liber- tyville. There will be cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7. followed by the meeting. Theme of the evening will be "Your Economic Security, with Ann Zimmerman, executive administrator of the Illinois Nurses association, as' guest speaker. Let no gui l ty man escape , i f i t can be avoided. No per sonal cons iderat ions should s tand in the a-ay 'o f per form ing a puhl ir duty . I VyvvfM S . Giant Henry Mode has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 3. We spend all the time we need when it comes to preparing your return. We conduct in-depth interviews to make sure we understand your personal tax situation. And, we keep all information completely confidential. T H E I N C O M E T A X P E O P L E 3911 W. MAIN Open 9-6 Mon - Fri. 9-5 Sat. Phone 385-8630 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY WILD CAME DINNER SAT. JAN, 18, 1975 - 6pm til 9pm V.F.W. HALL SPONSORED BY KNIOHTS Of COLUMBUS McHenry, Illinois ' i DONATION '5.00 DOOR PRIZE D0RKIES RESTAURANT 4213 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-6981 LOOK KIDS FEAT 40 DIFFERENT SANDWICHES TO SATISFY <A^MSTCS. SAVE "D0RKIE DOLLARS" RING FOR FREE GIFTS Free Dollars Given To Children 2 to 1 2 Years Of Age When Accompanied With An Adult. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY McHeniy Savings Loan brings you Original Oil Paintings Exquisitely framed...imported for you... choose from our large selection of European oil paintings at a fraction of original cost when you deposit $50 or more. Now you can ow^i an original European oil painting at a cost far below the actual cataloguedg/alue Just imagine the color, warmth and interest one of our lovely paintings will add to your home A wide selection of styles, subjects, colors and sizes priced from $9 to $49, including hand car/ed wood frame To obtain one of these outstanding paintings at savings up to 75%, just deposit $50 or more in a McHenry Savings account and make your selection But hurry, while our selection is complete1 Earn from 5%% to 1K% on your investments. Absolutely the highest rates anywhere in McHenry. VISIT McHENRY SAVINGS' "ART GALLERY" TODAY Come in and browse You're bound to see something you'll like something to brighten your home these winter days1 FREE GALLERY LIGHT! INCLUDED WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH PAINTING OF $19.00 AND UP CE M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S SERVING ALL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY HlcHenry Savings •r AND LOAN ASSOCIATION * " ...» 1209 North Green Street » McHenry, Illinois #3050 - 815/385-3000 SAVFRS HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MondayNcuesday, inursday and Saturday 9:00 a.*n. to 8:00 p.m. Friday. Drive-In Window open Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HR$. A DAY EYER\DA\ DEPOSITS INSURED TO $40,000 BY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION