PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this * column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that the writers give - signature, full" ad dress and phone number. We ask too. that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectional taste. > COUNTY LANDFILL "Editor: "The McHenry County Defenders supports the pur chase of a waste disposal site for present and future needs of our growing county. "We commend the County Landfill committee for recognizing the need to provide - well in advance - a site which will be needed five, ten or twenty years from now for waste processing. We also recognize, along with the Landfill committee, the im mediate need for a site ap propriate for the land treat ment of Septic tank pumpings. The lack of a legal dumping site for septic wastes constitutes an emergency situation which does require action. "The Landfill committee has chosen a site which they believe will be suitable for waste disposal and is asking the approval of the County board to purchase a $5,000 option for the purposes of gaining access to this property to conduct test borings. However, the motion which was made by Ed Buss, not a member of the Landfill committee, at the County Board meeting of Dec. 17 to purchase the option, also contained two other provisions which have caused much confusion. One is that if the tests show that the site will likely fulfill EPA standards for a landfill, it must be purchased at already determined price ($715,000) and conditions. * "The last part of the motion is the one which we regard as the most dangerous. This would prohibit the county frorp conducting any operations at' the site and would insist that the site be leased to a private operator. The terms of the contract to purchase, which have already been worked out, call for a down payment of $175,000 and yearly) in stallments of $67,500. It was stated at the last County board meeting that the down payment and the first installment would come from the General fund, but when the second in stallment comes due, this must come from the leasee. These terms and this timetable would place enormous pressure on the county to find a leasee im mediately who would get into a landfill operation by the second year. This need for haste would prevent the Landfill committee from taking the time it needs to study the various disposal techniques available and to determine which would be best for the county. Also, a county-owned landfill operating within two years would offer unfair competition to the two EPA-approved privately owned landfill operations currently serving the county. "The motion before the County board could bring in an outsider and set. him up in business to compete with these law-abiding^ fore-sighted, responsible local businessmen. t"In conclusion, the Defen ders reaffirm support for the purchase of land for a waste disposal site. However, we urge the County board to defeat the Buss motion which will be brought back for consideration Jan. 14. The question of whether to purchase a $5,000 option should be decided as a separate issue with no strings attached. "Sydna A. Becker, President, McHenry County Defenders" Wastewater Planning Traveling Sidewalk The original traveling sidewalk was installed at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 to convey passengers from one part of the fairgrounds to another. It moved at speeds of three and six miles an hour, accommodating 5,600 persons. ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pi~>e Thawing STEEL jALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-07 83 / S T A T f F A R M I N S U R A N C E Your "Good Neighbor" for tfCome protection Your home . . . probably your big gest financiel investment ... de serves the best protection. A low- cost State Farm Homeowners Policy with automatic Inflation Coverage can provide all the up- to-date coverage you'll probably ever need. And by offering only the best in protection, service and economy, State Farm's become the world's leading homeowners in surer. Call me for all the details. Dennis Con way 3319 W. Elm, McHenry 385-7111 Like 8 good neighbor, State Farm is there. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Home Office:^ Bloomington, Illinois i- Compromise Offered To Withhold'NIPC Control A compromise has been offered to settle a dispute over whether wastewater planning in the Chicago metropolitan area shall go the way of the Chicago dominated-RTA or whether county and municipal regional planning commissions shall control who gets what federal and state sewer grants. At stake is nothing less than whether local officials shall determine local growth pat terns, according to State Rep. Cal Skinner, Jr. (R-Crystal Lake), who sees strong parallels between the Regional Transportation Authority and this Northeastern Illinois Planning commission attempt to take power from local elected officials. Without fanfare, the state EPA gave NIPC $91,000 in October to go out and get resolutions from local govern ments supporting the designation of NIPC as the regional planning agency mandated by section 208 of a 1972 federal law, according to the legislator. In response to what Skinner has charged i%"an intense and professional lobbying cam paign financed by money wrongly diverted from the 1970 voter approved anti-pollution bonds," the Crystal Lake representative wrote letters to municipal and county leaders suggesting that giving this additional power to NIPC would result in a Chicago- controlled agency dominating the distribution of sewer grants. "Since then, Milton Pikarsky has been named chairman of the RTA, giving Chicago control of the development of mass transportation in the six- county arta," says Skinner, an active opponent of the RTA. He now believes this second loss of local autonomy "must be stopped at all costs, if we are to continue to have local govern ment as we now know it." After consultation with the planners of the other four outlying counties, McHenry County Planner John Quay has called for NIPC to agree to five conditions prior to its designation by Governor Walker as the agency to control wastewater disposal under section 208: (1): Appointment of an eighteen-member policy board consisting of the six county board chairmen, chairmen of the six county municipal leagues and the chairmen of the six regional county planning commissions. . (NIPC's proposed five-man policy committee consists of the city of Chicago, the Metropolitan Sanitary district, the governor, and one each to represent all the area's mayors and the six county boards.) (2): Division of all 208 planning funds according to the following formula: 50 per cent to h&equally divided among the six counties; 40 per cent divided op a per capita basis, and 10 per cent to NIPC for printing up the final report and holding hearings. NIPC would have control over only its share of the funds. V3V: Awarding of $5,000 per county from the $91,000 already given NIPC and the services of a senior NIPC staffer to assist each county in developing a 208 plan of action, all of which is to be done before Walker names NIPC the 208 agency. Halt Spending Except Salaries For Defense Agency Comptroller George W. Lindberg said this week he has halted spending, except for employee salaries, by the State Civil Defense, agency until a director of the agency is properly named. Lindberg said a review of the status of Acting CD Director E. Erie Jones, Jr., revealed that Jones' acting status has ex pired, a situation identical to that of former Acting State Fair Manager Paul King. The comptroller said he will (4): Assurance that local planning commissions will retain full control of their staffs and any additional personnel that must be hired. (5): An agreement to work •through the respective county regional planning agencies. The reaction of area municipalities, county boards, sanitary districts and NIPC can't be predicted, but as Quay's cover letter says, "It appears that if a document such as this is approved we could get on with the necessary work and stop wasting our time in meaningless meetings." PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1975 no longer pay Jones' $26,000 five regular employees, yearly salary as an Executive IV in the CD agency and will not hpnor any spending requests from the agency '.ovrppt the pavroll for its forty- Lindberg said Jones is being notified by letter and that an attorney general's opinion will be sought to verify Jones' status. People occasionally remember to believe that laurel leaves can cause forgstfulness. VALUABLE PAINT COUPON BUY 1 GALLON EUlOTT PAINT PAINT TRAY & ROLLER SET* ̂ * i H W M H U M A I I TIL VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 1212 N. 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