PAQE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JANUARY 24,1975 Spring Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 Many Projects Discussed At Woman's Club Twenty-three members and four guests were present at the Lotus Country Woman's Club meeting held at the town hall on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Hostesses for the day served a delicious lunch, after which meeting was called to order by President Kay Smith. A patriotic song was sung and a salute to the flag.. Everyone bowed their head in silent prayer in memory of two members who had passed away, Sah Hanssen and Hazel Winn. Poems dedicated to them were read by Dolores Ellefsen and Dorothy Orsolini. Secretary and Treasurer reports were read. Corresponding Secretary read literature from Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs regarding programming. Programs to be held will be one on how to detect the beginning of cancer. How to help Seni6r Citizens in the Medicare program. In- foramtion on the offer of a Music Camp for those musically inclined. Other materials for programs are also available through IFWC. Thank you notes were read from those receiving donations from the club. An an nouncement was made that a meeting of District 4 Women's clubs would be held Jan. 29. Representatives of the club will attend. Sunshine committee Chair man reported that cards had been sent to those mfembers who were ill. Happy birthday was sung for all who had January birthdays. A motion was made and seconded that revisions in the By-Laws be accepted. All favored by signifying "Aye". Citizenship Chairman Tippy Klein requested that all members take part as a committee in obtaining materia] and giving suggestions for the Bi centennial celebration in J976. It was voted that the revealing of Secret Pals and giving of gifts would be held at the November meeting. It was agreed that two additional members be placed on the lunch committee every month starting in February. New members introduced and welcomed to the club are Jane Wilson and Alfreda Williams. President Smith called for a board meeting on Feb. 19, 10:30 a.m. before the regular meeting starting at 12- noon. The program will be a Show and Tell. In March the club hopes to have a review on the history of Lotus Country Woman's Club. Any members who have records and in formation, please contact Kay Smith, Tippy Klein or Frances Heinemann. The day's program was a white elephant auction. * VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierce from Mattoon were recent visitors at the home of his mother^ Mrs. Minnie Pierce. They also visited Allan Pierce, who is a patient at Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shotliff of Denver, Colo., visited during the holiday season in Springfield with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brooks, then drove here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff. Sunday visitors in the Shotliff home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison, Lake Geneva, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns of Burlington, Wis. GARDEN CLUB The fihst meeting of the year of the Fox Lake Gacden Club was held at the Moose hall, Fox Lake, on Jan. 9. Following the meeting the members sang birthday songs for those who had birthdays in January. A special birthday greeting was sent to Ann Parsons, who will be 91 years old on Jan. 28. She was unable to attend and has been notified that she will be made an honorany member. Program was a white elephant auction and the showing of a motion picture documentary received from the Fox Lake library. The title was "Some of the Boys", an era of the Civil War Soldiers. It illustrated 180 detailed photographs from Mathew Brady collections of the National Archives, Library of Congress and State historical societies. Next meeting will be Feb. 13. Program...Valentine Seed Quiz and exchange. WEDDING Miss Latricia Lageotakes of Ingleside became the bride of Private Michael Kelly, son of Mrs. Catherine Kelly on Dec. 21. Private Kelly was on a two week furlough from the U.S. Army and the ceremony took place at First Baptist church in Round Lake. Reception followed at the home of his parents. The newlyweds are now residing in Clarksville, Tenn., where Private Kelly is taking his in-service job- training. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS MEET The regular meeting of the Christian Mothers society of St. Peter's parish was held in the hall on Thursday evening, Jan. 16. President Beverly Schmitt opened the meeting with a prayer and a salute to the flag. Minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report were given and ap proved. There was an an nouncement that the father-son breakfast would be held on Sunday, Feb. 9 in the church hall following the nine o'clock Mass. • t ' A ' • • • • : • • - • • • * • • . v v . o ; / . f' • . . . v, • # * : f ' • \ : '1 - " - ' < • W <« > „ ,% r ' ' ^ • r • •??.* ' * ». ^ i W i f 7* ( m f i l i I ^ * . • K : ' ' . > • • . " - " W - - • • " • f , | r . , .* . - Lis* ' - * v- *3 t £ \ -vf % i i S L ,ffY - ' 'O:.: •' • ' . . ^ .. ^ . Following a discussion, it was decided that the society would work on some project annually for improvement and upkeep of parish property. This year's project is the purchase of new drapes for all rooms in the rectory. Baskets of fodd were distributed to the needy for Christmas, consequently our pantry is depleted. All parishioners are urged to donate groceries again to replenish the pantry. A box will be placed in the vestibule of the church for your convenience. The meeting was brought to a close as a most interesting program had been planned. Guest speaker, Rev. John Holdren of St. Thomas Apostle, Crystal Lake, spoke on a "New Rite of Penance". He also showed slides and the question and answer period was very enlightening. All present learned that the new rite offers and encourages a fresh per ception of the sacrament. Cake and coffee was served by the hostesses. ANNUALDANCE "Winter Blossom" is the theme of the dance sponsored annually by the Spring Grove Parent Teachers Organization. The affair will be held at St. Peter's church hall, Feb. 8 and will begin at 8:30 p.m. The Spring Grove Fire Department will provide refreshments and hot beef sandwiches will be available after 10:30 p.m. Many prizes are being offer,ed. r-- FIRST MEETING OF4-H The 4 Corners 4-H Club had its first meeting of 1975 on Jan. 6 at St. Peter's hall. Cindy Miller presided. Vice President Kelly Fitzgerald explained for the benefit of newer members what Share-The-Fun is. The secretary read the minutes and reported on the sledding party held in December. Treasurer's report was given. Project books were passed out to the thirty- two people who attended. Refreshments served. SYMPATHY i Our heartfelt sympathy is extended Mrs. Rose Peter and family at the loss of husband and father, Math Peter, 91, who died on Jan. 1. A retired barber, he lived on Barry avenue and was a resident for many years where he made many friends. Funeral Mass was at St. Peter's church. Burial in St. Joseph cemetery, River Grove. 'l. j| ' | '• ' ' •' " **» -M* - M T ' v i ' . • Uii.i-I ERS SXyl Display Pack of 4 Ash Trays 58% off Our All-Sheer Party Hose Our ' *•$-:$. 'xi$- •7c > *» ** >:%%: v.v.v skJ., .V4.ur«« •or comfort ona»o»W«»nl ERS M*n's Sport Slacks $10.87 and up OFF v wjmmv >x R«v«rs1bU Throw KuflS Sf 24°̂ -2- V I ** r, ' that anyon® can $2.48 afford. ERS Chorn*Ing Orgonher ^ch.ckbooV OUT liny h<,nY^- r̂ r..' 13$ T- Four sofoty Islond ash trays Jn disploy pock. m. Comos in 4 ossortod /i colors -- hig sovin9s. | Ml,..- ^ ERS m Scfl I Lin* Arrtl-f •••»•,I Off Rol Sortd» 36% OH ^ Choose {r^t^s Sco^h br.;- m Our paront top . roll. Honfi. I 63C school or owco. Fitters out dirt. »nt u n»r for Incroosod Qyr J- t S 3 i 7 * 9 . o . ( (20«20«1M20X25^ - S - ®". [ill Our \M R»9- - III 31< i ?? A wintor warmorl Fuol m systom do-icor, absorbs \# moisturo and cUo"* IS: carborotor for '• cold woathor stortsll 12 ox. sixo. r$ : * 1 ' .... ^ vc.T GROUP JHMI « > I 1 • ml k A '7 ' A wide selection of styles & colors. Choose several at this low price while they last. fr SAVERS ERS SUCRETS Village of Evelyn Sandell Extend Get-Well Wishes To Many Area Residents I just heard Larry Mullen has been home since before Thanksgiving with an injured back -- I'm sure he would ap preciate someone giving him' a call or a visit from some friends. Sorry Larry - hope you'll be back to work soon and on the road to recovery. Elizabeth Metzgar» was hospitalized a day to have some surgery done on her arm, but she is home again and feeling fine. Sorry to hear Mrs. Genny Loconte is in the hospital. I'm sure she would like to hear from some of the folks in the village. Please send her a card I'm sure she would appreciate it. PROUD GRANDPARENTS Lou and Ernie Labay are the proud grandparents of a new baby boy. He was born Saturday, Jan. 11. His name is Michael Ernst and weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. His brother Ronnie, 4V2, was anxious to see his brother and mom come home. Lou picked up Carol on Tuesday and they had a homecoming dinner at grand ma's and grandpa's house. The proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ron Krumsee. TRIPLETS ENROLL MOSCOW, IDAHO - The Bjornn triplets enrolled as freshmen in the University of Idaho because it was closer and their father works there. He is professor of fishery management. Elaine majors in architecture, Ei leen in home economics and Colleen in physical educa tion. Sunnyside 385-2696 GOOD RESPONSE It sure is good to see the response we are getting for petitions to run for trustees. APPROVE GARAGE BUILDING I have to stand corrected on the statement I made last week that we are building a village hall. I was in error - the board has approved a proposal to build a municipal garage to house the squad car and other equipment which is now being kept in personal residences which should be maintained in a municipal building. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS My husband's birthday is today and I hope he has a very happy day. All our children are coming out next Sunday to celebrate his day. Students Attain Dean's Rating At Two Schools Timothy D. Tonyan of 312 W. Bay road, McHenry, was named to the 1974 fall quarter dean's list at the Georgia In stitute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. To be eligible for this honor, a student must attain a 3.0 (B) grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Marjorie Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burton of 2919 N. Shorewood, McHenry, was among the 233 students attaining the fall term dean's honor list at Wartburg college, Waverly, la. In order to be named to the list, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0 basis, complete at least four courses and not have taken any pass-no credit classes. * * • * The problem of any prob lem is finding the facts. 22% off Reg"** Hooded Sweatshirts ^ toothpaste 1.12 sixo. f©polar Reg 9.87 SM - M " L " XL Mart. 1S2 UShoosto l« '*«ulor E - _ Socrets Throat Uienges •̂ xz£r> %. '* wwtoi.1 »'«"• ,,t 1.15 sixo. 'i 'SIIK k mrp , rl ~s ' " A « k. .• > • < * • U v . "Tf V . s • fjfllH f . •M x W v*».. D QHi HHUHI <^P | v 1M l Wt 1 V > . ,, .. • •• - - . „ .5 m : M •i m m m jj0£ * * 4 - ' . M mm ^ . . • i - : i i_' i lPiBiii lrTfll i inr• 5 fm ' i • . i & M y t i l l . ' < i ,c> H? s't i SSiijfe".' V • V fi d M* M'i • f 'l ^ .V V.t£M Country Club Rd., Woodstock, s WHITEWALL STUDDED 385-0294 \