* .1Ut J-JI. You'll enjoy your own picnic if you plan ahead and use pretty, work-saving helpers If everyone in your fam ily is looking forward to backyard picnics this Summer,, but you, you're probably dreading the marathon -race to and from the kitchen while setting up and cleaning up for the rest of the group. This year, invite yourself to every one of your picnics -- and with a little thoughtful prep aration and lots of energy -- and time-saving ideas -- you'll find yourself feel ing like your own guest of honor! Stash a mighty bucket of ice filled with soft drinks, juice and milk by the picnic table. This way, you'll keep your beverages icy cold without rotating icecube trays all day. "Outdoor" food has two characteristics: it's "fin ger" food and "fresh" food. Fill colorful Dixie Livingware paper plates and bowls with carrot sticks, celery, sliced green Picture-pretty, just like Mommy! Teach her Grooming is vital to fashion Every little girl wants to be just like Mommy and it's a smart mother who takes advantage of that fact to teach her daughter some vital grooming rou tines. Little girls are never too young to learn the importance of cleanliness and good health habits. When Mommy brushes her teeth regularly after each meal and encourages her daughter to do the same, chances are very good that the youngster will develop the habit. Children do learn by example. Mothers can also stress the importance of clean hands and well cared-for nails by having a joint manicure session. Mother, of course. Can give herself the full-fledged treatment complete with a fashion able dark nail polish. Young missy might like a coating of gleaming colorless polish to make her feel ever so grownup. Healthful hair and scalp habits are more good grooming routines moth ers can show their daugh ters. Regular thorough shampooing, brushing and scalp massaging can be done together. Mothers sometimes have difficulty in getting their children to keep their hair neat. The first way to solve this problem is by getting the child a good hair cut. Then some simple but ef fective setting techniques will help do the trick. Many mothers depend on "Scotch" hair set tape to tame both their chil dren's and their own hair as well. This gentle, pinked hair set tape is kind to both hair and skin and performs a host of setting tasks. Another area in which mothers can really get their little ladies on the right track is good posture. Seeing Mother walk straight and gracefully at all times is a much more effective means of teach ing good posture than the constant admonition, "Stand up straight!" In this era of women s lib *nd equality of the sexes, it's still lots of fun to be a girl -- especially a little girl who wants to grow up to be just like Mommy! • v PAGE 9-SUPPLEMENT TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FRI., MARCH 21. 1975 burger patties in advance -- then just thaw and slap on the grill when needed. Husking corn is defi nitely the kids' job. Send them out the back door with the corn and a brown paper bag. The one who comes back with the clean est ears -- of corn, that is You've come a long way, baby-- when it comes to sports fashions peppers, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, olives, pickles, cau liflower -- the list is end less, and all are highly portable foods. Place them all along with your condi ments, on a lazy susan to provide super-easy access for everyone. If you are cooking any thing at the picnic, pre pare it beforehand. Shape and freeze your ham- -- gets an extra dill pickle with lunch! Wrap the corn in aluminum foil and roast it on the grill along with the meat for a com plete one-step meal. For the finale -- the ultimate picnic food: wa termelon. Keep a giant-size gar bage bag ready for clean- Women's tennis fashions are a love game! Serious players or novices will adore the shortie tee or halter-topped dresses with matching lace-trimmed up. Corn cobs, watermelon rinds, helpers such as dis posable Dixie Livingware ... all these go right out when the picnic's over -- but you go right on enjoy ing yourself. Who said entertaining's no picnic? panties and companion cardigans in sunny colors, stripes and patterns. On the green the looks are versatile. Skirts, cardi gans and shirts that offer all the freedom needed for- active sports are designed to work as well -- and look great -- at business, home or for travel. Tee tops with motif de signs and geometric col or patterns are designed to top tennis shorts as well as a gal's favorite jeans. •li,Hi.i.in.i,i.l.m BP I BTH! FRANKUM " PRIZE Color the sketch below end piece it in the speciel Easter Coloring Contest Box in our Ben Frenklin Store. Three Gift Certificates will be awarded for the 3 best colorings. All entries must be deposited by 4 p.m. on Merch 27 Names of winners will be posted in our window on Saturday, March 29. Gift Certifieati 2* PRIZE 3* ram Gift Csrtificsts NAME AGE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. Lmntin-* 29 Round Myt* bw>1l In con tracting cotor* 3 aizM JJOO >1" EASTER GRASS 591 Mafcaa eotortul naati to tha Eastac Bunny I 3H-OI. graon graaa. NonttammaMa • -« EM DECORATOR 1" Tha aaay to color baauttful Emtr aggs in Mil* timr fog turn hotdor ptua Ml tip HOLLOW MASTIC 69L 12 colorful plastic •00* 2 H-inch an Simpty m Wftth candy and othar awaat mmATABU RUED EASTER BASKETS $100 & UP f*~> with <Mck>u« tanar candm It toya Fillri Cttffcof Hal • Stem** *»< mt» $ t O Q »»ry «--*> JL»0«J ^kCtaalafc iatlir NwtHits HHJPl ChMriift- rtlmallM Ejji FRANKLIN "Small Enough To Know You Large Enough To Serve You" 1250 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois SUNDAY 10:00-12:30 SATURDAY 9:00-5:30 FRIDAY TIL 9:00 Cf|t • raMyftaa*/ J U UqaU iff 6dtria§ 591.