Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1975, p. 11

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auditorium, elected A.E. George H. president; twice Told Tales * i ' • _ * * * ' t t t t i m ^ M of international revenue in the Rockford zone.. Miss Ruth Nye who has completed a course in radio singing at the Superior Radio Productions studio in Chicago was the guest artist at the Miller theatre at Woodstock Sunday. She was accompanied on the organ by A1 Klemme. Theodore Miller left Monday on a trip to McMacken, W. Va. with his brother-in-law, Dr. Charles Leppert of Kirkland. This is cookie week in McHenry and Girl Scouts are busy selling cookies and making a little extra money for needed equipment of their troops. Ed Justen is the winner of the West McHenry State Bank cup in Rifle Club competition. The students of Richmond high school have been having a vacation the past two weeks as it was found necessary to close school due to the prevalence of measles throughout this vicinity. Coach F.S. Orr, Dr. R.G. Chamberlin, son, Rollo, and Glen Wattles attended the state championship basketball tournament at Urbana Saturday. They also saw some of the McHenry boys who are students at the college. FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 26, 1925) Revival of activities of the McHenry Community club was witnessed at the regular meeting and election of officers of this body was held at the community high school The officers Nye, president; Johnson, vice- Roy Kent, secretary, and M.J. Walsh, treasurer. The new board of directors is made up of the following men, George Bohr, R.F. Conway, William Pries, George A. Stilling and F.G. Schreiner. A petition is being circulated among property owners along Green street from Elm street south to Main for the purpose of determining if sufficient en­ couragement may be obtained to insure the paving of this stretch this coming summer. Engineers are expected in McHenry shortly to make the survey. Monday night the Witonohi Camp Fire girls had a meeting so that some of the girls could become Wood Gatherers and start working for their Firemakers , honor. The following girls became Wood Gatherers: May Justen, Fanny Levinson, Berniece Weber, Gwendolyn Overton, Helen Pries and Grace Granger. Lois Bacon and Fanny Levinson received their camp fire rings Monday night. Thousands and thousands of wild ducks have been inhabitating Pistakee and other nearby lakes during the past few weeks. Considerable consternation was felt by members of the local Masonic fraternity at their hall Friday evening when a chimney in the Fox River Valley bank building burnt out. For a time it looked as if sparks would set fire to wood struc­ tures. The big fire truck was held *in readiness for any emergency. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 28, 1935) John H. Freund of Johnsburg died March 22 at the age of eighty-four years. Charles D. Schoonmaker, former McHenry mayor and one time editor of the McHenry Plaindealer, ended active duties Saturday in the post of deputy collector for the bureau r.TTT ̂ George Becker Joins Family Service Staff GEORGE BACKER George Becker joined the staff of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic for McHenry County last month. He is a social worker who comes from the Family Service association of Elgin, where he worked in a clinical position for one and one-half years. Becker is a native of Chicago. He received his B.A. degree from Roosevelt university and his Master's in Social Work degree from George Williams college in Downers Grove in June of 1973. Prior to graduate school he had a variety of job experiences in social agencies. He worked at Hull House in Chicago, the Illinois State Employment Service, the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, and the B'nai B'rith Youth organization. In addition to his social work education, the new staff member has still additional family therapy training. Along with treatment therapy of individuals and groups, he will be working in therapy with entire families. Early in April, Becker will assume some of the clinic intake responsibilities and in mid-April will take over the Harvard outpost office responsibilities. FOR ALL YOUR : EASTER i FLOWERS i FREE DELIVERY PETALS^* STEMS 3301 W. Elm 385-4747 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 6, 1950) The Rev. John L. Daleiden, pastor of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, will celebrate a solemn Mass of Thanksgiving April 13 in commemoration of the silver jubilee of his or­ dination to the priesthood. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hergott have moved from the Hergott cottage on Broad street to the Hergott farm near Spring Grove. The place they have vacated is being occupied by Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, Rosina, who have returned to McHenry from Elgin where they made their home for a few years. The election of board members for Harrison school District No. 16 will take place April 8 at the school. A president and two members w;ll be elected. M.J. Sellek has EVERY BOOK IN PRINT IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE CALL 338-3940 WE MAIL BOOKS IANVWHKEI IN THE U.S. FREE GIFT WRAP TOO 110 E. JACKSON WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS filed for president and Robert L. Doerrfeld and M.J. Hansen for members. The C.D. of A. met in the K of C hall for their business meeting. Miss Mildred Kinsala, the grand regent, was elected delegate to the state convention to be held at Quincy, 111., May 5, 6 and 7. Miss Bertilla Freund was elected alternate and Miss Laura Weber second alternate. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Orr announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther Jean, to Earl I. Tessendorf of Crystal Lake. Wedding plans are for August. Miss Frances Michels who has been a patient at Roseland Community hospital, Chicago, for many weeks is now recovering at the Charles Michels home. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 1, 1965) Last rites were conducted Monday afternoon from an Evanston chapel for Adolph W. Gast who died March 25 in Barrington. Mr. Gast was one of five founders at the Chapel Hill Country club, serving as treasurer from 1916 to 1961. Mr. Gast was 86 years old. Leroy E. Olsen, president of Scan-Am Corporation will be one of the principle speakers at the seminar in connection with the Chicago Business Show, April 5 to 8, at the Conrad Hilton hotel. Maryann Krupinski of Lakeland Park sustained two fractured ribs but two sisters who were passengers in her car escaped injury Tuesday morning when her car struck a porch on the home at Waukegan road owned by Mrs. Pearl Patzke. The house on the corner of Elm anj| Park streets known for many years as the Ben Ainerican Legion Auxiliary News The 11th district mid-winter convention of the American Legion auxiliary was held at the Marengo Post 192. The 11th district president, Eva Fabian of Joliet, presided over the convention. The 11th district of the American Legion auxiliary consists of DuPage, Kane, McHenry and> Will counties. There were eighty-six delegates and alternates representing the fifty-two units in the four counties. After the opening ceremonies of the convention, the special guests w&re introduced. They were Mayor Raymond Clenens of Marengo, 11th district, commander: A1 Bonner, 2nd division commander ; McHenry county commander Joe Lewis, McHenry county president Joanne Rezabek; Marengo Post 192 commander George Kanaly, and Unit 192 president Bea Rucker, the s 10th district president, Lillian Ottom of Libertyville, and her corn- Adams residence was built in 1880 by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen. The house containing ten large rooms and an enor­ mous attic was built at an approximate cost of $3,500. All the many prayers which were said for little Beth Klapperich of Johnsburg were answered this past week when wee Beth underwent heart surgery in a Chicago hospital and it proved most successful. Postmaster Frank .J. « Wiedemann and wife have just returned from Webb Air Force Base, Texas, where they saw their son, Lieut. Charles I. Wiedemann, receive his air force wings. panion were also special guests. Reports were given by the chairman of each program within the American Legion auxiliary: Americanism-Eileen Johnson reported on the essays that could be written for the essay contests for youths, seventh through twelfth grades, and the importance of youth entering their essays; Auxiliary Emergency fund- Margaret Jorgenson explained the importance of this program concerning the auxiliary member; Auxiliary Loan and Education and Scholarship-- Thelma Dryden explained the •scholarships which are available to the veterans' children or the veterans themselves; Children ana Youth--Mary Earner, told of the help and donations, parties for the retarded, children's homes and the schools throughout the four counties. She also reminded the units, April is children and youth month; Civil Preparedness--Erma Stark, talked on preparedness for disasters and asked everyone to work along with their communities' civil preparedness and Civil Defense directors; Communication--Lois Haak gave her report on the 11th district press book; Community Service--Alice Kanaly talked on the im­ portance of working along with the communities with veterans, and any other community affairs; Coupon--Carrie Hayword explained the coupon program and urged all the units to save their coupons; Foreign Relation --Mae Chesak, announced West Java as the theme this year; Gold Star--Jennie Murdie told of how many Gold Star members in the district. Be sure to remember your Gold Star members; Illini Girls State--Betty Hayes announced that Illini Girls State would be held from June 15-22 of this year. And hoped that all units has a Girl Stater to represent their units; Junior Activities--Angie Powell announced the date of the lith District conference to be held at Wheatoti Aprif 19; Junior Membership--Shirley Beckman, gave a report on junior membership and the importance of its participation in the auxiliary; Leadership Development- Becky Gabel talked on the leadership program and how many members had taken the course; Membership--Jerrlene Mer- ritt announced the total number of members paid in the auxiliary and urged all to send in the membership dues as soon as they are received; Music--Edith Grant, had the convention delegates sing several songs, during the meeting; Past Presidents Parley- Mabel Schultz urged all units to send in their past president dues, and gave a report on their membership and the articles that are collected for the women veterans in the hospitals; Photo Book--Eva Nestor is asking for photos of all units officers and chairmen for the 11th district photo book. Poppy --Unabell Buller announced Poppy days will soon be here, also told of the dates for Poppy centerpieces, hats, corsages and Poppy Poster contests; Spirit of '76- Viveen Zepp hopes that all units will par­ ticipate in their communities' PAGE 11.. PLAINDKAI.KR-VVK celebrations of the bicentennial year; Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation--Marna Norris and Carrie Petri gave their report on the Christmas gift shops, veterans parties, and of comfort items that can be given to' the hospitals for the veterans; Veterans craft--Ann Brown and Carolyn Gatewood. exhibited articles made by the disabled veterans. These items are made .and displayed, to be sold so that the veteran can help support himself or his family. After all the officers gave their reports, a prayer was said and "God Bless America" was sung. The colors were retired and the convention was ad­ journed. The Spring 11th district convention will be held June 1 at Plainfield, 111. Later in the evening (he 11th district president, Eva Fabian, attended a dinner at Huntley post, celebrating the American Legion's birthday. Also present were the American Legion a u x i l i a r y d e p a r t m e n t president, Geraldine Riden of Peoria, department second DNESDAY, MARCH 26. 1975 T h e E r a t o 2 , 0 0 0 A . D . RESEARCH ANP EXPERIMENTATION ARE PRESENTS UNPERH/AV /AI \N\OfMNG iNP/CH WAV LEAP . TO 6UCEE>€>FUL lN-PLACE GAElFVlNG OF COAL IN TfllCR PEPO&TS TOO DEEP C *500 - 6 OOO PEET) FOR. PRACTICAL- MINING 3V PRESENT ME7WM. 7Pi$ NE»J TECHNOLOGY COULP EVENTUALLY PROVIDE A LARGE RE-SOURCE OF CLEAN CA<=> FUEL 4$ A GUgST/rUTir FOR Th/E NATION'S PNlNDLlNG GuPPLS OF NATURAL &AG. PRESENT TE5T6 ARE A/MEP AT OBTAINING iNFORMTlON RBlATEQ Id EXPLOSIVE'- iNPUCEP CHANGES /A/ PERMEABILITY ANP OThiER PPS&CAL CPARACTERISTiCG OF COAL AT DEEPER TP AM Normal PERTH vice-president, Elaine Murphy, of Aurora and many more dignitaries from the American Legion and auxiliary. THE WEDNESDAY BANK As Ready To Serve You On Wednesday As Any Of The Six Days We're Open. FIRST \ ATIO\AL BWK OF MrIIi:\HY 3811 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 NEW HOURS. Won thru Fn 8<t.m 9pm Sat 8am. 7pm bun lOa.m 5p.m. 3718 W Elm Street. McHe nry 5toodSious let Jewel Help You Plan A PRICES EFFECTIVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, THURS , MARCH 27 THRU SUN , MARCH 30, 1975, AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN COOK, LAKE, DUPAGE AND MC HENRY COUNTIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS AND ELGIN) I ONLY SMOKED MEATS, LUNCHMEATS, POULTRY, AND fROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAILABLE AFTER SIX P M WEEKDAYS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Set Your Holiday Table With Delicious Jewel Meats! U S D A GRADE "A" POPULAR BRANDS -- EXCLUDING SELF BASTING 18 22 LBS JEWEL GRADE "A Large Eggs DOZEN CTN. - - , r s l b ^ WITH EACH *3.00 PURCHASE REFRESHING Coke, Tab, Or Fresca 16 OZ RfTURNABLES PEG SI 39 & 11 59 • DIP _ MARY DUNBAR Orange 120Z Juice CAN COOKED REG 53c Split Top 24 OZ. Bread REG 65c JEWEL Tom Turkeys WITH A $10 00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING TOBACCO LIOUOR OR PRICE OF TURKEY K I T C H E N ONLY AVAILABLE IN JEWELS WITH CHEF S KTICHEN Let Our Chef Help Plan Your Easter Menu! COUNTRY MANOR Sliced Ham GOV'T INSP -- SMOKED HAM FULLY COOKED -- WATER ADDED Shank Ham Roast 7-9 LBS 66< U S D A C H O I C E BEEF SMALL END Rib Roast OR Beef Round Rump Roast 29 AMERICAN Potato Salad SMOKED OR FRESH Polish Sausage ARMOUR STAR WIENERS OR Corn King, LB Franks PKG GORTON'S Ocean Perch I LB PKG GOVT INSP -- BONELESS PORK LOIN Rolled Pork Roast LB 79* $139 • GERMAN Potato Salad S LB • CREAMY CTN Macaroni Salad yo i K (mm t . A Lovely Gift! MIN. 4 BLOOMS Dress Up Tour Easter Feast With Fresh Produce Treats! FOR YOUR HOLIDAY MEAL Sweet Potatoes LB. 16 EXTRA FANCY Golden Delicious Apples DELICIOUS Asparagus LB LB 29 69 Why Not Give Your Budget A Boost With These Special Jewel Couponsl GOOD TMRU SUNCA' '/ARCH 30 775 SAVE 50 4fi9 I Rf GULAR OR I'TRA BODY IfVLON HI* Balsam Hair Conditioner WITH THIS COUPON PR I a WITHOUT COUPQN S2 09 OOO THRU SUNDA' '/ARCH 30 1975 SAVE 35 ON AN 8 OZ CONTAINS 765 SHO Wi t TO SHOWH Talc THIS COUPON PRICE //1TMOU* COUPON SJ '6 GOOD THRU SUNDAT MAftH 30 SAVE 20' ON A 6 4 OZ TUB! Of 7 ' RffRf SMING Close Up Toothpaste WI?H THIS COUPON PRlCt WITHOUT COUPON 9H' 12! • fr Jjt /Si ES OOOD THRU SUNDAY MAftCH 30 SAVE 25c w K1 SAVE W m r-' ON A 6 G7 feG* Of 780 ^ • MV'NlNf h'O'FM Massengill Disposal Douche j Velvetouch All Nude Pantvhose I *tTM TMl'i COUPON * ,br f i PRiCf A'fHOUT COUPON 63- if'SiL i • M -OOO THRU SUNDA' MARCH 30 ">75 SAVE SO ON A '0 01 BTt Of 772 \ SOOTHING ^ \ Desitin Lotion WITH THIS COUPON PRlCf WITHOUT COUPON SI 4 ) tMRU S-UNDA * '/AC H 30 SAVE 50< ON A BOf Of ' 2 Cj j j B ' r i l iM i i . - SAVE 45 .DA ' & C. h iSLi Preparation H Suppositories with TM.S COUPON p,<ICF WITHOUT COUPON *2 O 773 * 15 5 Clearasil >;ITH 'M>$ COUPON WITHOUT COUPON S 4 3' 4'SLI

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