REAL tSTATE • * * • • • • • • * ft.fC • • • • • • • * * * * * * * * WE HAVE A HOME FOR EVERYONE. A new home by Athena is a good investment! Buy now and own your own home which is easy to maintain, a good place to raise children, a place with privacy, the retreat where you can relax and spend leis 're time. EMBERWOOD homes are priced from $39,700 plus V2 acre site. Price Includes: Finished family rm., wood- burning fireplace, basement, complete carpeting, all kitchen appliances, storms, screens, gutters, even seeded lawn! 8 3/4% Available - No Mortgage Points - No Closing Costs As Low as 10% Down -- The Opportunity Will Never Be Better! EMBERWOOD is located in Sunnyside 1ri miles north of Rt. 31 on Johns burg-Wilmot Rd. at Hayden Dr. or Call 815-344-1133 Model Open 11-6 Weekdays, 11-5 Weekends. Closed Easter Emberwood BY development co , »«v 1326 Hayden Dr., McHenry, Illinois 60050 SALES OFFICE (815) 344-1133 ^ * * * * _ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Energy Conservator Award PFTS FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES AkC Reg. German shepherd fe male 3 weeks old 385-3381 3-21/3-28G EASTER WEEK SPECIAL. All pups $20.00 Samoyan Huskies, Huskie Shepherd, Poodle Ter riers, Cockers, Collies, small, large. First come first served 115-385-7897 3-26/3-28 German Shorthair Pointer pups $45; quarter horse mare best offer 385-3160 3-21/3-28G DOBERMAN PINCHER male, black and tan 9 mos. old, good with children $75 815-728-0106 3-26/4-2G Riding lessons. OUR FARM, expert instruction, beginners through advanced, indoor arena. Introductory offer, 5 lessons 920.00 through April 30th McHenry, 111 344-0951 3-5-TF-1-2 German Shepherd Pups, 2 months old. A.K.C. Registered 459-3921 3-28 3 female St. Bernards, 7 weeks old, $100.00 each.312-639-6531 3-28/4-4G NOTICE NOTICE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONS Have your Bake Sale Art Show ... or any special disolav or project at H0RNSBYS We will furnish space, tables and complete provide you with thousands of our customers on any given weekend. We will support your event in our advertising at no cost to you. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MANAGER AT 4400 W. Elm, McHenry Daily 9-9; Sunda^9^6 3-19/3- TURN ON With Pekin Insurance Motorcycle Protection for sunny day fun. Cycle over and see ̂ us today! FITZGERALD'S INSURANCE 4719 W. RTE. 120- PH: 385-46193-28 1 TO PLACE YOUR AD W" fr. ~ PHONE Wk 1 il 385-0170 GET RESULTS!!!!! PET CENTER GIVE AWAY Female Shepherd, Collie mix, 3 months old. 385-8188 Mixed breed Terrier, male, beige & white, 6 weeks, paper trained. 815-653-3096 ^ ^ Snowmobile Storage April 1st to Dee. 1st •50.00 2103 Rte. 120, cHENRY, ILL. PAGE 13 - PLA1NDEALER-FR1DAY, MARCH 28, 1975 Holiday Hills Bev. Hill 385-5641 1974 Suzuki, 125,excellentcon- ition. $425.00. Call after 4:00 p.m. 344-1921 3-21/3-28G 1969 Kawasaki 175 dirt or street good condition, best offer. 385- 1188 3-26/4-2G 1974 KAWASAKI 500 cc $1,200. or best offer Call 815-385-7603 3-26/4-2G 1973% Honda CB 350, with lug gage rack, in good condition. Asking $850.00 385-5072 3-26/3-28 1974 Kawasaki 500, excellent condition, low mileage, 1,400 miles. Call 815-385-2564 after 5:00 P.M. 3-26/4-2G Save on Cycle Insurance, Call us for a quote, Sunderlage In surance Agency. 815-338-3328 3-26/3-28 Incorporation Main Topic Of Board Meeting On Wednesday, March 19, a meeting was held at Casey's and the main topic was in corporation. The first step taken thus far is our board and attorney Mr. Narusis, ap proached the Village of Island Lake. We are within the one and a half mile line, therefore we do not have total liberty to incorporate until we get the consent of any existing city or village. Our board again ap peared before the board of Island Lake and indications were given that consent could be given and the consent paper signed anywhere from 30 to 90 days. We are presently awaiting for their consent. Mr. Narusis went on to discus^ many avenues where we could be getting money back that we are giving to other communities at this time. A few mentioned were motor fuel, State of Illinois Income Taxes, Federal Revenue Sharing and Real Estate. Estimation came out to be approximately 12 to 15 thousand dollars a year, based on the census here in Holiday Hills which has to be at least 400 people totaled, before we could even incorporate. If we don't incorporate we won't have or get any more than we have now. You won't miss much because we don't have the roads, and the members don't pay their dues. Hassles will continue because the board does the best they can and don't get the help needed to do the projects like the beach or cleaning cluverts. The list is endless so you as a homeowner has to make the decision. From a show of hands we will go ahead with the Incorporation proceedings. The time that the consent is signed and we become incorporated is ap proximately 150 days to 5 months. I couldn't believe the turnout that we had with around 150 interested people in at tendance. The respect that was asked by Mr. Campbell was not shown to Mr. Narusis or other members when the time came for questions and answers. There was talking among ourselves making it hard for others to hear. It isn't any wonder we have problems with today's kids. They get their behavior from us. It was distasteful and rude for the people to leave when the regular meeting started. Over 100 people got up and left when Mr. Campbell started talking about the subdivision, leaving those who always do things for you. You gripe and hassle over incorporating and yet these people are the ones doing the work, and you don't care enough about staying for a business meeting when you're right there to begin with. The regular business meeting followed the discussion on incorporating. The roads were talked about plus culverts, * ditches and the very necessity of good draining. By grading the roads we don't solve the problem but temporarily as they will wash out again when we have heavy rains and the water backs up, as we have been experiencing. They need help for cleaning the culverts and to either make or clean ditches. If you would like, to have your culvert cleaned there is one restriction - YOU HELP Busing routes will be maintained first. A suggestion as to the changing the name of the subdivision resulted in only one name being given and that was to leave it as Holiday Hills. More was on the agenda but the cooperation of those who left was needed. Money isn't available to do anymore to the beach area, but if you would like to make a contribution stating such it will be used strictly for that purpose. EASTER EGG HUNT Before I begin I must apologize for the confusion as to the day of the Easter Egg Hunt, also for not getting it in the paper earlier. To the Hunt... As I arrived at the empty lot I saw the Easter Bunny looking very unhappy. I went over and said, "Easter Bunny why are you so sad?" "Well" she says "You know the Women's club?" "I sure do" says I, "they planned this afternoon for the boys and girls". She proceeded with her story, "They were to get the eggs and candy, but in their efforts to ask volunteers for the candy, the people failed to bring the candy as was promised and when it came time for me to stuff the eggs I didn't have much to give these boys and girls." Well, Easter Bunny thank you for trying to do what you could, maybe next year will be better. By 1 o'clock the kids were ready and waiting. Every girl and boy there had a good time and gathered a lot of eggs, some with numbers on and then got pennies when turned in. Silver and gold eggs were hidden and prizes were given. Those receiving prizes are Julie Lockman, 3 years old, Kathy Chappel, 2 years old, Julie Bartkus, 8 years old. Amy Siatta, 4 years old, Michael Holcomb, 3 years old, Debbie Bartkus, 10 years old, Tom Wegener, 10 years old and Becky Lonergan, 7 years old. WELCOME HOME It's so good to know that Cari Jaramski is home arriving sometime Saturday. We welcome her home and glad to know that she is doing quite well. Some one else knew she was coming home as the Easter Bunny had brought her an Easter basket to the hunt then took the basket to her after she arrived home. We hope you have a nice Easter Cari. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Arlene Foreman an nounces that her son, Joseph, and Leora Roestead will be united in marriage on April 19, at St. Mary's church. They will reside here in Holiday Hills. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Arlene Foreman an nounces the engagement of her daughter, Nancy, to Michael Smith, son of Charles and Betty Smith of Holiday Hills. A fall wedding is being planned. FUN NIGHT The Lake Region Rescue Squad has planned a Fun Night on May 3. The tickets may be bought through any one who is a squad member. Roger Thietje, Wilsons, Abbinks, Jack White and Joey Foreman from the subdivision has them. These are openings on the squad and anyone interested can get information to join by contacting a member here in the subdivision. NEED IMMEDIATELY A Girl Scout Leader is needed immediately. If you have an hour or so that you can spare to work as a volunteer, please contact Linda Thietje 385-6483. FIELD TRIP The fifth grade class from Edgebrook took a field trip to West Campus for a concert on Thursday, March 20. They also have been working on scientific experiments like making their own cameras, and sending hellium filled balloons, with post cards attached to see the distance that it has traveled. 9716 North Rte. 12 Richmond, Illinois Purchase of a home is usually the largest single | investment a family will make. We will have a seminar • for perspective purchasers and sellers on April 16, | 1975. We will have a representative of a savings & I loan, Real Estate Broker, Insurance agent, New home 5 Construction expert, and an appraiser. Each will give | synopsis of the pitfalls, what to look for buying or • selling. Your questions will be heard and answered. £ Please Jill out the coupon if you wish to attend: J Mail to: 1 Real Estate Division J May Development Co. g 9716 N. Rte. 12 • Richmond, III. 60071 § NAME J ADDRESS | PHONE CONFIRMATION CLASS - Above is the confirmation class of Zion Lutheran church. The service took place Palm Sunday, March 23, at 10:30 Seated from left, Jeff Hansen, Peter Bender, Dave Schwartz, Richard Sund, Karen Lobitz, Karen Graef, Debbie Gibson, Linda Marvin, Sue Penny and Debra Flint; first row, Paul Carlson, Tim Koss, Tom Cheatham. Mark Patterson, Pastor Graef, Jim Roth, ValerieStade, Colleen Rode, Jill Steiter and Judy Stephens; second row, Roger Emery, Giles Simonson, Dave Brown, Dan Schaeffer, Greg Roberts, Sheryl Roberts, Lisa Ritter and Julie Kuhns. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO VjTaken from the files of April 2. 1925) It is now Jacob Justen and Son. The change whereby Jacob Justen, veteran furniture dealer and undertaker, took his son, George, into partnership in the business occurred Aprii 1, and henceforth the business will be conducted as Jacob Justen and Son. The name of Jacob Justen has been associated with McHenry's business life for nearly forty- one years. 'His first business venture in this city was in partnership with his brother. N.J. Justen. This partnership was dissolved about thirty years ago. Twenty or more of the businessmen of Green street who are members of the newly organized Centerville Business Men's association, got out last Friday with picks and shovels and wheel barrows succeeded in tilling up the holes and im proving the appearance of the business section of that end of town. Jos. N. Miller, local inventor and manufacturer of the Miller fly swatter, Miller weedless hook. Miller pump pole fish line is very busily engaged in the manufacture of these articles these days. * J.H. Walton of Volo called at our office on Tuesday morning of this week for the purpose of renewing his subscription to the Plaindealer for another year. Mr. Walton enjoys the unique distinction of having been a subscriber to this paper con tinuously for a period of forty- five years. He brought in a receipt dated Feb. 26, 1880 and credits Mr. Walton's sub scription from Dec. 24. 1879 to Dec. 24, 1880. It was signed by J. Van Slyke and son. Roy Hankermeyer, who until a short time ago conducted a cash and carry grocery in this city, now holds a responsible Several of our youngsters participated. CAUTION This Friday because of Good Friday and the Easter Holidays children will be on their spring vacation. Most likely they will be outdoors playing on nice days and possibly in the streets. Take the time to watch out for them and drive carefully. position at one of Waukegan's leading stores. He entered upon his new duties a short time ago. FORTY YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of April 4, 1935) Mrs. Michael Bauer, 61, died at her farm' home near Pistakee Bay where she had lived for thirty-one years, March 31, after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Bloethner of Orchard Beach celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary on Sunday March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Bloethner have been residents of this vicinity for eighteen years. Mr. Bloethner is 77 years old and Mrs. Bloethner is 72 years. They were married in Germany and came to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway moved this week into the Fred Voeltz home on Waukegan street. Raymond Ferwerda, who has been attending electrical school in Chicago, returned home Friday for the summer. He will help his father in the Riverside Dairy this summer and return to school again in September. Joseph N. Schmitt, McHenry township assessor, is now ready to start on his work of assessing personal and real estate property in the township. The seventeen assessors of the county attended an all day session at Woodstock Thursday and received their books and supplies. "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" shown at the Empire theatre three nights last week for the benefit of the Philathea club was most successful. The movie was made possible for the Philathea club through the cooperation of R. J. Miller, manager of the Empire theatre. Mrs. Mary Simon is now using crutches clue to a broken bone in her ankle. Her ankle was injured in a fall the first part of February and the broken bone has just been discovered. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO A requiem high Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. John J. Boylan, Bishop of Rockford, at St Patrick's church, McHenry, last Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock for Rev. Father William A O'Rourke, BANK NOTES t ^ BY DONALD DALEY PRESIDENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McIIENRY ji tjKsr*. u1 "PETER the Coincidence has presented itself time and again in the history of our money but in no instance was it more curious than in the fol lowing .... The Coinage Act of 1972 decreed that the image of an eagel must appear on all coins above the den omination of a dime . . . that was understandable, he was our national emblem, but certainly the law did not presume to imply that the eagle community need send a representative to oversee the Mint's pro liferation of their image, but something strangely not unlike that actually hap pened. In 1836, from out of nowhere, an eagle took up residence inside the Phil adelphia Mint . . . its' origin, age or family were completely unkown. Almost immediately he acquired the name of "Peter" from the Mint employees. During his tenure he was permitted to move about freely but MINT EAGLE" Mint cronicles indicate that "Peter" devoted most of his time to observing and studying Mint operations, always anxious to get as close to the action as pos sible. Ironically, this en thusiasm for his observer duties led to his downfall perched on a flywheel and caught unawares by a sudden startup, he was crushed in the machinery. The best care andattention available couldn't "pull him through" ..."Peter" quietly expired. l or more than six years he had been on the job and his absence was felt by many but there was consolation in the fact that this friendly, unusual eagle was written into of ficial Mint records as "Peter the Mint Bird." The Mint's staff engaged a notable taxidermist and "Peter" carried on from a glass case in the Mint cab inet room ... the future of the eagle's image on our silver coins assured by law. Whether you are interested in saving money....or bor rowing, you 'll find FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY most accommodating! You will also receive fast, per sonal service....with a smile! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY, 3814 W. Elm St. Telephone 385-5400. 08, pastor emeritus, who died last Thursday morning April 6 in Mercy ville sanatorium. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Cpl. Robert W. Felse who hails from McHenry where he lives at Fourth street, will graduate from the Military Police School at Camp Gordon near Augusta, Ga. Cpl. Felse is presently assigned to Hamilton jair force base, Hamilton, Calif. On April 16 a reception and entertainment will be held at St Peter's parish hall in Spring Grove in joint celebration of the golden jubilee of the church and the silver jubilee of its pastor, Rev. Fr. John Daleiden. The event is being sponsored by the Holy Name and Christian Mothers sodalities and by the school children. Mrs. Carol Bolger, one of this year's census takers, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick E. Barbian. They are 82 and 80 years of age and are among the city's oldest and most respected residents and last October celebrated their fifty- eighth wedding anniversary. Duane Bacon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon, signed up with the Marines last week and is now serving at Parris Island, South Carolina. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 8, 1925) Sunday, April 4, the Viscount A plugged or leaky radiator can mean costly repairs, a spoiled vaca tion. Have us clean and repair your radiator. Our service is fast, work is guaranteed. WE SERVICE Ail MAKES Of AUTO AIR CONDITIONERS! ADAMS BROS. Radiator Service 3006 W. Rte. 120- McHenry 385-0783 Instant foods & beverages should have instant hot water! HOT WATER NM- SIMK-ERATOR • No mo'e teaket t les to tend, or wai ts for *a ter to bo i l The ISE Hot Water Dis penser de l ivers up to 60 cups of 190 water an hour r ight now . for hot dr inks, ins tant soups, cerea ls , vegetab les and scores of household tasks such as warmmg baby bot t les or loosening jar l ids Handsome chrome sp igot w i th heat - res is tant tw is t knob eas i ly ins ta l ls on $ ink t>y faucet assembly or on counter top near by IbE Hot Water Dispenser i t ' l l save you work t ime and temper everyday Hi. BUCH i SONS 3012 W. Route 120 McHeriry, Illinois 385-0048 Color guard brought back highest honors again to its sponsors, th$ American Legion auxiliary and Post No. 491. They competed with twenty- four other color guards in the All American Drum and Bugle Corps annual color guard contest at Prospect high school in Mount Prospect. The Viscounts first place score as 85.05. Second place went to the Buccaneers from Sheboygan, Wis., with 84-75. The Viscounts color guard also received the highest marching and maneuvering trophy for the day. The front door of Magic Slacks, Inc., Main street, was dented and there were holes shot through the window in the door and one of the glass blocks in front of the building last weekend. Four young Sunnyside Estates children and their parents were treated at McHenry hospital and released after they were overcome with carbon monoxide while parked at a Drive In. Where everybook in print is as close as your phone. Cai\ 33S-3940 Len O'Connor's "political masterpiece" CLOUT "Clout," a word of peculiar Chicago aorigin, means power, ^control and getting things done - - the Daley way. Mayor Daley has made Chicago into his jimage, including his faults, and therein lies Len O'Connor's \acute, penetrating biographical-history of the "Mayor" and his city. Call 338-3940 and your copy will be in the mail today. Books mailed anywhere in the U.S. | Free gift wrap, too. BOOKSELLER IN WOODSTOCK 110 E. Jackson Established 1969 v