**"*11 <* , " • • - v Monitor Admissions New Hospital Program r/\ot i rL/ i i iKUbnLibn-nEii / i>ic<ourt 1, r\r mi, », I«IJ ASSIST CANCER CRUSADE - The Sweet Adelines of McHenry are assisting Mrs. Catherine Weber, residential chairman for McHenry, in her 1975 Cancer Crusade which will be held during the month of April. Recently, the Sweet Adelines, led by Mrs. Darlene Navarroli, presented a program entitled "Fantasy and Song". The proceeds were presented to the McHenry Cancer fund. 4-H NEWS MODERN MISSES Modern Misses held their last meeting at Parkland school. Diane Muskovin called the meeting to order. Pledges were then given, after which the secretary gave her report. Some of the girls are signed up for public speaking: Diane Muskovin, Lisa Opfer, Julie Koss and Jeanette May. Modern Misses decided to have a committee to set up a tour for this year. A committee was formed with the following members; Julie Koss, Jennifer Telenet Aids Home Owners In Raising Flowers Home owners can learn more about using flowering annuals in the landscape April 14, 7-9 p.m., at the McHenry county Extension office of the University of Il l inois. G.M. Posler, Extension floriculture specialist , will discuss these versatile plants via the Extension Service's amplified phone system -- TeleNet. Using colorful slides taken all over the world, Fosler will show how and where an nuals can and should be used. The versatil i ty of flowering annuals makes them useful in most flower gardens. They grow in a wide range of colors and sizes and do well in both sun and shade. Learn how to have flowering annuals in bloom from spring to fall in any area of the yard or garden. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the Extension office 338-3737 or 338- 4747 or by stopping in the office which is located in the old courthouse on the Square in Woodstock. Koss, Linda Muskovin, Sue Godina, Kathy Godina, Karen Alford and Peggy Nowalk. They will meet at Julie Koss's house on April 7 at 7 p.m. Modern Misses decided to have a Health committee. The committee will pick a girl to give a demonstration on health at every meeting. A committee was formed with the following: Debbie Heidrick, Jennifer Koss, Barb Humann, Cindy Gilmore, Coline Godina, Donna Godina. They will meet at Debbie Herdrich's house April 14 at 7 p.m. Demonstrations were given as follows: Julie Koss showing the difference in cooked noodles; Nancy Eppel on crocheting and Linda Muskovin on different types of cameras. Refreshments were brought by Karen Alford and Nancy Eppel. The next meeting is at Parkland school April 22 at 7 p.m. Lisa Opfer ftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW f SERVICE NEWS | Army Sergeant Michael A. Krug, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Krug, 1701 N. Knoll avenue, McHenry, was presented the Good Conduct Medal in Mainz, Germany. The medal, established in 1941, is awarded on a selective basis for those who distinguish themselves from among their fellow military personnel through exemplary conduct, efficiency and fidelity during their active military service. Sgt. Krug received the award while assigned as a squad leader with the 8th In fantry division. * * * * The test of intelligence is your ability to detect sham. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS A new program, originally required by federal law April 1 but delayed until July 1, will soon be started at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County to monitor all patient ad missions. Bert Hanson, executive director at the county-wide hospital in Woodstock, said detailed certification and ex tensive record-keeping throughout the patient 's stay in the hospital will be required under the new law. The program is intended to util ize the facili t ies and per sonnel of each hospital to the fullest and to limit the stay of patients only to that period for which they need to be hospitalized, Hanson said. On admission, a coordinator- a registered nurse assigned this responsibili ty- will begin the Utilization Review Cer tification by reviewing criteria and by fil l ing out certain forms. This coordinator will work under the direction of a physician adviser, who is chairman of the util ization committee, Hanson em phasized. This util ization committee of qualified physicians and other professionals will provide ongoing review of admissions. On admittance a patient will be given certification for the length of stay the admitting doctor believes required. The coordinator will affix a length- of-stay label. KMC Form 4, to the patient 's chart. An ex tension of the stay must be approved and an appropriate extension shown with an ap propriate certification form. Hanson said a special cer tification program is planned for emergency admissions, and the necessary FMC forms will be filed in those cases within 24 hours of admission by the at tending physician. Memorial hospital has had a util ization committee since 1966 when the Medicare program began. One purpose of this new certification for all admissions is to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and to limit hospitalization only as long as necessary for the patient 's recovery. Hanson said this program will increase the paper work of the hospital, add to the work of the physicians and increase the cost of hospitalization because j)f the exhaustive record keeping required. AT TEACHERS INSTITUE - Religion teachers at McHenry county Catholic schools and in local CCD programs go back to school for a day at a Teachers institute, sponsored by the McHenry County Board of Catholic Education. Speaker is William Marsh, St. Patrick, McHenry. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) When the great men of this earth are revealed ii. the happy hereafter, there will be many surprises. Continued Gravel Pit Hearing Set For April 9 The continuation of a hearing in connection with a petit ion to establish a gravel pit on Chapel Hill road, one mile north of Lincoln road, is scheduled to be held Wednesday afternoon, April 9, in city hall at 2 p.m. Material Service corporation and Leo and Evelyn Diedrich are seeking a conditional use permit for 121 acres of farm land to operate a gravel pit The hearings are being con ducted by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals. It's a sobering responsi bility to have people de pending on you for truthful information and reporting. 1 NEW IIORRY MARYSVILLE, CALIF.- Californians seeking their fortunes in the streams of the Mother Lode Country are growing in numbers. So far this season the state has issued 4,400 permits to use gasoline-powered suc tion dredges on i ts streams. STANLEY DEMSKI, M.I). Stanley L. Demski, or thopaedic surgeon, has joined the staff of McHenry hospital, according to Nicholas I. Gemell, M.D., president of the hospital 's Medical-Dental staff. Dr. Demski, a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, served his internship at the U.S. Army's Tripler General hospital and completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at the U.S. Army's Fitzsimons General hospital in 1972. He was cer tified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery in 1973. Since completing his residency he has been serving as chief of orthopaedics at Fort Knox, Ky Dr. Demski has joined the McHenry Medical Group and resides with his wife and family in McHenry. Automotive Service Specials Are Good For The Month Of April. Get Your Car In Top Shape For Spring Now! TUNE-UP: INCLUDES POINTS, PLUGS CONDENSOR, PCV VALVE & AIR FILTER Complete set-up on Sun Machine(set timing, dwell and idle speeds.) ALL GM CARS TRANSMISSION SERVICE: Change oil, replace filter and adjust (if necessary) (ELDORADO EXTRA ) ALL GM CARS 405 • Tax Tax CADILLAC-PONTIAC 385-6000 1112 N. Front St. McHeniy, Illinois V'ai Come to the new McDonakfe 441 W. RTE. 120 - McHenry, APRIL 12, 1975 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Bring the family, enjoy good food, have some fun. Ronald McDonald*will be there to talk to your youngsters and give them a special gift. Stop in, get acquainted, join the celebration. /y\ •McDonalds I • i® You deserve a break today 1974 McDona ld s Corpora t ion .