Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2 " PLAlNfiEALER-WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. 1975 FOX RIVER STONE CO. FLAG STONE - VENEER STONE" LOCAL FIELD STONE & BOULDERS • IMPORTED BOULDERS In A Variety Of Colors • COLORED LANDSCAPE STONE • CRUSHED LIMESTONE • SAND GRAVEI Rt. 31 & McLean Blvd. - 5 Mi. So. of Elgin 742-6060 742-6064 SOUTH ELGIN SPECIAL Interior-Exterior BRITE WHITE Good Hiding LATEX PAINT ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 North Front St. McHeniy 385 1424 Community Calendar JUNE 2 McHenry Sentor Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting 3 p.m. •• Landmark School. JUNE 3 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Picnic -- Noon - At Home of Alvina McKaige. JUNE 4 McHenry Grams Club -- Meeting -- City Hall Club Room - 12:30 p.m. -- Followed By Refreshments and Social Hour. JUNE 4-5 & 7 Annual Spring Rummage Sale -- Mt. Hope First Methodist Church - 1015 W. Broadway, Pistakee Highlands -- Wednesday, 10a.m. to2p.m. - - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., evening,7-9 -Saturday, 10a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Bake Sale Saturday - - French Room & Boutique. JUNE 5 Regular L P.P.O A. -- Board Meeting - Community House - 8 p.m. JUNE 7 "Progress Through The Years" Bicentennial Dance - Woman's Auxiliary of Wood­ stock Rural Fire Protection District -- K. of C. Hall - 9 to 1 p.m. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Bowling - McHenry' Recreation -- 7 p.m. "Progress Through The Years" - Bicentennial Costume Ball -- K. of C. Hall, Woodstock -- Dancing 9 to 1 -- Sponsored By Woman's Auxiliary of Woodstock Rural Fire Protection District - Refreshments. JUNE 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- East Campus Cafeteria -- 7:30 p.m. JUNE 10 Order of Eastern Star Initiation - Officers Come In Formals -- Acacia Hall ~ 8 p.m. JUNE 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot - 8:45 a.m. JUNE 18 Luncheon & Card Party Johnsburg Community Club Hall -- Serving Starts at 12 Noon -- Sponsored By St. John's Blessed Virgin Marv Sodality. JUNE 19, 20, 21 Annual St. Mary's Rummage Sale - Montini School Gym. JUNE 20 and 21 Annual Rummage Sale -- St Paul's Episcopal Church St. Paul Avenue and Green Street -- McHenry. American Legion Auxiliary News UNIT NO. 491 By Pearl Cooper Thirty-eight members of the McHefiry American Legion auxiliary met May 19 to honor the Gold Star members at the annual Gold Star pot-luck dinner. The gold Star members at the dinner were Isabell Thompson, Suzanne Homo, Marie Bykowski, Nellie Hep­ burn and Margaret Granath. Mary Kantorski, Gold Star chairman, presented each guest with a corsage and a gift. Memorial services were conducted by Chaplain Reba Owen and President Lauretta Homo for departed members, Eileen Swanson, Lois Mc- Cormack, Helen Low, Lee Bassi, Mary Etten, Minnie Judge, and Jennie Mae Richardson. Maria Guettler assisted at the piano. It was announced that Memorial day services would be held Monday, Mav 26. at the city park. A short business meeting was conducted by president, Lauretta Homo, and $10 was donated toward the Freedom Train, on which will be a Liberty Bell donated by the American Legion and the American Legion auxiliary. This train is part of the Bicentennial celebration and will tour the United States for almost two years. It is expected to be in Chicago during the month of July. The executive minutes were read and recommendations approved by the assembled members. The nominating committee of Dorothy Diedrich, Pearl Cooper, Doris Henken, Tina Boeker and Mary Meyer announced the can­ didates for office for 1975-76, and the nominated slate was elected as the new officers. They are as follows: Sue Wirfs, president; Pearl Cooper, first vice-president; Florence McCann, second vice- president,* chaplain, Pauline Pickett; historian, Midge Scharf; treasurer, Betty Lou Smith; and Lauretta Homo, sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Homo will announce her choice of assistant sergeant-at-arms, Tips For The Homemaker Of course you can - CAN. Gardens are beginning to go into the ground all over McHenry county. The produce of these gardens will be ready in the months ahead. You may need some extra help with procedures and recipes to can those foods correctly. Nancy Moore, Home Economics Extension adviser for McHenry county, announces that the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service will present a canning clinic May 21, at 7 p.m. The program will be held in the Farm Bureau auditorium, McConnell road, in Woodstock. Dr. Allen R. Willey will present the program. Dr. Willey, of Mundelein, has a Ph- d. in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin. He has worked as a research chemist for the American Can company for thirty-seven years,where he did extensive research on the chemistry of foods, including improvements in the quality of canned foods, development of new and improved materials used in the manufacturing of the metal food container and DIGESTIVE TRACT As food passes through the digestive tract it is acted upon by various enzymes. These break the food down into molecules small enough to be absorbed by the cells of the tract. ENZYME USES Enzymes have been used in processing fruit juices, wine, beer, making bread and tenderizing meat. Recently enzymes have been injected into cattle before slaughter in the hopes of realizing more tender beef for consumption. BET PROFESSIONAL carpet during results! (lit doitnounslfprim) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC -the new ; portable, easy-to-use hot water j extraction carpet cleaning machine that fatly... • rinses carpet fibers I MKk with hot water and ' SrW cleaning solution M, JUT • loosens and lifts all dirt, grim* and residues to tha carpet surface where they are imme­ diately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN. FRESH and ODOR-FREE! _ ® MSE'itiU\ only'0' CLEANS CMKTS S1900 CLEANER... " KEEPS THEM CLEANER LONGER a day COAST TO COAST "Your Total Hardware Store" 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. p--FRAN'S-- HIDDEN CURL BEAUTY SALON Yearly Specials in Our Salon of Beauty * A Frleadly Aimspbere • Speedy Prefeaalnal Service • Cleaa Salea * Bet Ceffee aad Tea * Aad a Salle ef Thaakn far Year Patreaage. Iam looking forward to offering you these specials of ours. Phone for your appointment today or stop in. ONE 344-1019 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OFC8) McHENRY denburg, Hilma and Oke Burgeson. The next meeting is June 3 and lunch will be served at noon. Judge Arkiss Is Sparks Club Speaker June 8 The Honorable Earl Arkiss, J.D., Cook county Circuit court judge of Park Forest, will be guest speaker at the Spares Sunday Evening club, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, June 8, at the Holy Trinity Lutheran church, 2328 Central road, Glenview. The topic of his speech is en­ titled "A Prospective on Law Enforcement." The Spares Sunday Evening club is a non-sectarian, non­ profit organization for single, divorced, widowed, and legally separated adults. Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at the church. This club, with twenty-seven different activities, serves residents of Cook, Lake, Kane, McHenry and DuPage counties. Guests are welcome. HOSPITAL NOTES BIRTHS MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dean, McHenry, are parents of a daughter May 18. A daughter was born May 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jessie, McHenry. MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Roy Apel, John Ahrens, Victoria Wiatr, Troy Fundahn, Harriett Pasierb, William Bleek, Sr., Lorraine Kennedy, Raymond Klawes, Jason Clark, Irene Krysiak, George Vesley, Waheed Sahebzoda, McHenry; and Dorothy Moore, Wonder Lake. FIREMEN PLAN DANCE - Honorary fireman of the week. Mayor Joseph Stanek, right, purchases the first dance ticket from Fireman George Biggs for the Company I dance to be held June 29 at the V.F.W. clubhouse, McHenry. A gala evening of dancing is promised those who attend. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Survey Results Reveal Pioneer Club Desires LANDMARK...Vulcan, the giant mythical god of iron overlooking Birmingham, an emerging Southeast tourist and business is one of the city's major attractions. and Mrs. Wirfs will appoint two members for secretaries. Rehabilitation chairman, Marie Howe, announced that forty-five veterans from Elgin hospital will be brought to the Legion post home Tuesday, May 21, and will be served a chicken dinner and entertained by the Legion and auxiliary members. She thanked all the members for their donations of cookies and gifts. Delegates to the 11th district cpnvention were selected. They are Lauretta Homo, Pearl Cooper, Florence McCann, Sue Wirfs and Elizabeth Wehrheim. The convention will be held Sunday, June 1, in Plainfield. Lauretta was named as the delegate to the second division convention in Woodstock June 8, with Pearl Cooper as alternate. Happy Birthday was sung to Isabell Thompson, Suzanne Homo, Signa Miller, Nellie Hepburn, Lydia Fenner and Marie Bykowski. Special prizes were won by Evelyn Osmon and Ceil Violett. Phyllis Miller was not present to receive the attendance award. It was announced that a joint installation will be held Sun­ day, July 27, and all members of the Legion and auxiliary are invited to attend. T)ottie Messer, Poppy chairman, announced that this year was one of the best for contributions for poppies. On behalf of the American Legion and auxiliary and the V.F.W. and auxiliary, she said she was grateful to the community for its fine cooperation and assistance in efforts to help the disabled veterans. Theresa Huska was chair­ man for the Gold Star dinner with her committee of Ercell Lock, Eileen Cooper, Nadine Larkin, Margaret Bir­ mingham, Mary Pat Cun­ ningham, Eleanor Miller, Kathy Covalt, Mary Ann Schadt, Othelle Brady, Helen Choyinski, Susan Ambrose, Teresa Cairns, Elvera Rudolph, Gertrude Weber, Diane Volpendesta, Bonnie Amore, Lillian Bolger and Lorraine Freund. Marie Howe will be refresh­ ment chairman for the June meeting, which will be held June 16. studies on the influence of the natutul chemical food con­ stituents of the shelf life of metal containers. lie, also, has had publications in scientific periodicals and acted as con­ sultant h canning technolgoy. Dr Wuiey is a retired Bishop of the Mormon church in Lake county, and is presently coordinator for the church in the Chicago area. He is also, an active home canner. KATHLEEN MARIE SAYLES ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sayles of 3802 W. Anne street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Marie, to John S. Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Blake of 3018 N. Richmond road, McHenry. Both are graduates of McHenry Community high school. A Dec. 6, 1975, wedding is planned. EYES The human eye is truly remarkable. It contains more than a million parts and is infinitely complex. It is tough and sturdy, built for rugged use The eye muscles are almost tireless The range of sensitivity of the human eye is thousands of times greater than any of the familiar light measuring instruments. U.S. FORESTS Fully a third of the United States--754 million acres--is covered by forests. Nearly 500 m i l l i o n o f t h o s e a c r e s a r e classified as commercial forest land They contain almost two trillion board feet of softwood sawtimber-mature trees of the type and size used to make the lumber and plywood needed to build new homes Florida Celery Salad Separate one stalk Florida celery; trim ends and remove leaves. Cut ribs into '/2-inch slices and set aside. In large saucepan saute 4 slices bacon until crisp. Add % cup minced onions; saute for 2 minutes. Add reserved celery, saute 5 minutes. In a small £owl blend 5 teaspoons sugar. 2 teaspoons flour; I-1/* teaspoons salt; V« teaspoon ground black pepper with V4 cup water and '/« cup white vinegar. Blend into celery mixture. Cook and stir 2 to 3 minutes or until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat and stir in Vt cup sliced radishes and Vi cup chop­ ped parsley. Serve hot, gar­ nished with celery leaves, if desired. 1 1. 9" ROLLER FRAME *1.40 2. 11" TRAY. . I ..'1.20 3. 9" DELUXE COVER.. Lj.. .'1*40 RECIPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan The right salad or slaw is a compliment to a meal and often the key to a success­ ful meal. Cabbage is rela­ tively cheap and retains its crispness if properly pre­ pared. Use home cooked or prepared dressings--oil is not recommended. Here are a few basic rules and hints for cabbage combinations. The program will be on home canning. Included will be a demonstration of correct canning procedures, types of equipment and safety. Dr. Willey will show equipment and answer questions. There will be no charge. The University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service in McHenry county is available to all citizens. To reserve a seat, call ,j3a-4747 or 338-3737, the Extension office on the second floor of the old court­ house on the square in Woodstock. A salad should fit into meals for flavor, color, tex­ ture and food value. Salads should be simple, attractive, easy to eat, fresh and crisp with the right dressing. In-season ingredients are budget-wise. Save your ex­ otic, expensive creations for special occasions. Cabbage Combinations 1. Cabbage, onion, to­ matoes, green pepper. 2. Red cabbage, white cabbage, green pep­ per, onions. 3. Cabbage, carrot, pea­ nuts. 4. Cabbage, cucumber, radish. 5. Cabbage, celery, tur­ nip. 6. Cabbage, apple, rai­ sins. 7.-Cabbage, pepper, cot­ tage cheese. Thought For Food Members of the Pioneer club, senior citizens, met at the American Legion hall, Rich­ mond, Tuesday, May 20. Fifty- seven members were present as Mrs. Elizabeth Wittmayer, the club's chaplain, recited a prayer. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. President Marian Pretzman opened the meeting with everyone joining in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. Replies to the survey taken at the last meeting favored having a change of menu for lunch from time to time, giving suggestions for trips, having a bake sale and ice cream social through the summer. It was announced that classes on art and crafts are beginning May 22 at the library. Sunshine chairman reported on those who were ill and that cards had been sent to Bea Meier and Sophie Berkholtz. The president asked that illnesses of members be reported to Frieda Wolff so they can be remembered with a card. Plans were discussed for the annual Strawberry Festival which will be held on June 28. A report on tours was given by Mr. Pretzman, June 9 to Sears Tower and aquarium in Chicago, June 12 to Rustic Barn, play and luncheon, and June 18 a trip to Janesville suggested. Committee members for the next meeting are Esther Aiani, Ardella Anderson, Jeanette and Winona Arp, Anna Bran- 5. DROP CLOTH Save hours of cleanup with this treated white paper protector. Big 9x12 size . * 1.60 6. PULL - OUT - N - PAINT ROLLER Telescoping Handle extends to reach the high places '3.20 7. 3" PAINT BRUSH High quality nylon bristles for use in latex or oil base paints. Ideal for corners and smaller areas *2.20 8. INTERIOR LATEX OR SEMIGLOSS White- Colors Slightly Unconditionally guaranteed quality. Has great hiding power, magnificent durabili­ ty and stands repeated wash­ ings. Comes in white, stand­ ard decorator and mixed-to- match colors. Cleans up easily with water. Don't for­ get these products are UN­ CONDITIONALLY GUAR­ ANTEED! Higher SUPER LATEX $ 5 .35 gal. LATEX SEMI- GLOSS $ 7 .35 gal. 'TOM SAWYER" JANICE THERESA LAWSON BRIDE-TO-BE - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lawson of McHenry Shores announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice Theresa, to Robert E. Davis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis, Sr., of Dean street, Woodstock. Janice, a graduate of Evanston Township high school, has just received her degree in Fine Arts from Northern Illinois university in DeKalb. Mr. Davis, a graduate of Woodstock high school and also of Northern Illinois university, is employed in Woodstock. A September wedding is planned.

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