Importance Of Local Weather Watches, Warnings Explained Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Within the past several weeks McHenry county has been placed under various weather watches and warnings by the National Weather Service. The county Civil Defense office has received numerous questions regarding these, including why watches were not issued prior to warnings. The National Severe Storm Forecast center in Kansas City, Mo. issues all weather watches The local weather office redefines the watch areas and issues statements pinpointing the counties covered. The local office also issues warnings for severe weather when they deem it necessary and when it meets certain criteria. The warnings that would apply to McHenry county originate from the National Weather Service office in Chicago. The National Weather service office in Rockford may issue a warning if they feel it .would apply to McHenry county. All civil defense warning and weather statements are issued by the McHenry county Sheriff's d e p a r t m e n t „ a n d simultaneously broadcasted over the Sheriff, Civil Defense and fire frequencies. The majority of schools in McHenry county and many businesses and industries have tone coded receivers on these radio systems. This radio warning system originates from the McHenry county Sheriff's department communications center. It is considered to be one of the finest local warning system in Illinois. The National Weather Ser vice, when it releases weather' warnings, specifies an ex piration time. Ft seldom issues an "all clear" and instead has said that when a warning has not been extended it can be assumed it has terminated. These "all clear" are seldom issued mainly because when this area is experiencing clearing, other areas may be going into a warning. When weather watches and warnings are issued that in clude McHenry county, the Civil Defense office coordinates the total effort of Sheriff, police, fire and rescue department. As to weather conditions, the Civil Defense department augments this with numerous trained volunteer weather observers and those of other civil defense agencies in other towns. The National Weather Service teletype in the civil defense office is monitored and pertinent information dispatched over the county civil defense frequency. The public is urged to listen to the local radio AM and FM stations and TV for weather information. They should never call law enforcement, fire and civl defense agencies to obtain weather information as this can cause tie-up for phone lines that would be needed in an emergency. Many areas of McHenry county are covered by outdoor warning devices. This could be the sirens utilized by the local Club Members Finish. Project For Valley Hi Our gracious hostess for the fire department and-or rescue squads. The tornado warnings established by federal regulations are a three-to-five minute steady blast on the siren. This signal is only used when the threat of tornadoes exist for a specific area. The McHenry county Civil Defense office has a film entitled "Tornado" and would put on a tornado program if requested by and club or organization. Persons desiring information regarding this or any other information regarding tor nadoes may contact the County Civil Defense office at Wood stock, 338-6400. Wonder Lake Garden Club's May meeting was Mrs. Fern Mecham and our added treat was seeing A1 Mecham doing so well! We were all busy with our Mother's Day project for Valley Hi Nursing Home and our June meeting will also be another project for Father's Day. But let's not only think of our parents or Senior Citizens at home or in retirement or nursing facilities on "special occasions", but every day! Happiness is caring! The next meeting will be Thursday, June 12, at 8 o'clock in the evening at the home of Mrs. Martyll Banky, 7604 South Drive, Wonder Lake. In the meantime, hope you enjoy the lovely red and white petunias at the post office • $etty Alderson, Publicity Chairman BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday on June 4 to two of Wonder Lake's finest gentlemen, Ernie Vogt and Tim Gibbons. Happy eleventh birth day to Doug Maris, son of Donna and Gene Maris, and one of our better Little League pitchers, on June 8. HONOR STUDENTS Congratulations to the following Wonder Lake Senior students who were elected to the National Honor society at McHenry high school recently. They are: Christine Darr, Laura Dolby, Denise Higgins, Monica Kosta, Sue Schau and Cathy Scully. Wonder Lake is proud of you- BATTLE WON The battle has been fought and the people are victorious and soon we will have a resurfaced Route 120. Those who joined forces and worked together for this most im portant cause* were many. Last week, Pat Dusthimer called us with a need to express to everyone who helped a deep feeling of gratitude. She told us how at first many people were PAGE 9 - PLAINDEAI turned off. their first reaction hetng. "Again our taxes will go up and this will cost us money". But once the reality of the situation was explained, she said everyone she contacted was sympathetic to the cause. Her plea ior help was not turned down. The petition circulatcd by Doug Hartsell was signed by thousands. With the help of the Pastor, mimeographed -Meets to be distributed to the public were turned out in a Wonder Lake church basement. Young people worked on posters for the rallies. Hundreds of cars and trucks and even the Rescue Squad joined the caravan from McHenry to Woodstock to greet Governor Walker So many more activities involving many more people went on behind the scenes that you and I do not know about. Pat's right. These people do deserve much credit. And so does a short, dimpled, blond haired lady we might well call, "The Unsinkable Pat Dusthimer". HAPPINESS IS H a p p i n e s s i s . . . R a l p h ER-WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4, 1975 Lockerbie, feeling better! Happiness is... a boy and a yo- y o H a p p i n e s s is...congratulating this year's winners of the Woman's Club scholarships, Helen O'Donnel and Denise Higgins. Happiness is - getting their crops in on schedule this year. Happiness is . graduation day. H a p p i n e s s i s . p l a n t i n g something "different" in the garden just to see how it grows - like brussel sprouts, for in stance. Happiness is...having lunch with your sisters. Hap piness is...wishing Sr. Rebecca Marie "all the best" as she departs from Christ the King parish and begins a new job. Happiness is...congratulating Mickey Dusthimer who recently graduated from c o l l e g e . H a p p i n e s s i s . . t h i s Wonder Lake correspondent receiving a call from any pround parent telling us of the graduation achievements of their child / The same pattern was used for right and left shoes, before the Civil War , • • : v WANTED! FOR A (.ITTIE RASCALS 8x10 COLOR PORTRAIT^ only 38{ PLUS 6 2 c HANDLING t PHOTO CHARMS feVAILABLI LIMIT ON SPECIAL 1 -per person 1--per family Groups and additional settings at our regular low prices Your child's photographer will be on duty at - - - ' 189 1656 9 | I MARY CUSTOM!* J spurgeons 385-4520 BankAmericarq. PRESENTED PLAQUE - Rick Lane, left, president of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, presents Past President's plaque to Dave Benrud, who headed the organization two terms. Presentation was made at the annual dinner dance of the C. of C. held May 24. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD 4400 W. Rte. 120 385^4100 McHenry Market Place Shopping Center Thurs., June 5-10 AM. to 5 P.M. Fri., June 6-10 A.M. to 5 P.M. BEAUTY SALON STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 6 Sun. 10-5 Some people grow flowers, gardens, crops: others simply grow old. Chile has 60 peaks, each higher than the highest spot in our original 48. 1. 9" ROLLER FRAME *1.40 2. 11" TRAY *1.20 3. 9" OELUXE COVER *1.40 DROP CLOTH Save hours of cleanup with this treated white paper protector. Big 9x12 size '1.60 6. PULL - OUT - N - PAINT ROLLER Telescoping Handle extends to reach the high places *3.20 7. 3" PAINT BRUSH High quality nylon bristles for use in latex or oil base paints. Ideal for corners and smaller areas *2.20 8. INTERIOR LATEX . , , OR SEMIGLOSS White- Colors Slightly Unconditionally guaranteed Higher quality. Has great hiding SUPER power, magnificent durabili- LATEX ty and stands repeated wash- j 5 35 ings. Comes in white, stand- ga| ard decorator and mixed-to- match colors. Cleans up easily with water. Don't for get these products are UN CONDITIONALLY GUAR ANTEED! LATEX SEMI- GLOSS $ 7 .35 gal. 'TOM SAWYER" Interior-Exterior BRITE WHITE Good Hiding LATEX PAINT SPECIAL »2» Gallon ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 North Front SL McHeniy 385-1424 LOTTERY TICKETS BELL'S Dr. Pepper Regular or Diet 8-16 Oz. Bottles 99 Plus Deposit Orange Crush Grape Crush MERCHANTS Tequila Montezuma FINE WINES AND LIQUORS Sale Prices Effective June 4 to June 10 Fifth Canadian Whisky Black Velvet Fifth Scotch Johnnie Walker Red Fifth > % Bourbon Enty Times Fifth mm Vi Gallon 8-16 Oz. Bottles 99 «U*v 338] If Plus Deposit EL-Monica Wines • Burgundy • Rhine • Rose *269 Gallon FROM OUR WINE CELLAR • Imported German Wines • Zellersch warzen katz • Moselblumchen • Liebfraumilch Fifth Mateus Rose *2" Fifth Why Pay More?? Buy Better At Bell!! Popular Brand Vodka Vi. Gallon f 7-Crown Early Times V.O. Gordon Jim Vodka Beam Canadian Many Others Old Style 6 1 2 0 z - t « 5 Cans 1 Storz Triumph Beer 2 4 1 2 O z . $229 Bottles 3 pius Dep Special Bcport 6-12 Oz. {440 Cans I Kingsford Brand Charcoal10 Lb Bas I09 Styrofoam Cooler Chest 3,s£ I19