Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 MR. AND MRS. STEVE M. COOPER MARRIED-Gail Marie Checchin of 207 S. Park road, and Steve M. Cooper of 3717 N. Garfield road, both McHenry. exchanged nuptial vows May 3 in a ceremony performed by the Rev. Edmund Petit at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The newlyweds are residing in McHenry. DeWANE STUDIO PHOTO Riverview Camp Observes 64th Installation Many members of Riverview camp, Royal Neighbors of America, attended the sixty- fourth installation. Neighbor McCarthy of Gurnee installed the following: Oracle, Mary Freund; past oracle, Mary Kantorski; vice- oracle, Kate Worts; chancellor, Elsie Reiker; recorder, Lorraine Coari; receiver, Barb Cygan; marshal, Lilah Jordan; assistant marshal, Ann Studin; inner sentinel, Gert Weber; outer sentinel, Luella Lock- wood; and flag bearer, Delia lion Lutheran Church To Hold Bible School Zion Lutheran church will hold vacation Bible school in two sessions this year. They will be during the weeks, starting June 16 and June 23. Morning classes will be for children, kindergarten through sixth grade. Evening classes will be for junior high through adult age group. Refreshments will be served after class. Morning classes will last from 9 until 11:30 a.m. with nursery facilities for the teachers and helpers only. However, there will be nursery facilities for the evening classes. Registration will be con ducted at the church office. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Dolores Bolger, Emma Wiess, Anna Zenis, Harry O. Mueller, Mitchell Bykowski, Charlotte Jourdan, Stella Jagodka and Mary Buch, McHenry. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Lorraine Houda, Melayne Talley, James Shannon, Florence McCann, Charles Cshin, Wonder Lake; and Laverne Christensen, Bernard McWhinnie, Dolores Maxson, Clyde Dowell, Charlene Venable, Henry Roepken, McHenry. HARVARD HOSPITAL Vernon Ehredt, McHenry, was a patient at Harvard hospital. ONLY witn, purchase of on* gallon ELLIOTT PAINT VYCITAL'S m HARDWARE 1228 N. Green St Freund. Virgene Ehorn was ceremonial marshal. The five Graces were Faith, Jane Wrage; Courage, Helen Heuser; Modesty, Laura Weber; Unselfishness; Elizabeth Thompson; and Endurance, Hazel Baur. Church G.A.L.S. In Preparation For Luncheon The G.A.L.S. of Faith Presbyterian church are busy making after-dinner mints and centerpieces for their second salad buffet luncheon to be presented Saturday, June 7, at 11 a.m. The program, "Decor-tique", will be presented by a representative from Minnesota Fabrics and promises to give new ideas for personalizing every room in the home. The salads are designed to tantalize the taste buds and also to give fresh ideas for summer menus. The event will be held at the church, corner of Chapel Hill and Lincoln roads, across from the outdoor theatre. For ticket reservations, call 385-5278. Claudia Garn New Member Library Board The McHenry-Nunda Township Library Board is welcoming its newest member, Mrs. Claudia Garn, who became a member of the board this month. Mrs. Gam resides in Lakemoor with her family which consists of her husband, Henry, and their children, Gayle and Guy. On behalf of the communities that are served by this library, by way of the column I wish to say welcome to the staff, Claudia. SUMMER HOURS The summer hours at the McHenry-Nunda Township library on the corner of Lilylake road and Columbus avenue will begin on June 3. The library will open from 1 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, from 1 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, 1 to 6 p.m. on Friday and on Saturday from 11 a.m. till 4 p.m. Summer reading for children will be highlighted to keep the little ones busy. The library has been renovated and it should ,enhance your reading pleasure, and if you have any questions regarding any books and cannot make it over to the library you may call 385-6303 during the above hours and I am sure the librarian, Margaret Karas, will help you all she can. LADIES LEAGUE The members held their social meeting on Wednesday May 21. Prize winners of the evening were: first-Lu Gravenstuk, second-Florence Mix, third-Marie Hyatt, fourth -Rose Zalenka, and then Sophie Patterson found that she had won the booby prize. Marie Hyatt and Julia Kraus were the hostesses. LILYMOOR ASSOCIATION At the last meeting a com mittee chairwoman was ap pointed to form a fund raising group. The head of its Marilyn Jones, and to date her co workers are Cheryl Mumma, Carol Rassmussen, Shirley Hage and Sherrill Weber. The gals got together and talked of having a rummage, bake and craft sale to be held towards the end of July. The location and the hours will be printed in a later issue. Right now the call is out for donations of items for either or all sales. So start setting aside things you would like to donate. More information on this in later issues. PARENTS FOR YOUTH This group meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 8 p.m. in the main floor area of the municipal building in Lakemoor . Membership is open to any adult interested in the youth of today. A car wash is planned for June 14, and the proceeds will be applied towards the purchase of a record player. HONORS GALORE Maribeth Karas was among those selected for the National Honor Society. In doing some checking it takes work on the students part to be eligible. They must maintain a B average all through high school, then the students are voted on by the faculty for leadership, service and character, 15 percent of the Senior class and 5 percent of the Junior class students are selected. Congratulations, Maribeth< you have made your parents, friends and neighbors very proud of you . In the younger set we have several youngsters that have ribbons they won at the Hilltop Junior Olympcs on May 17. The ribbon winners were two of my grandson, Stephen and Chris Mumma, Tracey and Shirley Jones, Holly Hage and Chuck Hacek. Congratulations to all of you and good luck in the coming vears. BIRTHDAYS On June 5 Herb Zabroski will add another year to the collection of birthdates already celebrated, on the seventh Sam Sances will also add one more to his. Paul Johnson will be celebrating on the tenth, then on the eleventh Rose Zalenka will share that date with Troy Foss. A very happy day to all four of you on your own very special day. ANNIVERSARIES We have in our midst two couples who will be putting another year of married life behind them while looking forward to the coming one. They are Dale and Carolyn (Carol) Rasmussen whose FORMAL WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS i&gsyi ....(Hi ttwlpinM 1214 N. Green St., McHenry V.F.W. CARNIVAL June 4-5-6-7-8 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 -AND- 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. ") 00 ON 4 INCH BRUSH PLENTY OF FREE PARKING NIGHTLY DRAWINGS Grand Prize To Be Drawn Sunday Nite (Winner Need Not Be Present) 1st • $50000 2nd - $300°° 3rd - $20000 anniversary is on the sixth, and Lonnie and Mary Wilson, Sr., theirs is on the nineteenth. Happy anniversary to tne four of vou. VISITORS At approximately 3:10 a.m. May 21, Cherie and Dick Mumma were awakened by a camper pulling into their driveway. The folks in it were expected but not that early in the morning from Penn sylvania. They were Dick's brother Gary, and wife, Deb- bt6, also their two children, Kelley and Brian, and Debbie's parents, Dutch and Ann Zeiders. It was their first visit since Cherie and Dick moved to Illinois. The visit only lasted until Saturday morning. Although the weatherman didn't predict any rain - we thought we'd have a flood when Cherie and Debbie said goodbye to each other. The girls went on a couple of shopping trips but all-in-all it was meant to be a get together just relaxing and visiting Bud and I were very happy to meet and visit"with some of the family of our son-in-law. CONDOLENCES Friends were saddened wheh the news came out about the death of Mrs. Irma F. Gertsen. She lived at 217 E. Sunset Drive in Lakemoor with one of her six daughters, Mrs. Albert Rick. She passed away in Condell Memorial hospital. Mrs Gertsen was laid to rest in Davis Corners, Wis. May 30. Donations may be made in Mrs. Gertsen's name to the heart fund. Condolences also are sent by way of this column to Mary Groate on the loss of her brother, Michael J. Chabrecke, who was a patient of Downey hospital. DOGS I have been informed that my article on the dogs and the Rabies V Control center is slowly beginning to work, but you readers are the ones to make it work even better. It is up to you to call and report the offenders (if you know who they are) and also the dogs you see that are let out by their owners to roam and destroy and soil other persons property. The Rabies Control Center needs your patience .above all because they are not fully staffed for full time night time duty. Only emergency calls will be handled for the time being. They are expecting to have a larger crew working nights sometime in July. INCLOSING If you have any interesting or informative items of interest to other readers, please call me so we may share them. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-WFDNF.SnAY. JUNE 4, 1975 Beefsteaks blood circula*ion around the eye, hasten the reabsorption of Are No Magic the blood and decrease For Black Eyes filing . EARNS DEGREE More than 1,500 degree candidates participated in Marquette university's ninety- fourth annual commencement recently at the Milwaukee arena. The degrees were conferred by Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J., Marquette president. Deborah A. Miller, 3809 W. Waukegan road, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Arts. There is no magic in beef steaks for black eyes, says the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. But because a blow to the eye can cause serious damage, the wisest antidoU a visit to an eye doctor. The eve structure could have been torn or rup tured, or secondary damage from hemorrhaging or in fection might have resulted. Also, if the balck eye results from a blow to the nose, you could have a broken nose and require the immediate at tention of a physician. If you receive a severe blow to the eye, apply a dry, sterile dressing, lie down and call your ophthalmologist, the Society advises. In most cases, however, a black eye is more em-, barrassing or uncomfortable than it is dangerous. Nonetheless, it does require immediate attention and proper care to heal correctly. The noticeable discoloration is caused by bleeding under the skin To possibly reduce this blackness, apply cold com presses to the eye for about 15 minutes as quickly as possible and again an hour later. An ice pack or a clean towel used in this manner will help stop the bleeding and minimize swelling. After 24 hours, use warm compresses instead of cold ones. The heat will speed the Roxane Pieroni Graduates From Career College Roxane Mary Pieroni of McHenry, will be among the record number of graduates to receive diplomas from Patricia Stevens Career college of Milwaukee in commencement exercises to be held Saturday, June 7, at Uihlein hall of the Performing Arts center. v The Commencement Address will4 be delivered by the Honorable Robert W. Hansen, Wisconsin Supreme court justice. Miss Pieroni is the daughter of Mr and Mrs.1, Edward Pieroni, 1310 North Court street, McHenry. She will graduate from a nine-month Public Relations Course. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ANY QUANTITIES AVAILABLE OUR STAND LOCATED AT 3 Miles East Of McHeniy On Rte. 120 IN LILYMOOR 4 spurgeons You Deserve a Budget Break! Lingerie Sale! I $ $ 4 * <4 BF.AUTY SALON Special Purchase! Shift Gowns and Baby Dolls Compare at ^Vw! $4 and $5 Mm Perma-press poly/cotton sleepwear will keep its fresh look all summer long! Prints and bright solids with lace trims, generously cut. Sizes S, M, L, XL. 3002 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry 1 8 9 I 6 S 6 9 Sale! Full Slips in All Sizes! 3 3 3 3 8 8 THIS WEEK ONLY Non-cling nylon slips just great under knits and jerseys. Tailored or lace trim styles in aver age or short length. Reg. $4 size 32-44 3.33 Reg. 4.50 size 46-50 3.88 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-9:00 Sat 9:00-6:00 Sun. 10:00-5:00 Save 19% to 37%! Breakfast Coats Reg. $6 A 88 to $8 ~ THIS WEEK ONLY Greet the day with brightness! S n a p p y m o r n i n g c o a t s w i t h snap or button closings, all with side or patch pockets. Solids •A'ith pretty embroideries and lace trims, and gay prints. Sizes 10 to 44. Sale! Eiderlon Panties for Ladies and Girls 25% off Eiderlon is a fabric blended of cotton and rayon for maximum c o m f o r t , a b s o r b e n c y a n d shrinkage control. Briefs and bikinis. Girls 4-14, ladies 5-11, in solids and prints. Reg. 590 2 for 890 Reg. 790 2 for 1.19 Reg. 890 . 2 for 1.33 Reg. 990 2 for 1.49 BankAmericarl Market Place Shopping Center 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Phone 385-4100 ii