SECTION 2 - PAGE 1-PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11, 1975 J 35 To Graduate From Johns burg Junior High By Lynn Lupo Graduating this year from Johnsburg School District 12 will be 135 eighth graders. The graduation was held Tuesday, June 10. at 8 p.m. The ceremony began with the pledge of allegiance and the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner". The invocation was given bv the Rev. Leonard Schoenherr of Mount Hope United Methodist church. Three students spoke on their different views of life. They are Rose Ann Jakubicek, "We're the Real Thing"; Monika Treptau, "Grow"; and Judy Vyduna, "How Large a Circle?" The concert choir and band, directed by Hal Thomp son, with accompanist, Mrs. Iris Bruhnkeb performed "We've Only Just Begun", and "Irving Berlin - A Symphonic Portrait". Mike McBride, president of the Student Council, and Steven Moulis showed a slide presentation of eighth grade events, entitled, "Yesterday Once More". James Van Bosch, principal of the Johnsburg Junior high school, along with Dr. Duane Andreas, superintendent of schools, presented various honor awards to the graduating class of 1975. Diplomas were issued by Elmer F. Pflug, Jr., president of the board of education, and board mem bers, James Preston and Mrs. Robert Stanell. The ceremony ended with the benediction read by the Rev. Leonard Schoenherr. A reception sDonsored by the Johnsburg P.T.O. was held immediately afterward. GRADUATES Chris Ackerman Michael Ahlert David Aldenbrook Jeffrey Allison Bruce Ambrose Curtis Ames Todd Andrews Barbara Ansell Mark Arvidson Susan Babarsky Richard Backs Robert Baker Deborah Baldocchi Dione Barnings Kathy Bavetz Richard Beck Linda Becker Mike Behan Donald Bentz Debra L. Berry Rick Bianchi Edward Bleeker Charles W. Briggs Michele Brown Cindy Brubach William Burns Michael Clary Robert Clary Terrance Connerty Denise M. Coomes Morgan Cronson Michael Davis Matthew DeBuhr Kenneth A S. Deisenroth Scott M. Dixon Kathy Dockham Janice Dominick Dana Dornbush Robert Allen Edelman Barbara Ellis Paula Espy David Fairbanks Susan Fleischman Michael Flick Sandra Fuller % Robert K. Gehlaar Lori Gibson Scott Gillan Mark A. Gillespie Daniel Edward Goldsmith Harlan Halligan Donna Hamann John Hansen Patricia Harker Gretchen Heidler David Hiller Margaret Hillstrom David Hinspater Bonnie Hoffman George Eugene Inzer, Jr. Lisa Jackson Rose Ann Jakubicek POP PLEASERS! ° POP PLEASER! fg^rTRemember.. . FATHER'S POP lasers! HORNSBJ 5JJn ^ v js JUNE 15th, _ I POP PLEASER! family centers 15% OFF Gateway 3 Piece Luggage Sets 19 Great idea for the coming summer or vacations! Comes in charming colors. Handy 3 piece set!! Does not include Samsonite. 9 Q spotlig the Handy Kodak Instamaffic X-15 Camora Outfit L A Y - A W A Y Come use our convenient • loyowoy plon to hold 0" tour puMhctes ^ Mfgrs. Our 19.95 *•«. 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POP PLEASING GIFTS A Special Gift For Dad Choose from: $900 & UP * English Leather *Junan •Coty -A-British Sterling *Canoe by Dana •And Many Others mMM Handy Electronic Mosquito Chaser 11.07 Mosquito ChosfT")gives OFF the *°Unn1 ° mo,# mo*9"'to repelling her at a range of up to 8 feetll No. 07185. All new styles . . . Double Knit polyester pants regular 9.87 on sola for 8.87. All sites. 3 In 1 ConvurlibU Fishing Chair ».¥#. oMrta •̂9* 12.07 B.V.D. short sleeve (Cotton Polyoster) sport shirts in assorted patterns I All sixes. v 3 way choir for fishing and camping fun I Stool, chair or fishing chair -- complete with •' attachments II No. 311. ::*s Campers Frioad Kangaroo Kitchon Woofer Jacknto Men's wastorn Blue Denim jackets -- all slxas. Save 3.00 while they last. 39.07 Man'o Popular Shorty PJ.'i ComP'**aicltchenl Broils, bake, smokes, steams, toasts and fries III New outdoor cooklna champion No. 20000. m it m Perma-press (Poly-Cotton bland) Batiste. Solid colors. Sixes: (A, B, C D) •MM ft Our Reg. 99c //fft/rs/zf POP PLEASING FOOT FLATTERY! The King Of Sneakers A Real P«p Pbtsgr HORNSBYS 1 -- fami ly ccntcn _ y.v.v Our Reg. 3.99 SUMMERTIME IS FRISBEE TIME! Features Budweiser print -- sure-traction tread solas, built-in arches. Sixes: (2%-8, 6%-l2). Whamo's Sonolne Regular Frlsboe The King Of SHppors «tf WM Our Reg 93c 766 America's favorite game of catchII Genuine Frisbee from whomo" Whamo's Frisbee MMm wmmm Our Rag. 4.99 Norfosboe Sot $3'6 Budweiser pattern on com fortable slippers I Great way to relax. Men's sixes I Our Reg. $5.76 Wild action game from Whamoll Complete set with InstructionsIII 'master charge] 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY HORNSBYS v fami ly centers 47 Country Club Rd. O • Woodstock in/i/tlil At» Laury Jergens v Kevin Kangas Theresa Kanter Stephanie Karwacki Karl E. Klassner Terri Klotz Gerri Kocher Timothy Koeppen Kathryn Kost Marian Jean Kouba Thomas Kraus Jeff Kroncke Kevin C. Krueger Jacqueline Leittl Pat Letizia Lynda Lindberg Lynn Lupo Ruth Madsen Patrick J. Manson Donald Joseph Matulka, Jr. Carolyn Eveytte Mau Sheila Mays Michael Lloyd McBride Cindy McClellan Gary McKeehan Wayne Moran Steven Moulis Leanne Nelson Brian A. Norberg Mary Anne O'Donnell Arden Marie Oehler John Olsson Russell Oziminski Leonard P. Pecucci Nancy Preston Kim Rad John Ram berg Mary T. Rank Bernie Ray Dane J. Relle Laura Rivas Sheryl Roberts Pamela Rowan Wayne Sabaj William Salazar Kathy Sargent Kenneth Schmitt Mark Schmitt Nina Shugrue Scott Shulda John Sima James Arthur Smith Robert Sojka Valerie Stade Kristi Stanell Janice Stetter James Tafel Beth Thelen Mary Beth Thonn Michael Tiess Monika Treptau Eric Trier Laurie Tripp James Walter Turuc Shelly Von Bruenchenhein Judy Vyduna Diane Weingart Jill Welter Jacqueline Wolf Patricia Wroblewski Pamela Zandlo Mark E. Zawislak Tari Zeoli Testimonial "Roast" For Congressman A capacity crowd is expected to be on hand Saturday, June 21, at the Wagon Wheel lodge, Rockton, for the testimonial "roast" of Rockford Congressman John B. An derson. Co-chairmen of the event, James S. Erkert and John Holub said the list of par ticipants on the evening's program has been rounded out with the confirmation that Illinois Attorney General Wm. Scott will be in attendance. The Illinois Scott will be joining Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania and House Minority Leader John Rhodes of Arizona, along with Illinois Senator Charles H. Percy, Congressman Henry Hyde (R) - 6th district of Illinois. Irv Kupcinet will be master of ceremonies. A reception will be held prior to the dinner, where guests will have the opportunity to visit with the participants of the evening. For additional information contact Ralph Jones at Republican headquarters in Rockford, 815-9618-9618.. MCHS Graduate Is Scholarship Winner At NIU Deborah Jean Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Donald M. Freund, 3107 W. Crescent, McHenry, is among seventeen graduating high school seniors who have been a w a r d e d A c a d e m i c Achievement scholarships by Northern Illinois university. Each award winner will receive $300 to $500 each year for a four-year period from NIU, provided the student maintain a 3.0 grade point average based on a 4.0 scale. The winners were selected on the basis of scholastic achievement in high school. Several hundred applicants applied for the award. Miss Freund's major was - listed as Physical Therapy. Two Students Earn Special Recognition The College of Liberal Arts gave awards to students for their scholastic achievements and services at Marquette university. From this area, Jay D. Doherty, 1410 N. Green street, McHenry, was named to "Who's Who". Deborah A. Miller, 3809 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, graduated Cum Laude