PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1975 May's Holiday Hills 385-5641 Sells Less MAY'S REGULAR 28c Aspirin LIMIT 2 MAY'S REGULAR 23c Bic Pen BLUE, RED, BLACK L M T 2 MAY'S REGULAR 92c Gleem Toothpaste 25c OFF Trac II Adjustable Razor $199 leach MAY'S REGULAR $1.11 Trac II Adjustable Cartridge 88£ pkg of MAY'S REGULAR $19.67 Gillette Max for Men MODEL #HD-9 $1799 ] # each MAY'S REGULAR $25.89 Zebco Deluxe Spincast Outfit #3490 - WITH MODEL 33 ZEBCO REEL s1837 MAY'S REGULAR $3.99 Tackle Box and Tray $987 bieach MAY'S REGULAR $1.99 Zebco Deliar $-148 1 each We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Ou' Price Protection Policy guarantees these prices to be effective from Friday June 13th through Saturday June 14th 1975, regardless of cost increases A D R U G 4400 W. ROUTE 120-McHENRY, ILLIONIS Sunset Drive Remains Same After Debate The general membership meeting of the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association started promptly around 8:30 Wednesday, June 4 at Casev's Hall Topic of much heated discussion was whether our main artery to the outside world. Sunset Drive, is going to have a black top surface, holes and all, or torn up and returned to gravel You can breathe easy. Sunset will remain as is for the time being anyway. Attendance was good, about fifty people showed with probably about six that ac tually live on Sunset, One of them even bragged that he wasn't a dues paying member. Which is what the whole thing is about anyway. Holiday Hills needs funds to maintain our roads that the state and township are supposed to repair with the money they collect from our taxes. Storming out of business meetings, slamming doors or yelling or swearing or threatening bodily harm don't get the roads fixed, but helping at the coming auction, bar becue and paying dues, using shovels and driving equipment sure does. Let's show our neighbors we like them by helping them all we can. ATTENTION Don't forget the Holiday Hills community auction and bar becue to be held June 21 at the beach. We will sell anything on consignment from anyone for 25 percent of the selling price. Persons who have items they wish to donate to the auction are urged to contact us at your earliest convenience with a list of items which you wish to have sold. For consignment sales it will be the responsibility of seller to transport the items to the auction. Good items would be tools, furniture, hardware, bikes, boats, motors, sporting equipment, lawn and garden equipment and anything of value in working condition. The barbecue will be beef with side dishes such as potato salad and corn, with cake and pie as dessert. Also there will be games and other goodies for the kids. It should be a real old fashion fun day for the entire family, and help to raise the much needed funds. TEAS An afternoon tea was held on May 22 at the Landmark school for the mothers who have giyen of their time to be volunteers, in many different ways. Those from Holiday Hills who at tended were Rosemary Holtz, Bev Saunders. Joan Cornwell and Bev Hill. They had a very nice cake with punch and cold tea. Ann Smith was given an award for being the person who really gave of herself to the kids. On May 28 the McHenry Junior high held a tea in honor of all the volunteers throughout the district. Joan Cornwell and Bev Hill attended and all the volunteers received a cer tificate of appreciation. If by chance you find next year, a morning or afternoon free, volunteer your services, as they sure can use you. BUS DRIVERS A note to the bus drivers. It hasn't been easy coming into our subdivision with the roads in the shape they've been at times. Yet they were here picking up our children and taking them to school when they were open. And the control you have had to maintain while driving probably has been hard at times. Maybe in later years these kids will realize what rough times they have put you through and regret it. A special mention of bus driver Sally for picking up all the students who couldn't be bused by the district. She was always prompt even when the roads to many of the houses were not plowed and yet always had a friendly smile. 3 ewer woe j great gifts for dad at big savings during BALLOON DAYS SALE it Pull down balloons . . . pull down prices it *Pick a product with a balloon attached*Take the item and balloon to cashier1 * Number in balloon determines your savings * SALE FRIDA Y, JUNE 13 TO SUN DA Y, JUNE 15. S A L E / T E M S " T A K E - H O M E " O N L Y . L I M I T E D S U P P L Y . DIRECTOR'S CHAIRS SAVE FROM *3 to $10 HOMECREST HANGING CHAIRS Reg. $99.95 $88.88 (limited supply) WEBER COOKOUT SATURDAY, JUNE 14 11 to 4 Featuring Weber . . . "The most popular grill ever made" and Weber accessories WHIRLWINP MOWER 16273 2!"self propetlTO* SAVE FROM $30 to$50 reg. $199.95 SAVE S1 to $3 on HANGING BASKETS in addition to sale prices . . . just pick a sale balloon. Conditions for Regular Conditions for Best Growth Hanging Baskets Price Best Growth Hangii.g Baskets Little Sun Boston Fern 12.50 Sun Geranium Baskets Shade Swedish Ivy Green 10.00 Sun Petunia Baskets Red-White Varg. 10.00 Half Sun Hoya Baskets Shade Pujple Wandering Jew 15.00 . Shade Lantana Baksets Shade Green Wandering Jew 10.00 Shade Bridal Vail Baskets Hall Sun Inch or Mini Wandering Jew 10.00 Shade Ivy Baskets Full Sun Verbenia Baskets 12.50 Sun Springri Baskets Hall" Sun Impatience Mixed Baskets 10.00 Shade Philodendrori Baskets Impatience Mixed Baskets 12.50 Sun Creeping Fig Baskets Hall Sun Coleus Baskets 10.00 Little Sun Spider Plants Baskets Shade Fuschia Baskets 12.50 Little Sun Rubber Ivy Baskets Regular Price 12.50 10.00 9.95 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 13.00 10.00 12.50 RTS. 14 & 176 459-6200 CRYSTAL LAKE Mon.,Tues.,Wed.,Thurs.,Fri.9-6;Sat.9-5;Sun.10-4 SALE PRICES -- 200OFF on all *10.00 Baskets $300OFF - -on all *12,50 to *1 5.00 Baskets FIELD TRIPS Various third grade classes from Edgebrook school in McHenry went to a museum on May 28 and others went to the Milwaukee Zoo on June 9. Classes from Landmark school also went to the Milwaukee Zoo on May 29 and on June 6 the kindergarten class went to Veterans Acres in Crystal Lake for' a picnic. Sounds like our children from Holiday Hills had a lot of fun. MOTORISTS School is closed now til next school year and all the kids will be playing outside at all hours so it's up to you drivers to be on the alert for any kids dashing across the street. PHYSICAL FITNESS Students from both Land mark and Edgebrook schools participated in the amateur Athletic Union Physical Fitness test. The five events included were sit-ups, push-ups, stan ding long jump, 220 yard walk- run and shuttle run. Students who passed all five events that we know of from Holiday Hills are Maureen Connel, Wendy Janke, Jeff Szamlewski, Dawn Grether, Janice Maras, Bobby Gende, Kris Tueber, Bill Jaramski, Terri Abbink, and J a n e t S t a n c h u c k . Congratulations. HOSPITAL Mrs. Bev Hill went into the hospital again Sunday June 8. This time she didn't chicken out and Danielle Cheri was born at 11:03 weighing in at 7 lbs., 6 oz. Both mother and daughter are fine. 4-ACES The 4-Aces have been busy with several activities, such as helping our ecology by cleaning rubbish from vacant fields. They had a barbecue at the Novaks, it rained so they had to eat inside but were able to play games outside later. On May 2 they went to see a girl's softball game. McHenry high won against Crystal Lake with a score of 10 to 9. Girls who we know played were Eileen Connell, pitcher, and Pat Chappel, fielder. The Federation is having a barbecue for the 4-Hers at the Woodstock Fair Grounds on June 16. ENTERTAINER- Vince "Tex" Adams, local entertainer, will perform his comedy songs and jokes at the Town and Country show to be held at St. Patrick's church, June 20, 21, 27 and 28. He and his brother, Clem, under the name of "Twelve Feet of Harmony", have appeared on radio as well as hundreds of meetings and banquets. For convenience, tickets for this event may be purchased at several local business places or from individuals connected with the show. McHenry Shores Sandra Moyer 385-8646 RED CROSS The American Red Cross is the nation's largest single collecting, processing, and distributing agency for blood from voluntary donors, and provides nearly four million units annually. TODA DANCE When members of India's Toda people take part in their major religious ceremonies, only the men dance. They move around and about in a circle, their arms tightly linked, maintaining their tempo by shouting. Scribe Resigns As Husband Is Transferred At the board meeting on June 4, with much sadness I sub mitted my resignation effective June 17. My husband has been transferred to Ashland, Ohio, and we will be leaving the Shores very shortly. I cannot express the warm feelings I have for this area' and the wonderful friends we have here. The purchasing committee was given approval to obtain a used tractor with bucket, blade, mover and post hole digger attachments. The cutting of the vacant lots and rightaways will begin soon. Ed Olbinski was appointed president pro-tem. Mrs. Lillegard explained the proposed program for the police department. Several residents have shown interest STOP RAISING YOUR HEAVY GARAGE DOOR- BY HAND INSTALL A MOORE II MAT IC AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER >xa*C' aepitd' sneet Enjoy your home more with a Bilco Basement Door Whether you're going to build a new home or stay in your present one, a Bilco Door will help you to enjoy it more. It makes your basement just as convenient and useful as the rest of your house -- easy to furnish and safe for your family's enjoyment. If your home was built without an outside basement door, adding one now will open up a whole extra floor of valuable space. Space for recreation, hobbies and storage. Bulky articles move directly in and out; no tracking through upstairs rooms. As a replacement for a wooden door, the rugged all- steel Bilco Door will add beauty and value to your home -- while paying for itself by saving repair costs.' AMERICA S FINEST BASEMENT DOOR Stop in and see our display. We'll give you tree literature on how to do it. Or, suggest a man to do it tor you. ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 North Front St McHemy 385-1424 in joining the force and are now being investigated. From the sounds of the chipper going throughout the village and the way the dump- sters were filled, a lot of us took good advantage of Clean-up day. It is nice the village has given us this service. The next board meeting will be held on June 18. NEWS BITS Two of the outstanding young people in our community, Denise Urbanski and Tammy Gunder, were recipients of the Kiwanis Awards given to outstanding eighth grade students in the area. Several ladies from the Shores will be participating in the St. Patrick, Town and country Show. Tickets may be purchased locally from Elyse Harth, 3117 Kinley, 385-9344. This sounds like a terrific evening of fun. BIRTHDAYS A family birthday party was held on Sunday, June 7, to mark the second birthday of Steven Csajaghy. A new swing set has been installed in the back yard, a gift from mom and dad. On June 9, Ilene Bain celebrated her tenth birthday and June 14 is not only Flag Day but the birthday of William Dostal. Since he will be leaving for Ohio on his birthday, Sunday, I would like to say an early happy birthday to a wonderful guy, Ron Moyer. Best wishes and much happiness to all. ANNIVERSARIES On June 14 Arthur and Jeanne Egger will celebrate their twenty-third wedding anniversary. Congratulations. HOLIDAYS Don't forget Flag Day on June 14, it is a good time to show how grateful we are for being able to live in this country by displaying the flag. To all the fathers, may Sunday be a day of happiness and to all the kids, do something nice for your Dads on Sunday and show them how much you appreciate how hard they work for you. HOSPITAL NOTES Bea Bieritz is in McHenry hospital and would enjoy hearing from her friends. Our wishes for a speedy recovery. SHORELINE WAVES The next meeting will be held on June 17. Get your reser vations in for the baseball trip to Milwaukee Stadium on July 13..For information call Karen Novotny, 385-4562. The children's trip to the Milwaukee Zoo has been cancelled due to lack of in terest. There are still openings for the bowling party for youngsters ages 10 through 14. For information or to return your forms contact either myself or.Eva Baggio. 385-7421. I'll let you know next week who the new reporter will be. Remember the children are out of school for the summer, so drive slowly. Editor's Quote Book Nonconformists travel as a rule in bunches. You rarely find a nonconformist who goes it- alone. And woe to him inside a nonconformist clique who does not conform with nonconfor mity Eric Hoffer i