SECTION TWO-PAGE 8-PLAINDEALER-JUNE 25, 1975 i 1 54 i THIS IS ONL Y A PARTIAL LISTING. M A N Y M O R I . R E M N A N T S AS WI LL AS S I ' I C I A L L Y P R I C E D R O L L S A R E A V A I L A B L E A T T I D Y ' S G I G A N T I C * W A R E H O U S E A L L S A L E P R I C E D ' Northern Illinois1 lirgtit selection of carpet remnants and vinyl remnants will be very specially priced on . . . JUNE 26, 27, > (ALL PRICES CASH n' CARRY) ' Vy ./•**' '* r m SCULPTURED SHAGS REMNRNT5 3* m 12" and SQ95 Smaller 3*1" K 12' to 6' H 12' S 18* ST" H 12' s to 8'm 12' Many 6' and 4'6" wide Commercial Remnants . . . ideal for Station Wagons, Vans, Trailers etc. DROP SAMPLES 27" K 18 I I each 12' x 19 '11" Gold Tones (No. 1696) 12 ' x 21 ' Yel low, Green, Orange (No. 1698) 12 ' x 13 '6" Burnt Orange Brown, foam back (No. 1630) 9 ' l " x 12 ' Green Tones (Mohawk's Best) (No. 1637) 9 ' x l l 'S" Green Beige (No. 1644) l l ' l l " x 16 '2" Red, Orange, Brown heavy foam back (No. 1673) 7 '6" x 12 ' Orange, Gold, heavy foam back (No. 1675) 12 'x 12 ' (Mohawk's Best) Rust Tones (No. 1686) 9 ' x 9 '3" Aldon's Fjord (Narke Rust) (No. 1006) 9 '7" x 12 ' Orange, Gold Tones, fat foam (No. 1011) 12 ' x 15 ' Pumpkin, and Green (No. 1148) 8 ' 11" x 12 ' Brown, Gold, Green (No. 1158) l l ' lO" x 28 '8" Beige, Brown, Gold (No. 1160) 9 ' x 12 ' Gold Rust (Masland) (No. 1111) 8 '2" x l l ' l l " Green, Gold, Yel low (No. 1139) 12 ' x 21 ' Orange, Gold Tones (No. 1211) 9 ' x 11 '3" Green Tones (No. 1230) 12 ' x 12 ' Blue White (No. 1403) 12 ' x 12 ' Gray Beige, Tones (No. 1405) 9 ' x 11 ' Red Tones (No. 1500) 9 ' x l l ' l l " Green Gold Tones (Lee's) (No. 1501) 9 ' x 11 ' Black, White , Brown (No. 1503) 9 ' x 10 '3" Orange, Green (No. 1504) 12 ' X 22'8" Red Tones (No. 1505) 9 ' x 11 '5" (Mohawk) Rust Tones (No. 1508) 12 ' x 13 ' (Mohawk) Blue Green (No. 1509) 12 ' x 15 ' Azalea, Burgundy (No. 1512) 12 ' x 17 '5" Orange, Green (No. 1513) 12 ' x 16 '5" Harvest Gold (No. 1520) FREE CRRPET INSTALLATION KIT WITH FOAM BACK CASH G- CAAAY CAAPET (including remnants) ALL AEMNANTS SUBJECT TO PAIOA SALE. 12' x 15 ' Harvest Gold (No. 1521) 12 ' x l l 'S" Green Tones (No. 1 523) 12 ' x 15 ' Blue Green (No. 1525) 12 ' x 16 '5" Beige, Brown, Gold fat foam (No. 1530) 9 ' x 12 ' Soft 2-Tone Green Sculptured Shag (No. 932) l l ' l l " x 16 ' 10" Mult i -Brown, Rust Sculptured Shag (No. 936) 8 i i " x 1 r8" Rust-Beige foam back (No. 949^ 12 ' x 21 ' Diamond pattern Beige Tones (No. 951) 9 ' x 11 '8" L ime Green Nylon fat foam (No. 966) 12 ' x 15 ' 1" Burgandy, Gold Sculptured Shag (No. 973) l l ' l l " x 12 '8" Orange Rust Green Tones (No. 993) REG. $312.00 $335,00 $129.95 $144.00 $144.00 $215.00 $100.00 $195.00 $110.00 $130.00 $220.00 $144.00 $418.00 $144.00 $132.00 $336.00 $132.00 $175.00 $195.00 $132.00 $144.00 $132.00 $120.00 $360.00 $159.95 $209.00 $240.00 $259.95 $245.00 $220.00 $189.95 $240.00 $220.00 $159.95 $216.00 $ 96.00 $308.00 $110.00 $240.00 $179.95 SALE '230 $250 MOO *90 $70 $150 $60 >130 $80 $85 s 155 '80 $305 $80 $80 $250 '90 $130 $130 $95 $96 $88 $75 *270 '90 $155 $ 180 $190 $180 M60 M 28 #180 $ 175 S108 $15 $65 $225 $85 s 160 $130 8' x 11 '9" Orange Beige, Green Tones (No. 725) 9 ' x 10 '7" Golds and Orange , Green (No. 772) 8*5" x 9 < Green, Beige Sculptured Shag (No. 831) 12 ' x 18 ' Rich Brown, Gold Tones (No. 805) 12 ' x 16 ' Beige Diamond pat terns, Hi -Low (No. 806) 12 ' x 21 '9" Yel low, Gold, Green Sculptured Shag (No. 641) l l ' l l " x 17 '9" Yel low, Rust , Hi -Low foam back (No. 532) 8 '2" x 12 ' Beige Tones (No. 584) 12 ' x 16 ' Purple , Rose, Heavy Nylon Sculptured Shag (No. 617) l l ' l l " x 18 '3" Oyster colored Sculptured Shag (No. 625) SCULPTUAED SHAGS REG. SALE $132.00 *65 $121.00 *70 $ll)8.U0 s55 $265.00 S190 $234.95 $170 $350.00 $240 $240.00 M90 $132.00 $60 $355.00 M 76 $288.00 $190 SCULPTUAES I ' l l " x 13 '2" Rust , Gold Mult i -Colored Classic Loop (No. 622) 12 ' x 33 ' 2 -Tone Burgandy Sculpture (No. 637) 2 ' x 18 ' 1" Gold, Brown Classic Loop (No. 520) 9 ' x l l ' l " Mult i -Brown Beige Diamond pattern (No. 578) 2 ' x 18 ' Orange Green Mult i colors Loop Pi le (No. 820) 12 ' x 16 '5" Gold, Tan, Brown Unlevel Loop (No. 833) 8 ' 11" x 11 '8" Green Sculpture- Edges Finished (No. 702) 9 ' x l l 'S" Sol id Gold Nylon Sculpture (No. 724) 14 ' 10" x 15 ' 10" Brassy Green Polyester Sculpture (No. 920) 7 ' 10" x 14 '10" Blue-Brown Sculpture (No. 947) f , 8 '3" x IS ' Gold Nylon Sculp ture (No. 956) 12 ' x 18 '2" Sol id Red Polyester Sculpture (No. 960) 9 ' x 11 ' 2 -Tone Green Nylon Sculpture (No. 964) 10 '8" x 11 '9" Sol id Gold Al l Loop Polyester Pi le (No. 995) l l ' l l " x 15 '11" Gold Nylon Sculpture (No. 1697) 6 ' x 12 ' Green Sculpture (No. 1699) U '4" x 12 ' Al l Wool Brown Black pat terns (No. 1671) 12 ' x 13 '4" Sol id Green Deep Sculptured Polyester (No. 1672) 12 ' x 25 '4" Rust Colored Nylon Sculpture (No. 1663) 8 ' x l r i i " Mult i -Earth Colored pat tern, Berven of Cal i fornia (No. 1012) $175.00 $ 125 $352.00 '220 $264.00 *180 $132.00 '80 $264.00 S170 $225.00 $150 $85.00 $48 $84.00 $60 $225.00 $150 $105.00 $50 $98.00 $60 $192.00 $140 $85.00 $60 $119.95 o 00 $150.00 •105 $48.00 •19 $290.00 M90 $140.00 >100 $272.00 M 80 $154.00 '70 SHAG PLUSHES 12' x 18 ' Nylon Brown Tones Shag Plush (No. 1400) 12 ' x 15 ' Brown, Bronze, White Nylon Shag Plush (No. 1401) 12 ' x 12 ' Diamond pattern, Orange, Gold, Black, Shag (No. 1402) 12 ' x 19 ' Fern Green Splush, Nylon (No. 1506) l l ' l l " x 12 ' Mul t i -Green Tones Plush, Shag, Nylon (No. 1510) 12 ' x 12 ' Mul t i -Brown Tones, Nylon (No. 1676) 9 ' x l l 'S" Mult i -Earth Tones, Nylon (No. 1674) $240.00 •170 $200.00 '145 SI 75.00 1130 S178.00 '125 $160.00 '112 SI 60.00 '129 SI 27.00 '90 SHAG PLUSHES 7'4" x l l ' l l " Light Gold Tweed, Nylon (No. 1670) REG. $70.00 SALE $40 12' x 12 '1" Moss Green Tweed, Nylon (No. 1638) $11100 '80 12J x 12 ' Two-Tone Blue Polyester (No. 1636) $115.00 '80 12' x 17 '6" Two-Tone Gold, Nylon (No. 163S) $160.00 *115 6*11" x l l ' l l " Harvest Gold Polyester (No. 163^^ $63.00 $40 7'6" x 12 ' Gold, White , Tweed, Polyester (No. 1632) $80.00 $40 8' x 12 ' Deep Green, Nylon (No. 1695) $77.00 $50 6' x 12 ' Red, Nylon with foam back (No. 1694) $48.00 '30 6'2" x 12 ' Gold Nylon (No. 1693) $65.00 M0 6'7" x l l ' l l " Deep Rust Nylon (No. 1692) $108.00 *65 7'11" x 12 ' L ight Mint Tweed Nylon (No. 1691) $75.00 $50 9' x 11 '6" Rust , Nylon (No. 1687) $108.00 '80 6' 10" x l l ' l l " Yel low Gold Pattern wi th foam back (No. 1685) t $70.00 *45 9' x 12 ' Mul t i -Color , Orange, Rust , Gold (No. 1684) $120.00 '80 11'8" x 12 ' Dark Grey "Velvet Look" (No. 1238) $172.00 MOO 12' x 17 '2" Fern Green Nylon (No. 1234) $170.00 M 25 8'8" x 12 ' Green Tweed, Polyester (No. 1232) $90.00 $60 11' x 12 ' Mustard Gold, Nylon, By Lee's (No. 1240) $200.00 MOO 6'6" x l l ' l l " Green Tweed, Nylon (No. 1246) $52.00 *37 9'5" x 12 ' Bronze Gold, Nylon (No. 1252) $90.00 $60 12' x 14 ' 11" Deep Gold, Nylon (No. 1254) $140.00 MOO 12' x 12 ' Rust ic Orange, Nylon (No. 1258) $160.00 $90 9' x 12 ' Red & Black Nylon with th ick foam back (No. \1260) $120.00 '90 •9 ' x l l 'S" Gold, Brown Str ipe, Nylon, Foam back (No. 1264) $70.00 $50 8' x 12 ' Mul t i -Color , Earth Tones, Nylon (No. 1206) $110.00 *75 12' x 15 ' Red and Black, Polyester , foam back (No. 1208) $145.00 MOO 12' x 13 '6" Chocolate Brown, Polyester , foam back (No. 1209) $130.00 '90 12' x 15 ' Green Tweed, By Moahwk, Nylon (No. 1214) $265.00 M50 11'9" x 12 ' Brown and Black, Polyester , foam back (No. $112.00 '80 1217) KITCHEN CAAPET 8'9" x 10 '5" Orange Gold Tweed (No. 1384) 12 ' x 12 ' 7" Green Mediterranean pat tern (No. 1374) 12 ' x 13 '9" Burnt Orange Tweed (No. 1372) 8 '7" x l l ' l l " Blue Green Tweed (No. 1370) 9 ' x 11 '7" Orange and Brown Tweed (No. 1368) 10 ' 11" x l l ' lO" Gray Black Tweed (No. 1362) 9 'x l l 'S ' - ' Blue-Orange Pattern (No 1360) 811" x lO' lO" Orange and Green Tweed (No. 1355) $100.00 $136.00 $162.00 $96.00 $96.00 $120.00 $84.00 $77.00 $55 $90 $108 $60 $72 $65 $60 $55 KITCHEN CRRPETS x l l 'S" Orange, In door ' / -Outdoor (No. 1354) 12 ' x 8 '9" Orange Mult i -Str ipe (No. 1353) 9 '2" x 12 '1" Burnt Orange Mediterranean pattern (No. 1350) 12 ' x 15 ' Orange Broken Glass pat tern (No. 1344) 12 ' x 13*10" Red Tweed (No. 1340) • 8 '4" "x 12 ' Cocoa Brown pattern (No. 1338) 9 ' x lO ' l l" Bronze Green Tweed (No. 1333) 9 ' x 11 '5 ' ' Orange Mediterranean pattern (No. 1329) 9 ' x 11 '7" Brown Burnt Orange pat tern (No. 1328) 9 ' x l l 'S" Gold Tweed (No. 1326) 9 ' x (No 11'3" Ol ive Gold Tweed 1324) 7 '5" x 10 '9" Gold, Burnt Orange, Brown Pla id (No. 1319) 11 '8" x 1 I ' l l " Red Black Jacks pat tern (No. 1317) 12 ' x 17 ' Red Black Pla id (No. 1316) 9 ' x door 11 '4" Grass Green In Outdoor (No. 1314) 12 ' x 19 '5" Gold, Green, Burnt Orange pat tern (No. 1300) 9 ' x U '6" Burnt Orange, Broken Glass pat tern (No. 1052) 9 ' x 11 '3" Gold Tones Candy Str ipe (No. 1142) 9 ' x 11 '3" Green Tone Tweed (No. 1204) 9 2 ' x l l ' l l " Green Block pat tern (No. 1438) 12 ' x 17 '3" Ol ive Gold Tweed (No. 1430) REG. SALE $96.00 *60 $72.00 >42 $96.00 >55 $160.00 MOO $129.50 '93 $88.00 $55 $88.00 $60 $84.00 $60 $84. OQ $55 $92.00 $70 $88.00 $66 $69.95 *45 $124.00 '90 $115.00 MOO $89.95 $60 $208.00 M 50 $89.95 $60 $66.00 $44 $70.00 $45 $96.00 $70 $165.00 M 15 VINYL FLGOA COVEAINGS 5'10" x 6 ' Green-Gold Br ick Pattern S ' l l" x 9 ' Armstrong Solar ian Gold Pattern 6 ' x 10 '3" Armstrong No-Wax Br ick pat tern 6 ' x 6 '11" Armstrong Gold pat tern 5 '4" x 6 ' Armstrong, Solar ian Br ick pat tern 6 ' x 8 '2" Green Solar ian Pattern 6 ' x 6 '3" Oyster Solar ian pat tern 6 ' x 7 '7" Gold Designer Solar ian Armstrong 5 '6" x 6 ' Abstract Gold Pat tern - Armstrong 5 '7" x 6 ' Gold Designer Solar ian 6 ' x 13 '2" Armstrong Solar ian Sun Pattern 6 ' x 9 '7" Gold-Orange Designer Solar ian 12 ' x 15 '10" No-Wax pattern Br ick 8 '9" x 12 ' Congoleum Brick No Wax 8 '5" x 12 ' Armstrong Sundial No Wax 9 '3" x 12 ' Armstrong Sundial Gold pat tern 12 ' x 12 ' 3" Armstrong Avocado pat tern 7 '6" x 12 ' Armstrong 2-Tone pat tern 8 '9" x 12 ' Avocado Sun pat tern 7 ' x 12 ' Armstrong Br ick 7 '8" x 12 ' Armstrong Brown pattern $48.00 $78.00 $89.95 $52.00 $44.00 $60.00 $54.00 $60.00 $42.00 $48.00 $108.00 $80.00 $ 168.00 $96.00 $125.00 $134.00 $128.00 $60.00 $96.00 $74.00 $72.00 24 36 42 30 22 30 26 30 21 23 54 40 05 60 70 74 80 30 60 48 50 Choose from these famous carpet mills: *KA RASTAN*L EES *BIGEL OW *MOHA W K * •BER VEN*ALEXANDER SMITH *ARMSTRONG * *MASLAND*TREND *BA RVJICK *CORONET* *ALDON*WORLD*EVANS & BLACK* *MILLIKEN*MAGEE*COLUMBUS *FIRTH* *MONTICELLO*MONARCH *CABIN CRAFTS- # VENTURE GORGES *OZI TE * VIKING * *GULISTAN*CHARTER. . .AND MANY MORE TIDY CARPETS & RUGS 200 WASHINGTON/WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS/815-338-1000 HOURS: MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8 * TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY 8-5 SUNDAY 12-5 Sr <r-1