Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1975, p. 1

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ft* y * 100 TEitS * V.1 ""'"v v ia • ' THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER M SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES" REGION S INCE 1875 5 !. VOLUME 99 NUMBER 95 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1975 15 C 14 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENTS Win Health Scholarships Scholarship recipients, given by Hie auxiliary to McHenry hospital, meet with committee members following the announcement of these winners. This is one of the auxiliary's many significant community service projects. From left are Miss Victoria Behan, assistant administrator, inpatient and educational service division; Debbie Freund, McHenry, and Valerie Craven, Crystal Lake, recipients of scholarships; Mrs. Warren Krebs, chairman of the scholarship committee; Ronald Cooker, assistant director of nursing; and Patricia Marshall, Crystal Lake, and Carolyn Mierzwa, McHenrv, recipients. * (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY KAAREN DODGE) Four scholarships to en­ courage people to seek fur ther t ra ining in the heal th care f ie ld have been awarded by the auxi l iary to McHenry hospi ta l , Mrs. Warren *C. Krebs, chairman of the scholarship commit tee , has annourfced. Awarding these scholarships is a cont inuat ion of a notable community service project inst i tuted by the auxi l iary several years ago. A total of s ix scholarship recipients are in the t ra ining program now, while many others have graduated and entered nursing. Here are the 1975 recipients with information on their career plans: Debbie Freund, McHenry, wil l major in physical therapy at Northern I l l inois univers i ty . Carolyn Mierzwa, McHenry, wil l major in nursing a t Rock Val ley col lege, Rockford. to obtain an associate degree. Val ler ie Craven, Crystal Lake, wil l major in physical therapy at Madison col lege in ,Hanisu ' ibyrg, Va. Patr ic ia Marshal l , Crystal Lata?, wil l s tudy nursing or teaching nurses . She 's consider ing both Northern I l l inois univers i ty and the Universi ty of I l l inois . She was named recipient of the Cather ine Munson award, a memorial award named in honor of Cather ine Munson, a former auxi l ian. The scholarships are for $200 a year for each year the recipients major ing in nursing are in t ra ining, and $100 a year for each year the recipients major ing in physical therapy are in t ra ining, explained Mrs. Krebs. Police Commissioners Hear Officer's Appeal Five Injured In Two Crashes Near McHenry Four persons were taken to McHenry hospi ta l by the rescue squad fol lowing a rear- end col l is ion a t 3006 W. Route 120 just east of the br idge Sunday night about 9:30. Frank Baccarel la , his wife , Joanna. and daughter , Assunta , were taken to the hospi ta l for minor injur ies , as was the dr iver of the other auto. Genevieve G. Good of 55 S. Clyde, Palat ine. According to the pol ice report , the autoS were east bound on the highway when Ms. Gqod hi t the rear of the Bac- ca ' re l la auto, which had s lowed in f ront of her . The McHenry f i re depart­ ment was cal led to wash down the area due to gasol ine"on the highway. Amos M. Hatf ie ld , J r . , of 314 S Fischer-road. McHenry, was injured Thursday night when the t ruck he was dr iving came to the end of Idyl l Del l road in McHenry Shores and rol led over Hatf ie ld said he was east- hound on Idyl l Del l and ta i led to make a lef t turn at Barreyi l le road: v Suddenly he ' found "himself a t the dead-end near tf ie Fox r iver . New Pastor First Baptist We note with interest that some pressure has been exerted on the I l l inois Com­ merce commission regarding a s ta tement credi ted to the ICC to the effect that i t p lanned to temporar i ly discont inue proceedings against the Chicago & Northwestern. The or iginal order cal led for the rai l road to upgrade the Crystal Lake to Lake Geneva road­ bed. Proceedings have been postponed unt i l af ter July 1 to see if the Regional Tran­ sportat ion board s igns a pur- chase-of-service agreement with the Northwestern. At least one s ta te off ic ia l represent ing this area has wri t ten to the ICC, protest ing the t ransfer of responsibi l i ty for something the IQC had ruled an expendi ture del iberately deferred by the rai l road in order to discourage commuter t raff ic north of Crystal Lake. The protest charges that postponement is taking the responsibi l i ty f iord the Northwestern and placing i t on RTA taxpayers . A check was asked on this mat ter to make cer ta in RTA taxpayers are not placed at a disadvantage in bai l ing out the ra i l road for something the commission admit ted was an at tempt in the past to ^ discourage r idership. In response to State Rep. Cal Skinner 's inquiry, John S. Urban. J r . , of the I .C.C. commented that " i t appears that a service agreement wil l be negot ia ted in the near future . This act ion would remove the C& NW from the Commission 's jur isdict ion and thereby cause the present case to become moot" . Another le t ter f rom Marvin S Lieberman, chairman of the I .C.C. , assures that "unless jur isdict ion in this mat ter is taken away from us. e i ther by legis la t ive act ion, a court or der . or by act ion of the RTA, (Continued On Page 11) Investigate Armed Robbery Invest igat ion cont inues by the sher i f f ' s department into an armed robbery in the area of the McHenry dam state park, south of McHenry, Saturday night . The vict im. Murray M. Abrahamson, 28, of 9011 Bal lard road, DesPlaines , told off icers he and a fr iend had experienced diff icul t ies with their car about 10:45. While the fr iend was seeking assis tance, Abt-ahamson said two males in their la te teens or ear ly twent ies approached him. One of the pair came up from behind and announced that i t was a robbery. The intruder told Abrahamson he had a gun and ordered him not to turn (Continued On Page 11) DR. MARSHALL WERRY Dr. Marshal l E. Werry was cal led June 1 to serve as pastor of the Firs t Bapt is t church. McHenry. He has pastored in both I l l inois and Texas and las ' year was the pr incipal of the Woodlawn Bapt is t academy. Memphis , Tenn. Formal educat ion includes degrees from Il l inois State univers i ty . I l l inois Central col lege, I l l inois Missionary Bapt is t seminary. Greenhouse Included In Plans At College Joins City's Church and South Texas Theological ^seminary. Pastor Werry and his wife . Delores . have three sons, Jel tery. Arthur and Dennis . Coming as the cTTurch begins i ts fourteenth year . Dr. Werry 's plans center " in a program of congregat ional involvement leading to greater spir i tual growth^ within the church and Chris t - l ike encounters and service in ihe community." \ is ; to;> umu mouthers of this aggressive, expanding church f ind that Chris t centered worship and fel lowship provide more than adequate power for l iving Minis t r ies which seek to a id the ci ty include advanced educat ion in the Fox Valley Chris t ian school . Chris t ian love and guidance in the day care program, expert s ign language interpretat ion, and Spanish language Bible s tudy and worship MOTOR IT I I. ALLOTMENT McHenry county has received an al lotment of $50,418.49 as i ts share ot motor fuel tax funds paid into the s ta te .Treasury during Apri l , according to the I l l inois Department ol Transportat ion. The total a l lotment for the s ta te , except Cook county, was $2.401.670.30. The Board of Fire and Pol ice commissioners . .( BFPC' i l is tened to f ive ai id one-half ' hours of tes t imony from eight witnesses a t c i ty hal l las t Thursday night regarding an appeal made by a probat ionary off icer of the McHenry Pol ice department . Off icer James Blue, who joined the depart­ ment Nov 18, 1974, appealed*?! f ive-day suspension made\) against him by Chief of Pol ice Kenneth Espey. Chief Espey suspended Off icer Blue for violat ion of Sect ion 12, rules and regulat ions ot the Pol ice department , concerned with courtesy and civi l i ty , and for carrying a weapon while off duty without permission while in the s ta tus of a probat ionary off icer . BFPC Chairman Farl Murray .said the commission would review the tes t imony and render i ts . decis ion in the matter within f i f teen days. There are four decis ions (he commission could reach: l - Sustain Chief Espey 's orderNd' suspension; 2-Reverse i t : 3- Increase the punishment to :?() days; or 4-Discharge the of­ f icer Attorney Bernard Narusis , who represented Chief Espey in the marter , s ta ted at the con­ clusion of the hear ing, "In our judgment , the evidence that came before you tonight meri ts the most extreme form of punishment ." At torney James O'Grady, who represented Off icer Blue, d maintained that the off icer may have made «i .Monday morning mistake" in that when al l the facts are presented and i t ' s a l l over with, anyone can make a good judgment much as " the Monday morning quar­ terbacks do af ter a weekend footbal l game. O'Grady asked that Off icer Blue be given another chance because "by f i r ing him,- you are saying Off icer Blue. \ou cannot improve." The incident leading up to the suspension began about 4 a .m. Saturday. June 14. According to Off icer Blue 's tes t imony, he had gone off duty a t midnight , Juj ie 13, changed his c lothes a t the pol ice s ta t ion and lef t to meet his wife a t a tavern in Burton 's Bridge. He took his service revolver wil l h im to his van. where he removed the bul le ts f rom the gun and put them in the glove box. He placed the gun and bols ter under the front passenger~"$eaf ' ol his ForcLEconolme van ^ Blue 'said he met his wife a t the. tavern about 1 a .m. SheJef t for home in her vehicle about 3:30 and he lef t the place twenty minutes la ter . He drove from Route 17(> west to Route 31 looking ' lot "an open gas s ta t ion but found none He turned north on Route 31 intending to take Idyl l Del l road to his home in McHenry Shores . As he got to the north end*dt Terra Cotta hi l l , he tes t i f ied a pickup tn( ick passed him at a high ra te of speed and then s lowed. Blue passed the t ruck, af ter which the t ruck passed him a second t ime at a high ra te of speed Blue told the 'commission that the t ruck was being dr iven "somewhat errat ical ly" and he not iced there was lawn care equipment in the back of t -he t ruck. This aroused Blue 's suspicions as to whether or not the equipment on the t ruck may have been s tolen s ince i t was an unusual hour to be dr iving around the area. , Instead of going home, he fol lowed the vehicle into the ci ty -of McHenry. where the dr iver turned west on Route 120. As they reached the Market Place, Blue pul led alongside the t ruck in his un­ marked van and held his pol ice badge against the window on the passenger s ide in an at­ tempt to s top the t ruck. However , Blue said the t ruck cont inued on and t r ied to run him off the road several t imes. The t ruck then turned onto Meadow lane and drove over numerous s t reets in Lakeland Park with Blue fol lowing "four or f ive car lengths behind". Blue said he made no at tempt to pul l a longside or s top the vehicle in Lakeland Park In their t ravels . Blue said he suddenly saw the brake l ights on the t ruck and "a body came out of the passenger s ide of the t ruck and landed on the ground." Blue said the body appeared to be that of a white female. Contrary to his t ra ining, he did not s top to give assis tance but cont inued in pursui t of the t ruck Even though Blue said he yel led at the t ruck dr iver to s top because he was a pol ice off icer , the t ruck cont inued onto Meadow lane, where the dr iver went through a s top s ign and drove to route 120. where he proceeded through a red l ight and turned east-bound on the highway. The t ruck pul led into the Holiday Discount parking lot , where Off icer Kenneth Kunzer" was s i t t ing in his squad car preparing to check out the business place. Off icer Kunzer told the commission that Duncan Kaumbera, dr iver of the t ruck, pul led up to the squad, jumped out and asked for help because there was a man chasing him with a gun who said^he was a pol ice off icer . At that point . Blue arr ived, jumped from his van with his service revolver pointed a t Kaumbera 's back and told him to put his hands up against his t ruck. Kunzer said Blue fr isked Kaumbera and the two men began shout ing very loudly a t each other in coarse language Blue said he was taught in pol ice t ra ining in­ s t i tute that using loud coarse language is termed "shock t reatment" to get immediate response from suspicious persons in cer ta in cir­ cumstances. Shif t commander , Sgt . Duane *Lange, arr iyed on the scene and separated the two men. Kaumbera went to the s ta t ion to f i l l out a s ta tement and Blue arr ived there la ter but never saw Kaumbera again. During fur ther tes t imony, i t was determined that Kaum­ bera had his own r iding lawn mower on the t ruck along with an up-r ight ovjen- range combinat ion belonging to his brother Kaumbera repairs "anything mechanical" in addi t ion to his regular job. Under quest ioning, Kaum­ bera related that he had a woman in his t ruck the morning of June 14 whom he had been asked to give a r ide home from a bar in Lakemoor to Lakeland Park He drove to his shop in Burton 's Bridge to get gas and then came into McHenry on Route 31 Kaumbera 's tes t imony contradicted Off icer Blue 's in several aspects . Blue said the t ruck did not s top at any t ime during i ts t ravels through Lakeland Park Kaumbera. however , said he s topped the t ruck to a l low his passenger , Mrs. Shir ley Krich, to get out of (Cont inued On Page 11) The board of McHenry County cent lv authorized t rustees of Col lege re- Dr. Davis , Early Highlights Of July Festival Week Outlined A local musical group called the Trilogy will perform in the city park at 7 p.m. on Teen night, July 9, during Marine Festival week. From left, they are John Kranz, bass guitar; Tom Kranz, lead guitar; and Chip Pierce, drums. As in past years . McHenry. Marine Fest ival days, spon­ sored by the McHenry area Chamber of Commerce, wil l feature a fun-f i l led week. To s tar t the seven-day per iod, f i remen of company I wil l present championship water f ights . ' Fire department teams from throughout northern I l l inois wil l congregate Sunday. July 6. to provide an af ternoon oT fun for themselves and laughs for the ant ic ipated large crowd. The f ights wil l be held a t the ci ty beach and wil l s tar t a t 1 p .m With the nt imber of teams- expected, the tournament should las t unt i l sometime af ter 4 p.m. Prizes wil l be awarded to the winning teams and this year Chief Glen Peterson has made a choice select ion. At 7 p .m. a t the McHenry c. i ty park, the wel l known popular local youth group cal led the TRILOGY wil l perform for crowds , by present ing music f rom the '50 's , *60 's , and '70 's . The group wil l p lay for about three hours . Popular members of the group are John Kranz on bass gui tar , Tom Kranz on lead gui tar and Chip Pierce on drums. For s ix years , McHenry has been the scene of a Sidewalk day $;ale the Saturday before Marine Fest ival day. This year i t j s July 12. Merchants in the different areas move their wares onto the s t reets to display them and sel l i tems at extremely low pr ices . Sales people are at t i red in unusual garb to l iven up the day. Many of the places of business wil l have* 1 various types of food and beverages to sui t ( t ie desires of a l l . To provide enter ta inment in the var ious business areas . Bob Freund and his Firebal l Eight band and engine wil l tour to add to the day 's fest ivi t ies . The Firebal l 8 wil l s tar t a t 10 a .m. and play in the business dis t r ic ts unt i l 1 p .m. the day of the twelf th of July. president , to prq.ctfCd with platTs"to)construct , i i greenhouse sf i the few campus si te . This involved approval by the I l l inois Community College board, the I l l inois Board of Higher Educat ion, and the Capi ta l Development board, with f inal review by the MCC board before the project can go to bid in July. r "ounuTri^ ni l 1 T* i IT r i rcxr TTris t ime with local money wil l make MCC el igible ' for s ta te money amounting to ' three- fourths the cost . The board also discussed the possibi l i ty of erect ing a mult i ­ purpose bui lding to serv e needs in physical educat ion, a thlet ics , drama and music , as wel l as provide a large area for . col lege funct ions. Under considerat ion is a pre-engineered bui lding Two-Year- Old Dies After Fall In Family Pool Three days af ter he was found in the swimming pool of the family home at 2012 N Orchard Beach dr ive, two- year-old Merr i l W.Ford died in McHenry hospi ta l Thursday, June 26. His condi t ion was termed ""guarded" the f i rs t day. . Merr i l was found by older chi ldren who had been swimming in the pool . He was las t seen playing on the deck of the pool about f ive minutes before his body was discovered. When county pol ice arr ived, they found McHenry Rescue squad members using methods to resusci ta te the chi ld When they were successful , he was taken to the hospi ta l At Attention! Inspection \ Fireman Henry Buch, left, makes uniform inspection of Pack 351, Cub Scout members, in recent meeting.. Boys shown, from left. are Brian Truckenbrod, Tim Truekenbrod, Ed Kennedy and Adam Klein. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD /

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