Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1975, p. 7

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! Nam e Dr. Jarnes Albert SEDOM Superintendent Mm - PLAlNDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JULY 9.1975 T it-" ,r' t iH"4 '-' ' Taxpayers Ask IRS^ REPUBLICAN GOLF PLAY DAY K O.C. "DIXIE" O'HARA, A1 Jourdan, Harold Schmidt and James Holmes discuss committee work for the Republican Central Committee Golf Play Day to be held July 16 at the McHenry Country Club. Tickets are available from any Republican Precinct Committeeman. (Sentinel Photo) S Women's Golf J a kVV #••••••• League » :•••******•#• Recommend Pre-Season Check Of Crop Dryers Thursday, July 3, was a beautiful day with clear skies and a slight breeze to cool us. The balls were flying in the air and putts were dropping like there was no such things as knee knockers. Beverly Rourke won her match and carded onlv 13 putts. Ethel B rOde r ich c a me i n with a low gross 49 to beat her lellow-competitor She is one of our best golfers and also one of the prettiest Libby Johnson and Bernice Dolce also did terrific. Libby creamed Kreamcheck with a low net :?(> and Bernice Dolce lowered her handicap with a 37. She also was the happy winner of that beautiful golf bag as the blind Bogey prize. No birdies today but lots of Pars. Next week we want some hot sticks to knock those tweeters in. Yvonne Matt's team Ny 7 is in the lead 14 points followed by Kreamcheck's team No 1 with 13 points and Ethel Brodericb's team No 5 with 12 points. It's still a pretty close race. Offer Price Support For . '75 Honey Crop Beekeepers» can offer 1975- crop honey, stored on or off the^ farm, to the Commodity Credit Corporation <CCC). for pur chase at an average rate of 25.5. cents per pound. Jim Lucas- county executive director reported. Purchase would be made in the form of purchase agreements specifying the approximate quantity the •producer, or a cooperative marketing association acting on behalf of producers, desires to sell The price support program lor 1975-crop honey, operating through purchases only, way announced on April 2 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The 1975 purchase rate of 35.5 cents per pound is 4.9 cents higher than the 1974 rate. Lucas pointed out that the .1975 level rep^e*ents 60.1 percent of the 1975 adjusted parity price of 42.4 cents per pound. "The Commodity Credit Corporation stands ready to purchase honey at the end of, the season from eligible producers and cooperatives," Lucas said. The honey must be stored in eligible containers; beekeepers have until March 31. 1976, to submit purchase agreements to the McHenry C o u n t y A g r i c u 1 t u r a I Stabilization and Conservation Service office. .Purchase rate of extracted table honey in 60-pound or larger containers are: white or lighter, 26.3 cents per pound; extra light amber. 25.3, and light amber. 24.3 Hate for other table and non-table honey is 22.3 cents per pound Crop dryers using LP gas must be carefully Installed, operated, and maintained in order to prevent a fire or ex­ plosion. says George Young, University of Illinois Extension adviser in McHenry county. A pre season installation and operational inspection not only reduces the possibility of a costly fire, but also provides for most-efficient operation. Young gives the following recommendations as a guide in preparing equipment for the drying season: - All dirt and foreign debris should be removed from the piping system and-or hose line before connecting to the LP gas ' supply. A strainer should be installed at the gas inlet of the f dryer Dirt or fine particles can* cause the solenoid valve to stay open and not react to operational or emergency controls. -- An operational check should be made of all controls, especially air flow switch, thermostat or humidistat, and hi-Iimit and solenoid valve to assure proper functioning before fill ing the dryer or drying bin. Hirning warns that the thermostat or humidistat an operating control whilejtne hivlim it and air flow switch are emergency controls. - All piping should be secure and tree from leaks. '•The ignition system and controls must function properly. - The fan should turn freely. An unbalanced fan or faulty bearing can cause a decrease in airflow as well as excessive power load. -All electric wiring should be checked. * - The dryer and electric motor should be grounded and the electric motor controls should be properly fused. -- AH "lines" should be removed from areas subjected to products of combustion Columns should be cleaned after every 48 to 72 hours of operation, depending on the condition of the grain and the accumulation of fines. -- Manufacturer's recom­ mendations should be followed in fil l ing the dryer. Avoid overfill . - Use of anhydrous ammonia NH3 tanks for LP gas is not recommended. If used, they should be properly converted, or they will damage the control components of the dryer. - After converting LP gas-" fire vapor burners to LP gas- fire liquid burners;-, the m anufacturers' recbm - mendations for "add-On" vaporizers should be followed. OIL JAMES R. ALBERT Dr. James R. Albert is the newly appointed superin­ tendent of the Special Education District of McHenry County, (SEDOM), and of­ ficially assumes his duties July 1. Dr.t Albert has been a superintendent of two ..Chicago suburban school districts during the past thirteen years and has worked closely with other special education organizations in the Chicago metropolitan area. He served as president for two terms and on the board of directors for ECHO (Exceptional Children Have Opportunities) and also served on the board of directors for the South Metropolitan Association for Low-Incidence Handicapped for several years. Dr. Albert * received his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees from Ot- t^rbein college, Westerville, Ohio, his Master's degree from the University of Virginia and his Doctorate from the University of Nebraska - both in the field Educational Administration! During his Dr. Albjer career. years in Bo educational spe U.S. governm and received Diploma of Honor t spent two ivia as *» an ialist for the (1954-1956) at ional from the eW <195. t h c~ N a D A R E D E V I L F r e n c h ­ man Henry Rechatin wants to walk a tightrope over the f a m e d N i a g a r a F a l l s . Rechatin demonstrated his abilities by balancing on two chairs perched over the ledge of the Sky Ion Tower in Niagara Falls ()ntario--520 feet above the ground. Bolivian government for his outstanding service to^Jhe Bolivian people. Dr. Albert has been active in many community activities and has served actively in the Boy Scout program for over thirty-live years. During the past six years, he has worked with the Calumet council as a member of the Executive board and as Council camping chairman. As such, he has been responsible for directing the building of the new 700-aere, $1,900. ()()() Council Scout r e s e r v a t i o n l o c a t e d i n Kirkland. III. , on the Kish waukee river, which is near completion and considered to be one of the finest Scout camps hi the country. Dr. Albert is a recipient of the Silver Beaver award, a Woodbadge in­ structor. and earned the Vigil honor in the Order-of-t he- Arrow, the Boy Scout honored camper society. Mrs. Albert holds a Bachelor >1 Science degree in Music Turkey demands U.S. gotiate future of bases. ne- FOX RIVER STONE CO. 1 FLAG STONE - VENEER STONE LOCAL FIELD STONE & BOULDERS • IMPORTED BOULDERS In A Variety Of Colors • COLORED LANDSCAPE STONE • CRUSHED LIMESTONE • SAND GRAVEL Rt. 31 & McLeari Blvd. -» 5 Mi. So. of Elgin <742-6060 742-6064 SOUTH ELGIN PET COLUMN FOUND female, Wonder Lake. 653-4701 FOUND Cock-a-poo, GIVE AWAY 2 ,Yr. old part angora orange female cat. declawed must find home. Going to school 653-9552 ask for Kathy BUY A CAR NOW! * Keep America Strong! DID YOU KNOW ... that a single car contains 15,000 or more individual parts, as much as 7 miles of wire, a ton or more of steel? DID YOU KNOW . that about 50,000 companies supply material, parts and ser­ vices to motor-vehicle manufacturers? That last year 4 car manufacturers paid suppliers more than $34 billion? Half the nation's tpdios are in cars. Over can h«lp by buying now ... and with our 65% of all rubber consumed by U.S. Industry P™" we re making it easy for you! * America Is Rolling! The auto industry uses 75% of all plate glass produced in this country, 33% of all zinc and 8% of all copper. These are just the major items that affect directly or indirectly 6 out of every 10 working people The auto industry is of number one importance to a vigorous economy. You don't have to roll-up-your-sleeves, but you goes into cars and trucks. c Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ured to S40.0U0 FD!€ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL... THE ' j FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MeHENBY 3814 W. Elm Street 5 • McHenry, Illinois 60050 * 815-385-5400 "The Friendly Wednesday Bank" / ' • • • • • Education from Ithaca college. New York, and a Master of Arts degree fr;oirv the 'University of Northern Colorado. Greeley. Colo. She is a member of P E.O., active in community affairs, and has been a church orgAnist for many years. Tno Alberts are residing in fgVbquin. Legal Notice ' IN THE MATTER OF THE AP­ PLICATION OF STEWART BAUER AND VERONICA BAUER, HIS WIFE, FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS 1 NOTICE Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County. Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application for change of zoning classification and amendment of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance for the following described property. Lots 2 and 3 (except that part thereof described as follows: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Towns-hip 45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southwest , Quarter and running thence East along the North line of said Southwest Quarter for a distance of .500 feet to a point: thence South on a line forming an angle of 90 degrees 05 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 350 feet to a point; thence East parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 36ff feet to an intersection with the West line of Pistakee Highlands Unit No. 5, said Plat being recorded May 2, 1955. as Document No. 292020, in Book 12 of Plats, page 20; thence~South along TFie West l ine of said Pistakee Highlands and said line extended, for a distance of 495.46 feet thence West parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter for a distance of (>62 feet to an intersection with the West line of said Southwest .Quarter; thence North along said West line. 845.46 feet to the place of begin- T,his column of questions and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local off ice of the U. S. Internal -Revenue Service and is published as a public service to ^taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by ..taxpayers. Q. How has the standard de­ duction been changed in the new tax law recently signed by President Ford? A. First, the minimum stand­ ard deduction (low income al­ lowance) has increased from $1,300 per return ($650 for married people f i l ing separate­ ly) to $1,900 on a joint return or for a surviving spouse, to $1,600 for single people and to $950 "for married people f i l ing separately. ' Second, the maxi­ mum standard deduction has increased from 15 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI) with a maximum of $2,000, or $1,000 for a married person f i l ing separately, to 16 percent of AGI with a maximum of $2,600 on a joint return or for • a surviving spouse, $2,300 for a single person and $1,300 for married persons f i l ing separate­ ly. These changes are~in effect only for taxable years ending after December 31,- 1974, and before January 1, 1976. Thus for most taxpayers the changes affect calendar year 1975 only. Q. How does the new tax law affect deductions for child care expenses? A. The section of the new tax law which affects employ­ ment related child and depend­ ent care expenses applies to 'taxable years beginning after March 29, 1975. Thus, for cal­ endar year taxpayers, this change wil l be effective start ing with calendar year 1976. The maximum deduction is sti l l $400 a month for child care expenses However, the maxi­ mum adjusted gross income (AGI) you may earn and sti l l qualify for the maximum de­ duction has been increased <> from $18,000 per year to $35,000 per year. I f your AGI exceeds $35,000 per year, your otherwise allowable expenses for child care must be reduced by half the AGI ovftr $35^000. • Therefore, if yoi* is $44,600 or more per year you will not'be able t£rdeduct any employment rented expenses for child and dependent care. Q. When wil l the new Federal withholding tax tables begin to affect my paycheck? A. The new tables reflecting duction changes, emption tax .credit withholding andard de- ersonal ex- and earned income credit take effect on May 1, 1975. However, many j employers may find it diff icult to compute payroll checks with j the new tables so quickly. The I result is ,that a l i t t le more in j Federal taxes may be taken out | of your paycheck under the old l tables unti l your employer can ! begin using the new withhold- j i r ig rates. This could "mean you ' may get a l i t t le mj&re back in j any refund due you from 1975 j Federal income taxes. ningi. all in the County •> Clerk's Plat of the West Half of the Southwest « Quarter of Section , 5. Township 45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, recorded May 6, 1902 in Book 2 of Plats, page 43:, in" McHenry County. Illinois. ^ The property "Is located at 1001 W Broadway. Pistakee Highlands. McHenry; Illinois, and is immediately West of Block* 1 of Unit 5 in Pistakee Highlands, with frontage of 360 feet on the South side of Broadwav and a depth of 350 feet. The -property is zoned "F" Farming District and contains 2.892 acres; the East Half is Improved"wilh a residence and two garages. The Petition requests reclassification to "E 2" Estate District to permit the division of the property into two single- family residential building lots. Said hearing will be held on Thursday, August 7. 1975 at the" hour of 2:00 P.M. in the CKy of McHenry Council Chambers, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. McHENRYCOUNTY ' ZONING BOAUD OF aVpeaij BY: Charles T./mith. Chain (Pub. .ftilyfl , 1975) BURGH FANS TELL YOU THE PIRATES HAVE THE BEST CATCHER IN THE BIG LEAGUES IN THE PERSON OF MANNY JSMGUILLEN THE PEPPERY 3/-YEAR-OLD NATIVE OF COLON, PANAMA HAS A GREAT THROWING ARM, TOP SPEED FOR A CATCHER ̂ CONSISTENTLY HITS ABOVE OR NEAR THE .300 MARK EVERY SEASON. /N '71, HE LED NATtONAL LEAGUE CATCHERS IN ASSISTS, TIED FOR MOST DOUBLE PLAYS . , AND HIT .379 IN WORLD SERIES Cr WIN OVER BALTIMORE. AT THE END OF MAY, THIS YEAR, HE LED N. L. HITTERS WITH A .353 AVG. MANNY IS A NOTORIOUS "BAD BALL"HITTER, o» o o o o o o o < > o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o < • < > o o o o o o o o ,< i 'O o o o SAVE 24% to 32%] Fofyglas Whites Double Belted Polyglas Tires for Compact, Standard & Big Cars Sale Ends Sat. Night A78-13 Size Fits Vegas, Pintos, Colts, Gremlins, Falcons, Toyotas and Other Compacts Custom Power Cushion Polyglas T h i s i s A m e r i c a 's l a r g e s t s e l l i n g t i n - - f o r l o t s o f g o o d r e a s o n s . R e s i l i e n t p o l y e s t e r c o r d b o d y f o r s m o o t h - r i d i n g c o m f o r t . T r e a d ' f i - r m i n g f i b e r g l a s s b e l t s f o r r o a d - h o l d m g t r a c t i o n . A u s e - p r o v e d t r e a d d e s i g n t h a t r e a l l y d e l i v e r s o n m i l e a g e . T h i s i s a t i r e f e a t u r e d o n m a n y o f t h e l T T i m o d e l ( . i r s . SIZES 7.00-13 C78 14 E78-14 B78-14 D78 14 E78-15 $3225 SIZES F 78-14 F78-15 G78 14 G78-15 $3825 SIZES H7814 J78-14 H78-15 J78-15 L78-15 $4250 O o < > - > < > Plus $1.77 to $3.21 F.E.T. per t i re depending on size and old t i re GOOD$YEAR 7 Ways to Buy at Goodyear • Cash • Our Own Customer Credit Plan • Master Charge • American Express Money Card • Diners Club • Carte Blanche • BankAmericard See Your Independent Dealer For His Price. Prices As Shown At Goodyear Service Stores. Lube and Oil Change $J88 Up to 5 q>ts, of major brand multi-grade oil • C o m p l e t e c h a s s i s l u b r i c a t i o n & o i l c h a n g e • H e l p s e n s u r e l o n g e r w e a r i n g p a r t s & s m o o t h , q u i e t p e r f o r m a n c e • P l e a s e p h o n e f o r . . a p p o i n t m e n t • I n c l u d e s l i g h t t r u c k s Front-End Alignment • C o m p l e t e a n a l y s i s a n d a l i g n ­ m e n t c o r r e c t i o n t o i n c r e a s e t i r e m i l e a g e a n d i m p r o v e s t e e r i n g s a f e t y • P r e c i s i o n e q u i p m e n t , u s e d b y e x p e r i e n c e d p r o f e s ­ s i o n a l s . h f t p s e n s u r e a p r e c i s i o n a l i g n m e n t • • , " A n y U.S. made car - parts ext ra i t needed e ludes f r on t - *heel dr ive cars Engine Tune-Up • W i t h e l e c t r o n i c e q u i p m e n t our professionals f ine- tune your en­ gine, instal l ing new points , plugs denser • Helps maintain a s m o o t h r u n n i n g e n g i n e f o r m a x i ­ m u m g a s m i l e a g e • I n c l u d e s l i g h t t r u c k s Add $4 for 8 cyl . , $2 for air cond DAILY 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M.5:00 P.M. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 4400 W. RTE.120 - McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-7300

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