> Consumer Forum by • /•' Illinois Attorney General Wiilliam J. Scott Have you ever purchased a small appliance...had it break sooner than seemed ac ceptable...and ultimately decided to replace it rather than endure all the headaches of trying to get it repaired under its warranty? Likely it took you forever simply to FIND the warranty, then the same amount of time to try to UNDERSTAND it! Well, things are going to be better -- at Jeast, better in terms of understandable warranties. Effective July 4, a -.^ew federal act went into effect- requiring all warranties on consumer goods costing more than $5.00 to be written in "simple and readily understood language." In other words, the " h e r e i n a f t e r s " . , : a n d "wheresofores" will give way to laymen's language. You won't have to be pals with an your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: July 20 to July 26 It's that old thing about good fortune traveling along strange avenues. Anyway, a reversal will take on a surprising twist and work out to your benefit. Do your best to paint this week's events with a broad brush of optimism. Actually, you'll face a series of setbacks, especially, with the op posite sex. You've heard of a mouse trap? Anyway, it seems as though an associate, connected witti your job, task or project, is trying to put your nose on the cheese. It seems as though you'll blunder onto secrets that must not be shared with anyone. What is more, someone in authority will boost your confidence Getting along with a routine associate could be a problem, this week. Remember, we're never treacherous, according to our own light. Think about it! By imperceptible degrees, things will go your way. In other words, you'll do a better than you think job. So, don't air a grievance. Long term plans or investments should show signs of paying off, during this cosmic cycle. It's not the time to "shift horses in mid stream." Many members of your sign will form a firm and productive friendship, at this time. Get ting along with people, in general, is in the scheme of things. You'll be in the mood to tell someone off or write a "poison pen" letter. Also, curb the urge to use the "needle" on your associates. Most members of youV sign unattached, can look for a refreshing meeting with a member of the opposite sex Other Capri corns, will seek cooperation and teamwork. Strange alliances and intrigues, show in your chart. There's an outside possibility that you might become involved in a "get rich" scheme. PISCES This week, as your spirit soars, so will your Feb. 19-Mar. 20 urge to spend. It might seem like stock advice. nevertheless, keep your budget under control. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Son Sign Analysis, send the day, month, y£ar and place of birth, plus $1.00 lor postage and handling to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 1 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Auf.'23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 spurgeons SUMMER SHOE SALE! mm or 20%to50% LOOK FOR THE SALE TAOS NOT All SIZES IN EVERY STYLE BUT BEAUTIFUL BUYS FOR EVRY0NE! Ladles 5-10 Olds VA-i Mens 6)4-12 Boys 5-8 & 8)4-3 STORE HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9to9 Sat. 9to6 Sun. 10to5 MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. Rte. 120 • McHenry I 385 4520 ~l attorney to get the basics of the warranty on your electric can opener interpreted! There still aren't regulations as to exactly what information a warranty must include. These will be worked on by the Federal Trade Commission over the next six months. But the warranty, effective July 4, must be understandable. The F.T.eC alsfr will have^one year to probe warranty practices and sales in the used car in dustry and write regulations for them, too. 4. If you buy a product costing over $10, its warranty not only should be clear, but should state whether it is a "limited"J or a "full" warranty. A "full" warranty means your product must be repaired or replaced without charge within a "reasonable" time. If you take the same item to be repaired again and again for a "reasonable" number of times, the law says you probably have a lemon and the item should be replaced"under its "anti- lemon" provision. (Those "reasonable" numbers and times will be spelled out in the F.T.C.'s regulations due in six months.) If you ^still don't get satisfaction, you have the right to go to court, either in an in dividual suit or as part of a class action suit. But most 169 1656 9 MAU CUVIO»*« . BEAUTY SALON PHONE 385-4100 warranties likely will urge or insist that you try to get a dispute settled through less formal proceedings, such as the Attorney General's Division of Consumer Fraud and Protection. It is hoped that these clearer warranties will help the con sumer understand exactly the service to which he is entitled, what he must do - and-or pay -- to get that service, where he can get the service, and when, if and-or how the item in replaceable if it proves to be a "lemon." One added word of ad vice....The new warranty language can't help you if you misplace the warranty! It's wise to have one drawer or one place where you keep all warranties, including model number and other, descriptive information, date and place of purchase, and sales receipt. Educational assistance was provided by the Veterans ad ministration to nearly 2.5 million veterans,, military service personnel and dependents during fiscal year 1974-more than in any previous fiscal vear under the current GI Bill. V.A. NEWS wosxxxxxxxxxsoocwocmc* EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions con cerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Ad'-k ministration. Below are some representative queries. Ad ditional information may be jobtayied at any VA office. - The Veterans ad ministration provides special housing benefits for some ^ veterans who suffer severe service-connected disabilities. What are they? <_A - Eligible veterans are provided grants of not more than 50 per cent of cost of specially/acTc^ptejl housing (wheelchair homes") up to a maximum of $25,000. Q - I keep hearing about "vet reps" on campuses of major colleges around the country. Who are thev, and what do they do9 A -- They are, as the name implies, specially-trained V e t e r a n s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n representatives. They assist college-going veterans by e x p e d i t i n g e d u c a t i o n a l assistance payments, and in many instances, perform "outreach", motivational counseling and other services. A -- I Worked in a medical l a b o r a t o r y b e f o r e I w a s d i s c h a r g e d f r o m m i l i t a r y service last month. How should I go about getting a similar job w i t h t h e V e t e r a n s a d ministration? A - Contact the personnel office of the nearest VA hospital for information on employment opportunities at t h e a g e n c y ' s h o s p i t a l s a n d clinics. If you qualify for a Veterans Readjustment Act Appointment, this would eliminate much of the paper work usually associated with Civil Service appointments. PAGE 3SECTION TWO-PLAINDEALER-JULY 16, 1975 HUMAN BODY Your body most likely contains enough carbon to make 9,000 lead pencils, plus enough phosphorus to tip over 2,000 matches You've a l s o g o t e n o u g h l i m e t o whitewash the inside of a small garage and enough sulphur to rid your dog of all its fleas. YHE MAN* WHO DISCOVERED PENICILLIN\ BRITISH BACTERIOLOGIST, 'LEXANDER /NG DID SO IN THE FALL OF 1928. ITHAPPENEP BY ACCIDENT WHEN HE NOTICED THAT SOME MOLD THAT FELL FROM A CULTURE PLr.TE IN HIS LAB HAD DESTROYED BACTERIA AROUND IT. IT WAS 12 YEARS LATER THAT ENOUGH OF IT COULD BE OBTAINED * AND PURIFIED FOR TESTS. - How4 the Veterans ad ministration spent $13.4 billion in fiscal year 1974 providing b e n e f i t s f o r t h e n a t i o n ' s v e t e r a n s , d e p e n d e n t s a n d survivors is told in detail in the a g e n c y ' s 2 2 2 p a g e a n n u a l report to the President. THE 815' LONG GERMAN AIRSHIP " HINDEN8URG " MADE 36 FLIGHTS ACROSS THE ATLANTIC BEFORE BURNING AT LAKEHURST N.J. IN 1937. THERE ARE SOME 500 TYPES Of FLOUNDERS] A FLOUNDER IS A FLAT FISH. BOTH OF ITS EYES ARE ON ONE DE OF ITS HEAD, Automotive buys. Two fiber glass belts. Two-ply polyester cord. 1 / / V x \ ( / y V > / f" C : ' ' Y, 1/ V, Glass-belted Twin Guard. TUBELESS BLACKWALL SIZE REGULAR PRICE EACH* SALE PRICE EACH* PLUS F.E.T. EACH A78-13 $30 20.40 1.77 A78-15 $34 23.10 1.93 E78-14 $37 25.90 2.32 F78-14 $40 28.00 2.47 G78-14 $43 31.80 2.62 , G78-15 $44 32.50 2.69 H78-14 $45 33.30 2.84 H78-15 $46 -v ̂ 34.00 2.92 'With trade-in Whitewalls $2 m8*^ach__ RADIAL WHITEWALLS $26-$42 °ff pairs. Four rayon belts Rayon cord pliest RUNABOUT TUBELESS WHITEWALI.SIZE REGULAR PRICE EACH* SALE PRICE PAIR PLUS F.E.T. EACH 1 BR78-13' $42 $58 2.07 1 ER78-14 $51 $72 2.51 FR78-14 $54 $76 2.68 GR78-14 $58 $82 2.88 1 HR78-14 $62 $88 3.04 BR78-15+ $46 $64 2.19 GR78-15 $60 $86 2.95 HR78-15 $64 $90 3.17 JR78-15 $67 $94 3.30 LR78-15 $70 $98 3.48 ' With t rade- in t i res . ^Single radial ply SAVE 3.11 WARDS SUPREME MUFFLER REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE .. For as long as you own the car on which installed, Montgomery Ward will furnish a free replacement for any Wards Supreme Muffler which fails for any reason. If Montgomery Ward orig inally installed the muffler, it will install the replacement free. Return muffler to any Montgomery Ward branch (any branch having installation facilities, if free installation included) with evidence of purchase. This guarantee does not apply to mufflers installed on commer cial vehicles or to mufflers damaged in an auto accident. WE REPLACE THIS MUFFLER FREE If it ever fails. Wards Supreme is guaranteed as long as you own your car. Fits most American cars. REG. 17.99 Fast installation, labor only, low as 5.00 1488 SAVE 41c ECONOMY WIRE SEAT CUSHION Covered coil __ springs for cool 1 3® seat ing com for t . 16x32 REG. 1.99 MONEY MAKER NYLON FOR PICK-UPS, CAMPERS, VANS, PANELTRUCKS $8-$10 off. Tube-Type Blackball Size Ply Rating Regular Price Each Sale Price Each Plus 11 F.E.T. • Each 1*5 6.70-15 6 $44 $36 2.43 & 7.00-15 6 $53 $45 2.80 I 6.50f16 6 $47 $39 2.57 ; & 7.00-16 6 $55 $47 2.92 I 7.50-16 8 $66 $56 3.59 1 NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED FITS MOST US CARS INSTALLED FREE WARDS BATTERT PROTECTION PLAN Montgomery Word will reptoce this battery at no cost to the owner it it fails to occept and hold a charge in noncommerical passen ger cor use during the free Replacement Period shown 60 48 42 36 /4 TBMos TOTAL GUARANTEE PERIOD FREE REPLACEMENT PERIOD After this period, to the end of the guarantee period. Montgomery Ward will replace the battery, charging only a pro-rated amount fo the time since purchase, based on the current regular selling pr ode-in Batteries in commercial use ore guaranteed on basis for half of the specified periods Commercial use is defined any vehicle for other than fomily or personal For Wvice under this guar on tee, return battery wi* evidence of date of purchase to any Montgomery Word branch SAVE 6.07 36-MONTH GUARANTEED BATTERY '""11 2288 Dependable starting pow er with enough for acces sories. Polypropylene case. 9-month free replacement. EXCH. REGULARLY 28.95 LOW-COST INSTALLATION AVAILABLE 44% OFF HEAVY-DUTY T&C SHOCKS 497 Ml EAC FITS MOST US CARS EACH IN PAIRS REGULARLY 8.99 Large, oversized pis ton gives you greater working surface than most original equip ment shock absorbers. Get extra control and drive more"safelv. SAVE 22c WARDS 10W-40 OIL. ONE QUART Helps to s tar t an winter, pro- 54c REG. 76c tect in summer, it's our best.. WARDS CHARG-ALL LETS YOU BUY WHAT YOU NEED NOW-NO MONEY DOWN Shop while we're working. I STORE HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon-5 p.m. . ^ Crystal Lake 10.3 Northwest llialiw;i\ Kout r I 1 I'hnnt- LV)-{120 nu H r\H M M . i