Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1975 McHenry Jr. Youth League "EARL WALSH So | Hear SPORTS EDITOR--! Not by choice, but we met some, of those National League fans gince the All-Star game. First came Larry Nimsgern. He's one of the worst Hefb Reihansperger crossed the hall at the American Legion Home at a Rotary meeting to sit across from us. He; never did that before. And he was all smiles as he poured it on. Met Bernie Erjavec Thur­ sday night after Wilbur Wood pitched a 2-hitter to give the White Sox a 4-0 win over the Detroit Tigers. "Wilbur got lucky again," said Bernie. No heart. It wasn't until Friday that we met Junior Freund, and we weren't looking for him! They said there would be days like this. Whoops! Let's not forget Joe Wagner, smiling all over. He's another one -- It must have been the largest crowd ever at the band concert in the park Thursday night. Word got around that .Jhe "Andrews Sisters" were a- comin'. With Dennis Conway doing a superb job at introducing the stars and their numbers, the "Sisters" put a lot of action into their routine. In case you don't know, the "Sisters" are Don Howard, Bob Adams and Don Weingart -- each with equal billing. They drew a lot of laughs and big cheers. to determine the person's age. In a small town you knew everybody and who was ailin" When they first started talking about the new 1650 acre state park, a man from some state department called on us to tell how wonderful the new park would be for McHenry. We asked him what he thought about taking all that property, both vacant and improved, off the tax rolls and didn ' t ge t much of an answer . I t cou ld g ive the schools qu i te a jo l t I t took some do ing to , pe r ­ suade our young ed i to r tha t 50 year i t ems should he added in the o ld t ime i t ems She mus t know by mm hou popula r they a re A1 BaU' r saw t f i e r i tv in about the tournament lo r the S ienger Cup a t \1 t l b in \ t i un i t i \ ( h i t ) 50 years ago Al ea r id ied l i t r ed . lus ten who went duu 11 t o t f i e u i r e wi th Nor ton < men- the e \en tuu l champion Al a l so c . idHivd fo r the famous < h ick Ihans , who was brought > t o Mi Hi ' in \ by Leo S t i l l ing F i f ty year \ s i sn ' t so long ago - - fo r some people DIVOT DOLLS M.C.C. D^n^L ̂ ink we would ever seeTan ice cream parlor in Mclenry again. Now we have on^ the McHenry Ice Cream She )pe, on West 120. 4 en the Untis started an ice cream parlor on Green St., veq's ago, the natives thought the were way off base in try ag to sell that cold stuff in the winter months. Drug stores usq 1 to close the ice cream and foqntain service after the suij imer. I pes anybody remember the yej r when the gals at McHenry Cq jntry Club started "fc jllabaloo Day"? ] ow about you, Verona Kcait? he way sirens were blasting |day -- rescue squads, police s, sheriff cars, fire artment -- made us think k to the days when we never rd a siren in McHenry. f there was„... a fire, the B| pden milk factory whistle g^ ye one-two or three blasts to le ( us know if the fire was in G ge Town, Centerville or Old T wn. i ome churches tolled the Is when a person died and i counted the number of toH,|> By Liz Nolan Tuesday the 15th found the ladies at McHenry Country Club playing a Calcutta Team event «$der ideal weather conditions. Using 2 best balls out of 3 in the team effort. LaVerne Harpling captained her team of Nancy Wilkins and Sue Martin to victory, shooting 15 under par for the 18 hole event. Leaving no question as to who the winners were, next in line were two teams at 9 under each. They were Capt. Floss O'Connell,- Maddie Holmes and Evie Guntner; and Capt. Anna Johnson. Dorothy Freund and Betty Leight. They were followed by Capt. Marilyn Reihansperger, Ethel Koehler and Dot Christiansen at 8 un­ der. At 6 under was the team of Capt. Vi Turner, Carla Wright and Carol Seese; while at 5 under were two teams: Capt. Marilyn Bishoff, Maizie Stamer and "Dot Westergaard; and Ethel Conway, Dolores Overton and Fran Weyland. The team of Liz Nolan, Dot Baker and Jackie Victor shot even par while the balance of the teams ran into a few difficulties and were several strokes over par Low net for the day in Class A was shot by Marilyn Bishoff with a 72 while Catherine Bolger did it with a 78 in Class B and Sue Martin in Class C with a 72. Marilyn also had low putts in Class A using only 23 for the 18 holes (WOW!). A tie for low putts in Class B with 31 each went to Myrt Johnson and Mabel Smith, while in Class C once again Evie Guntner took only 30. That Evie is a con­ sistently goodf' putter - must have a putting green in her back yard ! In the Nifty Niners, Darlene Lawlor made a name for herself by winning the Mutt and Jeff tournament. If she con­ tinues in that vein she'll soon be giving her good looking husband some competition! Tied for low putts with 16 each were Carmen Fields and Estelle Sikes, one of our new •young ladies. Low Gross and Low Net in the 1st flight was captured by Fran Herrmann 6th Anniversaiy Special $ 15.00 or $. 3.00 per month per visit ' -V" All of our studios are air conditioned except Harvard Now you can learn the skil ls of karate, kung fu, and jiu j itsu. It 's great exercise! Young Hong Karate Ins. St John's Lutheran Church Woodstock 1-338-5159 or 1-338- 7222 (wonder wha t the Judge th inks of tha t i wh i le in 2nd f l igh t i t was E la ine Schmal ing cap­ tu r ing the honors . A ch ip in on the 17 th b r igh tened the day for Ki l ty Ba l l s t aed t whi le Mi l Hansen exh ib i ted super - sk i l l by success fu l ly execu t ing one of those near ly imposs ib le sho t s - down-h i l l , s ide l i e f rom the c reek F ina l touches a re be ing made for the b ig fun even t of t he season - Hul laba loo , which wi l l be on the 29 th For those who haven ' t r eg i s te red ye t to r the p layday , the re i s s t i l l a l i t t l e t ime i f you hur ry . And . go ing in to the f ina l s t ages fo r wha t p romises to be an h i s to r ic even t a t e the var ious commit tees p resen t ing the Inaugura l McHenry Women ' s Inv i ta t iona l to be he ld a t McHenry Count ry c lub Aug. 14 and 15 . The publ ic wi l l be welcome to come ou t and see some of the f ines t amateurs t ee ing of f on these two days . More on th i s a t a l a te r da te . Happy go l f ing! Summer Recreation Program TI N MS TO I RNAMENT The Ci ty Recrea t ion p rogram wi l l sponsor a t enn is tour ­ nament Fr iday , Ju ly 25 , C i ty Park , s t a r t ing a t 1(> a .m. Age ca tegor ies wi l l be : 6-9 , 10-12 . 13-15 The McHenry Junior Youth League will host its annual All- Star Game and Picnic on Sunday, July, 27, 1975. The Big Day will be kicked off by the Mini All-Star game at Noon.' This game will pit the All-Stars of the 8 and 9 year old division against each other. At 2:00 the Minor Division game will be played, followed at 4:00 by the Major Division game. The League picnic will be going on simultaneously. All boys who played this year, not only the All-Stars, and their parents are invited to attend. The races in the three divisions are so tight that at edition date final team pairings could not be made. The All-Stars are as follows: MAJOR DIVISION OWLS Jay Whittemore Tom Sharp Joe Johnson Hob Moehling CONDORS Tom Creutz Ray Roach Tom Sofiolowski » Bob Zeller ORIOLES Keith Belzer Matty Rogers John Boro Jeff Justen EAGLES Not Available CARDS John Grether Jack Jablonski Sean Haley Joe Bauml HAWKS Mark Schroeder Jim Wilkey Bob Greve Bob Hettermann BLUEBIRDS Bob Byniarski Rich Adams « Ernie Norquist Joe Schweder FALCONS Not Available MINOR DIVISION BLUEBIRDS Dave Druml Dan Long Jeff Schaeffer Fritz Larsen EAGLES Scott Truckenbrod Jim McDonough Blaine Wolf Matt Patterson ORIOLES Dan Scheid Tore Silvertson Jeff Tronsen Dave Smith ()Y\ I,S Mike Love Ed Kennedy Russ Waddell Larry Picklor CONDORS Billy Herrmann Mike Pierce Ed Donahue Seven County Golfers Advance To Farm Festival State Finals % See Our Display at the First National Bank Of McHenry i^V'-Tr S-fi'WS u |iHiTb'* r u-v H 'WfeiJ 'mil . ii--J' T - Color-coordinated, American Classic siding, soffit, shutters, seamless gutters and downspouts. Mid-Summer Sale 25% Discount won Seamless Gutters & Downspouts CALL FOR FREE, NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATES NOW. Seven McHenry county golfers survived rugged District tournament play last week to advance to the state finals of the Illinois Farm Sports Festival. t First and second-place winners in 11 events advance to the state finals on Aug. 20 at the University of Illinois' courses at Savoy. The McHenry County Farm Bureau first place honors were won by Beverly May, Spring Grove, in the Young Adult female class. She had a 120 for the 18 holes over the hard fairways and fast greens. One other first place was posted by the McHenry county golfers. George and Joyce Jackson won first in husband- and-wife with a combined total of 162. George Jackson had the day's best score with a 74. Second in this class was the other McHenry county entry, Bill and Virginia Hinner. They had a combined total of 177. Seconds were posted by these McHenry County Farm Bureau entries: Joyce Specht, Wonder Lake, with a 110, and Rolland Winn, Spring Grove, with a 40-38 -78. That score came in one of the day's most competititve classes-men, 50-64 years of age. You'd figure a 78 would be low enough for a victory, but Dick Warfield of Lake county fired a 41-36 -77 to earn the honor. One other low score for the day was a 75 in the Young Adult male class by Dennis Meadows, DeKalb golfer who was the class winner last'* year. Meadows had a 37-38 -75. Bill Lundborg, DeKalb, placed second in the class, 79. DeKalb also went one-two in another class, female 17 and under: Kathy Magnuson, 121, and Julie Johnson, 129. One of the day's hard luck golfers was youthful Dave Hutchison. The 14-year-old had an 85 in the male, under 17 class. He had five drives go out- of-bounds and had to accept penalty strokes, too; otherwise, he'd have been the class leader! An 80 won it. ^Norm Specht served as chairman for the McHenry county contingent. Larry Harris, Farm Bureau manager here in McHnery county, was one of the committee members. In addition to being a tennis buff, Betty Waytula, shown above on the new tennis courts at McHenry Country Club, is Prize Chairman for the Inaugural McHenry Women's Invitational to be held Aug. 14 and 15 at McHenry Country Club. Betty has announced that Prizes International is the theme in generalfor this year's newly-formed tournament. Drawing contestants from all over northern Illinois, entries are rapidly filling up, promising to make this one of the most prestigious tournaments of the season. Public spectators are invited, at no cost, to the gallery. Mike Boro HAWKS Scott Spengel Mike Blake Paul Snyder Mike Nank CARDS Jim Wynveen John Vacula Steve Schiera Mike Bauml FALCONS John Huff Doley Stanell Dave Bauer Mark Thompson MINI DIVISION BRAVES Jeff Potts Randy Waddell Mike Podpora 9 Eric Bever PIRATES Chris Creutz Kevin Burgess Mike Cox Ray Gilmore CUBS Ken Lang Todd Milstein Wayne Dixon Dan Peschke SOX Jim Col berg 'Matt Adams Tim Joza Joe Fino TIGERS Jim Jablonski Kris Tueber Doug Diedrich Wagn Sondergaard YANKS David Vacula Greg Fields Merle Norquist Brent Blankenhorn GIANTS Steve Aim Steve Garrelts Jeff Collis Bill Brzenk INDIANS Brian Siudak Mike Freund Alan Bretschneider Pat Cameron STANDINGS Through 7-20-75 MAJOR DIVISION WL T Condor « 10-2 Owls 8 - 4 Eagles 8-4 Falcons 7 - 5 Orioles ,, 6-7 Cards 5 - 7 Hawks 2-9-1 Bluebirds 2-10-1 Leading Pitchers: Jay Whittemore 5 -1 Bob Zeller 4 - 0 John Van Fleet 4 -1 Leading Pitchers Mike Nank 6 -1 Dave Bauer 6 - 2 Leading Hitters Fritz Larsen .538 Mike Nank .538 Dan Scheid .525 Paul Snyder .515 Rob Mortell .515 Player of the Week Billy Herrmann MINI DIVISION Tigers Giants Yanks Braves Indians Sox • Cubs Pirates W L T 13 - 0 9 - 2 9 - 4 5 - 5 - 1 5 - 6 3 - 8 1 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 1 1 Leading Pitchers Jim Jablonski 6 - 0 Kris Teuber 5 - 0 Steve Aim 4 -1 Leading Hitters Jim Jablonski .708 Jeff Collis .643 Alan Bretschneider .538 Steve Garrelts .529 Player of the Week Jeff Potts Gutters Unlimited 2912 MtruAEL ST. WONDER LAKE, ILL. 60097 Ph 815/653-9720-815/385-942/ Leading Hitters: Jack Jablonski Greg Mroz Bob Zeller Richard Hupe Player of the Week John Van Fleet .735 .658 .647 .526 MINOR DIVISION W L T Hawks 10 - 3 Falcons 9 - 4 Cards 9 - 4 Orioles 7 - 5 -1 Bluebirds 6 - 6 Condors 4 - 8 -1 Eagles 3 - JO Owls 1 -.9 The McHENRY AREA JAYCEES extends THANKS & APPRECIATION to those businesses and individuals who helped to make the annual Jaycee chicken barbecue a great success. McHenry County Farm Bureau members prepare for the sports festival swimming meet with tryouts at the Woodstock pool. State finals will be in mid-August in Springfield. John Lavin, closest to camera, Kelly Marunde and Joe Gitlin, chairman. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY KAAREN DODGE) American Legion Baseball July 20,1975 On July 14 the McHenry American Legibn team defeated Algonquin in a close 3- 2 g&me Starting it off was Tom Ludwig who singled in the first, driving in the first run. In the 4th inning, Pat Stanek smashed a triple and was driven in by Dale Urbanski. Joel Wakitsch then singled in Urbanski, who had stolen second base, making the McHenry total 3. Collecting the only other hit for McHenry was Ron Him- pelmann who singled in the 2nd. The win went to Tom Ludwig who gave up only 5 hits and 1 earned run to a fine hitting team. Traveling to Genoa the next night, John Miller and Ron Himpelmann pitched well but lost 6-0 to a strong team. Getting the hits for McHenry were Pat Stanek with 3; Joel Wakitsch, Ron Himpelmann, Greg O'Halleran and Jerry Pepping. The next night, Woodstock came to McHenry and defeated our team 4-0. Collecting the only 2 hits for McHenry were Tom Ludwig who blasted a triple in the 4th inning, and John Miller who collected a pinch hit single in the 7th. Thursday night was a big game with Algonquin; and, thanks to hits by Pat Stanek whosmashed a homer in the 1st inning - and hits by Bill J>skowiak, Joel Wakitsch, Steve Mai, Dale Urbanski, Pistakee Ladies Golf League / Thursday, July 17; team no>. 4 Capt. Libby Johnson, Betty O'Brien, Marlene Damato and Betty Graham showed the rest of the league how'Best Ball Chapel „ Golf News Pretty Putteis By Evelyn Sanford Low team gross was the event on Tuesday, July 15. The winner was Forms Corporation: Capt. Nancy McAuliffe, Lee Nimsgern, Georgette Calcese, Chris Amore, Agatha Draham, Cindy- Day and Mae Collis. The only birdie shooter for the day was Dolores Strossner, who had a bird on No. 10. Isabel Stilling sunk her appraoch for a par on No. 8. Something new has been added to our bulletin board - a "Birdie Tree". Made by our president, Lou Stine a very talented gal. Dolores now has her second bird on the tree. JULY 15 STANDINGS Dejka Welding 464 Harry's Arco 404 Forms Corporation 40 Longhorn 37»2 Nowak Construction 36 4 Du-Ro Duffers 36 McHenry Roofing 34 Northern 111. Vinyl 34 Brush N'Curl 33 >2 McHenry Floral 31 Hettermann's 27'2 Littl Chef 24 Greg O'Halleran and Mike Mai - the Legion team won 5-3. In a play-off game for a spot in the Connie Mack tournament at Genoa, McHenry defeated Algonquin again on Saturday. Bill Jaskowiak led off with a double. Collecting two other hits for McHenry were Steve Mai and Ron Himpelmann with doubles; Pat Stanek, Dale Urbanski, Jeff Damiani and Joel Wakitsch with singles. Wakitsch, who has collected 6 hits and played fine defense against Algonquin, has helped McHenry win a spot in the tournament this weekend at Genoa. McHenry's Legion team earned the right to play Rock Island at 11 a.m. Friday the twenty-fifth at Genoa. Six teams in this tournament will be reduced through double elimination and the winner will move to Springfield with hopes of playing in the Connie Mack world series in New Mexico. should be played. They found two birds and five pars for a sensat ional 39 . Team no. 10 carded a 42 with Capt. Sandy Nank and team­ mates Arlyne Schulz, Inez Buralli, Lori Huml and Rose Santi bringing in three birds and 2 pars. Lori Huml also outdrove Jo Ready on the first tie. Altogether nine girls got on paper for long drives. Sandy Nank eased past Georgette Calcese and Ethel Broderick on no. 5. Dor K'eamcheck inched by Ceil -cavers, Ethel Broderick and Pat Barber. Dor was the only one on the 4th hole to make the green Little Georgette Calcese has switched from irons^to her , woods and the way sh^fias been playing, it show^ She is really belting them out! Just a little trouble with her putting though. Back to the putter. George. ' V*! ' OUUUUOOOOQITOOOOOOOOOO* LAKE REGION YMCA NEWS oooooouuuooooocinrnnnrM New swim instruction classes conducted by the Lake Region YMCA will begin on Monday, July 28. All summer classes are conducted in the clear, heated pool of the Lake Region YMCA on US Route 31, just south of Route 14. More new classes will begin on Aug. 11. Each two week session of instruction will meet on Monday through Friday for a total of ten days. There are classes for 6 month olds through 14 year old girls and boys. The National Progressive YMCA Aquatic Program is followed for all instructional classes. Beginners classes are scheduled for pre-schoolers 6 months through 3 years of age are from 3:30 to 4 p.m., 4 through 6 year olds from 10:30 to 11, 11 to 11:30 and 11:30 to 12 noon. Youth 7 years old and up will have beginners and polTiwog instruction from 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. and from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. There is one in­ structor for every six pre­ schoolers and one instructor for every ten youth. Deep water classes are scheduled for youth 7 years old and up according to their abilities. Minnow classes is from 9:30 to 10:15 a .m., fish and flying fish classes from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. and shark class from 11:15 to Noon. There is one instructor for every twelve deep water students. The Lake Region YMCA office is at 7315 S. Route 31 in Crystal Lake. Registrations and information are available on Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m>5 and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., or call 459-4455. 100,000 DRIVERS FAIL RETEST EXAM EACH YEAR, over 100 ,000 licensed drivers fail the state written exam when they aie re- tested. Experts say - "the main reason is, that rules, laws and traffic signs have changed and drivers just don't keep up with all the changes." When your li­ cense expires this year, you may be among the over half-million drivers that will be re-tested. If you're nervous about being retested and don't want the embarrassment of failing, here's good news! You can now purchase your own sample test papers complete with the up <L to date questions, answers and international road signs you /must know to pass your test. These te»t papers have helped thousands/pass their test. Send $9.00 plus: handling (check or money order only). Mail to National Bureau of Driver's Test, Illinois Division.115, 6027 Northwest Highway, Chicago, Illinois 60631.

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