PAGE2-IPLAIN DEALER -WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13,1975 A€I mm £ MR. AND MRS. JOHN CHARLES BAUER WED RECENTLY - Miss Sheila Jean Kulzak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kulzak, 1224 Clover Lane, Libertyville, became the bride of Mr. John Charles Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bauer, 1001 Broadway, McHenry, at St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, on Aug. 2, at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Fr. Matthew Rauen officiating. Miss Lisa Dugger, Barrington, and Stewart Bauer, Jr., Antioch attended the couple. Following a honeymoon in Wisconsin, the newlyweds are living in Richmond. The bride is employed as secretary at Soil Testing Services, Northbrook and the bridegroom in construction. Community aienaar AUGUST 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. Parade of Fall Fashions and Chicken Salad Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse, McHenry -- Presented by Montini Parents Association. McHenry East Group of LaLeche League - Meeting -- 8 p.m. AUGUST 14-15 Keith Summer Theatre Company Presents Tom Sawyer - Keith School Com mons. 1 Jacoby Place, Rock- ford -- Aug. 14 - 7:30 p.m. Aug. 15 - 2 and 7:30 p.m. Reser vations 399-8823. AUGUST 15 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Meeting -- Oak noom -- S- Mary's --7:30 p4n AUGUST 16 Lakeland Park Women's Club Monthly Collection For "Fish" -- Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive -- 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. AUGUST 17 Lakeland Park Women's Club and Lakeland Park Property Owners Association Picnic for Members -- 11 a.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. AUGUST 18 CCD Parents Of St. Patrick's Parish -- Parents ^Meeting - Church Hall -- 8 p.m. - Parents of St. Mary's CCD High School Students Invited. AUGUST 19 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Wrigley Field. Chicago - Cubs vs Dodgers -- Bus Leaves McHenry Savings and Loan Association Parking Lot at 11 a.m. AUGUST 21 McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting - Spojnia, Polish National Union Camp, Flanders and Spojnia Roads -- 8 p.m. McHenry West Group -- LaLeche League -- Meeting -- 9:30 a.m. AUGUST 23 Johnsburg Rescue Squad -- 23rd Anniversary Benefit Dance -- Johnsburg Community Club Hall -- Dancing 9 to 1. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| DECORATOR POTS I njg w MACRAME' ^ VISIT DAILY CUT I ^ OUR FLOWER | 93e GREENHOUSE SPECIAL 1 It oc UJEZ± | E Open Friday 1213 N. Third St. McHenry = iSXforXlidenoe Phone 385-2300 1 ^iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lining INTRODUCING: hear Honesty OFFERING THE VERY FINEST IN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Watch for our next adv. for Grand Opening Specials! Grand Opening Aug. 25 thru Aug. 30 • SPECIALIZING IN HAIR CUTS • NATURAL PERMANENT WAVES • FANTASTIC BLOW STYLING & FEATHER CUTS • CREATIVE HAIR PAINTING & COLOR • SENIOR CITIZEN'S RATES - MON. - WED. SHAMPOO & SETS - $3.00 PERMS - $10.00 HOURS: MON-WED 9-5 THl'RS-FRI 9-9 SAT. 9 to 4 APPOINTMENTS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY! Shear Honesty 3325 W. ELM ST. (RTE.,120) McHENRY PHONE 385-8567 Feature Banjoist On PWP August Program Linda Olson Lovely Bride Given in marraige • by her father. Linda Olson became the bride of Darrick Rosinski, 936 W. Rollins road, Round Lake Heights, Saturday, Aug. 9, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The ceremony was per formed at the Zion Lutheran church, McHenry, by Pastor Herman Graef, assisted by Rev. Fr. Michael Douglas of St. Patrick's church. The church was decorated with white star burst and blue carnations on the altar and blue bows and daisies at the pews. Special music, furnished by a guitar group, consisted of "Morrling Has Broken", "The Wedding Song", "We Are One In The Spirit". Parents of the young couple are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Olson of 814 N. River road, McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rosinski, 3401 N. Oakdale, McHenry. The bride chose a gown of cotton voile and Venice lace, styled with a natural waist bodice and circular full skirt that draped to a full chapel train. Garlands of Venice lace and Schiffli embroidery formed a bib front to the gown. A band of ribbon insert lace accented the waist line. Venice lace edging ran in triple garlands on the double cardinal sleeves and also on the hemline of the gown. Her fingertip mantilla was edged in matching cut lace and held by a camelot cap of matching lace. The bride's nosegay bouquet was of white daisies, white rose, blue car nations, baby's breath, leaf ferns and white streamers. For something borrowed the bride wore a necklace and earrings belonging to her aunt, Carol Buss. Something old was lace from the bride's mother's wedding dress and she wore a blue garter. Debbie Rosinski, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Peter Buss, McHenry, aunt of the bride, Susy Seils, Dyer, Ind., and Camy Steiner, McHenry. The flower girl was Amy Wilcoxin of Springfield, cousin of the bride. The attendants wore white and blue floral bodice, light Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria - Flower and Garden Show. McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting -- City Hall -- 10 a.m. AUGUST 28 McHenry Garden Club -- Regular Meeting - Mary Burdahl Home ~ Arlington Heights - 12 Noon. AUGUST 30 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Cards - Oak Room •-- St. Mary's -- 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 30-31 Junque Sale -- Lakemoor Municipal Building -- Spon sored By Civil Defense Unit -- Starting At 9 a.m.. SEPTEMBER9 Town & Country Newcomers Club September Business Meeting and Crafts Showing -- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church -- 7:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 10 Annual Luncheon, Card rty .-- St. Peter's Hall -- Spnng Grove -- Sponsored By Lotus Country Woman's Club -- 12 Noon. Don't believe anything y o u h e a r a t c o c k t a i l parties. Larry Tobler, dynamo of the banjo, will highlight the evening when Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, meet for their next general meeting Friday evening, Aug. 15 at 8:30 p.m. at the Legion home, corner of Woodstock and Oak streets, Crystal Lake, Opening his program, Tobler will present a roaring twenties arrangement of "Tiger Rag" and "Whispering." The showboat era will feature the fast moving "Robert E. Lee" and "The Alabama Jubilee." Next, everybody can clap in time to barn dance music, and a sing-a-long is well represented. Humor is well supplied with an audience participation number and a person from the chapter plays the banjo. The closing selec tions represent popular tunes of the day along with trick numbers on the banjo. Those attending PWP for the first time should arrive by 8 p.m. fgr a special "newcomers" orientation. A three-day "camp-out" will be held Aug. 22, 23 and 24 at the Pleasant Valley farm near Woodstock. A hard times dinner-dance is scheduled Friday evening, Sept. 12. Costumes are optional, but prizes will be awarded the most original. A live band, will provide all types of dance music. For more information con cerning Parents Without Partners write P.O. Box 165, Crystal Lake, 111., 60014. Early Plans Reveal Hospitality Day Treats nearly $400,000 has been given the hospital for more sophisticated equipment and building enlargement and remodelling. This year, in keeping with the Bicentennial theme, three over- a-century old country homes, those of the Stephen Langs, the N.H. Howards and the Robert Olsons in the rolling hills, east of town, will be shown. The Holiday Hospitality day tour will begin, as in the past, at the Gift and Thrift shop in the former Sheriff's office in the remodellecf old courthouse complex on the Square. At the shop, guests may purchase their tickets and pick up tour maps and browse among the lovely gifts stocked there. The McHenry county fairgrounds will house all the groups who create their one-of- a-kind items: The Weeders, Coners, Christmas House, The Sewers, Knitters, Farmers Market and the Bake shop. A delicious luncheon will be available for hungry and foot- weary customers. Co-chairman for this year's Hospitality day are Mrs. Vette Kell and Mrs. Edward Henslee, whose talents and efficiency produced last year's most successful venture. Oct. 1 is the date set by the Woman's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County for the twentieth annual Holiday Hospitality Which attracts thousands of visitors each year. This October house walk, bazaar and luncheon is the main fund-raising activity of the auxiliary. As of this date. blue moracaine jersey floor length skirts, matching blue moracaine jersey bolero jackets. They wore white hair braid picture hats, banded in blue satin ribbon, bow and streamers. The flower girl wore a light blue colored voile, floor length gown adorned with white Swiss lace and royal blue colored grosgrain ribbon, bow and streamers and a white hair braid picture hat with mat ching ribbon, bow and streamers. The attendants carried bouquets of white daisies with blue carnations and blue streamers. The flower girl carried the basket used by the bride at the wedding of the flower girl's mother. Acting as best man for his brother was Keith Rosinski of McHenry. Groomsmen were Allen Rosinski, Barrington, uncle of the bridegroom, Gary Olson, McHenry, brother of the bride, and „Jim Knaack, McHenry. The bridegroom's cousin, Mark Rosinski, was ring bearer. A mint green colored polyester floor length gown with floor length lace coat was worn by the bride's mother. Her corsage was sonia roses with stephanotis. The bridegroom's mother chose a floor length peach jersey dress with matching short jacket and a yellow rose with stephanotis corsage, A reception for 180 guests was held at the VFW hall in McHenry. The wedding cake was made especially for the bride and groom by Mrs. Lillian Kosrow. Special guests were the bridegroom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Rosinski of Missouri, and his great- grandmother, Mrs. Rose Bartczak of Barrington, and the bride's grandmother, Lillian Olson, Island Lake. After a wedding trip to St. Louis, Mo., the bridal couple will live at 936 W. Rollins road, Round Lake Heights. Both are graduates of McHenry Community high school. The bride is a recent graduate of the nursing program College of Lake County. She is a LPN at Victory Memorial hospital" in Waukegan. The bridegroom is a draftsman at Baxter Laboratories in Round Lake. Shower luncheons were given by Carol Buss, Andy Johnson, Chris West, Camy Steiner; by Mrs. Pat Rosinski and Debbie Rosinski; and by Mrs. Doris Brooks. Senior Citizens Club Represented By Music Groups The McHenry Senior Citizens club was well represented at the McHenrv County Fair on Senior Citizens day Friday, Aug. 1, at Woodstock. It was a very happy occasion, as both the square dancers and the kitchen band performed, and both were awarded prize checks. Both groups were gratified to see the pleasure of the audience and hear their loud applause. Fifty-Four Pioneer Club * Members Meet Fifty-four members of the Spring Grove-Richmond area Pioneer club met at the American Legion hall, Rich mond, Tuesday, Aug. 5. A prayer was said by President Marian Pretzman. Eleven members who had birthdays in August were honored with a song and given cake with a lighted candle. Dessert lunch was served by the committee. Kenneth Bowsher, president of the McHenry Senior Citizens club, was introduced as well as two other guests. Ifwas reported that cards of thanks had been sent to businesses that had contributed to the Strawberry festival. The Sunshine chairman was happy to report that all were in good health as no get-well cards had been sent in the past month. The membership chairman reported that at the present time there are seventy-two members. President Pretzman called on Mr. Bowsher as guest speaker. He gave a resume of the activities of the McHenry Senior Citizen's group. Their main objective is to give aid to the aged and have group social events. He also spoke on free driver courses and Rules of the Road. Courses will be held at city hall, Green street,/ McHenry, Aug. 21 and 28 and Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon. Thirteen members attended the Tri-County picnic and Mrs. Robert Leonhardt gave a report. Robert Leonhardt spoke on th£ McHenry County Senior Citizen council. The council urges members to join, as dues as nominal and the returns for all McHenry county senior citizens very great since money has been awarded by the federal government to be used to benefit the "older Americans" as covered by various legislations. Detailed information may be obtained by contacting 338-6075 or 455- 660. The Council has plans for a picnic in Woodstock city park Aug. 16, a Lake Geneva boat trip Aug. 28 and a bus trip to the State Fair in Springfield Aug. 15., Blood pressures will be checked before the next meeting at 11 a.m. for all who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 19, starting at noon. The Lunch committee has Sadie Lasco, Robert and Elaine Leonhardt, Harley and Eleanor Marsh, Agnes May and Jessie Motley. After the performances, as the members of the square dancers and the kitchen band were circulating around the fair grounds, they were given compliments on their outfits and also thanked for their programs. NEW OWNERS AT THE GREEN PEARL 3425 PEARL ST. - McHENRY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE "SING-A-LONG" i -- FRIDAY NITE FISH FRY-- features LAKE PERCH BREAKFAST ft LUNCHEON DINNERS COME IN TODAY! NEW DINING HOURS Mon. thru Thurs., 7 to 10 - Fri., & Sat., 7 to 11 THE MCHENRY PUAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund - Publisher '"/MEMBER \ Adele Froehlich -- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mOCUTHW FtmM IMS >G NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER -1975 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $9.00 l Year $12.50 „ In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and V County Lake County Back to School Month AUGUST 13 TO AUGUST 30 PRETEEN & TEEN SPECIAL Now Is The Time For Conditioning Summer Bleached And Chlorine Dried Hair PRECISION HAIRCUTS & BLOWDRY STYLES INCLUDE A $3.00 HEAT CONDITIONING TREATMENT AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! $0uliW~k/ thuiutxh 801 FRONT STREET McHENRY 385-2966 KATHRYN GERSTEIN ENGAGED~Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerstein, formerly of McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn, to Vincent Arizzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Arizzi of Wauconda. A September wedding is planned. Feature Women's World At '75 Fair Exhibition If will be Christmastime in August at the Illinois State Fair's Florticulture show, through Aug. 17, at Women's World in the Exhibition building. But Christmastime is not the only season recognized at the Horticulture show. With themes such as Autumn's Beauty, Summer Joy and Easter Time Bridge, fairgoers can see their favorite times of the year represented in floral splendor. Other themes include Joy to the World, Beauty to the Eye and The Days of Wine and Roses. The fair is offering $3,861.50 in premiums to winners in the flower show. Exhibitions will be held daily from judging time at 10 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. There will be different registered flower judges at each showing. Besides the variety of arrangements, there are table settings, pedestal settings, mantel settings and single blooms in competition. On Aug. 16 and 17, there will be a large dahlia show that will include entries from out of state. On Rose day, Aug. 15, there will be over 4,000 blooms and arrangements filling the Exhibition building. POET'S CORNER THE SWIVEL CHAIR ft What do you in the "swivel chair; know of little people or even care. Do you feel compassion that's hard to show? Do you just instinctively think they'll know - that you're sincere? For years they climbed the ladder you trod. Theirs was a hard row, with many a prod. , How does one; get put down a peg, to help others on the upward leg. The little people feel sorry you see - they've been through it all - and can feel for thee. Trials of the past, lost progress galore. In a few years revert to the same as before. Little people have learned from the book of life. Each page was written with considerable strife. You know what they say to your swivel chair! Simply give us, the old rocking chair By Betty Weincouff Woman's Club Board Plans For Year Ahead The McHenry Woman's club board members will meet Aug. 25 to finalize plans for a very interesting and productive year ahead. New officers for 1975-76 are Mrs. Christopher Quinn, president; Mrs. James Mack, first vice-president; Mrs. Frances Frank, second vice- president; Mrs. Donald Doherty, recording secretary; Mrs. Peter Hedeman, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Arnold Magnuson, treasurer. Hats are in , par t icular ly for beach and resort wear . Floppy designs protect the face from too much sun. Scarfs are used in a var ie ty of ways. One can be fash ioned into an at t ract ive tur ban to be worn when one 's hair-do is not a t i t s best . Fluffed out hair on the s ides of the face seem to be the favori te s tyle for the present . ^SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER,^ W] HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Chances are Good Perhaps you are saying to yourself, "Why should I worry about my old age? I won't live that long!" Or you may think that if you should reach 65, you would hardly live more than a few years afterwards. Not so. Actually, life insurance statistics show that if you have already reached 40, and are not in serious ill health, the chances you will reach 65 are excellent. In fact they are almost 3 out of 4! If you have already reached 50. the chances of reaching 65 are even better--about 4 out of 5. And once you do reach 65, chances are you will, live at least 12 to 15 years longer These figures are based on past experience The future might well be better what with the striking advances in medical science. In the meantime the aged are better off. With less heavy work, shorter hours and improved medical care, many people in their 60's and 70's today are quite youthful in appearance and outlook. From a mental stand point, elderly people who keep up their interest in life are as bright and creative as ever. Hidden Curl * 344-1019 Back to school 1 SPECIAL! For Guys & Gals from Kindergarten thru College HAIRCUTS $000 NOW A $4.00 if shampoo & blow dry is incl. Good Aug. 13 thru Aug. 21 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OFC. 8) McHENRY