GE 10 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMRK» 17 i«»7S EVERYTIME AT Mm HOLIDAY Sun DISCOUNT MEADOW GOLD Ice Cream % GALLON VICKS FORMULA i»nct««»JS52 SUN 250 MG 100 s Vitamin C REG. 1.69 SQUIBB Glycerin Suppositories Mobile Care Program Karen Eckstein, R.N., M.S., assistant director of nursing service at McHenry hospital, instructs a class in coronary care for nurses who will communicate by radio with EMT-II ambulance personnel in the Mobile Intensive Care unit program. The nurses taking the seventeen-week curriculum are critical-care nurses experienced in emergency room and Intensive Care unit. LIMIT 1 j 29 DEODORANT 7 0Z. BRONZE A GENTLE FINE QUALITY SHAMPOO AT A BETTER PRICE 14 0Z. 5 TYPES Photo Developing Special AVAILABLE AT HOLIDAY SUN DISCOUNT ONLY C-l 10-12 or C-126-12 FILM TYLENOL 100 TABLETS 4 2 PRINTS OF EACH PRINTABLE NEGATIVE PLUS A REPLACEMENT ROLL OF KODAK FILM FOR ONLY COUPON GOOD THRU SEPT. 23 VICKS SINEX Nasal Spray V? oz. SIZE REG. OU) t-12 oz iao ̂57 STYLE " 1 AU TYPES OF CHESTERFIELDS, URK, EVE & L&Ms 0UR NORMAL LOW ^\/ > RETAIL PRICE. 3 LBS Grass Seed REG. 1.39 4 Jim O'Heir, EMS and Trauma center coordinator, tests a member of his class in Emergency Medical Technician-II certification. They are viewing various arrythmias as they are projected on a screen. Already certified from an EMT-I course, these ambulance squad members are being trained as EMT-II's to participate in the new Mobile Intensive Care unit program. >1 "Little Buckf" Hi - I'm Little Bucky with more. . . SUPER BUYS TYLENOL 100's $1.98 Value SALE DATES: TUESDAY, SEPT. 16th THRU SAT., SEPT. 20th, 1975 CONTACT 10's $1.95 Value 99* (VF-RTPrt. GERIT0L 40's 7 Free $4.39 Value *2 19 Gepacol CEPAC0L MOUTHWASH 14 OZ. $1.45 Value 69* AJAX LAUNDRY DETERGENT Kirn? Size 84 oz. $|79 REVL0N MILK PLUS 6 SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER $2.25 Value $J39 Less Mfg. Mail Back MILK 9UJS6 -J Refund J |00 39 8 OZ. HERSHEY CANDY BARS 15c Value each [69* [iTvP BP" scon TOWELS JUMBO ROLL DOW BATHROOM CLEANER I 17 oz. Aerosol $1.19 Value 79* DELUXE FIBERGLASS FURNACE FILTERS 69c Value Asst. sizes 39* FLICKER LADIES SHAVER $1.69 Value V0 5 HAIR DRESSING , TUBE $1.39 Value 79* 99 PAPER BACK BOOKS ASSORTED FAVORITES .CLASSIC-NOVELS Values' From 95c to $1.95 PLAYING CARDS TUCK HAIR SET TAPE v Vi" x 500" [ 69c Value each 2 2 6 9 ' PAPER LUNCH BAGS 50 ct. N0RELC0 MAGI-CUBES 3 Pack $3.00 Value $}49 N0RELC0 FLASHCUBES Pack $2.13 Value 9£ j MASSENGILL DISPOSABLE DOUCHE TWIN PACK $1.29 Value 79* We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. Prices In Effect While Quantities Last.. HOLIDAY SUN DISCOUNT 4512 W. RTE. 120 McHenry, Illinois FOR ANY INFORMATION CALL 279 3933 McCuliom Lake Geri Milbratz 385-8543 ( * I Routine Business i Completed At Board Meeting Mostly routine business was taken care of at the Sept. 9 board meeting, including passage of the annual tax levy. The street light on Spring and Parkview that keeps going on and off is scheduled to be fixed. Trustee Bill Walter is meeting with engineers to work on some of the worst drainage problems in the village. He is also looking into some type of sprayer to help eliminate some of the weeds on the roadways. A new roof has been put on the beach house, so it doesn't leak anymore. A resolution was passed to condemn a building on W Orchard. Last month a building on W. Parkview was con demned. Village owned property adjacent to the Mass farm has been leased by Mr. Mass. He is renting the land on a yearly basis. Next board meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 14. 8 p.m. CHAPERONE NEEDED Plans are. to open the village hall for kids again, now that the weather is getting cool, but a chaperone will be needed. This is a paid job and hours and evenings worked can possibly be arranged to 'suit applicants preference. Any responsible adult who is interested in taking the job. is asked to contact park and beach trustee. Gene Huff, for further in formation. NEW POLICE OFFICER Don Milbratz of N. Spring road has been hired as a patrolman, for the village. He is presently serving his probationary period. LADIES HOLD ELECTIONS Elections were held at the Sept. 11 meeting of the Ladies of the Lake, and Barb Reiter was again elected president. Irene Johnson was reelected as secretary-treasurer, and the new vice-president is Sena (Iroh. The Ladies acknowledged the services of outgoing vice-president Rose Ciutt. A large selection of items were auctioned for the white elephant sale, also held at the meeting. Just about everything went, adding more funds to the Ladies treasury. Next month is the Halloween party, which will include refreshments of cider and donuts. Although no prizes will oe awarded, members may come in costume, if they wish. Also, next month, plans will be started for the annual Christmas party. Meeting will be Thursday. Oct. 9, at 8 p.m. ARCHERY CLUB RESUMES Oct. 5. will mark the opening of the McCuliom Lake Archery Club in the large village hall for the benefit of young and old alike. There w ill be four target butts, made of compressed bales, for 40 lb. bows, maximum weight. However, a lighter bow, 20 to 35 lbs. is just as advantageous. To help all members, there will be string tying exercises, as well as bow shooting, and hunting exercises. You are invited to peek in, from 2 p.m. til 5 p.m., to make up your own mind. PRIZEWINNER Sue Milbratz was the third place winner in total donations at the Skate-a-thon for Muscular Dystrophy held last month at the McHenry roller link. Along with many other local young people. Sue solicited pledges beforehand, and she skated for 18 hours the day of the skate-a-thon. Her pledges totaled over $300, and Sue was awarded an am-fm clock radio for her good work CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Sally Hocin on obtaining her driver's license, last week. Sally had always been afraid to learn to drive, but when she decided to, do it. she found it wasn't so bad at all. In fact, now she loves driving, and plans to really go places and make up lor all that lost time. ANNIVERSARIES Happy anniversary to John and Chris Lawson. who'll be married 6 years on Sept 20. And best wishes to Rich and Angie Wolf, who celebrate their anniversary. Sept 23. BIRTHDAYS Best wishes lor a happy birthday to Bill Milbratz, Sept 17, and to Roger Thaeker, Sept 18. Judy Pendleton, and Kelly Bailey celebrate birthdays, both Sept 19, and Diane Michels' is Sept. 20. Happy birthday to Karen Parks. Sept 21. and to Sergio Martini. Sept 22. SYMPATHY Condolences to the Lary family on the death of Robert Larv's wife. Linda Linda, who died Sept. 6, was the daughter in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Rav Larv. Capture a Memory 8x10 •Color Portrait Only 88C CHOOSE FROM OUR NEW AND EXCITING SELECTION OF BACKGROUNDS, AND CREATE YOUR OWN SPECIAL PORTRAIT THURSDAY & FRIDAY: 10AM.-10PM. SATURDAY: 9AM.-6:30PM. photography time shooting dates THURS., FRI, & SAT,--SEP. 18,19,20 location 4400 W. RTE. 120-McHENRY, ILL. DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS All ages: Babies, children and adults One silling per subject Additional subjects-groups or individuals in s.inie family -Si 00 per subject No proofs-choose from finished professional portraits (poses - our selection.! You may select additional portraits *:/ered at reasonable prices. Guaranteed complete satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. No handling charge.