Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Oct 1975, p. 16

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PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1975 State Recognition To Dairymen Of County Twenty-seven percent of the 270,000 dairy cows in I l l inois were enrolled in a form of record keeping Jan 1, 1975. according to the I l l inois Agricultural Stat ist ics Annual summary, 1975. In McIIenry county. 35 percent ol the 18.800 dairy cows were enrolled in a production record program, says Dave IMocher, Extension adviser, McHenry county The production record programs available to dairymen in McHenry county include Dil l (Dairy Herd Improvement) , DHIR (Dairy Herd Improvement Registry)," O-S (Owner Sampler), and WAD AM (Weigh A Day A Month). These programs vary in cost to the ^dairyman. Nearly 9,000 dairymen in Illinois and 500 in McHenry county are without the benefits of production records, says Dave. Milk and butterfat records for each cow on a testing period and lactation basis, feed records and income over feed cost, predicted 305 - day records, testing period and 365-day herd averages, are some of the facts available to dairymen on a production record program. As of April, 1975, the relative value of each cow in relation to the other cows in the herd, the income over feed costs per day on the last day, and the average test for the lactation are being calculated. These changes are made at the request of d a i r y m e n t h r o u g h organizations, such as the McHenry-Lake Dairy Herd Improvement association. Dairy Herd Improvement cooperators use their records to remove inefficient producers from their herds. Approximately one of every five cows tested during the year was removed from Illinois DHI herds according to information reported by association supervisors. Low production was the most important reason for the removal of cows. Almost half of the cows left the herds for this reason. Unfortunately, however, almost half of the cows leaving Illinois dairy herds are still culling them­ selves. That is, the dairyman is forced to sell them because they are sterile, have udder problems, such as mastitis, are sick or injured, or they have died. This points up that Illinois dairymen have important management problems that they need to overcome before they can get maximum returns from their dairy enterprise. The McHenry-Lake Dairy Herd Improvement association is represented on the district level by David Gardner of Solon Mills, and on the state board of directors, by Alfred Ames of Zion. The State Dairy Herd Improvement association G E N E R A L R E V E N U E S H A R I N G ACTUAL USE REPORT © GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROVIDES FEDERAL FUNDS DIRECTLY TO LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS YOUR GOVERNMENT MUST PUBLISH THIS REPORT ADVISING YOU HOW THESE FUNDS HAVE BEEN US£D OR OBLIGATED DURING THE YEAR FROM JULY 1. 1974, THRU JUNE 30. 1975 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU OF YOUR GOVERNMENT S PRIORITIES AND TO ENCOURAGE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN DECISIONS ON HOW FUTURE FUNDS SHOULD 3E SPENT NOTE ANY COMPLAINTS OF DISCRIMINATION IN THE USE OF THESE FUNDS MAY BE SENT TO THE OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING WASHINGTON. D C 20226 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES (A i CATEGORIES 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 5 RECREATION 6 LIBRARIES 7 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR AGED OR POOR 8 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 9 MULTIPURPOSE AND GENERAL GOVT 10 EDUCATION 11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IB) CAPITAL s 837.65 $ 2635.00 $ 35.00 12 HOUSING & COM­ MUNITY DEVELOPMENT 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 OTHER iSpsc i fy l 15 TOTALS $ 3507.65 (C) OPERATING / MAINTENANCE $ NONDISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET (E' CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the Chief Executive Officer and. with -espect to the entitlement funds reported hereon. I certify that they have not been used in violation of either tbe priority expenditure requirement (Section 1031 or the matching fyfid: ' ' " 104Vt>5ne^c) v . , / L CVA rids prohibition (Section Signature of Chief Executive . - j Date Name and Title THE GOVERNMENT OF MCCULLQM LHK£ VILLHGE has received General Revenue Sharing payments totaling •$3., 450 i I during the period from July 1. 1 974 thru June 30 1975 Y/ ACCOUNT NO I 4 2 0 56 j':1 C C Li!.... j... p ji L H K £'.' V 1 L I . . . H G E. VI LLhUf. CLi:~Rt:- MCHENRY I Li._ 1 Ml i S 60 0 50 ililllljllLjItlliiilJlllijlllilliLUllulillllillllWl'lj y/ (D) TRUST FUND REPORT (refer to instruction D) 1 Balance as of June 30. 1974 $. 2 Revenue Sharing Funds Received from July 1. 1974 thru June 30. 1975 $. 3 Interest Received or Credited (July 1, 1974 thru June 30. 1975) $- v 4 Funds Released from Obligations $. 5 Sum of lines 1. 2. 3. 4 $. 6 Funds Returned toORS $- 7 Total Funds Available $- 8 Total Amount Expended (Sum of line 15. column B and column C) $. 9 Balance as of June 30. 1975 $. 1,464.34 3, 4 7A^50 4 #988. oft 1,431.19 3# 507.65 4,988.84 (F) THE NEWS MEDIA HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT A COMPLETE COPY OF THIS REPORT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN A LOCAL NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCU­ LATION I HAVE A COPY OF THIS REPORT AND RECORDS DOCUMENTING THE CONTENTS THEY ARE OPEN FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY AT (Published October 1, 1975) IBS SOUND BUYS Ends Sun. John Denver special. Spend hours listening to one of the country's most accomplished singer - composer. Most records now on sale at Wards. 8-tracks also on sale. 87 $9.98 JOHN DENVERS WIND SONG Featuring: Wind- song, Cowboy's Delight, Spirit, I'm Sorry, Song of Wyoming JOHN VENVER5 GREAJEST HITS 7ACCORD SET S/137 includes: Take Ma Horn..Country Road* L«aviny,on a Jet Plana • Follow Mo Rocky Mountain High • Goodbye Again Featuring: Annlo't Song Thank God I'm a Country Boy • Eclipao Back Homo Again • Swoot Surrondar BIG BUY ON RCA ROCK ALBUMS Lots to choose from. Heavy sounds from many of the popular young artists of today. Dash in now 8-tracks $5.37 ALBUMS Special. Your choice Enjoy it now with Charg-All no money down Why not give us a spin? /\AC)fVT(,()/\AfcRV ihVH M »J *7/? spirit of/ value f VJ STOHP: HOURS Mon thru Kri 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a m -5 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon-5 p.m. t Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14> Phone 459 3120 FREE PARKING , Credit Boys Choir With Outstanding Achievement John Denver special. 4"-7 The Texas boys choir, opening attraction of the C o m m u n i t y C o n c e r t s association 1975-76 series, will appear at Crystal Lake high school auditorium at 8 p.m. Nov. 5. The late composer, Igor Stravinsky, called this group "the best boys choir in the every year recognizes cooperators who have herds with an average test of 550 pounds of Butterfat cow. This year in McHenry and Lake counties, those recognized for this achievement include Charles Weingart, McHenry. Among herds in the McHenry-Lake Dairy Herd Improvement association who produced 500 pounds of butter fat-cow or more were: Miller & Pierce, Alvian Smith, Harry King and Lyle Matthews, McHenry; also Mark Kerk- man. Spring Grove. Dairy Herd Improvement supervisors with the McHenry- Lake DHIA are John Hillard, Woodstock, who has been a supervisor for 18 years; George Hose, Jr., Woodstock, 15 years; Orville Brandt, McHenry, 14 years; and Lloyd Fruin, Marengo, also 14 years. Anyone with questions about production testing, should contact one of the supervisors or the Cooperative Extension Service office in Woodstock. world" and proved his belief by working with the choir in recording one of his major definitive works for Columbia Records. In the same year, the album, "Charles Ives: Music for Chorus", featuring the boys won the Grammy award, the National Academy of Recor­ ding Arts and Sciences equivalent of an "Oscar". Under the continuous guidance of founder-director George Bragg, concert ap­ pearances have taken the group into fifteen European countries, Mexico, Canada, and virtually every state in the Union. In the process, the honors heaped on it would fill a sizeable volume. In other nations, wherever possible, the music is sung in that country's native language. At various times, the Texas Boys choir has sung in as many as eleven languages. Though the Texas Boys choir, sings like a professional group, it is composed ^of local school boys in the Fort Worth-Dallas area, chosen in twice yearly auditions. Boys may join the choir anytime between the ages of 10 and 12, but their time in the group is relatively brief. Few manage to reach age 15 before the inevitable voice change occurs and they must drop out. Therefore, the choir is in a constant state of change, and the training of new choirboys is a never-ending process. The repertoire of the choir includes classical music, folk songs, spirituals, show tunes, standard American classics, and songs from other nations. In addition, the Texas Boys choir- has now reached a position where composers ask for the privilege of composing songs especially for it. The concert program con­ tains numerous examples of the choir's musical wares and ranges from traditional boychoir music to modern-day musical comedy numbers. Undoubtedly the most popular number on this year's program is "The Continental Soldier Suite," arranged especially for the Texas Boys choir. This number, complete with costumes, settings, lighting and choreography, is the TBC's salute to America's Bicentennial. The piece has drawn enthusiastic audience and critical response at every concert of the tour. Only the Newspaper 3 ONLY THE NEWSPAPER has such a faithful following. You can take it with you on vaca­ tion or save for reading when you return. The news and fea­ tures await your fancy. GOOD WORD Eating Out According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA). Americans eat out because no one has to clean up, it's a change of pace, and can be enjoyed by the entire family. The NRA also reports that the average amount spent on breakfast by people eating out amounts to $1.81 per person; $2.31 is spent on an average lunch; an average din­ ner cost $3.75. from the Bible Cast away from all your transgressions, wherby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: where­ fore turn yourselves, and live ye. Ezekiel 18. 31,32 PURE COLO from RCA BEIM^FR AIM KLI INI THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY SOME ITEMS MAY NOT LAST ALL FOUR DAYS. DOUAR STRETCHER SALE CUR THESE COUPONS! Big Savings on Everyday Needs! VALUABLE COUPON Pfltf. tf 300 Carlty COTTON BALLS Oerhmfrttt PAPERMATE® PENS 12-0z. 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