Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1975, p. 17

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Legal Notice (Continued From Pace 16) South Western Publ. Co. Special Educ. Dist. Lake County Special Educ. Dist. McHenry County Specialty Books Sherman Williams Sperry-Remington Spenco Sports Awards Co. Sport Specialties Co. . Springfield Electric Supply SRA ' Standard Electric Time Stans Office Machines Stauber, Edward Steck-VaughnCo. Simplex Time Recorder Singer Business Machines Singer Sport Supply, Ned Selected Educational Aids Selection Research Inc. Sharp Electronics C orp. Steffen, Walter Stoffel & Reihansperger Streator Industrial Supply Student Plans Sun Electric Corp. Supt. of Documents Superior Tea & Coffee Co. Sure Plus Manufacturing Co. Tandy Leather Co. Tappe Sporting Goods Teachers Retirement System TeledynePost Tetrad Ltd. Inc. 3M Business Products Time Life Books Todd-Philips Sporting Goods Tompkins Printing Equip. Co. ToneIncorp. Tony an Construction Tonyan & Sons, Wm. Trans-World Travel Turner Subscription Agency United Visual Aids Uniform Graining Corp. Universal Periodical Serv. Universal Photo Systems Visualcraft Vocational Agriculture Serv. Wadsworth Publ. Co. Wards Natural Science Waukegan Blueprint & Supply Westinghouse Learning Corp. Wilson Co., H.W. Wirfs Welding & Eng. Wolverine Sports Supply Wonder Lake Glass, Inc. Woodstock Fine Arts Assoc. Woodstock Glass & Mirror World Dryer Corp. Worthington Serv. Corp. Wright, Lyle Xerox Corp. Xerox Educ. Publ. Xerox University Microfilms Young Co., Paul O. Zeller, Kenneth G. Zenith Controls, Inc. (Pub. Oct. 3,1975) 2.264.09 1,600.00 79,908.% 160.89 2,388.69 3,860.30 171.39 161.03 630.31 199.13 644.71 1,018.50 2.061.10 158.40 238.90 515.08 346.00 306.59 282.76 629.77 286.35 173.00 37,000.00 957.48 , 3,417.51 2,199.00 120.95 607.80 121.96 585.40 1,836.37 1,050.00 538.27 409.50 777.80 145.35 102.92 192.00 1,771.62 322.20 1,423.49 295.00 117.28 1,418.65 557.67 1,878.06 238.24 741.50 102.89 687.21 966.32 170.00 15,638.13 138.00 1,011.70 194.94 549.93 100.00 2,111.69 146.77 745.20 111.17 9,692.44 757.98 216.87 501.78 2,000.00 155.86- Renovation Work Slows On County Historical Museum PAGE 17 • PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1975 Progress of renovation work at the McHenry County Historical museum is moving slowly due to lack of volun­ teers. There is still painting to be done on the main stairwell. Anyone wanting to finish the job should call 923-4105. Outside painting of the eaves, shutters and downspouts has Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF PAUL YAREMA Deceased, FILE NO. 75-P-290 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on Sept. 29, 1975, to Theodore Sankey, 7625 W. Howard. Chicago, Illinois, whose attorneys of record are Fishman and Fishman, 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, II. 60602. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to . said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Oct. 3,10& 17, 1975) Legal Notice Sealed proposals will be received in the State of Illinois, -Department of Public Aid I*reFrehry County Office, 1316 North Madison, Woodstock, IUinois, on Tuesday, October 14th, at 10:00 A.M. for custodial work to be performed on a regular basis in the McHenry County office. Interested parties may contact Mrs. Maxine Wymore of the above office to pick up copies of the specifications for bidding. (Pub. Sept. 26, Oct. 3 & 8. 1975) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on September 15, A.D. 1975, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business • known as ARROW EN­ TERPRISES, located at 10523 Main Street, Richmond, Illinois 60071. Dated this 15th day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 1975. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Sept. 19. 26 & Oct. 3, 1975) Legal Notice Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to "An Act in relation to the use of an assumed name in the conduct or transaction of business in this State," as amended, that a certificate was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook . County, file No. K45130 on the 9th day of Sept., 1975 under the assumed name of Lew's Trucking Co., with place of business located at 6734 W. 26 St. The true name(s) and ad­ dress (es) of owner(s) is Ed­ ward F. Lewakowski, 6734 W. 26 St., Berwyn, 111. (Pub. Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3,1975), Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given 4 that on September 22, A.D. 1975, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, , setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as FitzGerald's In­ surance Agency, located at 4719 W. Rt. 120. Dated this 22 day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 1975. Vernon W.Kays County Clerk , (Pub. Sept. 26, Oct. 3& 10, 1975) Legal Notice felD NOTICE McHenry Community High School District No. 156 is ac- been completed by professionals under the grant from the Illinois Bicentennial- American Revolution fund. All outside doors are being painted by volunteer, Mrs. Margaret Conley, of Huntley. She recently finished painting all the radiators in the building. The American Legion. Peter Umathum Post No. 412, of Woodstock, donated three wall cases formerly located in their building. Last week Robert Hansen of Marengo, assisted by his wife, had some of the 4-H group help in shifting artifacts from here to there to make room for the fire engine expected to be retrieved from storage after a number of years. Once the fire engine is in place fire fighting exhibit will be established. The Society hopes to have two hose carts, one recently acquired from Hebron, and one from Crystal Lake, plus a fire bell. Smaller items are to come from George Meyer collec­ tion,Woodstock. Can anyone give information about a piece of sheet music entitled "Take Me Back to Home and Mother" song and chorus, published by Phil A. Starck, Harvard, 111.? Was this the same as the piano firm? Date on it shows entered Act of Congress 1873 by Cory Bros., words by Arthur W. French and music by Wm. A. Huntley. Interior mahogany rail staircase from a pre-Civil war home, the Harley Dietz home near Marengo, has been donated by Ralph Deneen. also some white interior trim of double doors and arch.The museum will sell the trim as there is no possible way to display it. There is quite a story to (his acquisition. Mr. Deneen had told the society it could have the staircase and trim as he was about to demolish the house by letting the fire company burn it down as a practice job. The next morning he called to sav that someone had broken in and dismantled the staircase and therefore it was not available. Several hours later he called back to say he had gone out to the niilkhouse and there it was. all neatly piled. Having his truck with him he piled it in and delivered it to the museum. The museum custodian started to dismantle the rest of the trim but didn't finish in a day and when he went back next day, someone had broken in again - broken in is a misnomer as the doors had already been knocked open previouslv-and taken some of the ornamental braces.However, they must have been frightened away as two were left. The president of the Society, Mrs. Dorothy M. McEachren, recently spoke to the McHenry Junior hi sixth, seventh and eighth graders. She showed the pewter platter (round) that came over on the Mayflower and was used at Pilgrim's first Thanksgiving; a shoe button hook; a carpet stretcher and the pre-radio and TV en- TAX FACTS The publication that answers the most asked questions about the 5 percent tax credit for the purchase of a new principal residence is now available free from the Internal Revenue Service. Besides presenting questions and answers on the credit, IRS publication 591, "Tax Credit for the New Home Buyer." reflects the recent change in the law which allows certain homes that were originally ineligible to now qualify a buyer for the credit. , According to the IRS booklet, new home buyers are entitled to .a credit against their tertainment on rainy af­ ternoons - a stereoptican. The pupils were intrigued by the carpet stretcher and the viewer. The Society recently received in the mail a copy of the Illinois charter of the Townsquare Players but there was no person to give credit to in designating the donor. Does anyone in the McHenry area have an early picture or photograph of the Hanley house9 This was not included in the 1872 Atlas but reports are that it was made of local brick and the Society would like to have an early picture of it for our files. The Society is trying to build up files on early cheese fac­ tories, milk depots, grist mills, saw mills, hotels and the like. Those who can recall any stories or have pictures of these places of interest should write the Society or call 923-4105. Federal income tax equal to five percent of the purchase price of a new principal residence, up to a maximum of $2,000. Married persons filing separate returns are limited to $1,000 on each return. The pamphlet further ex- plainiTihat to qualify for the credit, a home must be new and be the buyer's principal residence. The taxpayer must attach to his return a cer­ tification, signed by the seller, that construction of the home began before March 26, 1975, and that the purchase price is the lowest at which the residence has been offered for sale after February 28, 1975. A suggested certification is contained in the publication. The principal residence must be acquired and occupied after March 12, 1975, and before Jan. 1, 1977, the IRS reports. The residence must be purchased under a binding contract en­ tered into before Jan. 1, 1976, except in the case of self- construction. The publication explains that legislation enacted June 30 changed the lowest price requirement for the credit. Taxpayers who purchased residences that did not qualify because of the original lowest price provision should check with the seller to determine whether the residence now qualifies and, if so, obtain the necessary certification, the IRS advises. Publication 591 is available free by writing IRS, Box 1132, Chicago, 111., 60690. WHO KNOWS! 1. Name the principal gases that make up the earth's atmosphere. What holds the gases to the earth0 For what was Vasco Balboa best known? Name the five senses. When was the second Battle of Bull Run fought? Answers To Who Knows •Z98I 1sn3ny 'S •ajSBi pub nauis •qonoi 'iqats '3uuBaH •ireaoo -Bj paiaAoosip aH •jC}IABJD •UO9JB pub ua3Axo 'uaaoJiiN 2. 3. 4. 5. E • z •i flllF-STOP travel service vilb UIVI AIRLINE Planning o Coribbeon crwse7 AIRLINE and AMTRAK TICKETS While You Wait Amtrak* Chain-O-Lakes TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Planning o Coribbeon cruise7 A trip to Europe Mexico Howon9 You con compare them oil under one roof o» our office1 We ore ogent* for steomships airlines hot#ls sightseeing companies throughout the *orld D#f»«u!obtt Tnvil Sine* mi 385-7500 Area Code 815 cepting sealed bids on Elec­ trical, Plumbing, Heating, Masonry for the 1975-'76 Building Trades Class House located a* 824 N. Royal, McHenry, II. I. ' ; " T i-f Quotations are due at West Campus, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Road to the attention of Mr. Swartzloff by 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 14, 1975. Specifications may be obtained at West Campus High School. Michael R. Kelly Business Manager (Pub. Oct. 3,1975) Legal Notice NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION to vote upon the question of issuing $200,000.00 Sewer Bonds of the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois Public notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in and for the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois, on Saturday, the 1st day of November, 1975, at which time there will be sub­ mitted to the electors of said Village the following question: Shall bonds in the amount of $200,000.00 be issued by the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of con- - structing a new sewage system in and for said Village, such system to consist of a sewage treat­ ment plant, lateral and interceptor sewers and necessary appurtenances, said bonds to bear interest at the rate not to exceed eight per cent (8 percent) per annum? That for the purpose of said election the corporate limits of the Village of Lakemoor shall constitute the boundaries of a single election precinct and the polling place of said election shall be the Village Hall located at 234 W. Rand Road in said Village. The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 a.m. and will be closed at 6:00 p.m. on the date of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qualified to vote on said question. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemoor. McHenry County. Illinois Dated this 11th day of Sep­ tember. 1975 Richard J. Hyatt. President. Board of Trustees Carol Schmidt. Village Clerk i Pub. Oct . 3. 15. 1975) THE NATION'S GAS PAINS HURT DETROIT MOST OF ALL. luhg uistj*LK UQLI.H: Pfcon* » t tofrr*v.u Crvqcl 4G8 422 1249 A w-t$Hi*iqTi)v,riC 12 943 1 2 t . 12 Trt+\nrtr f&ef Smrt A Long Distance phone call that costs you one dollar during the daytime LQ*C QiSTYNlLL DULL, VPi THE UNITED ST, 12 943TT-OT66S 12 /#***; T, 7ft b yurtr ofrHt S costs just 65<t in the evening after 5 p.m THE UNITE! a 12 943 li-in668 12 Irt.fn*" •"'** c i f of and only 40<t on the weekend before 5 p.m. Sunday. Surprising how you can cut the cost of Long Distance outside of Illinois by dialing direct during bargain calling times. For instance, you save more than one-third when you call after 5 p.m. on weekdays. And more than one-half on the weekend before 5 p.m. Sunday. * Now isn't that worth waiting for? Illinois Bell Discounts apply to total charges on Direct-Dial calls, but only to additional minute charges on Operator-assisted calls. Direct-Dial rates do not apply to coin, hotel-guest, hospital patient, credit card, collect or person-to-person calls, or to calls charged to another number, because an Operator must assist on such calls. They do apply on calls placed with an Operator from a residence or business phone where Direct-Dial facilities are not available.

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