usemaxm PAGE 12-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-OC TOBER 3 Three-nation tests to probe auto fuel waste Three year project planned to s t u d y e n g i n e c o n d i t i o n e f f e c t on emissions also A test program to determine how engine condition relates to fuel economy and emissions has been launched by Champion Spark Plug Company. Tests will be rim in 30 U.S., Canadian and Mexican cities during the next three years. The new series of tests is the most comprehensive look at motorist maintenance habits and their effect on gasoline consumption and excessive emissions ever undertaken by a non-governmental source. • Data gathered in these cities will be compared to results from earlier studies that have proven helpful in formulating maintenance recommendations. Results also will be made available to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Energy Administration for their use in formulating clean air and fuel economy standards. According to David L. Walker, Champion's Automo tive Technical Services Director, "United States test locations were selected primarily because they were listed by the U.S. Environ mental Protection Agen cy as areas with serious air pollution problems. In fact, the EPA recently recommended that these areas introduce manda tory inspection programs for vehicle emissions." He continued, "Mainte nance neglect that pro duces gasoline waste also causes excessive emissions, and vice versa." Previous tests Mr. Walker noted that Champion previously con ducted nationwide tests on the effects of tune-up on fuel economy and emis sions. Those tests showed that an engine in need of tune-up wastes 8.2 per cent of its fuel, equal to between one and two gal lons of gasoline per tank- ful based on a 20-gallon tank capacity. An estimat ed 300,000 barrels of fuel daily, costing motorists more than $2 billion a year, are being wasted through engine neglect. Emissions tests conduct ed by Champion revealed nearly a 50 per cent reduc tion in harmful pollutants at hot idle after tune-up. Some of the causes Conditions causing fuel waste and excess carbon monoxide emissions in clude faulty carburetor, sticking choke, wrong idle setting, dirty air cleaner and related problems. Common causes of high hydrocarbon emissions and poor gas mileage in clude a weak ignition sys tem, worn out or fouled spark plugs, improper tim ing, malfunctioning dis tributor components, worn or damaged wiring ox poor compression. All these conditions oth er than poor compression due to engine wear are correctable by tune-up. Mr. Walker said, "Cham pion is undertaking this new, more extensive test program for several rea sons. With the serious en ergy crisis confronting our nation, we need all the in formation we can gather on how maintenance helps save our fuel resources. It would be counterproduc tive if the car manufac turers improved fuel econ omy only to have their efforts offset through mo torists' neglect of car maintenance. Support for tune-up "In addition, we will gather more information that will demonstrate to the motorist the benefit of tune-up in maintaining vehicles for low emissions that could further improve the nation's air quality." A MOTOR HOME (left), containing specially designed computerized equipment, is the nerve center of the Champion Spark Plug Company fuel economy and emissions tests. From the unit, engineers control the operation of the chassis dynamometer and recor results. In addition to giving Champion information on how engine condition affects fuel usage and emissions, results will be provided to governmental agencies for their use in formulating policies. Heart of the laboratory equipment used in the half-million dollar Champion fuel economy and emissions test program is a portable chassis dynamometer (right). The dyno enables Champion to bring a sophisticated automotive test lab to places where the average car operates so engineers can determine performance of a cross-section of vehicles. Cars are tested on the dyno to gather results before and after tune-up. Lakeland Chlysler-Plymouth In McHenry VISIT OUR MODERN SERVICE FACILITIES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MONTHLY SERVICE SUPER SPECIALS!! Here's power and pep lor tired engines! Oil CHANGE AND FILTER GENUINE M0PAR PARTS &. §. 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