PAGE 15-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-OCTOBER 3 What needs checking before cold weather arrives summarized in list below Short of a heated garage, there's no better insurance that your car will start on a frigid morning than a prop erly serviced engine. Since warm garages are at a premium, the best way to avoid a frustrating wait for a tow truck is to get your car in proper shape before cold weather sets in. The service needed is far less expensive than heating that garage. Most cars with starting troubles begin winter with worn spark plugs and detective ignition systems. The incidence of hard-starting complaints reported by car owners climbs in direct proportion to the number of miles the plugs have been in service. To make sure your car doesn't show up on the list of "won't starts" this winter, here's a check list of the items which should be inspected on your car "before the weather turns cold: Have these checks made ... 1. Battery Have your service man check the battery with a hydro meter to determine the specific gravity. If specific gravity readings are low, have the battery recharged and make sure he deter mines the reason for the low readings. If battery condition appears doubt ful have the mechanic test it for weak cells. Also, be sure he removes all cor rosion from the battery terminals and lubricates them so the corrosion won't reoccur. Remember corroded cables and ter minals restrict the flow of electricity through the entire system, and can actually prevent the car from starting if allowed to go unattended. 2. Voltage regulator ... Make sure the regulator is properly adjusted. An out-of-adjustment regula tor may not allow the battery to charge enough, or may result in over charging which will even tually ruin the battery. 3. Starter and genera tor . . . Chances are if your car is only a year or two old, these components will be okay. However, make sure your service man removes any corro sion that might exist on either starter or generator connections -- and that they are all securely fas tened. If your car is over two years old better have the generator brushes and commutator looked at. Badly worn brushes re duce the generator effi ciency and can result in a constantly weak battery. 4 . Distributor . . . I f your car has been driven more than 10,000 miles since the distributor has been serviced you'll prob ably save yourself a lot of trouble by having the mechanic install new points, condenser (in en gines that use them) and making whatever adjust ments are necessary. Improperly operating dis tributors are a major cause of starting difficulty. 5. Coil . . . Again, if your car is reasonably new, chances are you won't have to worry about coil condition. However, better keep in mind that a weak coil can not only cause starting failure but also contribute to poor per formance in general and reduced gasoline econo my. If your car has over 20,000 miles on the odom eter better have your serv ice man run a check on coil condition. 6 . Spark plugs . . . I f the plugs are nearing the 10,000-mile mark, they should be replaced before the weather turns cold as worn out plugs are prob ably the biggest single factor in hard starting. LAKELAND Chrysler Plymouth IN McHENRY 1975 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 2 DOOR COUPE Bench seat, cloth & vinyl, Torquefite transmission, 225 C.I.D. engine, 6 cylinder,^ radio-AM, power steering,. List Price $3751.95 Sale Price *3195 s j t f 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY v 4'DOOR SEDAN Bench Seat - vinyl, carpets, Torqueflite transmission, 225 C.I.D. engine, 6 cylinder, radio-AM, Power Steering List Price $4246.50 Sale Price *3636 1975 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM FURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP Sfclit back bench with center arm rest - vinyl, easy order package, Torqueflite transmission, 318 C.I.D. engine, 8 cylinder, tinted glass, air conditioning, vinyl side moulding, vinyl roof. List Price $5661 Sale Price $4506 „ ' 1975 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 2 DOOR COUPE Bench seat, cloth & vinyl, Torqueflite transmission, 225 C.I.D. engine, 6 cylinder, i radio-AM, power steering. List Price $3861 Sale Price *3497 /1975 PLYMOUTH SPORT S FURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP Bucket seats-vinyl, Torqueflite transmission, 318 C.I.D. engine, tinted glass air conditioning, body side & roof tape stripe, canopy vinyl roof, List Price $5592 Sale Price *4198 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 DOOR SEDAN Bench seat - cloth and vinyl, includes factory air, Torqueflite transmission, 360 C.I.D. engine clock-electronic digital, vinyl side molding, radio-AM/FM, vinyl roof, tires. List Price $6023.30 Sale Price *4925 ' 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP Bench seat, vinyl, Torqueflite transmission, 225 C.I.D. engine, 6 cylinder, power steering, canopy vinyl roof. List Price $4121.95 Sale Price *3539 1975 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR HARDTOP Bench seat, factory air, Torqueflite transmission, 400 C.I.D, vinyl side molding, vinyl roofs List Price $6150 Sale Price *4495 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA 2 DOOR HARDTOP Split back bench with central arm rest-cloth & vinyl. Torqueflite transmission, 360C.I.D. engine, 8 cylinder, tinted glass, air conditioning, vinyl side molding, *radio AM rear seat speaker List Price $5850.05 . Sale Price *5104 BEAT THE '76 PRICE INCREASES FINANCING AVAILABLE OPEN SUNDAY 11-6 HRYSLER-PLYMOUTH wc RTC 120 McHENRY. III. 815-385-3100 9-9 DAILY - SATURDAY 9-6 EASY TO REACH ONLY 1 MILE EAST OF McHENRY ON RTE. 120