Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1975, p. 2

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LOWERS 1 For Any Occasion! See Us For Your Wedding Flowers FISH OF m MEEK! Green & Brick Sword Til fiili !B loofzujood. \HoZa.L % "ZS 385-4320 15* OFF BOYS & GIRLS • SNOWSUITS • JACKETS • COATS 6IRIS INFANT TO SIZE 14 BOYS INFANT TO SUE 12 TheloddlefShop 3430 UJ EU*\> rncHEKJRV, VU. 365-0746 1 9'3Qf*r\~b-CD+*>, OC**.-3*T. THE FAMILY IS STILL TOGETHER Now is the time to have a portrait done before they each go their separate ways. And what better time than when we're having a "Special"! A 16 x 20 Color Family Portrait & 25 Slim-line Christmas Cards Complete PHOTOGRAPHY X 13814 W. MAIN ST. 385-0093 McHENRY! PflffifttitfiViViiil | TUB MCHKNRT PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER AHMUtw Fmtt M NNA SUSTAINING frtt frtts I SB S MEMBER--1975 S SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $9.00 l Year $12.50 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County ̂ 'PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1975 Community Calendar "Chaplain Of Bourbon Street" Visits County Women Aglow in Christ will host a special luncheon Wed­ nesday, Nov. 12, at 11 a.m. at Martinetti's in Crystal Lake. Bob Harrington, America's most unusual, exciting and flamboyant preacher known throughout the nation as the "Chaplain of Bourbon Street", will hold forth with his unique, dynamic style of preaching. "He's dynamite!" said the late Walter Brenndn, after hearing the preacher thunder out a phenomenal sermon. "He could be a great actor and make it big in Hollywood...and he still could!" , "Bob Harrington is the best standup man with a crowd...big or small...religious or America today," proclaims Rex Humbard of television ministry fame. His entire ministry is based on the idea that it is fun being saved and doing God's labor. Red socks, a red tie, and red Bible always in hand, are this inan's trademark. Bob Harrington says they represent the blood of Jesus Christ. In his early days of ministering, in the French Quarter of New Orleans, he was rejected and harassed. One evening while he was preaching in front of a strip joint, a bar­ tender came out, poured a glass of beer over his head, and ripped several pages out of his Bible. The burly, six-foot plus preacher calmly admitted, "I am glad you did that". The irate bartender was obviously puzzled, but the preacher explained ; "Because now I know I am saved. If I didn't have the Lord in my heart, I would have stomped you through the blacktop." Today he is invited by club owners to preach from their bars and stages. He draws such crowds that one owner proposed, "I'd fire one of my strippers, if I could hire you." But he has a job and he takes it seriously. He personally counsels strippers, dope ad­ dicts, drunks...anyone who needs help. He rides with policemen, and even prays in alleys. In 1962, Victor Schiro, then mayor of New Orleans, of­ ficially proclaimed him the "Chaplain of Bourbon Street." The closest thing he had to a church was a regularly scheduled sermon at one of the bars. Before his encounter with Jesus, he was a successful insurance man. For reservations, call Mrs. Walter (Ginny) Ulick, McHenry. Bob Harrington will also be appearing at the Elgin high school fieldhouse Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. Ringwood Methodist Church - - Bazaar, 2 p.m. - Roast Beef Dinner » 5 p.m. St. Paul's Episcopal Chur- chwomen - Fifth Annual Holiday Bazaar - Knights of Columbus Hall, 1304 N. Park Street, McHenry - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. NOVEMBER 16 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Sunday Brunch -- Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake - 12 Noon. Mass for Deceased Members Of Catholic Daughters Of America - St. Mary's Church. 8 a.m. NOVEMBER 17 Business and Professional Women's Club Meeting -- Eugenie Chapman, speaker - Martinetti's - Cocktails - 6 p.m. - Dinner 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 19 McHenry Garden Club -- Regular Meeting - Home Of Mrs. Robert Thompson --1 p.m. NOVEMBER 20-22 Holiday Rumbaz - Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, 1015 W. Broadway, Pistakee Highlands -- 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. NOVEMBER 20 McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club Meeting --8 p.m. - Spojnia Polish Camp. NOVEMBER 21 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Meeting - Oak Room - St. Mary's School - - 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 21 and 22 Holiday Bazaar -- Shoreline Club - McHenry Shores Village Hall -- 3211 Beach Drive -- Friday 7-10p.m. --Saturday 9-5. NOVEMBER 22 Order of Eastern Star, McHenry Chapter 547 -- In­ stallation Of New Officers - 8 p.m. Turkey Trot Dance - 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. - Johnsburg Community Club - Proceeds for St. John's Restoration Fund. Bazaar, Bake Sale - Spon­ sored By Beach Gals - Mc­ Cullom Lake Beach House -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. NOVEMBER 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- East Campus Cafeteria - 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 25 Order of Eastern Star, McHenry Chapter 547 - Stated Meeting - 8 p.m. PATRICIA LYNN STARK PLAN 1976 WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark, 4811 West street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Lynn Stark, to James Robert Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, 3303 W. 3rd avenue, McHenry. The wedding date has been set for Nov. 6, 1976. ADMIRE BAZAAR ITEMS - Shown above are a few of the lovely items that have been made by the Zion Ladies Aid members for their annual fall bazaar which will be held Nov. 12 from l to 7 p.m. at Zion Lutheran church. The bazaar will feature a bake sale, a plant sale, and the Country Store, offering homemade candies and preserves. Silent auctions will be held on a full size quilt, two baby quilts, and an afghan. Coffee will be served while the public browses. Final preparations are now being made by the chairman of the Bazaar, Loridal Ricker. Shown above are Betty Groth, left, and Edna Wagner, admiring one of the items. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Bring in this COUPON and SAVE SUPER SATIN LATEX TREMENDOUS VALUE! FREE QUART WITH PURCHASE OF ONE GALLON OR MORE OF ELLIOTT'S PAINT VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 1228 N. Green St. McHenry TfT MR. AND MRS. HARRY J. DONNER A basket filled with beautiful Fall flowers decorated the altar of St. Patrick's Catholic church in McHenry recently for the golden anniversary Mass of Sy and Harry Donner. The 12:15 Mass was celebrated by Father Eugene Petit, pastor. Very special music for the Mass was prepared by Sister Mary Suzanne, O.P., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donner, and twelve other Sisters from the Dominican order of Springfield. Mrs. Stephen J. (Maryann), Sexton, another daughter, narrated the readings at the Mass. The couple renewed their marriage vows of 50 years ago. The reception was held immediaely after the Mass at the American Legion hall in McHenry. A champagne dinner was served after all the guests had greeted and congratulated the couple. Following dinner, Jerry Donner, one of the Donners' sons, gave a fifty-year history of his parents, with a special dedication and tribute from the children, to their parents. A band played for dancing at the reception, which was at­ tended by 140 guests. Dina Puglia, one of the grand­ children, circulated the guest book. Not only was this a special anniversary day, but also a reunion for the Donner family. They had not all been together in more than five years. The Donners' six children and their spouses were present to help make this day a very special one. They are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Donner, Lomita, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puglia, Franklin Park, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Donner , Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sexton, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sister Mary Suzanne, O.P., Decatur, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Peters, Crystal Lake. The Donners have nineteen grandchildren and four great­ grandchildren. Guests and family came from many parts of the United States to celebrate with the Donners. - i - . i - . i - . i - . i . i . . i X < WMMMMMMmm CHRISTMAS SPECIAL • NOVEMBER 8-9 St. John's Second Annual Christmas Bazaar - St. John's School, Johnsburg -- Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.& NOVEMBER 9 Pancake Breakfast -- 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Johnsburg Com­ munity Club - Sponsored by St. John's Athletic Association NOVEMBER 10 ' McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria - Program, McHenry Choral Group - 7:30 p.m. Couple Wed Sixty Years Mr. - and Mrs. Patrick Mulligan of Whispering Hills celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Nov. 2 at the Greene's West restaurant, Hickory Hills. Eleanore Dust and Patrick Mulligan were married Nov. 2, 1915, in St. Margaret's church, Chicago. Among the guests present were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mulligan, Oak Lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Lenore) Ulm, Evergreen Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward (Ethel) Francois, Chicago; Mrs. Mulligan's sister, Mabel Leghari, Evergreen Park, and a family friend, Valerie Francois, Chicago. The couple has seven grandchildrren and twenty- three great grandchildren. The Mulligans have lived here for the past ten years. Mr. Mulligan retired from the Chicago police force in 1961. Mrs. Mulligan retired from the American School of Correspondence in 1971. Schlesinger says Per- shings for Israel unlikely. NOVEMBER 8 The Friendship Club Pot- Luck Dinner and Meeting - 6 p.m. - First United Methodist Church Dining Room Program - Bertha and Elmer Stange. E h m a n n s P e n g u i n Snowmobile Club -- Dance - Benefit Olympics For Han­ dicapped Kids of McHenry and Lake County - Fox Lake Lions Club - 8:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 11 Order of Eastern Star, McHenry Chapter 547, 1309 N. Court street - Stated Meeting Plus Election Of New Officers, 8 p.m. Sharp. Town and Country Newcomers Club - Monthly Meeting ~ Election of Officers - - Silent Auction of Handmade Items and Baked Goods -- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 12 LaLeche League (East Group) Meeting - 8 p.m. Annual Chicken Dinner ~ Zion Lutheran Church - Ser­ ving 5 to 7:30 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens' Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot, 8:45, a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Ice Capades -- Busses Leave McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 5:30 p.m. Annual Fall Bazaar - Zion Lutheran Church - Sponsored by Zion Ladies Aid - 1 to 7 p.m. Family Service and Mental Health Clinic -- Regular Monthly Meeting - McHenry Hospital Board Room - Open to Public - 8 plm. NOVEMBER 13 LaLeche League (West Group) Meeting - 8 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club Social Hour - Noon - Meeting - 1 p.m. - V.F.W. Hall - "Reciprocity Day". Salad Luncheon - Country Store - Store Open 11 a.m. - Chain of Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church, 4815 N. Wilmot Road - For Tickets Call 385-7534. NOVEMBER 15 Fifth Annual Holiday Bazaar -- St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Knights of Columbus Hall, 1304 N. Park Street - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gregory Messel Given Sacrament Of Baptism The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messel, Jr., was christened, Gregory Anthony, Sunday, Nov. 2 at St. John's church, Johnsburg, by the Rev. Fr. Leo Bartel. Sponsors for the baby were Celine Sima and Craig Thoren. Following the noon Mass and baptism a dinner was held at the home of the baby's parents. Among the guests were the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messel, Sr.; the baby's two brothers, Matthew and Walter; sponsors, aunts, uncles and friends. MR. AND MRS. PATRICK MULLIGAN PLAN FUND RAISING DINNER - Finalizing plans for Marian Central's annual fund raising dinner dance are the above pictured members of Marian's Parents association: Seated, left to right, Rita Garcia, Joseph McCormack, Mary McCormack, Lou Hartlieb, George Thompson, Terese Thompson, and Jesse Garcia. This year's dance, "Fireside Frolic," will be held Saturday, Nov. 15, with dancing by a fine band from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The candlelight buffet will be served from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Reservations may be made by calling Marian during the business day. All proceeds will go to the school's general fund. (PHOTO BY DeWANE) For Your Next Parly or Banquet Remember lit! •CORSAGES •CENTER PIECES •FLORAL DECORATIONS & MORE! Dimwits 6VM{ ASSORTED COlORSf motions 49 • DOZEN "Childbirth" Nov. 12 Topic Of La Leche League The McHenry East group of La Leche League, including Johnsburg and Fox Lake, will meet this month on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 8 p.m., and the McHenry West group, in­ cluding Wonder Lake and Rich­ mond, will meet on Thursday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. Both groups will discuss "Childbirth, and the Family and the Breastfed Baby". La Leche League aims to help women find fulfilment in their roles as mothers by giving them an understanding of childbirth as well as in­ formation on how to handle the breastfed baby within the family. All women who are interested in nursing their babies are welcome, as well as nursing babies. Members feel pregnafit women may find it helpful to attend a series of meetings before the baby arrives. For further information about the meetings or La Leche League, call Mrs. Richard (Marcia) McGowan in McHenry, or Mrs. Roger (Cathy) Keinz in Wonder Lake. Youths Surprise Lake Resident On 88th Anniversary Young people in McCullom Lake surprised a neighbor, Carl Bergstrom, recently on the occasion of his eighty- eighth birthday. Two cakes and soft drinks were brought to the home, and Jacqueline Todd of 5215 W. Parkview, who cares for Mr. Bergstrom, had ice cream on hand for the hungry visitors. The boys who planned the surprise were Dennis Jordan, Byron White, Chris White and Bruce Hack. Also present were Jennie White, and a neighbor, Mary King. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Madeleine Henn has returned to her home after a stay in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She is recuperating nicely from her recent illness.

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