PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1*75 On The Sidelines by Dick Rabbitt The long winter sports season for McHenry High gets underway tonight when Marty Sobczak's wrestlers entertain Elgin Larkin at the West campus Upper Gym. Mike Shanahn will take this swimmers to Elgin Larkin on Monday, and next Friday Coach Ken Ludwig will have his Warriors facing West Aurora in the King Korn Tourney at Sycamore. In boys athletics alone there are over 100 events, and I want to say right now, that there is no way that I can cover each and every event. The crystal ball really broke last weekend. I picked 5 out of 10 in the football playoffs, and even Jimmy the < Greek has a better average. Have been getting a bit of a hassle from two co-teachers. Sandy Vitale, a graduate of Boylan, still insists that Boylan will take the Class 5-A championship, and that old ramrod Gary Gray still is loyal to Springfield Griffin. Don Seaton should explain the LaSalle Peru lose to Griffin last weekend and take me off the hook. Anyway as long as I have gone this far, I'll stick my neck out again and pick for the finals. In 1-A Triopia coached by a former classmate will make it this time and win the big one. St. Teresa of Decatur with a 46 game winning streak should have no trouble, in 2-A. In 3-A Geneva should come out on top, and now for the fun. Joliet Catholic over Springfield Griffin in 4-A, and Deerfield over Boylan in 5-A. If I'm wrong in those final two games, life won't be so sweet next week. A bit of sour grapes on the part of Art Campbell cross country coach at Mundelein. Complained that the Warriors didn't field their best team in the State Sectional meet held previous to the North Suburban Conference meet, and loaded up for the Conference meet. Will have to come to the defense of Coach Bill Hutchinson. He doesn't play the game that way. Hutch is a competitor and so are his teams. For those of us who saw the conference meet, we all can say, the "Running Warriors" literally beat the pants off the Mustangs from Mundelein. When you get beat by a better team, be man enough to admit it. Congratulations to all those McHenry County All Stars. There was a lot of football talent in the county this past season. Along with all the fine players there were some outstanding football teams. The size of some of these youngsters is really something to behold. Along with all that size, just think of the speed. Any coach would like to have this squad under his command. His only problem would be, who to play and at what time in the game. It seems they are getting bigger and better every season. Congratulations are in order to members of the McHenry High cross country team who were honored at a banquet Tuesday in the West Campus cafeteria. Coaches Hutchinson and Kyle presented the awards to the team. Hutch had some special awards that were given to Bob Hendricks who coached way back in 1954. Mac McCracken long time athletic director of 43 years and coach from 1955 to 1964, and Don Seaton who coached the team from 1965 to 1969. All Conference Cross Country team honors went to Fred O'Halleran, Mike Burman, Vince Linnane, and Andy Oakley. The North Suburban conference will be minus One next year. Dundee and the new Jacobs High school will be going into the Northwest Conference. Playing with nine teams will create some problems. The Northwest will have problems also, they will have 12 teams, split into two divisions. Why not divide the 21 teams into three seven team divisions according to geographic convenience? Sounds like a good idea to me. McHenry, Dundee, Crown, Jacobs, Crystal Lake, Cary Grove and Woodstock. Think of the fan interest, and student interest in that conference. It may come to that in a few years. At least it is something to think about for the future. ,,.tx Snowmobile News IT'S DANCE TIME The Richmond Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club of Richmond is having a dance Saturday Nov. 22 at the Genoa City Legion Hall in Genoa City, Wis. Tickets will be on sale at the door. The dance will run from 8 p.m. till 1 a.m. If you like to dance or if you would like to meet some of the other snowmobilers in this ^ The breeder reactor, besides geenerating electricity, produces nuclear fuel that can be used in other reactors. Fueled by fissionable plutonium. this new kind of reactor actually "breeds" more plutonium than it con sumes. It also can utilize spent uranium no longer usable in conventional nuclear reactors, thus increasing the energy output and reducing the waste of such fuel. Set Deadlines Ahead For Holiday Issues Because of the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday, Nov. 27, the Plaindealer's first issue next week will be printed one . day early. For this reason deadlines will be advanced. General news and display advertising will be accepted until noon Friday, Nov. 21, and classified advertising until 4 p.m. that day. For the second issue, news must be in the office by 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25, display advertising by noon and classified advertising by 4 p.m. Correspondents must have copy turned in by Thursday noon this week and Monday noon next week. Newspapers will be placed in the mail for local delivery Nov. 25 and Nov. 28. COMPACT FOOD FREEZER ONLY 35%" WIDE 8.3 cu. ft. Freezer MODEL FH8C • Slim on the outside -- only 35-1/8" wide. • Countertop high. • Convenient lift-out basket. • Adjustable temperature control. • Self-adjusting inner lid. • Vinyl woodgrain exterior. >260 00 HE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHenry, III. 385 0882 • ... • • - ' ' " ' mm® •" •h lHIIHH""' •'"lllMIHlH""' HONORS - Coach Bill Hutchinson, at left, presented special awards to "Mac" McCracken, former athletic director, and to Don Seaton, former coach of the Cross Country team. An award was also presented to Bob Hendricks (not pictured) who coached the team in 1954. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) SOPHOMORE MVP Cross Country award was won by Vince Linnane during the awards banquet. Assistant Coach Earl Kyle (at left) presented the plaque to Vince. Vince played an important role in the North Suburban Conference win for the running Warriors. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Ethics Amendments May Appear On '76 Ballot approved by the people of Illinois before they become part of the constitution. area, this is your chance. Hope to see you there. Two constitutional amend ments regarding ethics in the legislature will be placed on the November, 1976, general election ballot if legislation co- sponsored by State Sen. Jack Schaffer, R-McHenry county, is approved. The first measure would require senators and representatives to be paid their salary and allowances in equal monthly installments instead of one- or two-year lump sums. It would also prohibit changes in a legislator's salary from taking effect during the term for which he was elected. The second would prohibit members of the General Assembly from receiving compensation from any unit of local government, school district or governmental body except the legislature, something commonly known as "double-dipping." Legislators could still receive payment for military service or as an elected official of a unit of local government, governmental body or school district. "These measures will eliminate a number of abuses," Sen. Schaffer stated. Recent headlines demonstrate the need for the first measure, he said, pointing to the case of former Sen. Donald Swinarski. Swinarski resigned from the Senate early this year after this conviction for income tax evasion. He had already collected his legislative salary for two years. "Senators and represen tatives should be paid for work they have already completed - just like every other working person in this state," Schaffer stated. "They should not have special privileges or receive payment before they have actually done the job expected of them. "Any legislator who holds two government jobs is ob viously spreading himself far too thin to adequately represent his constituents. "More important, double- dipping contains an inherit conflict of interest." Schaffer added, "Any legislator who represents a unit of local government and who in troduces legislation benefiting that unit is obviously benefiting himself." The amendments must be have a nice weekend. Compliment the Cook FORMAL WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS feeii & Stawfi Ml 1214 N. Green St.. McHenry ometning <cNs.<jj HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE L0NGH0RN DON'T MISS OUR CELEBRATION IH THE SPIRIT OF '7t SATURDAY, NOV. 22 FREE CHAMPAGNE WITH DINNER FLOWERS FOR THE LADIES PLUS A BIG TURKEY RAFFEL AT 7:00 P.M. <5} £ Q i % FOR YOUR LISTENING & DANCING PLEASURE FRIDAY & SATURDAY "JUST HAROLD" SINGING GUITAR - REAL PLEASUREABLE! £ S r». 3 THE LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE 615 RAND RD. ROUTE 120 2Vi MILES EAST OF McHENRY 38548^ % % $ $ ¥ v V v % V % A ¥ f hristmas is no fun*.. 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Meduim Green with black vin yl roof. 1972 CHEVROLET IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE Full Power equipment including factory air condit ioning. Dark Brown metallic with vinyl roof. 1973 CHEVELLE MALIBU STATION WAGON Full Power equipment. Saddle metallic finish. 1972 V0LKSWAG0N BEETLE Excellent condition. 1972 DATSUN COUPE 1971 CHEVELLE MALIBU COUPE / 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA STATION WAGON Full Power equipment and factory air conditioning. 1969 CHEVELLE STATION WAGON *3695 *2695 $ 1895 '1595 >1695 '1395 •1395 '1095 •495 NO TURKEYS HERE! PAYTOtf CHEVROLET Hwy 31 South McHenry . 385-2100