PAGE 4 - PLAIN DEALER-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1975 Richard Bender With University Men's Glee Club Various periods of United States history will be reflected in music when the Illinois State university men's glee club performs Wednesday, Dec. 10, in the University Union auditorium. The concert begins at 8 p.m. and is open free of charge to the public. Richard Bender, 3706 W. Lee, ACAMILCO 8 Days/7 Nights *249 from from Chicago * SATURDAY Departures * Hotel accommodations at Casablanca or El Cid. * Airport/Hotel transfers. Baggage JJafKHing jat Airports. * Tour es/ort. Chain-O-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. |Elm St. McHenry, IN. 60050 385-7500 > a gj 2 K J SH0WPIACII RTES. 14 & 31 / 455 1005 "3 DAYS OF THE CONDOR" SHOWPIACE 2 RTES. 14 & 31 / 455-1005 WKDYS 7:00-9:15 Sjjj^2j00jj4j30^7^00^9j^ WKDYS 7:00-9:15 S-S 2:30-4:45-7:00-9:15 JAMES WHITMORE IN- HELL HftRRV" "JAWS" PG! R DEC. 5 THRU THURS. DE iMcHENFt V McHENRY 385-01 44 ^ ALL SEATS *1" FRI-tSAT-SUN 7:00-9:00 WKDYS-7:30 Released by ^ Venture Distribution, Inc. in COLOR 1R] SAT-SUN MATINEE 1:30-3:00 "THE MAGIC CHRISTMAS TREE" itosia DOUBLE FEATURE AT 7:00-8:30 "HOT CHANNELS" AND BOTH RATED x ouse The Area's Most I nique Dininf .: Experience. Gilead House WILMOT. WISCONSIN For Reservations Phone 414-862-6400 OPEN AT 11:30 Closed Monday MANY ANTIQUES FOR SALE Join Us For Luncheon. Dinner & Cocktails Delirious Homemade Breads. Desserts. Etc. Fresh I e f ietuhles. Homemade Soup and Cheese Spreads Everything Cooked To Order (except prime rib) El ERY THI\( , UE SERl E IS HOMEMADEJ CALL NOW FOR GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTIES McHenry, is a member of the club. Directed by Dr. Lloyd Farlee, Jhe 67-member Glee club will open the program with Ward's "America the Beautiful", followed by Nelson's "Behold Man", Maltby's "We the People", an arrangement by Heath of "When Johnny Comes Mar ching Home", an arrangement by Stanton of the spiritual "Great Gettin' Up Mornin'", and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" as arranged by Wilhousky. Children's Choir To Give McHenry Inge Aide Shores 344-1984 ,e B sy A Trustees Of County Concert V/Hag« Boord With Christmas fast ap proaching, St. Mary's school in Woodstock is offering an op portunity to get into the Christmas spirit with a concert featuring the renowned Chicago Children's choir, under the direction of Christopher Moore. The concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's church. Tryon street, Woodstock. Tickets will be available at the door on the night of the concert. The Children's Choir, founded in 1956 by Christopher Moore, is composed of 450 Chicago boys and girls, aged 8 to 18. Every September new members are selected from 3,500 vocalists who compete in city-wide auditions. The tour unit, including the top 150 voices,is the choir "Glory Squad.". Performance teams for engagements and concert tours are chosen from it. A choir performance team in cludes both the high voice chorus and the young men who join in the singing of mixed chorus works. The children sing a wide range of music and critics have said that they sing at a level achieved by the world's best children's choirs. The letters HOPE in Project HOPE stand for Health Op portunity for People Everywhere. in Busy Meeting The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry Shores was held on Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. The finance chairman, Trustee Clarence Schweikert, requested that the department budgets be submitted by the third week in February. Additional compensation for the police department was approved because of additional duty during Halloween night. Trustee Novotny, the chairman for Public Health and Safety, reported that he is checking with state officials on the jurisdiction for hunting on state properties adjacent to the village. President Lillegard ap pointed Leon Zelvis as ad ditional deputy building in spector. The official map ordinance of the Village of McHenry Shores was adopted and labelled McHenry Shores Ordinance No. 46. The obstruction ordinance was held for further study. A motion was passed that the Village of McHenry Shores be in favor of continued par ticipation in Phase I of a sewer project jwith the Village of McCullom Lake and the City of McHenry. The Board passed with a vote of five yes, one no, to fund for elective officials the annual SASHA PRESENTS <£fi£cLciC± AT CRESCENT BAY LANDING ...FULL COURSE DINNERS... TUES: ^Qeef !3ouzguixjnonne Ragout of Sirloin with Mushrooms & Wine WED: $5 7# !Bxea±t of (SftLcHen dzaxLna Creamed with Mushrooms & Brandy $5 75 THURS: Sica.i£o\ii. de O/eau <zftomanoff $675 Veal Scallops with Mushrooms, Wine & Capers FRI: c/} ^eait of JVefit une $075 Broiled Lobster Tail-Deviled Crab-Bay Scallops Fantail Shrimp and Fried Oysters - 2 Sauces ******************* OTHER SPECIALS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST PLUS REGULAR DINNER MENU FROM $5.00 ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR LITTLE GOURMETS ddofifxecL <£tea(t on <Se.iL.ame. !2un *275 French Fries-Salad-Sundae HAPPY HOUR Hot Quiche Lorraine with Cocktails 4 to 6 p.m GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST CHRISTMAS PARTY RESERVATIONS BEING TAKEN NOW RESERVATIONS 385-8899 WITH CRES PENT BAY LANDING 33^9 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHvnry, Illinois 60050 Christmas party of the McHenry County Municipal Mayors' Association. This decision was reached after a lengthy discussion in which the fact that the village officials are- only paid at the rate of $l per year and the beneficial contact with other elected officials played a part. SNOW ORDINANCE This is a correction of a typographical error which appeared in this column regarding snow removal. You are requested not to park your cars in the streets after a snowfall of 1" (one inch) or more in order to facilitate snow removal. SCHOOL BUS STOPS There will be a meeting of concerned parents with the principals of both the McHenry Junior , High School and Edgebrook Elementary School and a member of the tran sportation service at Sue Kapp's house, 3114 Stillhill Drive, on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m. If you are worried about the bus stop situation, for whatever reason, why don't you plan to go to the meeting? This is your chance to speak your mind. As usual, there will probably be no solution which completely satisfies everybody but at least it will benefit most of the people. That is why you should be there, too. Nothing was ever changed by silently grumbling, SHORELINE WAVES Just in case you haven't had a chance to come to the bazaar, there are still some items on display at the village hall. So you still have a chance to buy something unusual to give to a friend or relative for Christ mas. There will be no meeting of the Shoreliners during the month of December since everybody will be so busy with the holidays. The next meeting will be held on Jan. 20. BIRTHDAYS On Dec. 6, Paul Grass is celebrating his birthday. On the same day Christopher Hoffman will be two years old. Dec. 8 is Vic Lawson's birthday, on Dec. 9 Jennifer Dooley will be three years old. Delores Norman has her birthday on Dec. 11. Happy birthday, Paul, Christopher, Vic, Jennifer and Delores! Instant Replay lit Itow. WE'RE SERVING Dinners on Sat. Nite from 5 to 9! INCLUDING ALL YOUR FAVORITES! RIBS • STEAKS • FRIED CHICKEN • AND MORE Sing-A-Long Every Frl. & Sat Nltel THE CULLOM KNOLL TAVERN We Feature A Friday Fish Fry Every Week! Joe & Jim Fallon Proprietors f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SATURDAY NITE. DECEMBER 6 Carl Ratzer and hisvG?rman Band (Direct from Milwaukee) it Music Far All Ages it Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Let us help you plan your Christmas party. We Will give it our personal attention as we have over the past 11 years. i The Burlington Bavarians, Saturday, Dec. 13 Saturday Night and Sunday Excellent Buffet. . . or the regular menu. Rte. 47at Bypass 14 (815)338-3500 Woodstock • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • >4 Northern Illinois Choral Group To Present Concert . On Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m., the Northern . Illinois Choral association, along with the' McHenry County college choir, will present its twelfth annual Christmas concert. It will be held at St. Thojnas the Apostle church. Oak street and Route 176, Crystal Lake, and will be directed by Ms. Margaret M. Griffith, chairman of the McHenry County college Music department. The choirs will present three numbers: "Cantata No. 142;; by J.S. Bach, "Fantasia on Christmas Carols" by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and "Christmas Oratorio" by J. S. Bach. The "Christmas Oratorio" was written in 1734 by J.S. Bach. It is a combination of six church cantatas, each one to be heard at one of six church services between Christmas and Epiphany. An Evangelist narrates the story of Christ's birth as detailed in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The lyrical melodies of the "Oratorio" are presented in airosos, arias and choral numbers. Ruth Ann Riddel Bishop, soprano from Crystal Lake, will sing two arias in the "Oratorio". Ms. Riddell Bishop has been a finalist in the regional Metropolitan Opera Auditions in Washington D.C., and in the Washington In ternational Competition for Singers. Accompanying the combined choirs for the presentation of the "Christmas Oratorio" will be Barbara Thorsen on piano and Marily Scherer on organ. Tickets for the concert will be available at the door the night of the concert. CONSUMER GUIDELINES If you're buying a bicycle for a child, and want to avoid injury, choose one to fit his size as he is today--not one he will grow into Farmer-To-Farmer Program Offered Bureau Members McHenry County Farm <• Bureau members have the chance to take part in a new farmer-to-farmer program. Through the Illinois Farm Bureau, members in the county can purchase several varieties of cheese in varying sizes from farmers in cheese-producing counties of the state. Purpose of this program is to provide assured quality products in a savings program, similar to the purchase of grapefruit and cherries. These exchange programs between Farm Bureaus in various states are serviced and conducted by farmers. The cheese program is an extension of this farmer cooperation, said Larry Harris, executive secretary. Details are available through the McHenry County Farm Bureau on McConnell road. C O U R T H O U S E S Q U A R E S / WOMEN WON'T BE SATISFIED WITH 90 PER CENT OF THE NATION'S WEALTH T ) THEY STILL GO THROUGH THE HUSBAND'S POCKETS. Fish Fry Friday 5 until 10 P.M. Public Always Welcome Chicken and Steak ALSO SERVING Whole Channel Cat Fish, Shrimp, Scallops Lunch 11 AM to 3 PM. Pistakee Coun/try Club 815 W. Bay Road (Rte. 134) Phone: 385-9854 I I I I I I I I American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - NO FISH FRY ON NOVEMBER 28th • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE » OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SAT. NITE ONLY • "BARGAIN BASEMENT" later. A bicycle should suit the rider's ability and kind of riding. Be sure to attach a head light and a taillight. Evil Eye Cocktail Lounge FEATURING LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THE FAMOUS JERSEY LIGHTENING BAND WORLD RENOWNEDFOR ROCK & ROLL - FOR A LIMITED ENGAGEMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY DEC. 5th & 6th FROM 9:30 to 1:30 A.M. ALSO FEATURING SANDY STARR OUR LIGHTNING GO-GO DANCER FREE bottle of champagne to any girl who can keep up with her. 7237 N. State Park Rd. Spring Grove ACROSS FROM FOX LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 587-9577 | Try Something New J| | This Holiday! S Finest German & American Cuisine Cocktails GASTHAIS LORELEI Rt. 12 & 31. Richmond, Illinois SPECIAL DINNERS Tuesday Beef Rouladen Wednesday Roast Pork &-Potato Dumplings Thursday Pork Shank & Sauer Kraut BELLY DANCER 1 * ~~I Friday FOR YOUR NEXT g A pe(j snapper & Potato Pancakes CHRISTMAS OR NEW | I YEAR'S EVE PARTY OR B Complete Dinners *275 CLUB DATE -- 5 tt Entertainment-Fri.-Sat.-Sun. XFor Additional Information * ^ 4095 jjjj Phone: £ -- 1 815-459-8887 8 ttSMCMCMClMKMCMCMCSttKMA Live EntertainmentDecember 5 th &6 th FEATURING JAY TURNER OF CHICAGO Fantastic Folk Singing & Sing Alongs From 9:30 Till Closing COME JOIN US IN WELCOMING JAY TO THE McHENRY AREA. Iron Kettle Bar & (rill 238 Rte. 120 (Rand Road) In Lakemoor = > 385-9743 I ^liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivP I