SECTION 1 - PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17.1975 < I « i I I < M L^etters to 16fa •••• Letters to Santa are printed just as received. They must carry names and addresses. "Dear Santa: "Can I have at least one of these toys: Pottery craft or shrunken head apple sculp- shure kit or Big Jim and his P.A.C.K. or star trek enterprise of Winnie the Pooh, two pirate guns. "Mark Schoenherr." "Dear Santa: "This is what I want for Christmas; "Sesame street village. Sesame street push button. Puppet, Burt. Spook Com- munacator. Guitar. 6 Million Dollar Man and equipment. Dynomite Doll. Big driver dash board. Tree house. Toss n Turn. F.P. Truck. Pup Flier. Flash Bright. Lone Ranger. Cat in Bag. "Scott Clary." "Dear Santa Claus: "I would like to have a shopping cart, and a Yo Yo and doll clothes. , "Can I have some shirts and slacks and some socks, size 7. "I love you Santa Gaus and Mrs. Claus, "Denise Michaelis, "6 years." "Dear Santa Claus: "This is what I want for Christmas: "Guitar; Puppet; Clock; Flash bright; 6 Million Dollar game; Beat the 8 ball; Tic Tac Toe; Dart Game; Batsey Baseball; Jack n Jill; Star Trek Communicator; 6 Million Dpllar Man; U-Prive It; Haunted Mansion Game; Hockey Game. "Mark Clary." » '"Dear Santa: "This is what I want for Christmas: "Cookie monster puppet; Jack n Box; Ice cream truck;\ tree house; putt putt speed way; Blocks; tractor; and flash bright. "Brian Clary." ^ "Dear Santa Claus: "Can I please have at least some of these toys: "Pottery Craft. Down the drone elfy. Toss Across. Record player and records. Derry Daring. Baby Thataway. Tiffany Bobbie and Ken Taylor. Sunshine Family. Holly Hobie and Sewing Machine. Raggedy Ann. Andy alarm talking clock. Dream boat. "From, "Mary Schoenherr." "Dear Santa, "How are you. Here is my Christmas list. Love you. I hope you caff^et me some of these toys on my list. Thank you. "Kurt's Christmas List: "Flying Trainer. Batman and Robin clock, $14.66 "Canyon cylces, $9.99 "Sno-Jet mobile, $12,88 "Scramble Van, $11.99 "Evel Chopper Cycle, $5.77 "Airport Playcase $077 "Sno Cone 6 $5.99 "Flintstone $2.96 "Play-Doh $2.28. "Kurt Peterson, 5902 Bunny Avenue." •e • * * » Few workers retain their usual composure when the clock says it's time to stop work. Tire Chains, Radials Make Good Combination Users of radial tires can continue to take advantage of the safety benefits of tire chains without concern about sidewall damage to the tires. Fact or fiction? "Fact," claims Prof. Amos E. Neyhart, "in spite of rumors that tire chains may produce sidewall damage to radial tires." Neyhart is consultant on driver education, American Automobile association, and former director of the Institute of Public Safety, Pennsylvania State university. Neyhart cited independent tests conducted by the United States Auto club under actual highway conditions that showed that tire chains and radial tires are entirely compatible. According to the USAC report: "There was no evidence of sidewall or tread gouging on any of the radials tested, even after 150 miles at a sustained speed of 35 mph on dry, bare pavements, an ex ceptionally rigorous test condition." t With the growing popularity of radial tires, Neyhart said there has been concern that the flexing action of sidewalls, a characteristic of radial tires, could prevent a tire chain from spurgeons STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI.: 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 10-5 t&s Save puryeons With smart buys foreveryone on your list! _ --la.-- ii 11--Tt>- Nit ii =T~/{ 9 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 5 £ % * \ STILL IN DOUBT? ....Gift Certificates Available ! * Amount! 385-4520 BE AUTY SALON TUES. 9-5 WED. 9-5 (Senior Citizens Day) THURS. - FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-5 $0 Q60 This Week Save 500-900! Our entire stock of ladies' slips Reg. $2.50-4.50. You'll find a slip for every oc casion--dress slips, petticoats and formal length styles, smoothly tailored or delicately feminine. Many are cling-free, static-free Antron® III nylon, some with shadow panels, action slits, embroidery, lavish lace trims and more... ideal for gifting! Sizes Sizes 32-38 W 40-44 Save $1.59-1.79 on ladies' shirts Reg. $7.99-8.99. See our super selection olclassic long sleeve st^irts/n abstract,.floral and photo prints. AM are silky- smBotffacetate/nylon in sizes 32-44. Choose several for fashionable gifts plus savings, too! This Week Save 790-990 on our top-rated T-shirts Reg. $3.99-4.99. Here's a gift idea that's sure to rate! You'll find dozens of the newest fun photo prints, geometries, tie- dyes, florals, embroideries and beaded motifs in short and long-sleeved styles... some with matching scarves. S-M-L-XL. Bi-Centennial buckles Compare at $5. For the men on your list, hand some belt buckles with historic motifs and antique brass finish. Fits 1 Vz " to 1 % " leather belts. - 9 9 Now Play-Doh Story Book Modeling Kit Create your own favorite nursery rhyme characters. Reg. 3.99 Gleaming engraved tray, for holiday * serving and gifting. 12" tray with gleaming chrome stainless finish --never needs polishing! In gift box. Other gift boxed companion pieces, 1.39-3.99 QVAN Ac -Af. ll rRMEm *4-*6 Jovan Musk Oil For her and for him, the subtle, sensuous scent. For her-- cologne spray mist, 2 oz., $5 value, $4. For him--after shave/ cologne, 4 oz., $6 2M_388 Save on Old Spice sets 4% oz. after shave and 5% oz. shower soap, reg. $4.50 ... 3.88.4% oz. after shave and 4 oz. aerosol deodorant, reg. $3.60,2.88. Gift boxed! 1656 * 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY ILLINOIS 385-4100 "creeping" and therefore result in damage to the sidewall. A properly installed tire chain creeps about the circumference of a tire during normal use, he explained. The USAC tests subjected the tires to unusually severe conditions, according to Neyhart, since there was no moisture present to serve as a lubricant between the tire and the chain. "Normally," he continued, "when chains are being used, roads are covered with snow and ice which serves as a lubricant so that the chain can creep instead of staying fixed in one spot." Neyhart pointed out that it is possible, of course, to damage any type of tire by improper use of chains or any other traction device. He advised correct size,, proper fit and moderate driving speeds for long life and maximum per formance of both tires and chains. He also noted that tests by the National Safety Council's Committee on Winter Driving Hazards have shown that reinforced tire chains provide far better traction, both for stopping and pulling ability on snow and ice, than any other traction device or special tires alone. "So motorists who use radial tires can continue to take ad vantage of the safety benefits of tire chains for severe snow and ice conditions," Neyhart concluded. EDWARD L. SCHMITT HONORED - Edward L. Sch- mitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Schmitt, 2707 N. Chapel Hill road; Mcllenry, was admitted into membership in Eta Kappa Nu association. Alpha chapter, in recognition of his excellent scholarship and other attainments by which he has manifested interest and ability in the profession of electrical engineering. He was chosen for superior academic performance, concern for his fellows, capacity for hard work and promise of professional success. Schmitt was one of fifty who received this award. He will graduate in May, l»7fi, from the University of Illinois in Urbana from the department of electrical engineering. lOOPOOOOOpi SERVICE NEWS PVT. GEORGE A. KALSCH III GRADUATfe -- Pvt. George A. Kalsch. Ill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge A. Kalsh, Jr., of Pistakee Hills, graduated from basic training at Fort Jackson. S.C., Dec. 4. Before going to advance training at Ft. Gordon. Ga., he will spend the holiday season at home. He is a 1975 graduate of McHenry high school. •GOOD WORD f rom the Ihblc And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: Blessed are. you poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hun ger now for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. . • Luke 6: 20, 21