Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1976, 18.pdf

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)OOQOOOO^OOOOO€tf( Tales I FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 31, 1925) The ice cutting season began last Monday. The ice is about 12 inches thick on the average. The first house to be filled is the M. Bauer house. This year the ice is being cut by a LeRoi Ice Machine which does away with horse plows and thereby is a labor saving as well as a time saving device. The machine is one of the best and latest of its particular type. There is a gasoline motor attached to run the saw. The whole machine is mounted on two runners which enables it to be pushed by two men up and down the desired sections of the ice field. The machine is jointly owned by C. Unti, M. Bauer and Mr. Smith of Johnsburg. The Legion dance held last Saturday night at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry, was attended by about 70 couples despite the 17 degree below weather. Glenn Johnson's Paradise Nite Owls, the famous Chicago syn- copators, provided continual dancing music throughout the evening. The H.W. Allen property consisting of 45 acres located northwest of McCollum's lake, was sold this week to a Chicago party. The deal was closed through Ben Stilling and Son. ~ Those who witnessed the game of basketball between Lake Zurich and the McHenry Athletic Club Sunday afternoon say they never in all their lives saw a faster and more in­ teresting game played. It was a tie game most of the time. Things didn'U look good for McHenry when Zeke Bacon didn't start against Lake Zurich for everyone was depending on him to do the stuff But Freund, Bonslett and W. and L. Bacon kept things pretty lively till during the third quarter when Zeke did come in. From then on things went different when Gus Freund and Zeke got together. McHenry players were P. Bonslett, W. Green, L. Bacon, W. Bacon, A, Freund, L.» Winkel, H. Bacon and E. Walsh FORTY YEARS AGO (Jaken from the files of Dec. 26, 1935) McHenry high school Class of 1931, first of the graduating groups to have the type of class reunion that has proved popular among succeeding classes,, will hold its third annual meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in the Walnut room of the Riverside hotel. Twenty- five members of the class are expected to be present. Besides those now living and working in McHenry, several will come from Chicago and nearby towns. Harold Vycital and Julia McLaughlin as co-chairmen,' and Agnes Steffes as treasurer, gave generously of their time toward making the arrangements for this year's reunion. McHenry Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a masquerade at the Bridge ballroom Saturday night, Dec. 28 and they extend an invitation to the general public to attend. The proceeds from the ball will be used in rehabilitation and child welfare work. Old Santa spent some busy days last week popping in and out of Christmas parties for children and grownups in all corners of McHenry. One of the largest affairs was held at the K of C hall Sunday afternoon when the members of the Court Joyce Kflmer. C.D. of A., had the children as their guests. There were 75 children present and each one received a gift from Santa Claus. A feeling of security is given by the condition of the local bank and other cheerful prospects are found in some local corporations including the McHenry County Farmers Co­ operative association which has enjoyed a successful year. The corporation of which John A.-Bolger has just been re­ elected president and chairman of the Board of Directors for the seventh successive year, has paid an 8 percent dividend and a 4 percent-patronage refund during the year. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 28, 1950) « Another Christmas, one of the whitest in the remem­ brance of a good many McHenry residents, is in the past. While the beautiful day­ long snowfall provided a most appropriate atmosphere, it cut short more than one holiday trip and provided those who remained at home a bit of exercise. Santa had no need for an airplane this year or even Reindeer Rudolph for a bright Christmas Eve made possible travel by the old fashioned method, the original reindeer team. . Funeral services were held from St. Mary's church in McHenry on Saturday morning ' for Miss Madge Phannenstill, 59, a life long resident of this area who died Dec. 13 following a long illness. Burial was in St. Peter's cemetery. Yolo. Honorary pallbearers were Mrs. Frank Blake, Mrs. William Heimer. Mrs. Clarence Stilling. Mrs. Nick Weingart. Mrs. William Rothermel and Mrs. Earl Paddock. A decision by Justice Albert Krause was reversed last weekend by Judge William M Carroll who directed that Russell Holochvkost of Wonder Lake, recover $365 from Herman Schmidtke of McHenry. The money had been awarded to Schmid^ke by Justice Krause in payment for an accordion which he said he sold to Holochwost. The case was appealed by the Wonder Lake man. Several from this area at­ tended the presentation of Handel's "Messiah"' at the First Baptist church of Elgin by a 50-voice choir under the baton of Miss Carolyn Christiansen last Thursday evening. Warren Jones, a tenor of McHenry, was one of the four guest soloists. One review of the performance said, f "Jones sang wijtji ten­ derness and beauty of tone and is one of the most promising young singers if one may judge from his perforamnce of last evening*. .... * »" TEN YEARS AGO * (Taken from the files of Dec. " 30. 1965) - * * Tiny Joanne Hentges made her entrance into the world at McHertry hospital Dec. 21 to malte her the hospital's;, 2.000th baby. She is the first child of * Mr. and Mij6. William Hentges of 715 W. Peters street, Porten subdivision, sdutheast of McHenry. iThe obstetrics portion of the hospital opened its doors for the first time in May of 1961. solans are being made for the annual Twelfth Night festivities in the McHenry area sponsored Green Survival City: Grass Roots Revolution PAGE It • PLAINDEALEB HEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7. Iffl Amid such environmental chaos as air. water and noise pollution, along with even more grim prognostications for the future on this planet, there are emerging some green leaves of hope One new leaf on the landscape that bodes well for urban ecology is a new project called "Green Survival City " One of the newer and more exciting developments in en- again this year by the firemen of Co I stationed in the city-As in past years, the ceremony will be highlighted by the burning of Christmas trees in the legion parking lot They will be burned Thursday evening. Jan 6 at 7 p.m Christmas 1965 probably will not soon be forgotten by em­ ployees of utility companies working in the McHenry county area.. Neither will - it be forgotten by residents of homes without electrical power Christmas Eve and into the next day. Major cause of trouble was ice and heavy snow which packed the lines. The community hit hardest by the impact of the snowstorm was McCullom Lake where the first * disturbance of service occurred f about 4:**0 Friday afternoon Many homes did not have power restored until early Christmas Day. . Recognition for heroic achievement has been given to James W. Doranof McHenry as a result of recent action in the NaVy. A citation has been received,by his family from the Commander of the Seventh Fleet operating in the South China sea in support of the Republic of South Vietnam vironmenta) improvement. Green Survial City was initiated in 1974 by the American Association of Nurserymen to encourage cities and towns to organize for more effective conservation of the environment' The "City"' project is a spinoff of a broader program that goes under the briefer title "Green Survival" Launched five years ago by the AAN as a means of fostering individual involvement in improving' the environment, that program has received the recognition of the American Revolution Bicen­ tennial administration Green Surv ival is capitalizing on and encouraging a movement among millions of Americans whose concern is the restoration of a healthy and livable environment Kaleigh. North Carolina, with the encouragerrtent of AAN and the leadership of a local nur­ sery businessman, volunteered to l>e the pilot community in the Green SurvivaTTity program In a spirit of solidarity, the mayor and City Council, business and civic leaders; schools, churches and youth groups, and individuals from inner city and suburb, united for the common cause of conserving and improving the environment of Raleigh This year-long emphasis served to coordinate ecological activities already under way and to create new ones with con­ sequences that will affect many generations The Raleigh undertakings, large and small, included such diverse projects as the restoration of an old inner citv osco1 i Enjoy These Special Bicentennial Exhibits.. ""America's Inventive Genius" at tha Musaum Of Sclanca And Induatry. An exhibit highlighting the history, contributions and future of American science technology and industry. ""Man In His Environment" at tha Field Muaaum Of Natural Hiatory. An ex­ hibit exploring nature's checks and balances and the impact of man and so­ ciety on such processes. 3720 W. ELM ST. - McHENRY-ILL. adjustment to your satisfaction and if you GREEN THUMB Hanging Basket Plants Many popular var­ ieties of 8 inch pot­ ted hanging basket plants I , \> .A AQUA NET Hair Spray 13 ounces Choose the holding formula that's right for your hair! Reg 83c ZION Fig Bars 1V4 pounds. The perfect dessert treat. ^DAK Bonelesa Cooked Ham Orm pound tin Packed in its own na­ tural juices Osco 'Plant sold separately. SEALEST ICE CREAM AT OSCO DRUG Dial Anti-perspirant 8 ounces. Oscol ANDREA EYE Q S Eye Makeup Remover Pads 100 pads. R e g u l a r l y S O $2.00 Now MISS CLAIROL Shampoo In Hair Color In a variety of lovely shades. Osco 4 44 Reg. $1.84 Osco R°9 79c Colgate % ounces 11 w 09 WELLA BALSAM Conditioner 8 ounces Regular or Extra Body Oscoj Reg $1,591 GREEN THUMB Potting Soil 4 quarts. Formulated for all indoor plants. 60 Minute Cassette Tapes Pack of 3 Made by 3M Osco Reg. $2 99 SOPHIE MAE Peanut Brittle 10 ounces Filled with i>eanutsl Osco^^. a 1C Reg 79c I Gat rid of tho8e annoying aniffies and sneezes . . . Osco can help! VICKS Nyquil 6 ounces Osco Reg $1 41 GILLETTE Foamy Face Saver 7 ounces Osco Reg 98c OSCO Oral Thermometer Osco Reg $1 29 , VITALIS Super Hold Non- Aerosol "Hair Spray 8 ounces ^ Q Osco Reg " $1 99 WILKINSON Bonded Razor Blades Pack of 5 Osco Reg $1 19 PLANTERS iGocktad P E AN U T S PLANTERS . Cocktail Peanuts 12 ounces A fresh, delicious snack HANKSCRAFT Cool Vapor Humidifier One gallon capacity Provides soothing cool vapor to air Model #3972 ~ Osco . Reg $9 99 j SoftWhite 3 Way Bulb 50 100 150 watts Osco HANKSCRAFT Steam Vaporizer One gallon capacity With cover lock top and automatic shut-off #5592 499 4-Way Nasal Spray V2 ounce osctf5*- Aspirin Bettle of 300 Osco Reg Si 29 88® ORI The Four Vitamin B* Lecithin Kelp and Cider Vinegar Osco ̂grnQ Reg^ OS $2 35 | Osco| Reg lii 19' VICKS Oracin Lozenges Pack of 18 HUMMUS UMtlKiai m Prolamine Pack of 20 Appedrine Reducing Plan Padk of 42 Kaopectate • Concentrate -- 8 ounces • Liquid -- 12 ounces - Your Choicm Osco Reg II 57 VICKS Formula 44 Cough Formula 3 ounces Osco VICKS Cough Drops jjpPack of 3 Regular or Cherry flavor Ayds Osco Reg $3 97 Reducing Plan 099 30 day supply Many flavors to Choose from park into a usable recreation area, development or a lifter and clean up program bv the youth the landscaping of a downtown mall in the business area so that auto traffic has been replaced by tree lined walkways and bicycle paths, the planting of more than 1.500 trees by local garden clubs, the , construction of a recycling center by a large paper mill, and the enactment of new local ordinances governing land use and air pollution Most significant in the Kaleigh model has been cftuen participation in environmental projects that are small enough to be achievable and with . results that are visible Such citi/en activity went on before Green Survival, of course, but more participation has been inspired by it The heart of this "grass roots devolution" is the individual's ' rediscovery of the impact one person can have on the face of the community, and this awakening is happening everywhere A few years ago. for" example. A man in a Washington. IVC . suburb, eyeing the treeless island that fronted his block in a new community, invited neighbors to join him in purchasing and planting a row of flowering crabapple trees Today that formerly barren boulevard is alive with trees that provide springtime beauty and sum mertime shade A woman in a small Vermont town took over a 20 by JO ft. weed infested lot on Main street and transformed it into a flower garden which was so attractive thai visitors from nearby ̂ ow-ns came to see it and newspaper reporters came to photograph it 10X2 by 12 ft piece of ground located between sidewalk and street in the poor residential area of an Kastern city, an unknown • farmer*' annually harvests a small crop of corn or I heans or tomatoes This mini- garden is protected not by a fence but by friendly neighbors who welcome this happy sign of green life in their community. In a California suburb a group of citizens got permission to develop some unused parkland into several IS by 15 ft plots, each plot being cultivated by a family into a vegetable garden Such gar­ dens have sprung up in cities all over the country v What Vs happening in a more formal way in Kaleigh'» Green Survival City program and in less formal ways elsewhere are signs that, as we enter our Bicentennial year. Americans are still of a revolutionary spirit This time we are taking on the environment as our frontier. * DR. LEONARD BOTTARI [HOI N Richmond W<1 MlHrnry' If rum .nrd Contii I lentfl 1 O I.i«»a M o n t u « - s T h u r \ f r . 1 f t p m Tur* Ihurs f ri 1 » p m «,«t » JO «o 1 00 »> h 4H| or ??*? EARL ft. WALSH t JACK WALSH INS. t irr Au»o * arm L «•«* Hi-prewnlinfl RELIABLE COMPANIES 44I0W Rtr HO WiMMy JJSVJOO DENNIS CONWAY a u t o L i r e r n t State Farm ln& Co. }3»» ^ ElmSl Henry Ml » HOUGHTON HEATING • Air Conditioning • Gutters PHONE 385-5476 McllKlym It doesn't take lots of space to get results Call 385-0170 to list your business here MCHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES lAirS SERVICE g RfNTAl S S*f» \ 10 Ffday »il» 00 •1 C.r Ar>» St C'vMaHakr P* 4W )?; McHenry Telephone Answering I Letter Service • Answering Service • Car, Telephone & Paging Service • Complete Mimeographing & Printing Service e Typing & Photocopying Ph. 385-0258 3*32 W. III. 120, Mclltnry "GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE" CALL US (8151 3854810 llRER.lT RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors Inc 2 3 1 8 R t e 1 2 0 8 I b 3 8 b 0 / 0 0 ED'S STANDARD STANDARD SERVICE (fatcNvav Farm Equipment .George P. Freund,Inc. ( ase - New Holland 41112 V.. Crystal l.ake ltd. MiHKNHY Bus. 38S0420 Res. 385 0227 Halm 's WONDER LAKE FUNERAL HOME 815 728 0233 FXPKIH H M.-I l» ' M l AS I i r r - . B a t t e r i e s A c r e ^ s o n O s 01 \t I I \ A merm an "il I'rodiu lv PH 385 0720 "IHI7 u. I l.M SUM I 1 * RADIATORS # Cooling System Specialists • AIR CONDITIONING * Trailer Hitches fabrication +STEEL SALES » * Welding & Ornamental Iron JIM If", A. Kte l-'" M. Hem > A D A M S B R O S . • \ ii> (.err. ea vi I'lHKie MTV iCopuMt! M % W at our new q Important Correspondence Accounting Records invoices 4 Statements Pro ;ect Product Spec ' .a' quick-action copy cantar. in,en",'y r ( 6'dl' ^ B'0-Pijrms Ca'a 03 Sheets 4 Buiittins P'omot o' i Le"ers & F^ers Try This Convenient New Service Soon' McHENRY PRINTING SERVICES 3&09 W. MAIN . -- 385-7600 assy-to-usa XEROX* 9quipmantt I

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