PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, l«7f Eastwood Manor Mary Ann Bellak 385-5705 Residents Warned Against Overnight Parking Just recently I received a telephone call from Clarence Kegner once again reminding me to tell the Eastwood Manor residents that it is against the law to park your cars in the street overnight. It is im possible for the snow plows to come through and do a good job. Cars which violate this law will either be towed away at the owner's expense or be ticketed. The vast majority of residents are parking in their own driveways, but there always seems to be a few which spoil it for the rest of us. Once again please park your cars in your own driveway!! • •* ' ' > v VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball at Hilltop school will once again resume after Christmas vacation this Thursday night from 7:30-9:30. All local women from the various subdivisions in McHenry are invited to at tend CHRISTMAS VACATION /. ACTIVITIES Iqiy looking for any and all contributions on any of your Christmas activities.- please give me a call and contriubte to your local column. - BIRTHDAYS Amy Kasper will be celebrating her fifth birthday on the twenty-third of January. Artie Kasper, Amy's brother will be celebrating his ninth .birthday one day later on the twenty-fourth of January. Buddy Shaw was fourteen years old this past Jan. 6. Jeffrey Melone will celebrate his second birthday on the ninth of January, many more happy birthdays to each and every one of you. Galaxies contain billions of stars of many types--ranging from supergiants less dense than the earth's atmosphere to white dwarfs hundreds of times denser than lead. Space i$ almost "emp ty" since stars are. on the average, spaced several light years apart. But there are some clusters, like in our universe, that contain perhaps half a million stars. Astronomers believe that planets^ may revolve around many stars. Proper Care Of Holiday Plants Extends Life Flowering plants that make welcome gifts during. 4he . holiday season can have an extended life if cared for properly. George Young, McHenry County Extension, adviser, has the following tips for those who receive such plants as Christmas presents. -Flowering plants are grown under special conditions, thus a favorable environment is important if they are to remain attractive. --Poiinsettias require a uniformly moist soil Either too much or too little water will cause leaves to turn yellow and fall off. -When watering a poinsettia or any other plant, apply^ enough so that one or two ounces comes through the drainage hole. This prevents a buildup of salts in the soil which can cause root damage. Water two to three times weekly. Poinsettias prefer a sunny window, daytime temperatures of 70 to 75 degrees F., and a nighttime temperature 10 degrees lower. They should also be protected from cold drafts or hot air registers. Don't set a poinsettia plant on the television set. The set generates too much heat. Christmas 'cherries and Christmas peppers hold up well at ordinary room tem- peraturedL under bright light and with uniform soil moisture. Insufficient watering Causes the leaves Wnd fruit to drop. The Christmas(peppers are edible, but hot. while the fruit of the Christmas cherry is considered poisonous. The Christmas pepper is an annual and is discarded when no longer attractive. The Christmas cherry blooms poorly the second time and the plants become large and unattractive, so it, too, is generally discarded. Move all plants to the most ideal growing location in the home when not being used as a decorative feature. ON DEAN'S LIST Stephen E. Buss of 3314 W. Golfview. McHenry, was named to the Dean's list at Northwodd institute. Midland, Mich., for thl fall term. A student who earns a 3.0 or above grade point average on a 4 0 scale is eligible for the Dean's list. Editor's Quote Book You cannot live on other people's promises, but if you promise others e- nough, you can live on your own. * Mark Crame All New for You in '76 .... We are moving January 5 to our new office at 1400 ROUTE 31 SOUTH / McHENRY Jake's Hair Design will now be known as ' Mariio's Come and see us at our OPEN HOUSE January 13-14-15 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Same Telephone - 385-7771 - Same Fine, Service v I c o p L E T E B A N K I N G S E R V ) C E there's no substitute for MONEY IN THE BANK ° * . ' I - • • " 1 - in a bank You can withdraw your savings with no delay and no application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money! in the Bank." in a bank » . - You establish a credit reference second to none. •T in a bank ^ You can obtain a vast array of services available nowhene else under * • a one roof - savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans,commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, financial assistance and guidance, and many others. s E R V I N G S I N C E in a bank Such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are insured up to $40,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance; Corporation which insures Availability as well as Safety. "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled ) • ; . --' :: - ' . ' by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash when you want it - uvuilable when you need it. There's no substitute for "Money in the Bank" 9 O 6 V MH S TATE A FULL SERVICE BANK * Established 1906 3510 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY PHONE: u65-1040 Bank DISHWASHER Feature Packed S"'11"1" , Potscrubber™ Dishwasher. <33 J Si- MODEL GSD461 • .. - , ceiection In- -Dual Detergent Dispenser. . Butlt-ln Soft Food Dtsposw. • 3-Levei Washing Action. # sound Insured. • Decorator Reversible Color . R|nta Aid Dispenser. Panels. • Tuft Tub® Interior. MODELS SHOWN YOUR CHOICE ijw -- CONVERT,!*,«- «os r ,o * rPo*SCIIUBBER rJ Otf Sffipniu 50461 ""STALLED, t *5^ Mo«« GSC46! G*"erai c! -- yo C'Ktrlc c~n ®rs f^ar vw;i n I c'ts*'0l,. Crusty ii"". Parklir)g ! WASHER & DRYER HEAVY DUTY WASHER MODEL WWA 7050 , ^ ' <r......... •4 cycles - Permanent Press, Normal, Activated Soak and Delicate • Three water-temperature combinations • Three water-level selections • 2 wash and 2 spin speeds • Porcelain-Enamel top, lid, wash basket and tub REG. $299 $279 ELECTRIC DRYER White Only Git ivilM JHffcif co«t >95 ODE 5300 w • D^matic new styling • Permanent Press cycle with cooldown •3 temperature selections • Drying time of up to 190 minutes • Separate start button • Easy-to-clean up-front filter Mootuacowo venient Carrying Hsnd>* • powerful. Completing Meon- antsm. . • Built-in Storage Compart- . Medily Reveralble Door • Deoorator Color Faeli. . *«»•«>••'• Odor-Co»tf#| Spray- '* • Easy Opening Swing Door. • protective Control System. Rag. $269.96 CAREY APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 1241 N. GREEN ST. McHenry, Illinois 385-5500