Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1976, 11.pdf

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SECTION I - PAGE 12 • PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, lt7« Nb cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, ,In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. . • •The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. . Ol FICE' HOURS: MON.-^FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAV PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 FOR SALE FOR SALE F O R R E N ! A U T O S 72 Chevy Sports Window Van, 40,000 miles, highest offer. Ca­ ll: 8-5:30 P.M. 815-675-2047. , 1/14 1974 CAMARO LT, Rally whe­ els, lettered tires, burgandy with black interior. 5,000 orig­ inal miles. 815-385-2403 after 5 p.m. , 1-15TF 1972 Chevy Vega Hatchback, 30, p00 miles, excellent running condition, automatic, snow tires >1,100.00. Call 385-3837 ; v 1/14-1/16 good kge. J974 Vega Hatchback, 4 cyl. •tick, 31,000 miles, $2,395. Brant Motor Sales, 312-181 -. JT500 Ask for Matt. 1-14 T5 Buick Century, 2 dr. h.t„ p.b„ air, auto trans., am/ radial tirea, low mileage, ill after 5 p.m. 344-2854 f 1-14/1-16 ng, must sell '60 Corvair condition, good gas mile- $160815-653-7788 anytime 1-14 >73 Caprice, 2 dr. H.T.. p.a. ^radial tires, wire wheels, low .mileage. Call alter 5 pm, 385- £8571 1-9/1-14 SNOWMOBILES [1973 Yamaha ^ snowmobile, model EW433C, electric start, cover, like brand new. $1,000 Call 815-653-9583 1-14/1-16 BUSINESS SERVICES Learn Pottery on wheel & Hand work, 8 wk. $50.00 Call 385- 1000. Jayne Kalk-Instructor. 1/14 DONALD'S ELECTRICAL Maintenance, residential and commercial wiring & trouble shooting 344-2696 alter 6 p.m. 1-7/1-30 SNOW PLOWING. Parking, lota, subdivisions, private roada, driveways, free estimates,! Sanding, Paul's Sons Trucking. 385-8960 12-5/1-30 SNOWPLOWING, sanding, 24 hour service, residential or commercial also general haul­ ing. 385-1484 1-9/1-28 Experienced certified teacher will care for your child in her home. 385-8281 1-9/1-14 Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night. 815-459-0081. 1/7-TF 1-2 Experienced electrician needs work, good quality, low prices free estimates. Call 385-3194 1-7/1-16 KESTRAW Dispatched BUSINESS SERVICES DON-UN SNOWPLOWING PRICES LAWN CARE SERVICE COMMERCIAL Service RESIDENTIAL 815-385-5512 12-3/1 To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. Theres No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE WW 15 WORDS or LESS $1.50 2nd Time S2.50 \ 10c for each additional word per. insertion FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ - No Refunds Please insert as written for insertions Must be paid in Advance ADDRESS No Commercial Accounts 2 green velvet chairs, one greSn and white velvet sofa. Call aft­ er 6 p.m. 728-0114. 1-14/1-16 FIREWOOD FOR SALE, alrea­ dy cut, ready to burn. 1 ton - $30.00 Free delivery, Call anytime. 653-9075. „ V 1/2-TF 1-2 55 Gal. open head fiber drums, with lock on steel air tight lids, Excellent for storage or moving, $1.25 each. Dura Wax, 4025 W. Main St. McHenry. 1-7&1-14 For Sale, Antique 15 piece cer­ eal set. $150.00 China. 385- 6084. 1/14 Beautiful German Krakauer Sp­ inet Piano. $500. Firm. Excel­ lent Condition. Call 344-1351. 1/14 2-4 graves Cemetery Lots, Wistaria Section-Acacia Ceme­ tery. Will Sacrifice. 385-1139. 1/14 Will sell or trade for Roto- tiller in working condition Skil Recipro Saw-used once. 653- 9626. ' 1/14 Kinsman used organ at $295. 00 New Viscount organ, a real Gem at $1500.00-815-653-6554. 1/14 Sony 530 Ifepe Recorder and tapes $150. or Best offer. 728- 0312. 1A4 Triple buf^beds complete, stu­ rdy, like new $100.00, 815- 385-7180. 1/14-1/21 Jars of polished stones, Jade, Amethyst, tiger eye andothers, sold as a lot, best offer. 3^1-, 0895. 1/14-1/16 Jake's one chair styling shop, McHenry. 385-7771. . 1-9/1-14 Dining room set, hutch, 6 high back cane chairs, excellent con­ dition $600. Call evenings 815- 344-1697 1-14/1-16 Would you like French provin- cial cabinet stereo and radio like new Webber cooker? Call 385-4136 1-14 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, with kindling, split and delivered. $30. per ton. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 1-14-TF-1-2 FIREPLACE "WOOD, cherry, oak, $30 per ton, cut, split, delivered. Free plastic cover 338-1665/338-4085 * 1-7/1-16 SEASONED tlREWOOD, prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-^169 10-31VTF-1-2 2 bedroom duplex, very clean, ref., stove, heat, carport, lease and security deposit. $240.385- 4010 1-14-TF-1-2 In McHenry, 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, heat, stove and ref. furnished. $150. monthly Available now. 385-5657 1-14/1-16 2 bedroom apartment, security deposit required, no pets. Call after 5 p.m. 385-4903 1-14/1-16 REAL ESTATE Rt. 31 & Rt. 120. Recently re­ modeled 2 flat, zoned business Price reduced. Mr. Dunn days 312-786-3962 evenings 312- 871-2323 1-9/1-21 For sale or trade. Huntii«, fishing or vacation, quarter of an acre with cabin. Lake righta Needs handyman. Upper Michi­ gan. For details call after 6p.m. 344-2477. 1-9/1-16 HELP \ANTED 2 Bedroom house, Wonder Lake, partially furnished $165.00 mo­ nthly. Also moving sale. 815- 653-7788 anytime. 1/14 Two bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925 1-2-TF-1-2 FIREPLACE WOOD. Seasoned oak - split $30 ton delivered; $25 pickup your own 815-675- 2194/385-7347 12-23/1-30 FOR RENT 2 Bedroom duplex, full private basement, gas heat, lots of clo­ sets, Harvard. $165.00 Call (815) 385-1327. 1/14-1/16 Wonder Lake, 2 bedroom house, furnished, gas heat, air con­ ditioned, available Feb. 1 $200. 00 per month. 312-763-3792. 1/14-1/16 SELL OR RENT 2 bedroom all electric. Agent 815-344- 1183 12-24-TF-1-2 For Sale or For Rent. Con­ dominium^ bedrooms, 1% baths colored appliances in kitchen, fully carpeted, patio and garage 385-1346 - 1-2-TF-1-2 2 bedroom Northfox Condom­ inium, 1% baths, all appliances carpeting, $250. 815-385-1962 or 815-344-Q533 1-7/1-16 2 bedroom apartment in Mc Henry, $195 per month, secur­ ity deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 1-2-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on amall furnished apartments and Bleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 1-2-TF-1-2 CLARENDON HILLS ( SUBDIVISION K Johnsburg Area Beautiful 3 bedroom, fully carpeted house with modern kitchen and full basement on a large corner lot, priced for fast sale. $27,900.00 312-223-0403 or 312-223-2535 1-7/1-16 GARAGE SALE HILLSB0R0 GOOSE NECK TRAILERS • 16 to 30 ft. in stock e Grain dump trailers and flatbeds ALSO COMPLETE LINE OF BR ADEN WINCHES Adaiqs Enterprises 3017 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Ph. 815-385-5970 All items new or like new. Century Mark H, 17' 90 hours, Triumph TR-6R Mildly customized, 21" Philco colored Television console, manual adding machine, desk calculator, Gibson bass guitar, car roof rack 54", 327 Corvette finned alumi­ num valve covers, cocktail bar, 300 lb. complete weight lifting set, bench and mat. * 385-8961 Immediate Occupancy on 3 bed­ room house with large family room on dead end street west of McHenry, $235. Call 385- 6900 BYRNES BROS. INC., REALTORS 1-2-TF-1-2 y > »' Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65 and UP 455-0320 1-2-TF-1-2 ^IIIIIINillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUi i FOR RENT I s Move right into this roomy 5 = 2 bedroom ranch, with huge = H living room and country S S kitchen. Carefree alumin- § gum sided, natural gas S = forced air heat, built ing 51972, located in the citys E of McHenry $250.00 per = = month plus utilities. CallS 1 for additional information. S DIERCKS AGENCY s Algonquin = 1 312-658-8544 111111117, 1-14/1-16 HOUSEHOLD SALE * Wonder Lake Sets: Twin Oak bedroom, dinette; dishes, braided rug, lawn mower, lawn sweeper, tent, trunks, misc Thursday thru Sunday 815-728-0116 1-14/1-1 OPEN HOUSE > January 25, 1976 Sunday 1-4 P.M New Model Home 1712 Rogers Street McHenry Byrnes Bros. Inc. Realtors M5-M00 PositionerKull Time Certified High School SOCIAL SCIENCE TEACHER for Freahman and Sophmores. Starts February 9 through end of present school year Contact Gary Fields Principle East Campus McHenry Community High Schools 385-1145 HEE!a™Sa™ WAITRESSES WANTED Part time, evening and weekends. Some experience necessary. Apply DONS EAT'N TYME 4506 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 1-14/1-16 uajxru~Lru"irtra~i~i* 1-9/1-16 mtmm -- nmmm mmwm mm AVON 1-9/1-21 PERSONALS Will there be a reunion for the class of 1966? Lefs get one together. 1/14-1/21 "Grapefruit Pill" with Diadax >lan more convenient than ipefruits - Eat satisfying Is and lose weight. Bolgers 1-7/1-14 REAL ESTATE 2 BR. CONDO, 1st Ff. reduced to $23,000 Immediate occupancy after 5 p.m. 385-2681 1-2-TF-1-2 NOTICE natural "Grapefruit' Ex- from Harvestime SAVE MONEY BUY YOUR NEW NEEDS THROUGH THE WANT ADS. New tract Pill" Nutritionals more convenient than grapefruits - Eat whole­ some meals and lose weight. Bolgers Pharmacy. 1-7/1-14 NEW BUILDING One bedroom apartments available now. Stove, refri­ gerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, laundry, air condi­ tioned, and pool. $210 per month 815-385-7599 or 815-344-0880 1-7-TF-1-2 <8 VACANT PROPERTY VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mc Intosh & Co., 312-372-2040 ex­ tension C. 1-2-TF-1-2 WANTED TO RENT Small firfm, 10 815-673-2072. 1/14-1/16 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25!-A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size t ?3 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 V\. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-01<0 EXECUTIVE HOME X& miles north of Mc- Hepry. Dutch Creek area. 5 years old, 1 acre wood­ ed lot, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, study, large formal dining, screened porch, A/C, ownership in swim pool, horse facilities and Fox Chain Boating. $73,500.00 815-385-1304 1-14/1-16 WANTED TO BUY Retiree seeking SUMMER HO­ ME in Wonder Lake area. Pre­ fer a home in Northwest side section. Contact Mr R. Bauman, 729 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, II.-60302. 1/14-1/23 Large roll top desk. 815-385- 0170 daysor815-385-2718after 5 p.m. 12-3-TF-1-2 Addressograph addressing ma­ chine, must take "B" type plates. Call McHenry Plain- dealer and ask for Dick 385- 0170 10-31-TF-1-2 SITUATION WANTED Licensed day care Mother. I will care for your children while you work. Hot lunches and snacks provided. Sunnyside Area., Call Linda, 815-385-7754 1/14--1/16 REAL ESTATE CARD OF THANKS pjxnj~u~\j-\j~u~in~ r I m m m m m - "!" [ nriTUT. We would like to express our sincere Appreciation and gratitude to Mr. & MRS. BOB SCH0ENBERGER Of Fox Lake and Members of the SN0-BUGS SNOWMOBILE CLUB & LARRY SWORD For all their help last Friday January 9th When we had our "Splash-Down". i HUEY, LOUIE & DEWEY DUCK 1-14/1-16 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * OPEN HOUSE Come and see the beautiful new family home that the building trades class of McHenry High School built. This 3 br., L shaped ranch has city water and sewer, has a full basement 2% car garage, and more. Open House for the public is on January 17 & 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The house is located at 610 Kensington! Street *n North Foxridge (Behind West Campus) For more information Call 385-7900 Can you work late after­ noon's, evenings, and Sat­ urday's? Be an Avon rep­ resentative selling qual­ ity products made by the world's largest cosmetic company. Over 18. Call: Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 1-7-TF-1-2 WAITRESSES ) Lunches and/or Dinners Apply to Hostess or Manager. McHENRY COUNTRY CUIB. 820 N. John St McHenry, II. 385-1072 1-14/1-16 »»»#eoo»»»»»t to 35 acres. S •yilllllllllHIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI I Mature ixperiencei Individual witti\excelleDf1yping skills (peed around 120~ w.p.m., to work in small office, handling variety of tasks in an organized man­ ner. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Our em­ ployees know of this ad. Send resume to Box JA 2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 1-14/1-16 iiiuiimmiiiimmminmmimnnffl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniii REGISTERED NUM£ Full time 3:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. For small 03. Unit Apply Personnel Dept. 9 McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 Waukegan Road McHenry, Illinois 815-385-2200. Ext. 645 WOMAN , (live-in preferred) to care for a young woman j and child. General house­ keeping. Good pay. Write: , c/o Plaindealer Box D E 6 3812 Elm Street McHenry, III.' 12-31/1- BNBHm|BiNt 1-14/1-16 sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiH FULL TIME PARTS MANAGER Experience necessary Salary and commission Send background informa­ tion to Box JA 3 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, n. , HARDWARE MAN Full time Experience required Cell for oppointment 385-4427 NYE TRUE-VALUE IDWARE U14/1-16 HELP WANTED BUYER - EXPEDITER Requires minimum of High School Education, with prior experience in buying, expediting material, material control and some knowledge of electronic components. Reply in Confidence to Box A -1 c/o McHeniy Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. An equal opportunity employer. M/F ' 1-9/1-14 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * « * * * * aipB HELP WANTED Service Station Manager Aggressive person needed to run car wash & gas fil­ ling station. Must be self motavated to manage large capital investment. Experience preferred. Good salary with com­ mission and numerous benefits. Contact Kevin J. Michael - General Bus­ iness Manager. Ferris Bros. Chevrolet & Buick 943-7455 %

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