Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1976, 18.pdf

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Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 H«orf Attack Prows Fatal To Clyde Poke ft Sadness marred the holiday cheer for family and friends of Clyde Pokett, who suffered a fatal heart attack on Dec. 27. Mr. Pokett was born in Leivirne, Minn., in 1904. He was married forty-six years to Genevieve, and a Resident of Lakemoor for thirty years. He died at the age of 71, Mr. Pokett was retired from Johnson Motors in Waukegan. He is survived by his wife, Genevieve, three daughters, nine grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Mr. Pokett was laid to rest in Woodland cemetery in McHenry. # HOME SAFE Mr. and Mrs * Floyd Goss went to Phoenix, Ariz., to spend Christmas with their daughter, Linda and her husband. Tom Wheeler. They are* home safe after some pretty bad driving con­ ditions due to the weather. CONGRATULATIONS Tom and Linda Para were blessed with a baby girl Dec. 29 at 11 p.m. at the Woodstock hospital. Karley Jean Helen Para weighed 7 lbs., and was 20 in., long. Maternal parents are Lester and Ruth Adams from the McHenry area. _ Paternal parents are Walter and Helen Para from Lakemoor. \ To help take care of Karley Jean Helen are two brothers, Chris and Don, and sister Katy. BIRTHDAYS FOR JANUARY Birthday wishes to Julia Kraus, Jan 1 Margaret Hatch. Jan. 3, Beth Goebel, Jan 5. Bill Gunther, Jan 6. Marie Hyatt. Jan. 8, Jamie Jones, Jan. 9. Renee Betancourt. Jan. 10. . Phyllis Halvelka and Pam Zabroski, Jan. 12, Danny Weber. Jan. 17, Wanda Menton. Jan. 18, Ann Krawczyk and Larry Joe Jones, Jan 20. Bill Koehler, Jan. 21, Florence Martenson. Jan. 23. Dianne Dember. Jan. 24. Larry Jones, Jan. 28. shared by Brian Baker JerrysWeber, Jan. 30 and Don Leske. Jan. 31. Happy birthday to all of you. even those of you who have stopped having birth­ days. 4 ANNIVERSARIES Mr. and Mrs. John Schelle celebrated their anniversary on the fifteenth of January. Mr. and Mrs. John Cassell celebrated theirs on the second. John and Gloria have been married for thirty years. To help with the celebration were all their children; Son,, Jim Cassell and his wife, Judy and their two children; daughtep Mary Lou. and her husband Jim Garftan. and their three children, son. John Jr.. and his fiancee Len Monahan, and daugher^ Julie and son. Billy. Pretty nice ta--have your se bv"Mt< family still plose many years. May have thirty more. ifter so vou both LADIES LEAGUE Ladies cancelled their first meeting of the month due to bad weather. Their meeting for the thirjj Wednesday in December was the Indies Social Night. Prize winners were Julia Karus. first prize. Lou Gravenstuc second prize. Helen Para third prize. Florance Mix won. the booby prize. Hostesses for the evening were Jean Dember and Joan Delatorre. BIRTHDAY LUNCH Julia Kraus was taken out to lunch for her birthday which was Jan. 1. Attending the party were Andrie Butler, Irene Thornton. Helen Para. Annette Brogan. Lou Gravenstuc and Bonnie Beiderman The Ladies went to a local eating place and had a terrific time * • VILLAGE MEETING At the village meeting of Jan 8. the board members have set - a new format that should be of interest to all of you As thifcs - meetings are set up now. in­ terested persons with something to say must wait until the meetings are closed before he can voice his or her opinion. Other ways have been tried but didn't seem to work The board members would like you to call them in advance of meeting nights < second and fourth Thursday of every month > with any problem they can help you with. I will list for you who is in charge of what committees That doesn't mean you must call th^t particular person You may call any member you feel you want to talk with. If your problem needs some research, be sure to call your member in enough time for him or her to do something for you. SECTION 2 . PAGE I • Pt.AINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 14.19N Here are the comlmftee heads Finances. Tom Reese; Public Property. Alyce Kowas; Streets and Roads. Francis Coughlin. Ordinance. Harold Freeman. Licenses. Harry Brady, Water, Septic and Sanitation. Edna Garbact; Building and Zoning. Tom Reese v Village stickers are now on «mle with the Village Clerk Senior Citizens 65 or over, please bring proof of medicare cards Please call the Village clerk to be sure she is home before you go for your stickers. Mrs. Schmidt's number is 385-1117. A note to any of you who may have dogs who are running loose in the village A con­ centrated effort is going into effect to rid the village of all stray dogs At the Feb 12 meeting of the village board, the yearly statement as to the status of village affairs will be read Refreshments will be served HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA I I • i f j 1111 / / ! • ! # I l l l l / 1' • • • • »i / ' I I * M i l I I / ' i t , m m i *H IBIIIt j e t le t i * * *941991 •• Tttnli by Sopor Mvlngsl If" a 24" ttilnty, fringed ferry »«wli. Choow from bold ttrlpo* or wlndowpono chock* In brlfht color combination*. Our R»g. 63c Coots &~tlark's Red Heart Wintuk, Sparkling Wintuk A knitter's dr*oml It's not too lato to start your Christmas knitting. Chooso from a rainbow of colors to mako tha most boautlful pro|oct V®*. YOUR CHOICK Limit 6 Skein* P«r Cut litP All Hockey Equipment In Stock V IP mm Our Reg. 1.47 ,v.v.v.;.w.;.\;.v. v.;.;. ill aw sMirflll A tummdiy* votool la iv. bmbol capocHy. I In hondlo*. Mako *oro 1 id*. 1.4* if 50 % O OFF Includes sticks, golves, skates, etc. The ice is here, Buy now and save!!! Bays' Mky MM Acrylk Brass Sacks Our R«g. 74c On* sis* stretch fits boy's tlx** (1-11)'. First quality orion-ocryllc blend stays > comfortable, wrinkle free. Solid colors to chooso from. KNMI Utility fob Mfgrs. 1.29 A groat thing to have for those big |obs around the house I Large II quart capacity J 14%" diameter * 87,". ' _ r v /• 3 Balls ef AMbg Nnr No Snt, du*t. brook* or •ptko* wMb ffil* adding payrl 3 rail* at 2%" wldo. 0 & Q tti S*l*. otc. Our Bog. 1.37 Check FttaBax Now "Ior4.ofc" tor frootor g||4# monthly Indoao* for oil yoor concafad chock*. Novo what want at Our Bog. 4.37 45 Rf JL Bacards FontoaMcl AH oor, Popolor ond Coon try 4 *ortom 41* on *alo ot ono hot prlcol All yoor fovorlto ortUta ond iom|* to cboooo Our Reg. 1.09 It s. now our Bicen|er)Aial year, so "Happy Birthday. America" Two-hundred years ain't bad Please forgive me if I push Bicentennial, but I get choked up when they play the National anthem or pass the American flag There may be a lot wrong in America; but there is also a lot right If you have flags, fly em. and if you can do anything at all for your country, i e v plant a tree, clean out a lake, clean up an empty lot. teach your children the pledge, whatever it a yo be. first, a proud Anwric you do, an. HAVE A GOOD YEAR - ? A new year is starting for all of us I hope each and everyone of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Ntjh Year Of course, we won/ know if our New year is happy or not until we get into it a little more. So far. things look good for me People are ringing my phone for items to run in the paper and that's good PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JAN.14 THRU SUN., JAN. 18 Just "Charge It!" Wa occopt Mastorchargo and ftankam«rlcard whMo quantities lost. Hio right ta limit quantities HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers -- I ' m . i i " 'm m , > . ' » • ' • » ! . * ' / » • • • o . J • / • » • • • [ < ; / ii .•' • • 11 /1 CANNONn * lALL COTTON Area Witnesses Among First In New Assembly Hall The Woodstock congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses will be among the first to use the newly-opened Assembly hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at Janesville, Wis . according to Glenn Erickson. presiding overseer of the local group "The Janesville Assembly hall is one of twenty such meeting places currently in use in the United States, with at least one more under con struction and several more in the planning stage," Erickson said Some 1,500 witnesses from this area are expected to assemble Jan 17 and 18 to receive Bible instruction and advanced training in their Bible teaching work According to Erickson. the theme for the gathering will be. "As for us. we shall serve Jehova^", based on Jo&hua 24:15 The Janesville hs ^is located at 207 Wright roadT n a 10-acre site just east of Janesville Since ground breaking May 7. scores of Jehovah's Witnesses have converged on the site each weekend to augment the efforts of a small core of permanent workers " The program will include a Theocratic school session. Bible talks and skits portraying the application of the Bible to everyday life Some 30 delegates will participate on the program Highlight of the two day meet will be the Bible discourse. "How the Kingdom of Ctod Affects You", scheduled for Sunday. Jan. it, at 2 p m It will be delivered by John M. Yasko, district overseer. "(>ur mid-January meeting is not a revival or a membership drive," Erickson said "No collections will be taken and seats are free " If you get rid of envy you will be mirprined to ntjC how nice people we in your community. WtNlT* $T0RM SAWtrV KULEt V CHECK BATTERY POWERED EOlMFMBNT BEFORE TUlSTORM ARRIVE*. V CHECK YOUR SUPPLY 0FHWIH6 FUEL V CHECK FOOD ANP STOCK AH EXTRA SUPPLY V STAV IND0CRSWIHNG STORMS, **EREVER VOSSIBIBT • DON'T KU4. VOUCSELF SNMELIN& SNOW V DREW foe TME SEASON >/ TO MELT KM AMP SNOW ON SI Of WALKS ANP DRIVEWAYS, 4PR1RRLE OH CALCIUM CM16R10E. THIS M HOW MANY MUNICIPALITIES KEEP ROADS CLEAR* HURING VflNTEE STORMS, WUfCAf CAN BE VOURtEfT FfttCMp -- OR WORST ENBMV. 66T yOUR CAR WlNTfQZKO TNE-STORM SEASON BEGINS. HERB IS AN AUTO CNBCCUST. _ KoMlTtON SYSTEM -- HBATBR -- EATTBRV _ RVKT -- LIGHTS LV AWOCTED -- TIRE TREAD _ VIIFVH.ELAWS _ FOIL SYSTEM _ OBFROSTER. -- COOUNGSySTEM _ SN»N TIRES LUERUAT^OM VNSTALULD BCNAUfT SYSTEM CMAtRS . T44HT _ ANTIFREEZE -- WNTWt-fiftAOE OIL KEEP WATER OUT OF VOUR 'UEU BY l MAINTAININ6 A fULLTAUK 0F4AI0LINK llitll WINTER. TRAVEL TIPS* • FLAN YOUR TRAVEL AND SELECT FRtMABV AK> ALTVR -- HATE ROUTES. o CMKCMC WeATNER INFORMATION 0N VOUR RADIO . • TRY NOT TO TRAVEL ALONE . • TRAVEL IN CONVOV WITN AN0TNER V»itCLE.IF POSSIBLE . • ALWAVS FILL 6 ASOLINE TANK BEFORE ENTERING OPEN COUNTRY - EVEN FOR SNORT DISTANCES' • DRIVE DEFENSIVELY AND CAREFULLY. clip iwisp&truxe purune *6pe**mc£ 0 The New \ 4^ DELLI 209 RAND RD. LAKEMOOR In Connection with the L.W.L. Lunch ( ith the ^ unch ^ ## *+mmm DESIGNED TO HELP THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE SAVE TIME AND MONEY - WHILE SERVING HER FAMILY BETTER ExcHiag CslsvfsnM TKo oXotlnf wow ploaNc H»o* iMdia Mho mofk to* hoof* ol too. No Khion or pott* Sovorol to CKOOM trmm. SoowHfwl mrlMor toy Our Bob. 1.44 - WE FEATURE MANY - PREPARED FOODS • SALADS - DRESSINGS SAUCES • COLD CUTS • SAUSAGES CHEESES • HOMEMADE CHILI PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS HORNSBYSH f a m i l y c e n r e r s RT. 47 & CNTRY. CLB. RD., WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS OUR OWN PIZZA • FRESH CHOICE MtATS Hamburger ground in our own kitchens HOMEMADE PASTERIES & PIES OPEN DAILY 9am To 9pm CLOSED SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS OPERATED UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF LEE & MARY'S LAKESIDE INN 385-9372/385-9500

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