UP-UP and IN as Warrior Brian Lund get* airborne in this bid for a basket while (41), Don Hutchinson finds himself unable to defend the shot. Brian hit on two field goals and a pair of free throws in the McHenry 88-56 win over Mundelein last Friday night. Other Warriors in photo are (24) Tom Ludwig and at right Is Terry Reilly. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) EARL WALSH So I Hear ^ 'Twas Happy Birthday and a * happy crowd that packed the K. * of C. hall Sufiday afternoon to ; surprise "Petie" Schaefer on * his 80th birthday. Humorous gifts abounded, but a beautiful plaque from children, grandchildren and great grandchildren brought a few moist eyes. The family has thinned out, but Pete's sister, Mrs. John Jurack, was present and happy as could be . It was one of the nicest parties the Walshes have been privileged to attend. "Petie" made many friends in his years as a West Sifde businessman. Old and young are counted as his friends. - 1 The honored guest was one busy fellow shaking hands with the men and kissing the girls. BET PROFESSIONAL (tohitimilf/Hm) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-th* mh portabl*. Msy-to-usa hot witw axtraction carpat darning imcMm that putty ... rinsM carpat fiber* with bot^_ itar and darning solution laana and lilts all dirt BB ma and rasidaas to tfca fria carpat sarfaca wfcara tkay ars immadiataly CLEAN.FRESH ODOR-FREE! HfMit for only ft! IPS mn CUAMI IMCM ($2% Hits,* $5.00 MIN.) HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIALI 8:00 P.M. -9:00 A.M. $10.00 HORNSBYS f a m i l y c e n t c r s - 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY. ILL SPORTS EDITOR I came back to from his home in and found the welcome for him. made a lot of during their stay in this (Think he started a round with the girls). second As we left the party, "Petie" invited us back for his 90th birthday. We accepted with pride. Now, we know! Ken Diedrich, who lives around the corner from us, has all our sparrows. He has some special formula for his feathered friends, but won't tell us what it is. Told him we would try to lure some of Teresa Conway's cardinals to our back forty. He can keep the sparrows. A1 Blake is another bird loser. Thinks he put the food out too late in the season and his feathered friends showed their disgust and left. They didn't even chirp good-bye. Same old story. What have you done for me lately? A John Looze made some scathing remarks about our old hat. So -- why didn't he say something about our very best hat we wore when we visited his office last week? area. Another big change has hit Ringwood. Old Timer Mrs. Louis Hawley, a mighty fine lady, passed away last week. The world loves a winner. It was a large crowd that turned out to see the Warriors play the Mundelein basketball team here Friday night. It was a dazzling display of passing, team play and shooting that the Warriors showed us in the first half when they rolled up a lead. Coajch Ludwig obviously wasn't interested in 100 points as he substituted early in the game and still won going away, 88 to 56. Trying to pass through a zone defense left-Amething to be desired (even with regulars) in the second half. Passing off wasn't as evident as in the first half, but maybe this could be excused the way the game was going. In Boyle and Withrow, Mundelein had a couple of boys who can hit the net. Both are Juniors. In fact, Coach Starkey has a young team that may make big w/tves in another year. This wasn't one of those close games that makes your ticker pump too fast, but it did send you away thinking that Coach Ludwig has a team that is for real. A great ol^. warrior, Charlie Lasch, finally-left this earth at the ripe old age of 91 years. Had a lot of fun in our many visits with Charlie. He was a rugged man and played football at the Unviersity of Chicago in the days of Alonzo Stagg. It has to happen, but the loss of an old friend is never easy. A thank you to the guy or gal who sent us a clipping with heading: "How to Ii Your Looks on Cameri Any help for off canriera? Dear Friend Earl, I'm taking this means of wishing you and Alvina a healthy and prosperous New Year and to explain "What Happened To The Birds". We put out our feeder for the first time in several years, so ob viously the snow birds are Cub Fans. Respectfully submitted, Jerry Miller Dear Jerry, Thanks for the good wishes. 'Twas nice of you. Had no idea our mention of the birds would stir up so much comment. You hit the nail right on the head. This column has always contended that Cub fans are for the birds. WAVERLY CUSTOM DRAPERY and BEDSPREAD SALE STARTS January 18th. WaVerlu Fabrics 20%OFF Labor 20%OII Yours, S.I.H. Happy Birthday to Pat DeBuck! Far be it from us to reveal a gal's age, but Pat says she doesn't mind. She has reached that mark where life begins. Couldn't find the name in the phone book so called Ken Bowsher for help in locating John Doerr (Garden Quarter). Said John, "You are a White Sox and American League fan. Don't you remember Bobby Doerr?" Our mistake was in going . through the Doors in the phone book. Another showed up Marian game night. rousing crowd for the Warrior here Saturday Varsity Wrestlers Lose, J.V, And Sophs Victorious In Mundelein Matches In the first quarter the Marian boys were hotter than a dime store pistol while the Warriors couldn't seem to get un thawed. The Warriors led by only two points at the half, then finally put it together for a 75-59 victory. Heard from one fan after the game that we boost the Warriors in this column, but should observe that they are not consistent. They have been consistent & enough to win 13 games in a row. However, it is recognized that the team lacks the "killer" instinct to put the opposition away when they have 'em on the run. Have been told the coaches are working on that angle. Right now we have a winner, a team with good reserve strength. Hottin' and hollerin' when the opposition is shooting a free throw has -been an unwritten No-No iyfcasketball since the game w£s invented. Soinetimes some loyal ^boosters get carried away. * ANOTHER STEAL for Terry Re«y as (21) Kevin Elfertng and (M) Paul Heirtag discover tktj m ( longer own the ball. Steals helped McHenry pull away to a commanding lead In their conference win over the Mustangs. Terry also scored eighteen points. Other Warriors left to right, are Doug Hertel, who scored eight, Steve Koerber. who led the team with nineteen and Brett Decker, with eleven ^ (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Lloyd's PAINT N PAPER, INC. Inter ior Design Studio ON THE WOODSTOCK SQUARE 338 1180 73 WILLIAMS ST.. CRYSTAL LAKE 459 1160 ORNAMENTAL IKON Railings-Columns Custom Fabricating welding & Structural STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Phone: 385-0783 FORMAL WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS feeld § SimH ....Ik ittuiniMK 1214 N. Green St., McHenry A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners - Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds-30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buy! Maico- Zenith-Radio Ear Oualitcne R0BT. STENSUNO & ASSOC. 3937 W. Main St. 385-7661 Behind-the-ear AID $1QQ By Dick Rabbitt The "Rassling Warriors" of Coach Marty Sobczak took it on the chin at Mundelin Friday night by the score of 29 to 19. The Warriors were winning 15 to 8 when disaster struck the Warrior camp. Both Denny Useman and Brian Nuss were injured in their matches and had to default. From that time on the Warrior fortunes went downhill and they couldn't recover for the evening. Coach Sobczak said after the match "It was our best wrestling of the year", and also remarked "I am quite pleased with the way our boys performed". The coach would not remark on the questionable call that forced Brian Nuss to retire for the evening. The J.V. sqad ran their record to 5 and 2 with a 51 to 21 win over the Mundelein J.V. Becker, DiBlasi, Rowe and Rice all had pins for the Warriors, while Jerry Hut chinson and Mike Fink both won by forfeits. The sophs won by one point on the pin of heavyweight Bob Larkey. The frosh lost a tough decision to the Mundelein freshman by the score of 31 to 28. Winners for the frosh were: Jim Leisten, Tim Frantz, junior Rivera, Ed Bruser and Roger Brand. Roger Emery and Steve Lingeman both tied their matches. VARSITY McHenry 19 - Mundelin 29. 98 lbs., Ortman, McH. dec. Nally, M. 105 lbs., Amsler, M. dec. Peterson, McH. 112 lbs., Schuster, McH. dec. Acton, Mc. 119 lbs., Useman, McH. dec. M J. McGrath, M. 126 lbs., B. McGrath, M. dec. Freund, McH. 132 lbs.j Beck, McH. tie - Gecrdts, M. 138 lbs., Swanson, McH. dec. Rnaki M 145 lbs., R. Shea, M. default, Useman, McH. 155 lbs., D. Shea, M. default, Nuss, McH. 167 lbs., Dale Shea, M. dec. Hutchinson, McH. 185 lbs., Lundelius, McH. dec. McHugh, M. Hwt. Foley, M. pin Christopher, McH. J.V. McHenry 51 - Mundelein 21., 98 lbs., Becker, McH. pin Stores, M. 105 lbs., DiBlasi, McH. pin Tottem, M. 112 lbs., Hurckes, McH. dec. Anderson, M. 119 lbs., Frantz, McH. - Forfeit, M. 126 lbs., Lance, M. pin Douglas, McH. 132 lbs., Martin, M. dec. Hughes, McH. 138 lbs., Hutchinson, McH. - forfeit, M. 145 lbs., M. Fink, McH. - Forfeit - M. - ,, 155 lbs., Rowe, McH. pin Shaffnek, M. 167 lbs., Berndt, M. pin Mai, McH. 185 lbs., Rice, McH. pin Freight, M. Hwt. - No match. n'V b, M. FROSH McHenry 28 - Mundelein 31. 98 lbs., J, Leisteen, McH. - Forfeit, M. 105 lbs., pin Bazen, 112 lbs., dec. Webb, M> 119 lbs., T. Frantz, McH. - dec. M. 126 lbs., Pin, M. Useman, McH. 132 lbs., R. Emery, McH - tie , M. 138 lbs., S. Lingeman, McH, - tie, M. , 145 lbs., Jr. Rivera, McH. - dec. M. 155 lbs^ JPin, M. - Jv Ram berg, McH. 167 lbs., E. Bruser, McH. pin - M. 185 lbs., R. Brand, Pin*- M. Hwt. - Forfeit. County Farm Bureau Announces Sports Festival Bowling Bert Rank, McHenry County Farm Bureau Sports Festival bowling chairman, would like to announce the following dates and places for this year's county bowling tournament. January 18th, Harvard Bowl, Harvard; January 25th, tfuntley Bowl, Huntley; and February 1st, Wayne's City Lanes, Woodstock. All bowling times will be at 1:00 P.M. on the above dates. The District Tournament will be held this year at Don Carter Lanes, Rockford, with McHenry County bowling on Friday, February 13th. The State Tournament will be on March 6th (Saturday) at Springfield bowling times will be announced later. Chairman Rank urges all Farm Bureau members of the county to participate in this sports event. If you need any further in formation in regard to the bowling tournament, contact the Farm Bureau office, or Chairman Bert Rrank. EA^ER J SECTION 1 - PAGE 6 - PLAINDEAEER-WEDNE8DAY, JANUARY 14, lf76 Warriors Rout Mundelein 88 By Dick Rabbitt Putting, on a display of near perfect basketball the McHenry high Warriors blasted the Mundelein Mustangs Friday night 88 to 56. Playing before a huge crowd, the Warriors didn't let their followers down, playing a brand of ball that left the fans talking to themselves. Koerber got the Warrior machine under way with 6:45 remaining in the period, and at the 3:00 mark they led 14 to 2. Mundelein fought back but could come no closer than six at the 1:00 mark, and the Warriors pulled away to a 22 to 12 first period lead. With Reilly, Decker, Lund and Koerber all hitting the hoop the Warriors started to gradually pull away. Midway in the period the play of the night developed. On the patterned Warrior fast break, Reilly and Decker exchanged passes in the back court, and continuing at full speed, Reilly's behind the back pass back to Decker, who took it without breaking stride for the layup, brought the fans to their feet. As one fan mentioned after the game, he would have liked to have seen the instant replay of that pass. That play seemed to take whatever spark the Mustangs had out of them, and the Warriors went on to take a 46 to 29 intermission lead. Playing a pressure defense that kept the Mustangs bottled up in their own end of the court the Warriors continued the onslaught with everyone in the lineup scoring, led at the end of the third quarter 66 to 43. MERCIFUL COACH Shortly after the final period began, Coach Ludwig took mercy on the hapless Mustangs and went to his bench. The reserves, some playing for the first time this year, didn't let the coach down as they con tinued to pour in the points, and it should be noted that Randy Blankenhorn, Billy Meyers, Joe Knaack, and Billy Hurckes more than held their own with the opposition and the Warriors won going away 88 to 56. Not to say the least Coach Ludwig was quite pleased with the performance of his Warriors. The only few tur novers that occurred were due to traveling. In anxiety to get the ball in the hoop, the Warriors were • just a little anxious a few times. One of the largest crowds in years was on hand. The upper balcony was opened and had quite a few people in at tendance. I'm sure the size of the crowd has a lot to do with the type of ball the Warriors played. The Warriors shot well, they rebounded well, they passed well, and their defense held the Mustangs at bay throughout the evening. They played the game the way it should beptayedfand I look for the crowds to get bigger as the season progresses along the way. Schiller BOX SCORE pf McHENRY Cg ft pf tp Koerber 9 1 1 19 Reilly 8 2 3 18 Lund 2 2 0 6 Ludwig 4 2 4 10 Decker " 4 3 2 11 Hertel 4 0 2 8 Christy - 2 0 1 4 Knaack 0 3 0 3 Blankenhorn 1 0 0 2 Rode 1 * 1 1 3 Hurckes 1 0 0 2 Meyers 1 0 *0 2 Totals 37 17 15 88 MUNDELEIN Heiring ' 0 0 2 0 Boyle 8 3 2 19 Hutchinson 3 0 4 6 Withrow 5 2 3 12 Klauss 0 2 ' 1 2 Elfering 3 3 1 9 Rusin < 2 0 2 4 Edmark 2 0 2 4 Cappasso * x0 0 1 0 Tortersen 0 0 1 0 TotSls 23 10 19 56 McH Mund. 22 24 20 22 88 12 17 14 13 56 AN INTERCEPTION and Warrior BUI Hurckes (30) steals a Mustang pass Intended for (43) Trailer. With less than two minutes remaining, these Warriors came off the bench and improved the score from 81-54 to 88-56. The Warriors left to right, are Brian Miller, Joe Knaack, Randv Blankenhorn, Bill Meyers and Hurckes. The conference victory gives the Warriors a 44 record in the N.S.C. Friday will be a home game against Crown and on Saturday, the McHenry cagers travel to Lake Forest. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD)