SECTIONS • PAOE • • PL AINDE ALER-WEDNE8DAY. JANUARY 21, lt7l A calculator can help you 1 tedium ^ ' The hand le calculator, .. space age only can mathe but It uct of If readily everyday K i l l ie ai In the last two years, design and production ex pertise have made the machine virtually acces sible to everyone. As little as three years ago, a basic four-function electronic calculator (one that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides) cost In the neigh borhood of $160.* Today, you can buy one with the same features and more, for less than $20. These low-eost hlgh- powersd solld-etaCte elec tronic devices were made possible by the develop ment of a single tiny microelectronic wafer, or calculator chip, capable of performing many func- January 22-23-24 \ 6" Hanging Baskets r • Ferns • Philodedron & • Strawberry Begonias ([/ • Pothos • And More!' !h $099 y NOW £ 10" Hanging Baskets : • WANDERING JEW And More! *9* ONLY | Rope Hangers £ 4 Assorted Colors Reg. H39 | wow! 69* Clay Saucers & Pots 2 1 R Terrarium Plants! | Small Ferns 1 2 99* Fresh Flower Specials! Daffodils QQt ^ ̂ BUNCH Many More Unadvertised Specials! 385 4320 tlons. Today's "chip," a single monolithic piece of silicon about the slae of a flake •f confetti, contains the equivalent of thousands of transistors and Is much more sophisticated and re liable than its predecessors. . Several of the most re spected names in electron ics manufacture and mar ket electronic calculators today. Many types are available, from basic mod els through advanced sci- entificsand financial units. Rockwell International, for example, a highly re spected leader in space age research and technol ogy, produces and distrib utes* a complete line of electronic calculators spanning a range of con sumer, business, scientific and professional uses. It includes models with man ufacturer's suggested re tail prices ranging from under $20 to oyer $2,000. Featured In the com pany's Consumer hand held electronic calculator line are two models retail ing for under $20. These machines add, subtract, multiply and divide, but also have a per cent key for easy discount and add on figuring -- Just the thing for a busy housewife to slip Into her purse for supermarket comparison shopping, or balancing a checkbook. One even has a recall able memory, permitting one answer to be stored while the operator works on another. Another Rock well model, selling for less than $30, performs all the basic functions plus recip rocals, squares and square roots -- functions that are important to students, sci entists and engineers. It, too, has a memory feature and an automatic add-on and discount capability. Today's electronic cal culator, small enough to fit in a purse or a pocket, offers a wide variety of uses for the student, the homemaker or the busi ness person. Possibly the best feature, however, is the price. Today, almost anyone can afford an elec tronic calculator. D STANLEY 20 OZ. STEELMASTER HAMMER . WAS $Q29 •11.29 *r FLAT LATEX PAINT GALLON WAS '8.93 *5» WEST BEND TEFLON CAKE PAN <o99 WAS *6.74 *3 WEST BEND 9 CUP No. 9465 COFFEE POT WAS '15.95 BERN-0-MATIC PROPANE GAS $J00 WAS '1.88 RID-X SEPTIC CLEANER 20 0Z. BOX WAS '1.79 $J00 LIMIT 2 $7» WEST BEND 12 INCH AUTOMATIC BUFFET SKILLET No. 4316 WAS '29.99 »20» NORTHLAND HOCKEY STICKS % OFF ALL ICE SKATES ,25% OFF) mm • OTHER DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS • Mirro Portable ELECTRIC BROILER S1A99 WAS $15.88 NOW *10 • Black & Decker JIG SAW BLADE ASSORTMENT 10 BLADES WERE $4.89 NOW • Lufkin TAPE MEASURE 10 FT. NO. 8210, WAS $2.69..., NOW • Sparkle GLASS CLEANER L PINT BOTTLE WAS 65C NOW • Bardahl ENGINE FLUSH IQT. WAS $2.25 NOW • BUTCHERS "GREEN STRIPE" FLOOR WAX 1 GAL. CAN WAS $5.88 , NOW *3W $J59 25* 99* $419 • Rubber Maid BIRD FEEDERS ZU% Ott • Dura-Wax GLASS CLEANER »1» AEROSOL CAN 18 OZ. WAS $1.79. NOW * • BURNSHINE ALUMINUM BRIGHTENER $189 QUART SIZE WAS $2.68 NOW * • Permalite TEXTURE FINISH 6 OZ. BAG )VAS 79C I|JF J mn •• WIAIRIE 3729 West Elm Street • McHeniy, Illinois 60050 Memory feature helps shoppers stay within their grocery budgets Checks and balances£- The memory feature on many Inexpensive hand held calculators today is a time-saving feature that allows you to calculate problems while shopping -- or anywhere, for that matter -- without the need of paper and pencil. While grocery shopping,' for example, a memory feature allows you to de termine the better buy between competing prod ucts and calculate sales tax -- all while you kelp a running tab of the total bill. The type of memory you buy determines the num- bef of entries you need to make in solving such problems. Rockwell sug gests you make sure you understand how the cal culator you select works before you buy it The following items may be totaled in a few steps, Including sales tax com putations and a better buy selection: /) Mayonnaise , $129 8 cans cat food -- ea. .25 + 6% tax Vinegar .59 Cereal: Box A 10 ozs. at .64 Box B 13 ozs. at .73 (Determine the better buy) Peanut Butter 1.19 Total "5^92 To determine the better buy of two choices, divide the price .of item A by the ounces contained in it, then multiply this price per ounce by the ounces contained in item B. The result is the price of item B if the cost per ounce was the same as item A. -I*"- BUDGET BALANCING--Checkbook balancing, compari son shopping, income lax preparation, and figuring gas mileage are all easier with the aid of a hand-held electronic calculator. Many inexpensive models are available, includ ing machines such as this one made by Rockwell Interna tional that calculates reciprocals, squares and square roots. Retailing for under $20, it also has a memory feature and automatic add-on and discount. Keeping up to date CALCULATING SHOPPER -- The automatic percent key on this Rockwell calculator makes computation of sales tax a snap in the supermarket. The percent key is also extreme ly useful for figuring discount and markup percentages, which can easily be entered as whole numbers. READY TO BRIGHTEN UP most any living room or den is Panasonic's new 19" color portable television, Model CT-905. Featuring the Quintrix picture tube with an extra pre-focus lens for sharpness, this new Pariacolor portable offers such convenience features as Q-Lock II one button control for easy adjustment of color and tint, Speed-O- Vision, and a front mounted Vacation Switch. Available in a choice of white or charcoal brown cabinets, this new 100% solid-state color unit has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $399.95. A great way to tune into all those upcom ing Bicentennial Specials. trnm inventory Clearance Sate REFRIGERATORS HOTPOINT HARVEST GOLD FROSTPROOF 21.9 Cu. Ft Side by Side *619" HOTPOD«' JWWVTST FROSTPROOF 20.7 CE^SFCFTRES* *465" HOTPOINT WHITE FROST PROOF 17.7. IU, FU *429" HOTPOINT WHITE FROST PROOF 15.7 cu. ft. $351°° FRIGIDAIRE WHITE FROSTPROOF 17.0 CU. ft *395°° FRIGIDAIRE POPPY FROST PROOF 17.0 cu. ft *405" FRIGIDAIRE HARVEST GOLD FROSTPROOF 20.6 cu. ft *470" FRIGIDAIRE 4.3 cu. ft "Meilbox". '199" HOTPOINT AUTO & TIME CYCLES HARVEST GOLD Electric Dijer *192" HOTPOINT 18 LBS. 2 SPEED WHITE WASHER *278* FRIGIDAIRE 3 TEMP. AVOCADO Electric Dryer ..H9101 FRIGIDAIRE 3 TEMP. POPPY ' * Gas Dryer „... *232? FRIGIDAIRE 18 LBS. 2 SPEED WHITE Wesher '289" • Hotpoint *219" HARVEST GOLD Frigidaire Demo,... > # 7500 WASHERS AND DRYER COMPACTORS RANGES FREEZERS HOTPOINT 8.3 cu. ft. Chest *240" HOTPOINT 14.8 cu. ft. Chest. *307" HOTPOINT 11.6 cu. ft. Upright *253°° - HOTPOINT 14.8 cu. ft. Upright. ...$285°° VESTA WHITE * * 21" Electric *141" VESTA WHITE 30" Gas *141" VESTA WHITE-GOLD 30" Gas Cont. Clean *259" SUNRAY WHITE 24" Gas *198" SUNRAY HARVEST GOLD 30" Gas Cont Clean *249" 30" GE&COI UE ̂ *285" HOTPOINF^WNWELT GO*»V 30" Ele^uJu#te-oV'.. *442" DISHWASHERS HOTPOINT 7 CYCLES Buiftrln Dish Pot s269°° HOTPOINT 11 CYCLES Built-in Sani-Cycle *309* HOTPOINT 5 CYCLES HARVEST GOLD & WHITE Portable Woodtop *268* S«i\c 20% fo 10% On All Light Fixtures In Slock LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHenry, III 385-088?