masipi SUITS ff "LATE ARRIVALS" ̂ f . 12 DOZEN LADIES' TOPS WOULD HAVE BEEN »4V 3 PIECES WITH 300 LADIES' Z5 LDRESSES h SIZE? 3 52 ^ $A°o PRICES SLASHED TO TO SAVE 25-60% 100 LADIES' ^ WINTER COATS k SIZES 6-22% »ve 20-40% ^"•900to,3900 i 50 GIRL'S \ WINTER COATS SAVE 20-45% LADIES' & GIRL'S JEWELRY PANTS 300 LADIES' TYPICAL VALUES: $4.99 NOW 3.90 (5.99 NOW 4.80 $11.99 NOW 9.60 MEN'S t BOY'S "1 WINTER COATS L 25%** ORIGINAL PRICES ~ SBCTKMl-MGEt' I entertainment product*. It JKflfBCH. tflt It his The first 99 years of the home entertainment rev olution encompassed the development of audio, ra dio and television -- but the last five years probably hare been the most signi- - flcant. In the beginning there was the mechanical pho nograph, then the electron tube which made possible electronic audio equip- stereos featured Three high performance solid-state stereo compo nent receivers are featured in the 1976 line of audio products from GTE Sylva- nia Incorporated, a subsid iary of General Telephone & Electronics Corporation. Other audio products include component and compact audio systems, automatic turntables, tape decks, stereo consoles, and speakers. v • New stereo receivers Two of the stereo re ceivers, RS5741 and RS57- 42, have a differential in put to the power amplifier which offers significant reductions in both inter- modulation and total harmonic distortion, plus excellent stability for a variety of load conditions. Sophisticated mute cir cuitry provides "pop" free switching between func tions and power on/off. They have exceptional FM sensitivity of 1.9 microvolts (IHF) and an outstanding 65 db signal to noise ratio. Both have built-in phase Q4 matrix circuitry, and a ceramic I J*, filter in the FM tuner section that never needs alignment. They have deluxe Baxan- dall tone controls for pre cise bass and treble re sponse and a low level mute circuit for elimina tion of inter-station noise. The third receiver, RS- 5740, features built-in phase Q4 matrix circuitry. All have cabinets of wal nut grained vinyl on wood. Manufacturer's suggested list price for the R85742 is $279.95, the RS5741 is $199.95 and the RS5740 is $159.95. Other stereo receivers Included in the compo nent line are the RS4743 and R84744 with manu facturer's suggested list ' prices of $349.95 and , $479.95, respectively. Five matched component sys tems feature solid-state AM/FM/FM receivers, au tomatic turntables, and air suspension speakers. Discrete 4-channel sys tem QCS42Whas a receiver which provides 15-watts minimum RMS power per channel at 4 to 8 ohms in 4-channel from 20Hz to 20kHz with no more than 1.0% harmonic distortion. Its four sealed air suspen sion speakers have an 8- inch woofer and 3-inch tweeter in each enclosure. Suggested list price is tAQQ QR The QCS41W is a dis crete 4-channel system that provides 7.5-watts minimum RMS per chan nel at 4 to 8 ohms in 4- channel from 30Hz to 20kHz with no more than 1.0% total harmonic dis tortion. It includes four sealed air suspension speakers--a 6-inch woofer and 2V4-inch tweeter in each enclosure. Manufac turer's suggested list price is $579.95. Quadraphonic receivers Four quadraphonic re ceivers in the 1976 line feature built-in CD-4 and two position SQ matrix, a solid-state 4-channel am plifier and an AM/FM tuner. Manufacturer's sug gested list prices range from $399.95 to $699.95. Eleven compact audio systems include four with solid-state quadraphonic receivers and seven with solid-state stereo receivers. Manufacturer's suggested list prices range from $299.95 to $499.95 for the quad systems and from $169.95 to $399.95 for the stereo systems. ' Stereophonic consoles all feature 8-track, built-in tape decks, remote speaker jacks, and phase Q4 mat rix 4-channel circuitry. Seven Concert Master Consoles each provide 10- " watts minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 60Hz to 20kHz with no more than 1.0% total harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Sug gested list prices range from $499.95 to $599.95. Five consoles in the Dy- » namic America series offer 5-watt8 minimum RMS ' per channel at 8 ohms from 60Hz to 20kHz with no more than 1% total harmonic distortion, all fhannrin driven.-Suggested list prices range from $369.95 to $429.95. ment and the other home entertainment products. Today, soDdnitate devices, the first ot which was in vented in 1947, have ac: celerated the pace of the revolution. * Significant pwfoiinsnrf Solid-state devices--in cluding transistors, dkxles and integrated circuits -- have ftllmlnated cumber some; heat-producing, power-hungry and failure- prone electron tubes. But even mere significantly, they can perform incred ibly complex tasks in a small space and at a low cost in mass-production. A single integrated cir cuit smaller than a post age electronic functions which once would have required thousands of individual parts. Electronic calculators The first completely new product made possible by the integrated circuit Is the electronic calculator which, in shlrtpocket slse and at almost unbeliev ably low cost, can do jobs which a few years ago would have required a roomful of equipment (or a roomful of mathematical geniuses). The solid-state revolu tion has revised and re vitalised all existing home ual tuning or knob-twid dling, color and black- and-white lets which op erate anywhere on their own batteries, tiny port able radios and go-any where tape recorders -- and the latest advance In audio realism, four-chan- qel sound. Electronic technology has done more than de- plied the key to boMta* down priest, even in our history's most steers In flation The government's offi cial Consumer Price Index shows that the cost of living had rteen hp March 197$ to 5$% above the 1M7 level. But hi the same period, the Index Indicates that portable tape record ers declined newly live per cent In average priee, aBtete- and-white, TV prices de clined an average of note than $t* (even though most of today's sets are color), while the cost of living more than doubled. In the same period, prices dropped 19%. BRAND NEW!!! "Spring Arrivals" LADIES' PANT I PAIR OF PANTS! REG. 45" NOW 3 STYLES • ASSORTED COLORS SIZES 10 to 18 • m to 22H U ajt iA < f muwuja mt **t 4001AM BLOUSES, TOPS & SWEATERS SIZES S-XL 34*52 NOW 20-50% <*< LADIES' & GIRL'S ROBES TO VALUES TO *15" ONE GROUP OF EARINGS & NECKLACES REG. $2" 2 ONE GROUP OF f NECKLACES ^$2^00 REG."'3" $2OO OTHER JEWELRY 50-75% OFF| ENTIRE SELECTION TOYS ].A> ORIGINAL / OFF PRICE WITH COUPON ONLY • EXPIRES 1-25-76 w o v e * f v v e v v e e e MEN'S & BOY'S. • DRESS SHIRTS • SWEATERS • PANTS • SUITS • HATS • GLOVES , • SWEAT SHIRTS • SPORT SHIRTS THERMAL UNDERWEAR $ave Don't miss our Rummage Tables ~ "Final Clearance" SAVE 50-90% OFF ORIGMAL PRICES 189 I6S6 9 »•» < uVuMrt spurgeons McHENRY MARKET PLACE 4400 W. RTE. 120 . . McHENRY 385-4100 STORE HOURS; MON.-FRL 9-9 SAT.- 9-6 SUN.- 10-3