Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1976, p. 10

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RAGE 19 . PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. JANUARY S. It78 111 m >••••< -• > BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SAl E Nb cash refunds von prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. * The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. ChecK your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OK KICK HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. „ SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline W'KDNKSDA Y'PAPER-MONDA Y 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUI0S 1930 Model "A" Ford coupe under restoration, new parts and accessories $1500. Firm 385-1957 1-23 1955 Chevy, 4 dr., 3 speed, stick, good condition. $500.00, 385-6739 after 4:00 P.M. 1/23-1/30 1969 Chevelle, 4 speed, 283, 4 barrel, $895.00 385-9385. 1/23 '70 G.T.O. ps.,auto.,air cond., good condition. Asking $1,000 or best offer. 653-3931 1-23 1974 Camero, LT Coupe, 350 engine, Burgandy with black in­ terior, radial tfres, rally wheels, power steering, power brakes, console, 5000 original miles, one owner. $3700. 815- 385-2403 after 5 p.m. 1-23-TF-1-2 *73 Pinto wagon,auto., air, ra­ dio, radial tires, Uggage rack, 29,200 miles, $2100 385-9477 1-23 1972 Chevy Vega Hatchback, 30, 000 miles, excellent running condition, automatic, snow tires $1,100.00. Call 385-3837 > 1-21/1-23 1971 Chevy Sfcort Van. 6 cyl­ inder, Carpeted & windowed. $995. Call 653-4695 1-21/1-23 1964 Plymouth, fairly good con­ dition, automatic, asking $225. Call 8lS-af4-0419 after 6 p.m. Ask for Sue 1-21/1-23 1969 Olds Viata Cruiser 9 pas­ senger Station Wagon. Call 385- 7478 1-21/1-23 • Seawalls • Piers , • Boat Hoists • Boat Propellers Repaired if Trailer Hitches if Heliarc • Portable FREE ESTIMATES l McHenry Welding 2912 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry _ (Across from Dog & Suds) 8 815-385-4929 j l/2-TT^2 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. Phone (815) 385-0778 Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 1/2-TF-2 NEED SOMETHING DONE? "•Carpentry • Roofing • Cement Work • Siding • Patios • Additions • New Homes No Job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 1/2-TF-2 To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. . . There's No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE $$$$ 15 WORDS or LESS $1-50 2nd Time $2.50 10c for each additional word per. insertion FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK TOT JHE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ - No Refunds Please insert as written for insertions Must be paid in Advance NAME ADDRESS. PHONE. No Commercial Accounts CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For Air yoI J ' * HW'NG N(f DS ' * Two Phones For Service! TOWINC 385 5840 385-0258 AUTOS 1974 Corvette T-Top, white with black leather, loaded, call days 385-7200 after 9 p.m. 385- 7673. Ask for Ralph. 1-21/1-23 LOOK! '63 4 dr. Olds, fully equipped, new tires, shocks, muffler and battery, low mile­ age. Priced to sell. 385-2307 1-21/1-23 1974 Dodge Tradesman Maxi- Van, p.s. & brakes, 10,000 miles $3500 815-385-4694 1-23 BUSINESS SERVICES DONALD'S ELECTRICAL Maintenence, residential and commercial wiring & trouble shooting 344-2696 after 6 p.m. 1-7/1-30 BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES SNOWPLOWING, sanding, 24 Interior-Exterior remodeling, hour service, residential or All types of carpentry. E>q>er- commercial also general haul- ienced call 385-1484 ing. 385-1484 1-9/1 -2* 1-9-TF-2 Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night. 815-459-0081. 1/7-TF 1-2 "CEDERGREN A SONS" PAINTING CONTRACTORS Exterior-Interior- Wall Papering "Third Generation" 815-385-6758 815-344-1551 1.-2/3-26-TF-2 SNOW PLOWING. Parking lots, subdivisions, private roads, driveways, free estimates, Sanding, Paul's Sons Trucking. 385-8960. 12-5/1-30 if*. & Pastel, Pencil, Charcoal, or Oil Drawn from Life or From Photo. 815-385-3815 REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements • Porches' • Family Rooms, • Garages [ !• Room Additions t Patios & Repairs O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 Zenith stereo Circle of sound with 2 cone speakers and dia­ mond stylus like new. Tel. 497- 3022 1-23 Antique Walnut Pineapple post bed, full size, complete, an­ tique cedar chest, rockers, chairs, etc. 815-675-2072 1-23 9" craftsman radial saw, elec­ tric Gourmet Rotisserie with oven. 385-1363 1-23/1-28 Used exercise beft and exer­ cise bike for sale. "In Good Condition" 385-3232. 1-23 Lovely mink stole, almost new $175 Call 385-0299 1-23/1-28 FIREPLACE WOOD. Seasoned oak - split $30 ton delivered $25 pickup your own 815-675- 2194/385-7347 12-23/1-30 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, with kindling, split and delivered. $30. per ton. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 1-14-TF-1-2 SEASONED FIREWOOD^ prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-1169 10-31-TF-1-2 Light walnut dining room table and 6 chairs $100., 385-2769 1-21/1-23 Sofa bed lounge sleeps twogreen naughahyde excellent conditioh $95. 815-344-2856 1-21/1-23 Baldwin electric piano. Brown maple, excellent condition, with headphones $400. 338-2989 or 388-1723 1-21/1-23 BI-CENTENNIAL SPECIAL Garage Sale 14 x 20 Garage $1,492. 16 x 22 Garage $1,776. 20 x 22 Garage $1,976. Concrete installed per local building Codes additional. O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 1/2-TF-2 TOP DOLLAR For your junk cats or trucks. One day service. Call anytime 385-5156 •INTERIOR & EXTERIOR! REMODELING OF ALL KINDS I Aluminum, steel & Vinyl | Isiding and trim. Seamless • gutters and downspouts, in | • 6.colors. Winter Discounts • GUTTERS UNLIMITED! ALUMINUM ! PRODUCTS SERVICES! 815-385-9427 I 815-653-9720 | Free Estimates 1-23/3-5 VACANT PROPERTY VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mc Intosh & Co., 312-372-2040 ex­ tension C. • 1-2-TF-1-2 SITUATION WANTED Painter for hire. Will wortc by hour or by job. Reasonable prices. Call 385-7797 1-16/1-23 NOTICE 1/2-TF-2 Set of 2 - 6'9 x 4'1 sliding thermopane glass doors with screens. $100. 728-0298 1 1-21/1-23 Capeharts component stereo, 8 track play and reloader, BSR changer, stand, 4 speakers and head phones, plus RCA stereo record changer, all for the low price of $240. Will sell separ­ ately 385-5745 1-21/1-23 All items new or like new. Century Mark n, 17' 90 hours, Triumph TR-6R Mildly customized, 21" Philco colored Television console, desk calculator, Gibson bass guitar, car roof rack 54", 327 Corvette finned alumi­ num valve covers, bench and mat. 385-8961 MOTORCYCLE j MAINTENANCE j Now Offering J Snowmobile i Repairs Tune ups, rebuilding, belts, tracks, oil. soark plugs, windshields,Hooker Headers. Located on McCullom Lake Road, McHenry. 385-1321 Closed SunAys>___j| "" ""ll-H-Tr-^ S0UTHGATE BEAUTY SALON INA, C.C., JAMIE, BARB ANDVAL on duty to take care of your hair. TUESDAY through SATURDAY Open Thursday evenings. 385-2966 1-16/1-23 McHENRY FS CHEMICAL SALE JANUARY 22, 23. 24 I I IWe will be offering sub .stantial savings on I I I „ all I chemicals for cash pay- a ment and pick up at the | I plant. If you don't want to take I (advantage of the cash dis- Icount, pick up your chem-i McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE • 24 hour answering service and comolete, mailing service • Paging Service • Printing • Mimeographing • Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-0258 1/2-TF-2 SNOWMOBILES 1972 Polaris Snowmobile, Charger 400 SS, $800. or best offer. 344-0832 1-21/1-23 1975 Johnson JX 650 electric excellent condition, low hours, very fast, can be test driven on Wonder Lake. $1,875. new sacrifice 653-9713 1-23 1974 Artie Cat Panther, full gauges, electric start, cover, like new. $925. 385-2381 1-21/1-23 1974 Artie Cit, El Tegre, like new, full gauges, cover, hot machine $875. 385-2381 1-21/1-23 SNOWMOBILES | 96X3636363636362 SNOW SEASON PROTECTION Have fun with that snowmobile, but make sure your covered! Liability coverage of $50,000.00, including passenger coverage at a nominal $25. for the season. THAT* SLIGHT! See us today over at Fitzgerald's Insurance Agency and enjoy the snomobile season. FITZGERALD'S INSURANCE AGENCY 4719 W. Rte. 120 \ McHenry, 111. > 815-385-4619 1-23 J plant. I If yOU uun t nam iu uine • advantage of .the cash dis-l count, pick up your chem- J icals with payment delayed I Iuntil May 10th. You saveS by hauling your own chem-1 Iicals. We'll have coffee and re-1 Ifreshments, so stop in and • 5see us. The Folks at I McHENRY FS, INC. 4004 Waukegan Road I I McHenry, Illinois 1-21/1-23 FOR SALE Dining room set with hutch, 6 high cane back chairs, Med­ iterranean style, excellert con­ ation $500. Call 344-1697 1-21/1-23 FOR RENT SELL (Ml RENT 2 bedroom all electric. Agent 815-344- 1183 12-24-TF-1-2 Two bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925 1-2-TF-1-2 Sleeping room with Cedar lined closet in Edgebrook Heights for working adult - references re­ quired Call 385-6215 or 385- 8305 1-21/1-23 Brand new spacious deluxe 2 bedroom 4 unit apt., 1%baths, stove, refrigerator, dish­ washer, disposal, washer and dryer, ceramic bath and kit­ chen, garage with automatic door opener, drapes, patio Phone 312-546-1264 1-21/1-23 Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65 and up 45570320 -1 1-2-TF-1-2 2 bedroom apartment in Mc Henry, $195 per month, secur­ ity deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 1-2-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266days, 385-8905 evenings. 1-2-TF-1-2 Large 1 bedroom apartment, fully carpeted, tiled bath, stove refrigerator, air conditioned, - security deposit required. 385- 2639 1-23/1-28 £ NEW BUILDING One bedroom apartments available now. Stove,refri­ gerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, laundry, air condi­ tioned, and pool. - $210 per month 815-385-7599 or 815-344-0880 1-7-TF-1-2 pooooooooooooooooooo FOR RENT Deluxe 2 bedroom country club, Fox River waterfront home, with gas grill, fire­ place, 3 car garage, shore station. $325. per month. ESSEX-C0STELL0 REAL ESTATE CO. 3717 W. Elm Street McHenry 385-7050 1-23 F0UR-PLEX APARTMENT UNIT - McHENRY - OCCUPANCY FOR MARCH 1st < 2 large bedrooms, 2nd floor, carpeted, patio bal­ cony, gas stove, refriger­ ator, air conditioning, one and Vi baths, very close to downtown McHenry, gas heat and water furnished, $220. security deposit, $220 rent per month, (me year lease, no pets, no children. References required Shown by appointment Mature couples or Mature singles. CALL 815-385-8820 1-16/1-23 FOR SALE CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES ALL CLASSES FOR ALL VEHICLES 15% DISCOUNT WITH AD OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY 29th, 1976 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 385-4929 1-16-TF-2 I I i ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER .. 3S12 V\. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 3K5-01.0 1 FOR RENT House mate wanted to share expenses, on a 2 bedroom house 385-1493 1-21/1-23 Commercial space 1,340 sq. ft including office. Paved parking, good location, just east of Mc Henry on Rte. 120. 385-0997 1-16-23-30 McHenry Shores. 3 bedroom house, carpeted, garage. $250 security deposit required 385- 0513 1-23 Wonder Lake 2 bedroom home retired or working couple fur­ nished or unfurnished $185. per month plus security deposit call 815-653-7296 1-23/1-28 HELP WANTED Receptionist and Assistant for Physicians office. Ages 20-30, 312-381-4828 after 6:00 p.m. 1/23-1/28 SECRETARY WANTED for weekends only, must , have typing experience,, preferably between 18-35 years of age. Call Byrnes Bros. Inc., Realtors 385-6900 1-16-TF-1-2 SECRETARY Typing and shorthand, some bookkeeping helpful. Contact Mrs. Graffam 815-338-7417 After 4:00 P.M. 815-728-0504 1-23 HELP WANTED Housekeeping/Cooking. Person wanted to prepare 3 meals a day and some light housekeep­ ing for ill woman. 9: - 4:30 P.M., Monday-Friday. Refer­ ences 385-2489 after 6: P.M., and weekends. 1/23-1/31 Real Estate Salespersons wanted. Full or part time. Send resume to Box JA 7, c/o Mc Henry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, n. 1-23-TF-2 Full time position to sell boats and accessories. Experience ,ih Marine sales not necessary., however, would prefer young aggressive sales acclimated male, 21 to 30. Earnings comm­ ensurate with ability. Call 9 to 6 Tuesday through Friday. Don Looze, Hansen Marine. 385- 3360. * 1/14-1/23 Wanted: Middle aged woman to live in, to care for two school age children and light house­ hold chores. Car necessary. Reply with letter to Box JA-6 c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 60050 1-21/1-30 Live in housekeeper in a Mot­ herless home for a 1 year old1 and a 3 year old. Responsible woman. Salary, private room, good home. After 6:00 p.m., 815-385-7236. !_23 Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 1-2-TF-1-2 HARDWARE MAN 1 Full time Experience required Call for appointment 385-4427 NYE TRUE-VALUE HARDWARE \ 1-21/1-23 8 AVON Can you work late atter- noon's, evenings, and Sat­ urday's? Be an Avon rep­ resentative selling qual­ ity products made by the world's largest cosmetic company. Over 18. Call: Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 1-7-TF-1-2 EXPERIENCED HOSTESS ) Must have had waitress ex­ perience. WAITRESSES We are also taking appli - > cations for day and night waitresses for the reopen­ ing of the club on Febru­ ary 1st. Please apply in person 9 am to 5 pm Crystal lake County Club BROUHAHA Needs part time female help Must be available days and some evenings. 10-20 hours weekly. Apply in person to BR00HAHA 1220 N. Green McHenry, II. 815-3854)150 l?23/l-28 ~ DISHWASHER Older person preferred Full time Apply La Petitie Cuisine 220 W. Rt 120 Lakemoor 815-385-7495 Mi 1-21/1-23 1-21/1-23 HELP WANTED EMPLOYERS New Free Service For You We Have Person Power High School Graduates • Full Time High School Students • Part Time McHemy High School Employment Placement Office 385-9007 1-21/1-231 RN'S & LPN'S FULL TIME PART TIME Positions available on the P.M. & Night Shifts Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-2200 Extension 645 •T I I I I I I I I I 1-21/1-23J

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