Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAIM»KALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. 1*76< Chester Conrad To Head Senior Citizens Club CATHY CADOTTE ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. George Cadptte of 3MI2 Skyway drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cathy, to Steve Hurckes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iturckes of 2721 Titchfleld Terrace, McHenry. No definite date has teen set for the wedding. fine Fare . . , Cranberry Glazed Ham ™ * * ni; For a special family dinner or a festive occasion, here's a ham iwith a delectable difference . . . glazed with a superbly piquant •cranberry sauce. To dress up the ham--and make it easy to serve I-*-r have the butcher slice a boned ham for you, or do it yourself, •fepread each slice thinly with a mixture combining jellied cran- Iberrv sauce, Worcestershire and grated orange rind. Then reas- •semble into ham shape and tie lengthwise with string. Brush [remaining cranberry sauce all over the ham, thoroughly. When •done, slip a skewer through the ham and remove string. Garnish [with sugar frosted grapes and parsley. Indeed, a most decorative •knd delicious main course to serve at any time. To round out >our menu consider a crisp salad with a creamy cheese dressing, & sweet potato pudding, and buttered green beans mixed with ; sliced almonds. i CRANBERRY GLAZED HAM (Serves 10 to 12) 'i canned ham, about S pounds 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce can (1 pound) Ocean Spray 1 teaspoon grated orange rind I * jellied cranberry sauce -! Remove ham from can and pull off all gelatine. Cut ham into C *4-Inch thick slices Mix cranberry sauce, Worcestershire sauce * and oranpe rind. Spread slices thinly with cranberry mixture. T Reassemble slices into ham shape and tie together with a string. - Pour any remaining cranberry mixture over top of ham. Bake in J a preheated slow oven (325 F.) for 60 minutes or until ham is heated thoroughly, spooning pan drippings over ham as it roasts. C Push a long skewer through ham slices lengthwise and place > ham on a platter or lift with broad spatula. Remove string. \ Serve garnished with parsley and small bunches of frosted green > grapes. W, * r r • t. BANK N0TE$ BY DONALD DALEY PRESIDENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY First Coin In History About 650 to 700 years before Christ, along the coast of what is now Tur­ key, the Kingdom of Lydia was flourishing but its' role in history would likely be little remembered except that they happened upon an idea that provided them immortality as the first country to issue a coin. These pieces were crude bean shaped lumps ofelec- trum, a natural alloy of silver and gold that aboun­ ded along the river's edge. While metal had long been weighed in many lands for purposes of transactions, the Lydian idea wastopro- duce at one time, a quan­ tity of convenient shaped fixed weight pieces of pre­ cious metal, adding the inn­ ovation of stamping the pie­ ces with official symbols. These little lumps were formed in a mold and such as they were, are regar­ ded as the first coin. Lydia was also the first to coin a pure gold coin... in 560 B.C. under King Croesus whose reputation for fabulous wealth provi­ ded the basis for the once popular saying "rich as Croesus". Croesus coins show facing heads of a lion and a bull....symbols of ro­ yal power. Lydia was con­ quered by Persia in 546 B.C. Whether you are interested in saving money...or bor­ rowing, you'll find FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY most accommodating! You will also recieve fast, per­ sonal service..with a smile! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFs| McHENRY, 3814 W. Elm St. Telephone 385-5400. Candy Merkel, Floyd Gober Wed Jan. 10 Candy Kay Merkel of 2408 Prince Edward, Honolulu, Hawaii, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kilo of 810 N. Center, McHenry, was married Jan. 10 to Floyd Alan Gober of Schofield Army base, Honolulu, Hawaii. Miss Merkel also is the daughter of the late Peter J. Merkel. . V , The couple exchanged nuptial vows in St. Patrick's Catholic church in a 3 o'clock' ceremony performed by Father Michael Douglas. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gober of Bridgeport, Texas. The bride was given in marriage by her step-father, whose birthday occurred that day. Mrs. Michael (Marian) Moretti, Highwood, attended the bride as matron of honor. Maid of honor was Debbie Borter, McHenry, with Lynne Merkel, Bloomington, Ind., sister of the bride, Mariella Donahue, Woodstock, and Mrs. Rick (Kim) Cooper, McHenry, as bridesmaids. Junior bridesmaids were Theresa Steele and Amber Steele. Heather Steele of Bloomington, Ind.« cousin of the bride, was flower girl. The groom was attended by Timothy O'Kelly, Chicago, as best man and Peter, Thomas and Patrick Merkel, brothers of the bride, and Michael Moretti, Highwood, as groomsmen. Dr. Larry J. Steele, uncle of the bride, was commentator. Following the ceremony, a reception for about 150 guests was held at Johnsburg Coirf- munity hall. Miss Lynne Donahue, Woodstock, and Mrs. Tim O'Kelly, Chicago, passed the guest book. Honored guests included Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stella, god­ parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steele, Bloomington, Jnd., maternal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mayer of Oak Lawn, paternal grandparents; and Mrs. Louis EIlo, Waukegan. Before returning to Hawaii, the newlyweds plan to visit the bridegroom's family in Texas. The bride, a former graduate of Marian Central, is employed by the ALA-Moana Corp. The groom is a sergeant in the U.S. Army. They will be residing at 2408 Prince Edward, Honolulu, Hawaii. A rehearsal dinner was given at the home of the bride's parents and a shower was held at the American Legion hall by the bride's attendants prior to the wedding. , Chester Conrad is the new president of the McHenry Senior Citizens club. Unanimous approval was givien to the entire slate of officers presented at the last club meeting by Harry Symonds, chairman of the nominating committee. The 1976 officers are as follows: president, Chester Conrad; vice-president, Ralph L o c k e r b i e ; r e c o r d i n g secretary. Helen Strandquist; financial secretary, Louise Giel; treasurer, Virginia Nix; historian and publicity, Lyda Radisch; social chairlady, Anne Rehfinger, and co- chairlady, Myrtle Grever; program chairlady, Ann Sch- warz, and co-chairlady, Clara Slager, tour chairman, John Doerr; loop bus trips, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grayson; membership chairlady, Pearl Oliver, and co-chairl'ady, Bertha English; bowling chairman, Frank Giel; art director and square dancing, Alf Heggeland; music director (kitchen band leader) Dolly Mazzarelia; Newsletter editor, Morris Rogers and greeter, Dick Rehfinger. The officers-elect received a large round of applause, and President Kenneth Bowsher wished the new corps of officers a very successful year. These officers-elect will be installed at the meeting of Jan. 26, at which time they will assume their duties. Mrs. Alice Chermak in­ troduced Mr. and Mrs. Cook of McHenry and th^ir friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jones from Downers Grove, all members of the American Bell Collectors association. Mr. and Mrs. Cook had a very impressive display of bells of all kinds and sizes, *and Mr. Cook very ably and enjoyably gave the history of many of them. Mr Bowsher reported he was very happy that the driver refresher courses are still very popular, and so helpful and that he had a large group registered for the series that started Jan. 15. John Doerr will be the in­ structor, assisting Co-ordinator Bowsher. The treasurer, James Jan- sen, read the treasurer's report and gave a resume of the year's financial activity, and envied by thanking everyone for their cooperation' during his long term of office, which he stated he enjoyed very»much. An unanimous vote was cast . to donate $100 each to the McHenry Rescue squad, and the Johnsburg Rescue squad. With such a large mem­ bership, and so many to pay <lues in January, it is suggested dues be mailed directly to the membership chairlady, Mrs. Pearl Oliver, at 2815 North Wooded lane, or to the club post office Box No. 201. If unable to mail dues, members are asked to have their checks made out. thus avoiding the hectic situation that occurred at the last meeting. An important notification was received from . the McHenry and Woodstock Disposal company which was read, regarding the special Senior Citizens program. The company's address is-140i N. North drive, and the telephone number is 385-2221. This special Senior Citizens program will undoubtedly save many quite a bit of money. Mrs. Louise Giel is taking reservations for the bus, lun­ cheon, theater party Wed­ nesday, Feb. 18 for Pheasant Run. The bus will leave the McHenry State bank parking lot at 11:45 a.m. John Doerr also reported a bus, luncheon and theater trip to the Little Red Barn theater at the Wagon Wheel lodge at Rockton, 111, March 17. The play is "They Made Us Laugh". President Bowsher thanked all for their help - and cooperation during his terms of office. The next meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club will be Monday, Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at East campus cafeteria. MARISSA LYNN McINTYRE ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. John O. Mclntyre, McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Marissa, to Michael J. Schultheis, son of Mrs. Suzanne Schultheis, Wonder Lake, and the late Frank J. Schultheis. Both young people are graduates of McHenry high school and are employed. No wedding date has been set. Busy Year Has Start For Court Joyce Kilmer Court .Joyce Kilmer's Catholic Daughters of America assembled Jan. 15 for the first meeting in the new year. Regent Bertilla, in addition to her busy official duties, told the membership she had sent some religious magazines to the Marian Press center, and read a gracious thank-you she received from Father Joseph, a Carmelite priest in India. An Indian by birth and nationality, in charge of four churches, a convent, a school, and the nuns and other priests helping his pastoral work, his enthusiasm was inspring. Mary Freund, Personal Involvement chairperson, reported on her arrangements for the Day of Recollection at the Retreat House, Rockford, June 29. Marie Ann Hellyer evoked the interest of the group meeting with unique and fascinating money-raising ideas in a Do-It-Yourself way. A convention is scheduled at Joliet April 30 and May 1-2; a card party May 6; a Com­ munion breakfast Sunday, April 25; a Mother's day banquet in early May, and a June 17 potluck. The first Wednesday of every month is Downey hospital visiting day by Joyce Kilmer committee. A monetary contribution was voted on toward a scholarship in the Catholic Religious Communications foundation, limited to persons in diocesan communications work. Social hostess for the evening was Bobbie May. Attendance prize was won by Laura Phannenstill. The next meeting will be Feb. 19, followed by a social hosted by Mary Freund. Area Club Plans White Elephant, Bake Sale HASSURGERY Bart Yegge underwent serious surgery Thursday morning in Northwest Com­ munity hospital, where he wijl be confined for ten days. Friends may write to him at the hbspital, 800 W. Central road, Arlington Heights, 60005. SENIOR CITIZEN'S Bi cautious when considering buying a share in a dude ranch, ski area or the many other recreational-type developments on the market today. David Hansen and Thomas Dickinson, professors at the University of California's Davis campus recently completed a study of undivided interest recreation developments in California. According to the study buyers are often unaware of how many memberships will be sold, what the future cost will be or whether there will be over­ crowding. The number of remote rec­ reational developments in which all members share equally in use and ownership has in­ creased rapidly in the past few The next meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club will be held Thursday, Feb. 5, at 12:30 p.m., at the Lakeland Park community house, 1717 North Sunset avenue. The project in progress at this time is the white elephant and bake shle to be held Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Community house from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The public is invited to attend. There visitors will find "almost an: tique" items and delicious culinary treats. years, says Hansen. Projects range in size from 160 to 14.000 acres, with the projected number of owners varying from ap­ proximately 400 to 2,500. Five potential problems in­ herent in undivided interest developments that prospective buyers should consider carefully (according to the study done by the two professors): --Overpricing. --Difficulty in reselling. --Overcrowding. In general, the spacious quality of the developments tends to disappear as memberships are sold. --Wrong impressions. Artist's conceptions as outlined on a brochure may deviate substan­ tially from the finished project. --Membership requirements. Clauses could restrict member­ ship to an "elite" group, or the characteristics of the member­ ship rules might allow members whose behavior would be objec­ tionable to the prospective buyer RECIPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan Seafood prepared by any method goes over big at our house. • Sea Food Southern % c small scallops 2 eggs 2 c cooked rice % c boiled shrimp 2 T diced onion 2 T fat Yk c tomato catsup Vz t celery salt 1 t curry powder Combine liquid from scallops with slightly beat­ en eggs. Add rice, scal­ lops and shrimp. Brown onion slightly in fat and add catsup, celery salt and curry powder. Stir into rice mixture. Place in buttered shallow baking dish. Bake in oven 350 degrees for 30 minutes.' JUST ARRIVED AND DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN? Call The hostess in your area will call on you with a variety of helpful community information along with gifts and greetings from local mer­ chants. PI Marv Ann Bellak 385-5705 Peggy Kaiser 385-2710 Communityj Calendar JANUARY 25 Bicentennial Pancake Break­ fast - American Legion Hall -- 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Tickets Available At Door. JANUARY 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m., East Campus Cafeteria •• In­ stallation of Officers. JANUARY 26 McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting - City Hall - 10 a.m. JANUARY 27 Annual Meeting -- Election of Officers - Auxiliary To The McHenry Hospital -- Brunch ~ 11:30 a.m. - McHenry Country Club. JANUARY 28 Family Service And Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County Board Of Directors Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- McHenry Hospital Board Room - Open To Public JANUARY 29 McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Driver Refresher Course" - Third And Final Session Of This Series --10 a.m. to 12 Noon - McHenry City Hall. ' Auditions for • American Repertory Theatre System - "The Girl In The Freudian Slip . - McHenry Country Club -- Jan. 29 -1- 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Ad­ ditional Information or Per­ sonal Interview - Call 815-675- 2066 or Write to A.R.T.S - Box 542-McHenry, II. 60050. JANUARY 31 Wild Game Dinner and Dance - Sponsored By Knights of Columbus - V F.W. Hall. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Cards - Oak Room -- St. Mary's School - 7:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 1 Family-style Roast Beef Dinner ~ Zion Lutheran Church - 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. - Tickets Available At Church Office. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Installation Dinner -- Longhorn 2 p.m. - Reser­ vations, Elvina Summers or Jean Driscoll FEBRUARY3 Marcia Mary Ball Circle The ladies will be serving bakery goods and coffee at very nominal prices during the hours of the sale. Eligibility for the Lakeland Park Women's club is mem­ bership in good standing in the Lakeland Park Property Owners assocaition. This is an active club, doing constructive things for the community, anjj helping on civic projects wherever possible. It also provides activities for the younger generation. Come in and browse, you'll get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gifts. or? --L_M 3012 W Rte. 120, McHenry East of New Bridge - Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thurs. 9.-5:30. Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 Complete planning and installation of fixtures and accessories. Meeting -- First United Methodist Church ~ 12:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 5 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 p.m. -- Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Avenue. Regular L.P.P.O.A. Board Meeting -- 8 p.m., - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Avenue. FEBRUARY 6 Church Women United -- Annual Luncheon Meeting - 12 Noon - St. Patrick's Church. FEBRUARY7 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Fish Dinner - Legion Hall -- 5:30 p.m. - Board Meeting - Home of Jean Driscoll - 7:30 p.m. Hilltop Fun Fair -- Hilltop School - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. FEBRUARY7and 8 McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club - Ice Fishing Derby - 9 akm. to 4 p.m. -- Registration at McCullom Lake Beach House. FEBRUARY 11 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Luncheon and Card Party -- Church Hall - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Tickets At Door. FEBRUARY 12 McHenry Woman's Club Social Hour --12 p.m. - Meeting -- 1 p.m. -- V.F.W. Hall. FEBRUARY 19 Catholic Daughters of America - Joyce Kilmer Court No. 573 - Business Meeting and Social - K. of C. Hall - 8 p.m. McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club -- Meeting Spojnia Polish National Union Camp -- Flanders and Spojnia Roads -- 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Meeting -- Oak Room -- St. Mary's Church -- 7:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 25 McHenry Woman's Club Dessert Luncheon -- Card Party -- Benefit Public Library -- V.F.W. Hall - 1 p.m. - Public Welcome. FEBRUARY 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Oak Room - Cards - St. Mary's School -- 7:30 p.m. \ MARRIAGE LICENSES Gary Spengel, 4704 Garden Quarter, McHenry, and Ann C. Foreman, McHenry. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL L. ROBERTS BRIDAL COUPLE - Karen J. Biggs and Michael L. Roberts exchanged nuptial vows at St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg, Nov. 21. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs of 3704 W. Freund avenue and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Emitt Roberts of 3601 N. Middle avenue, all of McHenry. The newlyweds are now residing in Sheboygan Falls, Wis. PHOTO BY NIES Colored gum drops make attractive candle holders for a child's birthday cake. Make a small slit in the top for the candle. Conserve heat by draw­ ing shades and drapes at night for added insulation and opening them during the day to let the sunshine in. IQSi WEIGHT STARTING TODAT ODRINEX contains the most powerful reducing aid ever released to the public without a prescription-clinically proven by a leading University Hospital An amazing hunger tamer that suppresses the appetite, lets you enjoy three good meals a day-the tiny ODRINEX tablet helps you eat less without being hungry - down go the calories, down goes your weight No crash diets or strenuous exercises Sale t»' *n as dtrected-wH not mahe you nervous * wjm, M supar as you start stun mmg down today with ODRINEX. Satis faction guaranteed or money back BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. Mail Orders Filled

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