Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1976, p. 3

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r Chief Walks-With-The-Wind present* program In heritage. ooooBoadooooopooooog Births McHENRY HOSPITAL Thomas and Patricia Topolski, McHenry, are the parents'of a girl born Jan. 22. A daughter > was born to Osvaldo and Karyn Amaro, McHenry, on Jan. 22. Jan. 23 will be the birthdate of a boy born to Gerald and Ethel Chatham, McHenry. The son of Leonard and Patricia Abruzzo, 5201 Home avenue, McHenry, has been named Michael John.. He was born Jan. 9 in McHenry hospital and weighed 8 lbs., 9 oz. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lip- pke, McHenry, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Abruzzo, Ingelside. A daughter was born to Nayne and Bonnie Kawell, McHenry, on Jan. 18. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGrath, McHenry, are the new parents of a son born on Jan. 18. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thennes, McHenry, on Jan. 20. r HARVARD HOSPITAL A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boles, Wonder Lake on Jan. 17. McHenry Man Will Display Buying Poultry When buying poultry, look for the official USDA grade mark on poultry--it is your assurance pf quality. U.S. grade A poultry is the finest poultry available, but all inspected poultry is nutritious and wholesome food. The inspec­ tion mark of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the form of a circle is required on all poultry sold across state lines. 1949 Packard Robert House of 601 Silbury court, McHenry, is among the many Packard owners who are displaying their cars at the "Elegance of Packard" show being held in the Woodfield Mall Feb. 1-8. House owns a 1949 DeLuxe 4-door Sedan. Few people know that Packard was the first car to have a steering wheel, ac­ celerator pedal, in­ terchangeable wheels, constant action windshield wipers and front and rear bumpers as standard equipment. Approximately twenty-five Packard models from 1927 through 1956 will be displayed at the show. Deaths SISTER ANNUNCIATA MARIE Sister Annunciata Marie McCarthy died at St. Mary-of - the-Woods Infirmary Thur­ sday, Jan. 22, after a long illness. She was a sister of Mrs. Lillian Heuel of McHenry. Sister was born in Chicago, 111. and entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence at St. Mary-of-the-Woods in 1907. She taught music and intermediate grade subjects in schools staffed by the Sisters of Providence; in Indiana, at St. Joseph's, St. Philip Neri, and St. Agnes academy, In­ dianapolis; Holy Trinity, New Albany; and St. Simon's Washington. In Illinois, she served as local superior at St. Mary's, Aurora, and at Sacred Heart, Lockport; and taught for more than thirty years at The Magistics nre Kevin Connelly and WttHun Cost. * Entertain At Schools Urban Gateways, the non-profit arts-education agency operating in the six-county Chicago Metropolitan Area, will sponsor several Artists-in-the-Schools programs in area schools during the month of February. Urban Gateways offers a variety of in-school programs in dance, drama, music, the visual arts and cultural heritage. Special Bicentennial programs, teacher in-service workshops, and high school programs are also being offered this school year. The Magistics will highlight school activities at two McHenry schools Feb. 27. At 9:15 and ll a.m., they will perform at Hilltop school, 2615 West Lincoln street; and at 2:45 p.m., the performance will be at McHenry Junior high school, 3711 West Kane. The two magicians, who have backgrounds in education and drama, will present a full magic show based upon the historical feats and illusions developed by the Victorian magicians of the 19th century. In the Magistics performance, careful attention has been given to costuming, stage setting and atmospheric music to create a program that focuses attention while entertaining with mystery and visual beauty. Most of the illusions are based on old magic principles, some even ancient, dating back thousands of years. William Coes is a graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and holds a B.S. degree from the State university of New York and a Master's degree in Theatre from Purdue university. Kevin Connolly has graduated from the Goodman School of Drama and has earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Chicago. The Magistics have recently completed a tour of Midwest night dubs with a sophisticated magic act, which they perform in addition to the Urban Gateways school program. Chief Walks-With-The-Wind, often billed as "Illinois' Own Chief', will be presented at Spring Grove elementary school, 2018 Main, Spring Grove, Feb. 2, at 9:05 a.m. History, legend, tribal dances, music, archery demonstrations, artifacts and ceremonials are included in Walks-With- the-Wind's fascinating Indian heritage program. Walks-With-the-Wind, a leader of the Winnebago tribe, has been featured at ceremonial gatherings and in schools throughout the country. Genevieve school, Chicago. In 1969, she was assigned lighter duties, and returned to St. Mary-of-the-Woods in 1971. Surviving her are two sisters, Mrs. Rose Fritsch of Harvard, 111., and Mrs. Heuel; a nephew and several nieces. Wake service was held at Providence convent Friday. A funeral mass .was offered Saturday Jan. 24, at 10 o'clock in the Church of the Im­ maculate Conception, St. Mary- of-the-Woods, followed by burial in the convent cemetery. The Rev. Bernard Beck, O.S.B., chaplain officiated. NAME BABY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, former residents of McHenry now living in Huntley, an­ nounce the name of their new grandson, Kenneth James Stoerp. Kenneth was born to Kenneth and Judy (Knox) Stoerp, 5617 Peterson-Olsen r o a d . U n i o n , J a n . 8 , i n ; Memorial hospital, Woodstock, and weignea B IDS., 10 oz. Maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, Johnsburg, and Mrs. Robert Knox, McHenry. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stoerp, Woodstock, and great-grandmothers are Mrs. Myrtle Jackman and Mrs. Ella Stoerp, both of Crystal Lake. PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY German shepherd puppy 6 weeks old Call after 5 pm 815-344-1758 1-28 Mixed Male Chihuahua, housebroken, 6 months old. 385- 7402 1-28 4 month old, female, Collie - Sheepdog, 344-1262 after 5 p.m. 1-28 LOST LOST: Pistakee Bay area, German Shorthair Pointer, male, black collar "Rufus" Reward. 385-2031 \ 1-28 LOST In Eastwood Manor area. Male Collie mix "Tiffer" Reward. 385-0700 Ask for Don 1-28 2 Year male Irish setter, brown collar, 6 children grieving. Bay area. 385-0490 1-28/1-30 LEONARD W. CHRISTENSEN, JR. A former McHenry resident, Leonard W. Christensen, Jr. 59, pf Hazelhurst, Wis., died at his home Jan. 25. He lived in Wisconsin a short time belt had resided in McHenry for fifteen years prior to that time. Mr. Christensen was the owner of the L.W. Christensen Traffic agency in Chicago. He is survived by «his wife, Francella; two daughters, Mrs. Laura Wilson of Carol Stream and Miss Marcella Christensen of Milwaukee, and one sister, Ruth Meyer of Chicago. Visitation will be held Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Williams-Campp chapel, 430 E. Roosevelt road, Wheaton. Private services and interment will take place Friday. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be directed to any favorite charity. QUINTS...Debbie Davis of Lewisville, Texas, says five babies are "more than an armful" and the attention they receive can sometimes create a circus atmosphere in the house. From left to right are Christa, Chelsa, Casey, Chanda and Charla. The five month old quints are seeing their first Christmas. legal Notice AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY ESDA BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry. Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1 (Establish­ ment) There is hereby created the City of McHenry Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, hereinafter referred to as -ESDA, to prevent, minimize, repair, and alleviate injury or damage resulting from disaster caused by enemv attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or from natural or man-made disaster, in accordance with "The Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Act of 1975". This ESDA shall consist of the coordinator and such ad­ ditional members as may be selected by the coordinator. SECTION 2. (Coordinator). The coordinator of the City ESDA shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve until removed by same. The coordinator shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, training, and operation of the ESDA. subject to the direction and control of the Mayor as provided by statute. In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability to serve as the coordinator, the Mayor or any person designated by him, shall be and act as coordinator until a new appointment is made as provided in this Ordinance. SECTION 3. (Functions). The City ESDA shall perform such ESDA functions within the City as shall be prescribed in and by the State ESDA plan and program prepared by the Governor, ana such orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Governor, and in addition shall perform such duties outside the cor­ porate limits as may be required pursuant to any Mutual Aid agreement with any other political subdivision, municipality, or quasi- municipality entered into as provided in "The State ESDA Act of 1975". SECTION 4. (Service as Mobile Support Team). All or any members of the City ESDA organization may bf designated as members of a Mobile Support Team created by the director of the State ESDA as provided by law. The leader of such Mobile Support Team shall be designated by the coordinator of the City ESDA organization. Any member of a Mobile Support Team who is a city employee or officer while serving on call to duty bv the Governor, or the state Director, shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights, and immunities incident to such employment or office. Any such member who is not a paid of­ ficer or employee of the City, while bo serving, shall receive from the State reasonable compensation as provided by law. SECTION 5. (Agreements with other Political Sub­ divisions). The coordinator of ESDA may negotiate Mutual Aid Agreements with other cities or political subdivisions of the State, but no such agreement shall be effective until ft has been approved by the Mayor and by the State Director of ESDA. SECTION 6. (Emergency Action). If the Governor proclaims a disaster emergency exists in the event of actual enemy attack upon the United States or the oc­ currence within the State of Illinois of a major disaster resulting from enemy sabotage PACE 3 . PLAINDEALEIt-WEDNESDAY or other hostile action, or from man-made or natural disaster. it shall be the duty of the City ESDA to> cooperate fully with the State ESDA and with the Governor in the exercise of emergency powers as provided by law. SECTION 7. (Com pensation). Members of the ESDA who are paid employees or officers of the City, if called for trainina by the State Director of ESDA. shall receive for the time spent in such training the same rate of pay as is attached to the position held. members who are not such City employees or officers shall receive for such training time such compensation as may be established by the Mayor. SECTION ft. (Purchases and Expenditures). The Mayor may, on recommendation of the City Coordinator of ESDA. authorise any purchase of - contracts necessary to place the City in a position to combat effectively any disaster resulting from the explosion of any nuclear or other bomb or missile, and to protect the public health aod safety, protect property, and provide emergency assistance to victims in the case of such disaster, or from man-made or natural disaster. In the event of enemy caused or other disaster, the City Coordinator of ESDA is authorized, on behalf of the City, to procure such services, supplies, equipment or material as may he necessary for such purposes, in view of the exigency without regard to the statutory procedures or formsl i t ies normally prescribed by law pertaining to City contracts or obligations, as _ JANUARY ». IV7S McHenor ESDA organisation. P will not advocate nor becsmtf* member of any political party of organisation that advocates the overthrow of the govern­ ment of the United States or el this State by force or violence " SECTION II (Office). lW Mayor is authorised to designate space in the city building, or elsewhere, as mat be provided for by the Mayor for the City ESDA as its office SECTION 11 <Appropriatien- Levy of Taxes). Tht aty ma^ make an appropriation for ESDA purposes in the manner provided by law, and may levy in addition for ESDA purposes only, a tax not to exceed five (5) cents per one hundred (100) Dollars of the i--anJ value of all taxable property in addition to all other taxes, as provided bythe "The State ESDA Act of 1975"; however, that amount collectable under such levy shall in no event exceed M cents per capita. SECTION 13. (Declaration of Emergency) A local disaster emergency may be declared only by the Mayor. It shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of seven (7) days except by or with the consent of tne City Council Any order or proclamation shall b* given prompt and generic publicity and shall be filed promptly with the City Clerk. lite effect of a declaration of a local disaster emergency is to activate the response and recovery aspects of any and all applicable local or i» terjurisdictional disastef emergency plans and U authorize the furnishing of ai and assistance thereunder SECTION 14. The Clvflh Defense Ordinance of the Cltjt authorized by "The Slate ESDA ia hereby repealed Act of 1975 , provided that if SECTIONITTS the Mayor meets at such time he shall act subject to the directions and restrictions imposed by that body. SECTION ». (Reim­ bursement by State). The State Treasurer mav receive and allocate to the appropriate fund, any reimbursement by the state to the city for ex­ penses incident to training members of the ESDA as prescribed by the State Director of ESDA, com­ pensation for services and expenses of members of a Mobile Support Team while serving outside the city in response to a call by the Governor or State Director of ESDA, as provided by law. and any other reimbursement made by the state incident to ESDA activities as provided by lew. SECTION 10 (Oath). Every person appointed to serve in any capacity in the City ESDA organisation shall, before entering upon his duties, subscribe to the following oath, which shall be filed with the Coordiantor: "I, Joseph B. Stanek, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution ef the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the territory, in­ stitutions, and facilities thereof, both public and private, against all enemies, foreign ana domestic; that I take this obl igat ion freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: and that I wil l wel l and\f*i thful ly discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do fur ther swear (or aff i rm) that I do not advocate, nor am I nor have I been a member of any pol i t ical par ty or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this State by force or violence", and that during such time as I am affiliated with the City of This Ordinance* shall be in force from and after 2ysyfv«.wov"'" MASSED THIS itth day 4 January. If7t. -! APPROVED THIS Itth day d January. 1171. S-Joseph B. Stanek Mayor ATTEST: S-Terry Wilde City Clerk (Pub. Wed. Jan. M, lfTf) The true story that h« ^ * ( U|XMM i *004000) SMm JUU dubui /grower cot ami tanducng j«AHHi»najrf SHOWPLACE 3 26 ft WMams Crystal Lalit Adults 2.79 Children 1.25 Doctor Knows Best Ordered by her doctor to apply heat for relief of bursitis pains, the patient objected: "But doc­ tor, my husband says to use cold packs." "Please tell your husband that my wife says heat is the proper treatment in this case." replied the doctor. FASHIONS •» WILMA EVERY WEDNESDAY AT tUNCH WE ARE NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OPEN 12:30 SUNDAY FOR DINNER ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE THE L0NGH0RN STEAKH0USE 615 RAND RD. 385-9869 ROUTE 120 2% MILES EAST OF McHENRY MAKING WAY FOR SPRING FINAL REDUCTIONS ON FALL & WINTER FASHIONS 75°/< O OFF THURS. JAN. 29 SAT. JAN. 31 liMilED 1220 N.<31£EN ST McHENmt.6°o50

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