MCHS Swimmers Beat Waukegan West 100-78 By Dick Rabbitt The "Water Warriors" of Coach Mike Shanahn defeated Waukegan West in a swimming meet 100 to 78. Brian Fetzer and Bill Mahon were double win ners for the Warriors. Fetzer winning the 2001.M. and the 500 yd. freestyle, while Mahon won both the 100 yd. butterfly and the 100 yd. backstroke. Friday the Warriors travel 'to Lake Forest for a 4:30 match. The frosh-soph were not so lucky as they were defeated by Waukegan West 83 to 58. VARSITY McHenry 100 vs. Waukegan West 78. X 200 F.S. Time 2.00:1. 1. Murger, W W. 2. Cahill, McH. 3. Tippett, W W. 4. Hall, McH. 200 Ind. Medley, 2:22.8. 1. Fetzer, McH. 2. Murray, McH. 3. Mdelde, W.W. 4. Berry, McH. 50 yd. F.S., 28.0 1. Waters, W.W. 2.Goetschel, McH. 3. Gust, W.W. 4. Nelson, McH. Diving, 212.15. 1. Kivley, McH. 2 Papp, W.W. 3. Nelson, W.W. 4. Nenning, W.W. 100 Butterfly, 1:04.6. 1,- Mahon, McH. 2. Byylde, W.W. 3. Berry, McH. 4. Komray, W.W. 100 F.S., 1:15. 1. Glick, W.W. 2. Nelson, McH. 3. Opfer, McH. 4. Goetschel, McH. 500 F.S. 5:36.1. Fetzer, McH. 2. Murger, W.W. 3. Tippett,. W.W. 4. Hall, McH. 100 Backstroke, 1:11. 1. Mahon, McH. 2. Morrerd, W.W. 3. Dass, McH. 4. Carlson, W.W. TUESDAY THIRTY-NINERS 1-13-76 Barb Weber 433; Doris Diedrich 448; Mary Beth Fuchs 499; Irene Brackmann 180-495; Kathy Blake 412; Phyllis Brackmann 448; Maria Bremer ,-A THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 <1 Phoiw 385-0170 Illinois 80060 3812 Wast Elm StrMt Published Every Wednesday 8t Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Adele Froehlich - Editor Larry E. Lund - Publisher rirnn IEWWHT/ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER aiucutiii' Free Press ER tier • . - NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER--1975 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $10.50 1 Year . $15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County Warriors Show Class In Saturday Rebound 100 Breaststroke, 1:11. 1. Murray, McH. 2. Waters, W.W. 3. Martin, W W. 4. Folz, McH. 400 F.S. Relay, McH., 3:50.9. Goetschel, Cahill, Opfer and Nelson. FROSH-SOPH McHenry 58 vs. Waukegan West 83. 200 Med. Relay, McH., 2:13. Topp, Unger, Iwanski and Trier. 200 F.S. Time, 2:45. 1. Goodenough, W W. 2. Heinrich, McH. 3. Burkman, W.W. 4. Whitney, McH. 200 Ind. Medley, 3:22. 1. Nelson, W.W. All others disqualified. 50 yd. F.S., 28.9. 1. Relle, McH. 2. Commons, W.W. 3. Trier, McH. 4. Riley, W.W. Diving, 184.6. 1. M. Nenning, W.W. 100 Butterfly. 1. Grundy, W.W. 100 F.S., 1:05.6. 1. Heinrich, McH. 2. Relle, McH. 3. Ofenloch, W.W. 4. Commons, W.W. 500 F.S., 7:28. 1. Burkman, W.W. 2. Goodenough, W W 3. Whitney, McH. 4. Broom, W.W. 100 Backstroke, 1:21.5. 1. Anderson, McH. 2. Grundy W.W. 3. Center, W.W. 4. Nelson, W.W. 100 Breaststroke, 1:37.1. 1. Machek, W.W. 2. Unger, McH. 3. Sliss, W.W. 4. Maggilo, W.W. 400 F.S. Relay, 4:36.4, McH. Anderson, Heinrich, Relle and Trier. 190-443; Sharon Nye 202-449; Janet Flicek 176-451; Dar Michelsen 426; Karen Schaefer 429. RR: Barb Thacker 2-10; Mary K. Vanberkum 4-7-10. 1-20-76 Bea Meath 200-192-551; Nadine Larkin 442;.. Martie Raasch 190-492; Karen Schaefer 427; Doris Diedrich 439; Cammy Gaylord 452; Adeline Pedersen 423. RR: Claire Rosing 5-10. By Dick Rabbitt After Friday nights loss to North Chicago many Warrior fans wondered if the Warriors would roll over and play dead against Kaneland on Saturday night. The Warriors came from behind to win 65 to 35 in a game that was not decided until the last six minutes. Smarting from the defeat that broke their 15 game winning streak, the Warriors with a full court press and the shooting of Terry ReiUy broke out to a 23 to 12 first period lead. Koerber's basket in the opening seconds of the second period put the Warriors ahead 25 to 12, and then again disaster struck the Warriors Unable to basket, and the fine shoot McQuade and Turk, the Knights began to close the gap and finally went into the in termission with a lead of 29 to 27. The Knights outscored the Warriors 17 to 4 during the period. In the third period the Warriors again fell behind by 8 points, but at the five minute mark of the period one could see a change come over the Warriors and they started to play like the Warriors of old, rebounding, fast breaking, shooting, and they finally went ahead just before the buzzer 45 to 43. In the early minutes of the final period the teams ex changed baskets, and then the Warriors took charge of the game. With Koerber taking charge of the boards and some fine shooting by the big guy and Reilly the Warriors forged <neeeeeee«eeeee*ee9ee : Snowmobile : C VARSITY MCHENRY 23 4 III so as KANELAND 12 17 14 12 S5 MCHENRY ((SI KANELAND t SS > e " * FG FT TP FO FT TP Hertel 3 1 7 McQuade 12 1 25 Miller 1 0 2 Turk 6 6 18 Koerber 7 8 20 Weydert 3 0 8 Reilly 12 2 26 Peters 3 0 6 Ludwig 4 0 8 Allison 0 0 0 Decker • 1 0 2 Lund 0 0 0 TOTALS 28 9 85 TOTALS 24 7 55 ' v ahead to stay and won 65 to 55. It was a big win for Coach Ludwig and his Warriors. After Friday nights loss to North Chicago, there was some concern on the part of the coaching staff if the team would rebound. They had their moments in the second period, but they didn't lose their poise and stuck in there for a big win. The "Radar" led the scoring with 26 big ones and Koerber chipped it with 20. Doug Hertel in his 2nd start for the Warriors, did a good job on the boards along with getting 7 points. Again there was a huge following of McHenry fans to the game. The Knights also packed them in, so the gym was filled to capacity. The Knights are currently leading the Little Seven with an and 0 record. and although unranked in the Class A poll, will have to be considered a threat for the State title. They play only one Class A school on their sch- dedule. with the remaining 20 some odd games against the bigger schools If they can force our Warriors to an all out effort, what can they do with schools of their own size The last time the Warriors were defeated by West Aurora they reeled off 15 straight wins, the loss to North Chicago broke that string, but Saturday night they started another winning streak. Check me if I'm wrong, but another 15 game winning streak would have our Warriors in the finals of the State Tourney. It is too far away to think of such things, but it would be nice. Mrs. Ska aaMla's fifth frade daaa * at Edgekreak 8 eh oat. (treat Lit) Karpavktvs, Joaaaa (second L-Ri Cheryl Jennifer Koaa, (third row L-R) Mrs.Skamktln, Tarrl PAGE 1. PLAIWDKALKR-WEDNB1DAY. JANUARY 28. 1998 Legal Notice Ordinance No 8tl AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: OP THE CITY OP McHENRY. A&XDLLOWS: 1 SECTION I. Commenc with the Alcoholic Dealer's license year May 1. 1978. die annual the following classes Akohohc liquor Licenses he the amount hereinafter forth opposite each classification: Class A License 708.88 Class P License 880 88 ClassGLicenee 450 0* Class H License M.8I; SECTION 1 This Ordinance shall ha in fid force and effect; from and after Its pasaaga, approval and publication as by law required. PASSED and APPROVED thio- 18th day of January, 1898. ' S Joseph B. Stanek • • Mayor m * a ATTEST S-Terry Wilde City Clark . red.. Jan. 28, 1878) (Pub News * t The hays above are iiiihsrs of the fifth pais veBeyhal team that wea the ckampiensklp. (L-R freat) Mark Peleresa, Ksvta Doherty, Brad Ada an, Jim Spriager (raw two L4t) 1 James Page, Jae Uhrteh, Tim Jesa, Tea Ratek, Jeff We (third raw L-R) BIB Miller, Jlaa Chrismaa, Ed Robertson and Alaa Baraa. Legal Notice NOTICE jtSk.L|la n« I n M i* rwHIC PKHICr IS nfrfOY glVcVt that on January 18th. A D. 1878, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois setting forth the ni post-office addresses the persons owning. « and transacting The known aa McHENRY k CAMERA CENTER. at 8411 West Elm Street** McHenry. Illinois 880t Dated this 18th day ef' January. A.D. 1878. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Wed., Jan. B, Psb. 4, II, 1878) The Greenwood Gremlins 4-H Gub in cooperation with the County Extension Service and the McHenry County Con servation District is scheduling a second two day snowmobile safety certification school for those between the ages of 10 and 16 the morning of January 31,1976 and February 7th, 1976. The session will be held in Building D at the McHenry County Fair Grounds, Wood stock, Illinois. Preregistration is en couraged since class size is limited. Please call the Ex tension office at 338-3737 or the Conservation District office 338-1405 in order to secure appropriate registration materials. HWKS-. TIME RUNNING OUT far the Warriors, and Tern Ladwig down court as the McHenry team fought to close the gap. But time moved swiftly snd the Warrior fifteen game winning streak came to s halL (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Soph. Grapplers Down North Chicago 34-21 Legal Notice Ordinance No. 91 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY. ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That paragraph 19 of Article II of Chspter 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of McHenry be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: FEES. Commencing with the license year 1877 the license fee for each motor vehicle to be paid annually to the City Clerk shall be as follows: Passenger vehicles Eivste use and trucks of sn one ton capacity > 86.00 Freight or merchandise carrying vehicles \ One to two ton capacity 12.80 Over two ton capecity 18 00 Motorcycles 4.00 Public passengejr vehicles with cspacity of overseven par sons 18.00 Public passenger vehicles hsving capacity of seven persons or less 17.08 Automobile dealer (for the first 5 vehicles) 88.88 Automobile dealer (for each vehicle in exceas of 5 vehicles) 8.08 School buses of all sisea ind capacity 18.88 Trailer (limited to thoae requiring a license under the Illinois Revised Statutea) 8.00 SECTION 1. All ordinancea in conflict with the proviaiona hereof, are, to the extant of such conflict, hereby repealed effective at the commencement of the 1877 licenae year. PASSED this lfth day of JaMhry, 1978. . AYES: Bolger, Pepping, ,or Marker, Data, Wegener NAYS: Smith, Hromec ABSENT: Schaedel APPROVED thia day of E X P E R T . . . W e n d y II, ef Cedar RapUb, January, 1878. s' josegh i The McHenry High sophomore wrestlers defeated North Chicago last Friday night by the score of 34 to 21. Bob Larke, McHenry heavyweight, pinned Olge of North Chicago in the second period for the only McHenry pin of the evening. The young Warriors also won 4 forfeits for the evenings. SOPHOMORES McHenry 34 vs. North Chicsgo 21. 98 lbs., N.C. - forfeit. ' 105 lbs., Perese, McH. dec. Holmes. N.C. 112 lbs., Wilson, McH. forfeit. 119 lbs., Smith, N. C. pin Tucker, McH. 126 lbs., Nuss, McH. * forfeit. 132 lbs., Honning, McH. forfeit. " • 138 lbs., Morris, N.C. dec. Hutchinson, McH. 145 lbs., Neal, N.C. dec. Sisk, McH. 155 lbs., Tate, N.C. dec. Oakley, McH. 167 lbs., Harris, McH. forfeit. 185 lbs., - no match. Hwt. Larke, McH. pin Olge, N.C. LOSSMANN'S MEATS & DELI 5000 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 385-3401 CHOUSEOF,1QUALITY ^9-7:30 Man.-Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. a********************************* Beef Tenderloin Tips CHOICE Sirloin Roast Tip avg. weight 4-6 lbs. STEAK OF THE WEEK LARGE WELL MARBLED DELICIOUS Porterhouse $9®® mm LB. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU FEBUARY 1st. Brunsweiger WEAVERS Chicken Roll 1 American Cheese WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ORDER TO 3 POUNDS I <1 I <( ( <C • I <1 <1 •I I l I I • K Colonial Fresh Fairmaid Bread Dinner Rolls... 4LOAVES| FOR JL 00 package of 12 49 EA. B.Suuwk yor ut 5 to 15 Strokes Guaranteed! er lie them, 4a ranked 11th ki the stale ef leva hi dtohg and she's new thinking aheaft AAU dhrtng cam. "Wheel wae tttlte I I any arms,' HOW TO Off Your i, By Phil Cooper *1975, Lincoln Pim . f you play golf I would like to send you something that comes in a plain brown wrapper. No -- not dirty pictures or anything like that! But it is something that you won't want your friend* and golfing partners to know you have. Not for a while, anyway Here's why: I'm going to send you five minutes worth of read ing material that will show you a guaranteed way to take 5 to 15 strokes off your golf score -- and do it so fast that your friends are going to think you've taken private lessons from Johnny Miller. I'd like you to try this method the very next time you play without telling anyone what you are doing That's because I'm afraid that if you tell anyone about the secret method before you start on it. they might be able to talk you out of it They'll try to tell you that there is just no way to improve your game so much without private, professional lessons. But there is. And. I'm sure that if you try it privately for just one round of golf -- no one will ever be able to talk you out of it then. Before 1 go on. I'd like to tell you that I am not a golf pro or anything like that I'm a businessman >-~r: A short time ago. I was a businessman who could never break 100 for eighteen holes. Not anymore. I still don't shoot in the seventies, but finally, after years of being little better than a duffer. I consistently shoot in the eighties. It's wonderful. For years I struggled to bring down my score. ls tried everything -- practice, practice, practice -- read miracle golf books -- bought special golf gloves -- took lessons -- went to the driving range -- everything Then, by accident. I stumbled onto the real secret of cutting strokes off my game. The very first round I played after I discovered this secret. I broke 100 for the very first tune The secret is simple -- but I'm not about to give it away for nothing What I've been able to do is "smarten up" my game ---and by doing this I took almost 30 strokes pff my score all told (I haven't been able to break 70 yet, but I will!) 1 know it sounds impossible -- but I've actually teamed to • smarten up" my game -- after every thing else I tried (and cost me a fortune) had failed miserably. Before -- it seemed that I was hooking or slicing on every drive -- continually in the traps or rough and 3-puttingevery hole After I made my amaz ingly simple discovery -- my drives went down the middle of the fairway -- my irons put me on the green -- and my putting improved tremendously. It was so simple, in fact, that I haven't yet figured out why no one ever thought of it before But. since I've read every book on golf I could find -- and tried all the "gimmicks" -- I can assure you that I've never seen this secret printed anywhere r before. When my friends saw how much my game had improved they asked me to give them my secret I typed out the complete details on my secret -- the step-by-step, easy-to-follow method that had cut all those strokes off my game For lack of a better name I called it "The Phil Cooper Golf Improve ment Plan " I gave it to three friends who ttiake up my regular foursome It worked for them, too Their improved as much as mine money to be made for the person who comet up with a method for cutting strokes -- a method that really works. I am certain that I have done just that' But, was our new golfing success a fluke'* Perhaps there was something special about our foursome that made this "miracle" possible I don't believe that for a moment' However. I MUST PROVE IT NOW! For. once I prove that my golf secret works -- really works -- I will offer it to all golfers for $25 -- and it will be worth every penny of it. (How many times have you said to yourself that you'd pay a fortune to take 15 strokes off your score"1) So. to prove that my secret works for all golfers -- I'll teach it to you -- and to a limited number of other golfers -- for little more than the pnee of having it printed up Remember. I'm willing to do this for my own selfish reason. Once YOU have succeeded -- once YOU have taken off those strokes -- I'll probably make a mint when I offer the PROVEN plan through newspapers and magazines But. you must make me a promise. You must report your stroke losses to me promptly -- first when you take 5 strokes off your score -- then when you break 100-- when you break 90 This will be the proof I need . , I feel certain that it makes no difference whether you arc a man or a woman (it works for both) -- whether you are young or old -- whether you've taken lessons or not -- THIS METHOD WILL WORK or it won't cost you a single penny! There is only one way for you to see if I 'm right -- to get your guaranteed copy of "The Ptul Cooper Golf Improvement Plan" -- and that's to order it now -- by mail. It's not yet available at any bookstore or pro shop in the world -- at any pnee. In tact, you be interested to know that the Plan has been Registered and Copyrighted with the U.S. Goviraws* so that the secret cannot he copied or stolen. Furthermore, yon can order it without a worry because you are protected by an ironclad, 100% no-risk Double Guarantee of cutting strokes from your game: 1) If you don't like the flan when it arrives --lor any reason under the sun -- send it back for a full refund -- absolutely no questions asked 2) Or. keep and use the Plan for aa long aa you like You arc *i« protected You must cut those strokes from your score -- or return the Plan at any time You stiM get every penny of your money buck without quibble or question. Yon arc the sole judge and jury Isn't this the fairest guarantee you've ever seen? To get your guaranteed copy of "The Phil Cooper Golf Improvement Plan" -- > 1) Print your name and address clearly on the coupon below 2) Attach your check, cash or money order for just $10 3) Mail to me Phil C ooper, at the address shown below Let me repeat It makes absolutely no deference how many ways you've already tned to wprovc your game dramatically -- your tune for real suc cess has Anally come. Send for your guaranteed copy of my Golf Im provement Plan as soon as you can -- TODAY 4 possible MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Miake your check payable and mail to: - Golf Book McHenry Plnindealer 3812 W. Elm ST McHenry, 0. 80050 Yes' 1 want to cut strokes off my score once and for all. Rush me my guaranteed copy of your Golf Improvement Plw Here is my $10.1 promise I will report to you when I have broken 90 -- when I have broken 90 I understand that I run absolutely no risk since I am protected by your IOC* Double Guarantee of golfing improvement shown above. Thank you for this chance to share your golf im provement secret' You May Charge My: • Master Charge • Bank American! Acct # • Inter Bank # . < Master Charge only above your name) Card Expiration Date : Signature ---- -- Pnnt Nai Address City State Mr Mrs Mm Zip Please send the material airmail. I i enclosing an extra $2.00 to cover the coet.