Lakemoor-Lilymoor Sue Reese 385-7859 Dinner-Dance To Feature State Speaker The Sweetheart dinner-dance hosted by the Lakemoor Bicentennial commission is proud to announce the guest speaker for the evening is Pat Murray, who as we all know, is the State Bicentennial chair man. As a reminder, the din ner-dance is Feb. 21, at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. Dinner is at 7:30, music and dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. Also on hand for the evening will be Lakemoor's Junior Miss Queen, Sundae Morrison, first runner-up, Linda Martin, and second runner-up, ChanteTl Du Chelas. Tickets will be sold at the door, and are on sale now by any Commission member. If there are any questions, please call Lil Baker at 385-0570. BEARD CONTEST A beard contest? What a super idea. Wonder why we thought of that one? (Chuckle, Chuckle) Our beard contest chairman, Les Nejedly, will start ac cepting registration at the Sweetheart dinner-dance. Registration will run for one week, starting Feb. 21 to Feb. 28. The contest will be open to the public and everyone is invited to participate. Registration fee is $3.00. Ap plicants must be clean shaven and have their pictures taken by Mr. Nejedly at time of entry. There will be two classifications, longest and nicest. Prizes will be awarded. Contest will conclude at the July Declaration days. Call Les Nejedly for enter sheets and pictures to be taken, 385-1426. LADIES LEAGUE Iif the next five weeks I will do research on clubs and Memorial Gifts Chairmen Named For Heart Unit Richard J. Szura, president of the McHenry County Heart association, has named Mr. and Mrs. William Rudat of 1900 Seminary, Woodstock, Memorial Gifts chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. Rudat ex plained that a memorial gift to the Heart association is a living tribute to relatives, friends or loved ones who died from heart disease. They added that memorial gifts also are given to mark special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries. ; "In addition "to honoring those who have died from heart diseases, memorial gifts give hope to the living by supporting research, education ana community programs aimed at reducing the toll of heart and blood vessel diseases - the nation's number one killer." ;• To make a memorial gift, send the name of the person to be honored, your own name and address, and that of the person |io be notified. A check or ;money order also should be •enclosed. The address is: iMcHenry County Heart ^Association, c-o Mr. and Mrs. ;William Rudat, 1900 Seminary, •Woodstock. I When a memorial gift is ^received, the Rudats said, an ^acknowledgement card is sent •to the family of the person for »whom the donation is made. JThe amount is held con fidential, and a receipt for the •contribution, which is fully tax ^deductible, is sent to the donor. (kkteprntiftim) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-tfct portibli, my-ts-ttM hot wiitw till Hi-- carpet ctoMins met that g m t l y . . . • riaaaa csrpat fihara i watM and daaniai solatioa • loosana mJ lifts all A it Brima aw^nmAias^a tka thay ara iamadiataly laavaa yaw caipata CLEAN. FRESH mi 0D0R-FREE! •J""" /(<• MkrNlf ($2% HRS„ ® SS.OOMIN.) HOUR; OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I •:00 P.M.-9:00 A JR. 110.00 HORNSBYS f a m i l y cen te r s --- 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL organizations and their func tions for those of you who may not know of them, and are looking for something to do. I've chosen Ladies League first because it has been in existence the longest. Ladies League was started in 1936. Records or lack of records makes it impossible to know who the founder was. Ladies League is a social club and is a non-profit organization. They have had fund raising activities to raise money for many things for the village, for example, funds to help put up the old fire house, storm windows for the same, curtains and many other items. Though it is a social club, its members have always contributed time and money to any event or organization that has asked them. Some members that go way back were, Mrs. Gilmafif Mrs. Maisel, Mrs. Niemiec, Mrs. Oeffling, Mrs. Fast, Nellie Wrublewski, Helen Harder, Kate Weggener, Nettie Sarley and Lottie Bransford. At one time membership was as high as thirty. The oldest member and still active is Mrs. Marie Hyatt. Membership is presently at 17 and still open to newcomers. Mrs. Helen Para is president, vice-president is Mrs. Viola Arbogast, secreatry, Mrs. Connie O'Rourke, treasurer, JOan Delatorre. Trustees: Julia Kraus, Florance Mix and Helen Netzel. Ladies meet every third Wednesday of the month at the Municipal building in Lakemoor at 8 p.m. Congratulations, ladies,for so many years of service. BOOK REVIEW Starting next week there will be a book review from Lilymoor library. News on Ricentennial books, best tellers, children's books, etc. Be sure to watch tat it. BIRTHDAYS FOR FEBRUARY To all you young and young at hearts, may your birthdays be a happy one. Feb. 4, E. Robert Betancourt; Feb. 5, James Kelley; Feb. 7, Gayle Garn; Fe^ io, Roy Tobey and Tommy Reese; Feb. 11, Phyllis Zaborski; Feb. IS, Dale Rasmussen; Feb. 14, Marlane Gurske and Becky Huffman; Feb. 15, Ora Wilson; Feb. 16, Lonnie Wilson, Sr.,. Feb. 17, Evelyn Dawdy, Feb. 18, Joan Odarczenka; Feb. 20, David Eggert; Feb. 21, Polly Withrow; Feb. 22, Nancy Hueckstaedt. Sophie Patterson, Wayne Hegner and George Garbacz; Feb. 24, Pat Morrison and Connie Meyer, Feb. 25,* Jean Marie Freeman and Angela Anderson; _Feb. 27, Alyce Kowal, Gary Yerkes and Nancy Eggert. And Feb. 28 goes to Mark Blanksehen. ANNIVERSARIES Anniversaries mark atime in our lives of having made one of the biggest decisions we will ever make. May your an niversaries bring back memories of happy times gone and the future bring happy times ahead. Happy an niversary to: Mr. and Mrs. Kraszyk, Feb. 8. Jerry and Sherrill Weber, also the eighth.. Wayne and Phyllis Havelka, Feb. 11. Tom and Carol Sch midt, the twelfth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss, Feb. 22 and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrison, Feb. 23. Political Eastwood Manor Mary Ann Bellak 385-5705 PAGE It • PLAINDEALEE*WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY II. I«N Two money-saving tips Blood Donors Invited Ron Melone of the McHenry Jaycees, an Eastwood Manor resident, will be in charge of running Blood Bank donations. The place is St. Patrick's church in the basement The date is this Thursday, Feb. 12, from 3 until 7 p.m. McHenry county residents are covered by the Aurora Blood Bank. Remember the place, the date, and the time, and if at all possible, please stop in and make a donation. FIRST COMMUNION . Michael Walsh of Fairview Lane made his First Com munion this past Sunday, Feb. 8, at St. Patrick's church. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walsh along with their daughter Mary Irene were at the church to be with Michael on this very rewarding occasion. RICHARD KLEMM CANDIDATE ^ Richard O. Klemm, County board member from District 2, announced his candidacy for reeleetiou to the McHenry County board, and will run in the March IS Republican primary. Kelmm is currently completing his first 4- year term on the board. Soon-an apple a day may cost as much as keeping the doctor away. It's still hard to believe-,-but America was founded (partly, at least) as a protest against taxation. Dundee Band Selected For Inaugural Parade An eight member panel of music educators has selected the Dundee high school Scots marching band from Dundee Community high school in Carpentersville to represent Illinois at the 1977 presidential inaugural parade in Washington, D.C. The selection committee was comprised primarily of college- level marching band experts who reviewed films and videotapes of sixteen high school bands that submitted applications for the honor. The band selection com mittee was formed by the Illinois Office of Education. Gov. Walker had requested that the Office of Education assume responsibility for judging the bands and recommending which band should be nominated. Too many homeowners have outdated in surance on their property. So a fire, a storm, vandals or burglars can destroy or steal more than your insurance covers. With the cost of construction and repairs going up fast, it pays to update your home owners coverage now. It'll pay you to check with your Country Companies agent, too. Because in most cases, he can give you the coverage*Vou want for less with a Country Mutual home owners policy. The Country Companies. We're a little different than most insurance people.* ON DEAN'S LI8T Uura Grom, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Robert Grom, 2300 W. Country lane, McHenry. has been named to the Dean 's list at Northland college in Ashland, Wis., for the fall session. Laura is a sophomore at Northland majoring in Environmental Studies. HoMea W. Withington. Boeing Co. official, on SST program: "We're working on the technology . . . We've made a great deal of prog ress." Keith Soniticlistn McHENRY, ILLINOIS PH. 344-2772 lofts Mill* RICHMOND. ILUNOB PH. 674-M9I EARNS DEGREE Among the 705 graduates from DePaul university, Chicago, to receive a degree in a recent ceremony was Mrs. Joyce Cotteleer, 2727 Justen road, McHenry. Mrs. Cotteleer received a Master of Arts in Reading and Learning Disabilities during the university's mid-year con vocation Sunday, Feb. 1. 7fi AFTER INVENTORY SALE ) N l ( . ( ) / \ A I l \ Y ^YRD * Are You New In McHenry Area ? ************* Do You Know Someone new? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL ~ * WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER' TO' O U R A R E A ! M M CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 < SAVINGS UP TO 25% OFF Regular Price on Limited Quantity of Floor Sample Refrigerators. 180 40% OFF & w ROYAL WELCOME 'J KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST NOTICE Get Blue Cross & Blue Shield And Unlimited Major Msdlesl NOW Call 815-338-4717 McHenry County H.IA. Enrollment Closes March 2,1976 For More Information, No Obligation, Contact 25% OFF | Regular Price on Floor Sample Color Portable & i/W Portable T.V.'s SAVINGS OF UP TO ^ |00%l ISOLID STATE C@L@I 12-GALLON DELUXE HUMIDIFIER Water reservoir is easy to clean -- cabinet lifts off. Multi-speed, auto, shut-off. REGULARLY 129.99 Florence McCauley 943-6127 Mrs. Reva Barker Garden Prairie Mrs. Adeline Filip 338-2606 Mrs. Virginie Peacock 338-4317 Mrs. Irene Bischhoff 338-0441 Glen Wright 338-5697 Mrs. Myrtle Pagles 943-6789 Helmuth Thurow 669-5249 Mrs. Gladys Lied berg 338-4236 Raymond Kuhlmen 648-2735 Lloyd Fruin 568-8487 Robert Seegers 459-5458 William Harris 678-4075 Harold Leisch 338-3882 Mrs. Elsie Kelahan 923-4365 SAVE 50% 115V PORTABLE HOME WELDER C a r b o n a r c torch, electrode holder, helmet Lightweight. AS IS SAMPLES REG. 59.99 29" c SAVE 50% SUN LAMP BULB AND HOLDER *27£W ultra violet bulb 081 Holder clamps Q to bed, chair. HEADS FLOOR SAMPLE ONLY SEWING HEADS. controfto •oa operate (extra). SAVINGS OF UP TO 80 SAVE 50% ON ENTIRE SELECTION OF ICE SKATES 50 % OFF ALL HOCKEY STICKS AND EQUIPMENT 50% OFF ENTIRE SELECTION OF SKI CLOTHING SELECTED LIGHTl FIXTURES AND CHANDELIERS. VALUES FROM 26.99 TO 119.99 * SAVE 50% ENTIRE SELECTION OF HUNTING CLOTHING Camouflage Suits, Hats, Bootliners, Shell Vest, . Hunting Coats & Pants WALL-MOUNTED FIREPLACE Electric. Gold, Floor model enamel. 37x45x15". Screen, logs incl. REG. M9Jf FLOOR MODEL SAVE *70" 51-INCH STONE-LOOK FIREPLACE Floor model REGULARLY 189.95 119 00 SAVE 20% 36 ELECTRIC FIREPLACE Steel and fiber- A pmm mm tflasw Has built- Z 7% in look ,110V Screen, log incl REG. 94.95 LIMITED QUANTITIES Limited Quantities STORE HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. 1(W SATURDAY 9:30-5 SUNDAY 12-5 REG. 15.95 OFF Limited Quantities FIREPLACE GRATES AND SCREENS 40% OFF Crystal Lake ALL FLOOR SAMPLES IO."> NorlhnH lli^huav K o u l f I I Phone 459-3120 K R K K I ' X K M M , \