Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1976, p. 3

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f HOSPITAL AUXILIARY LEADERS - Three new board member*, tack row, and two of the officer* of the auxiliary to McHenry hospital pause following the annual meeting last week. From left, front, are Mrs. Therese Van Buren, president; and Mrs. Stella Rortvet, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Rortvet is a new officer this year. In tack are Dorothy Kelsey, Betty Bock man and Marilyn Lang. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) American Legion Auxiliary Meus McHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper February is Americanism month and in this Bicentennial year celebration of the nation's history will be the greatest opportunity to show patriotic spirit, loyalty and devotion to "our America" and high hopes for its fruitful future. Mrs. E.J. (Evelyn) Osmon, president of the McHenry Unit No. 491, added an urgent message to all citizens to display their flags on the patriotic holidays in February and requested such recognition be given throughout the year to other significant holidays in the life of a free America. "We, of the American Legion Auxiliary, feel strongly that patriotism must be kept a powerful, vigorous and vibrant force in our land," she said. "Wear a flag pin or flag lapel button each and every day. Take pride in being an American!" Mrs. Roy (Lauretta) Homo, Americanism chairman of the McHenry unit, American Legion auxiliary, is pleased to announce the Americanism essay contest, sponsored by the American Legion, Department of Illinois and the American Legion auxiliary. The subject of the essay contest for this year will be, "If We Have Another 200 Years". The essays must reach the McHenry unit by Feb. 28. The contest is divided into, the following t^ree classes: Class I, seventh and eighth grades; Class II, ninth and tenth grades; Class III, eleventh and twelfth grades. All students in the seventh and eighth grades and junior and senior high schools are invited to participate in this contest. Class III first place award is a $500 scholarship; Class II, a $125 scholarship; and Class I, a $75 scholarship. There will be a total of twelve awards in the three classes on the Depart­ ment of Illinois level. The purpose of the contest is to aid the schools in teaching Americanism and good citizenship as well as helping the participants to become active citizens and, eventually, leaders in their communities. This contest has the approval of Joseph M. Cronin, state superintendent of education, state of Illinois- Further information and-or copies of the rules may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Roy Homo. VACATIONERS - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Komark of 4514 Front Royal drive, McHenry, are pictured near the world's tallest sundial during a recent vacation trip to Sun City, Ariz. Girls like it Send the FTD LOVEBUNDLE Is there a better reason to send an FTD Love Bundle1"? Maybe because she'll like you better for it. Send these beautiful blos­ soms with a kissing angel and a red heart to your special Valentine today. She'll get the message. Visit our shop and let us show you all our beautiful Valentine flowers to send to all the women in your life VOW EXTRA TOUCH FLOMBT "REACH OUT ANDTOUQH HER THE FTD FLORIST WAY PLUS ALL TYPES OF ARRANGEMENTS ROSES BLOOMING MUMS AZALEAS CYCLAMEN TULIPS HYACINTHS NEW THIS WEEK A Large Selection Of New And Different Exotic Plants SPECIAL THIS WEEK - - CROCUS petals & stems I I.OWKR SHOf a GRKF.NHUl SI. 3301 West Elm St., McHenry, 111. 60050 815-385-4747 :20 YRS. EXPER. IN THE GROWING OF FOIL AGE PLANTS VALENTINE'S C§? N. GREEN ST. DAY gifts and cards that score in the Game of Hearts. U(az£.n a <Sfiofi McHENRY Fine Arts To Feature Talented Psychiatrist Youth On The Move PRESENTATION TOSCOUTS Boy Scout Troop 162 of McHenry Recently hosted members of the McHenry Police department who talked on drugs and gave a demon­ stration on fingerprinting. The boys were highly enthused about the interesting program presented. Have you ever felt that you are not gaining as much satisfaction as you should from your life? Sheila McKenzie, specialist in aesthetic education, may be of help when she speaks at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, at the First United Methodist church. South street at Throop in Woodstock. A faculty member of the College of Education, Chicago Circle campus, Ms. McKenzie is trained in Jungian psychology as well- as ex­ perienced as performer, composer, and director in music, dance, and theater. She will appear as part of the Woodstock Fine Arts association's Creative Living Scrips Ms. McKenzie believes that the educational process neglects creative abilities. She is a student of Jung's analytical psychology, and she believes that the unconscious plays a major role in educating the complete person. "Discovery dynamics" - a self-propelled exploration of the mind-causes, according to Ms. McKenzie, a kind of chain reaction in which a person's new enthusiasm is passed on to others. She will also speak on how the creative process in children might be more fully developed. She will discuss the importance of rhythm and movement to the emotional development of young children. To demon­ strate her point, she will show a short film, and she will sing, accompanying herself on the guitar. Her talk will be at­ tended by students enrolled in Woodstock high school's Child Development course Ms. McKenzie has taken a major role in educating teachers for work in day care centers and elementary schools by showing them how to develop an open and aesthetic atmosphere in their classrooms. She has conducted workshops in Body-Mind Integration as well as classes in voice, creative movement, and music She has several record albums to her credit including Folk Songs from twelve countries. She has performed in many concerts including performances at the Gover­ nor's mansion and at the University of Chicago The Woodstock Fine Arts Association is using the facilities of the First United Methodist church while the Opera House is being restored, r Tickets will be available at -the Methodist church before Ms. McKenzie speaks. Special rates are available for students and senior citizens. Coffee will be served at 9 a.m. FINPTHE LETTEftS m§ Quarterly Meeting Of Senior Council Set The McHenry County Senior Citizen's council is holding its quarterly meeting Thursday, Feb. 12, at Central school auditorium in Crystal Lake, according to Marge Jones, executive director for the council. The meeting will begin at 1:30. The agenda has been set to include reports of the ac­ tivities of the council sihee the last meeting, plans for the future and special items, in­ cluding a proposed amendment to the by-laws, Mrs. Jones explained. Only council members will be allowed to vote at this meeting. The only qualification necessary for membership is that one be 60 years of age or older. The council suggests a small donation for mem­ bership. "Time will be allotted to joining the council before the meeting begins," Mrs. Jones stated. ' "We encourage everyone to avail themselves of this opportunity to assist in increasing benefits for senior residents of McHenry county. The Walk*in center in Woodstock has been thriving since its opening Jan. 20. The pot-luck luncheon seemed to be very popular and there are plans to program more in the future. The walk-in center, located in the lower level of the Congregational Universalis! church, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 4. The center will be closed on the twelfth for the council meeting in Crystal Lake. "We have been most pleased at the number and quality of furnishings contributed for use in the center," Mrs. Jones said. The programs planned for the month of February are as followsrFeb. 10, 1 p.m., slides on the Holy Land, shown by Nellie Cina; Feb. 12, quarterly meeting at Central school in Crystal Lake; Feb. 17, 1 p.m., slides on old McHenry county shown by Jim Keefe, Jr., Feb. 19, noon, box lunch social- dancing and games; Feb. 24, 1 p.m., explanation of Yoga; Feb. 26, 1 p.m., pinochle. "There are open times during the days the center is open in order to allow senior citizens to usethefn * ime as they wish", Mrs. Jones said. In addition to these programs, anyone interested in a creative writing class should call 455-2660, 338-6075 or stop in at the center to sign up. As soon as there are ten persons, a class will be started. "We welcome suggestions of other programs and im­ provements people would like to see. We will try to implement them as soon as possible," concluded Mrs. Jones. (From David G Plocher, Agriculutral Extension Ad­ viser. McHenry County) Why Weight* -Don't wait any longer • establish good eating habits now Ann McArdle, McHenry county Extension adviaer in Home Economics, and Mrs Catherine Seyller of the Milk foundation, have organized a weight control program geared to adolescents in junior high and high school. Among other items, the program will include nutritional information, a weight reducing program," weekly diary, slides and films. So come on, girls, and shape up now for the coming spring and summer months. The - program will begin Wed­ nesday, March 17, at the Cooperative Extension office. 11909 McConnell road, Wood­ stock. Printed materials will be provided by the Milk foun­ dation. a division of the National Dairy council and funded in part by the dairy farmers; therefore there will be no charge for attendance. Seeds For Sale - McHenry county 4-H'ers may soon be knocking at your door with seeds for sale. This project is a joint fund raising venture between the 50 4-H clubs in McHenry county and the McHenry County 4-H federation. The profits will be split between the club and the federation. Uses of the money include individual club tours, financial help to club members to attend county and state events, county wide recreational events for teens, support for International visitors who come to McHenry County or who go to other countries from McHenry county. Don't allow the seed salesperson to pass you by! Tractor Operators Certification - Adolescents 14 to 15 years of age, can be exempted from tfle Federal Child Labor regulations if they attend 10 hours of tractor safety in­ struction classes, and pass the, written and driving test. Classes are set for Feb. 14, 21, 28 and March 6 from 9 a.m. until noon. (March 6 driving tests may last longer). To enroll, phone our office at 338- 3737 or writ* to Cooperative Extension Service, P.O. Box 431, Woodstock, IL. 60098. Some Advice For Parents - From The Young 1. Don't give me everything I ask for. Sometimes I am just testing you to see how much I can get. 2. Don't always be giving orders. If you suggest something instead of giving a command, I will do it faster. 3. Don't keep changing ybur mind about what you want me to do. Make up your mind~and stick to it. 4. Keep promises. Both good and bad. If you promise a reward, make sure you give it to me. If you promise punish­ ment. make sure I get that, too. 5. Don't compare me with anybody else, especially a brother or sister If you make me out to be better or smarter, somebody gets hurt. If you make me off to be worse or dumber, then I get hurt. 6. Let me do as much for myself as I can. That's how I learn. If you do everything for PAGE S • PLAINDE A LER-WEDNE9D AY, FEBRUARY II. t*M or going places I don't want to 12 When you are wrong about. something, admit it. It won't hurt my opinion of you. It will make it easier for me to admit, when I am wrong * 13 Trent me like you treat your friends Then I will be your friend and you will be mine Just because people anr related does not mean they cai>- not be polite to each other! me. 1 will never be able to do anything for myself. 7. Don't correct my mistakes in front of other people Tell me how to improve when nobody is around 8. Don't scream at me. It makes me scream back, and I don't want to be a screamer. 9. Don't tell lies in front of me or ask me to tell lies to help you out. It makes me think less of you and less of myself, even if I am supposed to be doing you a favor 10. When I do something wrong, do not try to get me to tell you why I did it. Sometimes I don't know why. tl. Don't pay too much at­ tention to me when I say 1 have a stomach ache. Playing sick can be a good way to get out of doing things I don't want to do. Freeter (leaning , About twice a year clean the rtenor of your freejer Don't use drong detergents Remove stub- born stains with a sponge and mild soap and water Rinse with dear water and wipe dry If the freeser has coils on the back clean about twice a year with a vacuum cleaner or brush Clean the outside of your freezer with a damp cloth or sponge at least a couple times a week For And About Teenagers HE WOUiONr WANT ££ TO TALK WITH OTH&f MEN. THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I have this problem and I was won­ dering if you could help me solve it I'm 18 years old and I'm in love with this man I've known for 34 years. I'm living with my parents and they don't know anything about him I can't get out when 1 want to see him. and I know he gets frustrated at me because I can't be with him He goes off and talks with other women that are older than me and I just don't know what to do or whom to turn to He doesnt want me talking to anybody else I really love him and I need him What can 1 do to stop Mm from talking to other women?" OUR REPLY: You aren't going to stop him from talking to other women--and he can't con­ tinue to expect you to refrain from talking to other men The world is made up of almost half of each--men and women It's a little ridiculous to think you should only talk to one man Com­ municate with him quickly about that pan of your situation Also, make certain your parents are dear about how you feel You're aid enough to tell them about your friends Share your life with them, they're interested ••M- pmm »inm wm mm, mtm *Ma» Am* npnwo omamaa •**/•« (hmh nmn eon ano asout timaoiss. aos in. i Turn MoHknry Puinduijh • • 4it m ,.r rUDIHntRI CVvfy "8uV * «A Hi I A «Ai 1-• wHI wBWWWy 0 I"HHW By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER M!MKR --1175 mmoN RATES , I Year $10.50 I Year ,.*15.00 In McHenry And Lake OutaMs McHwvy ant County Uke County Stan Hen Haw Sf>ecia£ She fteoffy % UlUk A Volenti«eV GUI ftm Btsufafca £wfu fluK9 A Gat CanId Wad 1 9u Cmie*qmi Spring Futon • Sweaters • Tops • Shoes • Slacks if Jewelry • Purses if Blouses if Jackets And More State Koifu Weekdays 9-6 Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-6 6&UH3H3 liMJTED 1220 N.G&EN ST°c50 Xm

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